Aequat. Math. 93 (2019), 351–369 c The Author(s) 2018 0001-9054/19/020351-19 published online November 16, 2018 Aequationes Mathematicae https://doi.org/10.1007/s00010-018-0618-8 Variants on the Berz sublinearity theorem N. H. Bingham and A. J. Ostaszewski To Roy O. Davies on his 90th birthday. Abstract. We consider variants on the classical Berz sublinearity theorem, using only DC, the Axiom of Dependent Choices, rather than AC, the Axiom of Choice, which Berz used. We consider thinned versions, in which conditions are imposed on only part of the domain of the function—results of quantifier-weakening type. There are connections with classical results on subadditivity. We close with a discussion of the extensive related literature. Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26A03, 39B62. Keywords. Dependent Choices, Homomorphism extension, Subadditivity, Sublinearity, Steinhaus–Weil property, Thinning, Quantifier weakening. 1. Introduction: sublinearity We are concerned here with two questions. The first is to prove, as directly as possible, a linearity result via an appropriate group-homomorphism analogue of the classical Hahn–Banach Extension Theorem HBE [5]—see [18]forasur- vey. Much of the HBE literature most naturally elects as its context real Riesz spaces (ordered linear spaces equipped with semigroup action, see Sect. 4.8), where some naive analogues can fail—see [19]. These do not cover our test- case of the additive reals R, with focus on the fact (e.g. [14]) that for A ⊆ R a dense subgroup, if f : A → R is additive (i.e. a partial homomorphism) and locally bounded (see Theorem R in Sect. 2), then it is linear: f(a):=ca for some c ∈ R and all a ∈ A. Can this result be deduced by starting with some natural, continuous, subadditive majorant S : R → R (so that, equivalently, S¯|A ≤f ≤ S|A for S¯(.)=−S(−.), which is super-additive) and then invoking an (interpolating) additive extension F majorized by S? For then F, automat- ically being continuous, is linear, because its restriction to the rationals F |Q is so (as in Th. 1 below). Assuming additionally positive-homogeneity, HBE yields an F , but this strategy relies very heavily on powerful selection axioms 352 N. H. Bingham, A. J. Ostaszewski AEM (formally a weakend version of the Prime Ideal Theorem, itself a weakening of the Axiom of Choice, AC, see Sect. 4.7). The alternative is to apply either semigroup results in [29,43,48], or the recent group-theoretic result in [3], but all these again rely on AC (see Sect. 4.7 again). We give an answer in Theo- rem 3 that relies on the much weaker axiom of Dependent Choices, DC (see Sect. 4.7 once more). We stress that, throughout the paper, all our results need only DC. The group analogue (for R)ofsublinearity used by [9](cf.[43]) requires sub- additivity as in Banach’s result [5, §2.2 Th. 1], but restricts Banach’s positive- homogeneity condition to just N-homogeneity: S(nx)=nS(x)(x ∈ R, n =0, 1, 2,...) (with the universal quantifier ∀ on x and n understood here, as is usual in mathematical logic). From here onwards we take this to be our definition of sublinearity. This is of course equivalent to ‘positive-rational-homogeneity’. Berz proves and uses a Hahn–Banach theorem in the context of R as a vector space over Q (for which see also [50, §10.1]) to show that if S : R → R is measurable and sublinear, then S|R+ and S|R− are both linear; for general- izations to Baire (i.e. having the Baire property) and universally measurable functions in contexts including Banach spaces, again using only DC, see [13]. Berz’s motivation was questions of normability in topological spaces [9]. The key result here is Kolmogorov’s theorem [47]: normability is equivalent to the origin having a bounded convex neighbourhood ([61, Th. 1.39 and p. 400]). Our second, linked, question asks whether the universal quantifier (x ∈ R) above can be weakened to range over an additive subgroup. Since S = 1R\Q is subadditive and N-homogeneous on Q, but not linear on R±, the quantifier weakening must be accompanied by an appropriate side-condition. We give in Theorem 5 a necessary and sufficient condition (referring also to a thinned- out domain), by extending the standard asymptotic analysis—as in [34](see Theorem HP below)—of the ratio S(t)/t near 0 and at infinity; this, indeed, permits thinning-out the universal quantifier of N-homogeneity to a dense additive subgroup A. We come at these questions here employing ideas on quantifier weakening previously applied in [14] to additivity issues in classical regular variation, and in [13] to Jensen-style convexity in Banach spaces. We borrow from [14] two key tools: Theorem 0 below on continuity (exploiting an idea of Goldie), and Theorem 0+ on linear (upper) bounding (exploiting early use by Kingman of the Baire Category Theorem—see [11]), the latter delayed till Sect. 3, when we have the preparatory results needed. Theorem 0. For subadditive S : R → R ∪{−∞, +∞} with S(0+) = S(0) = 0 : S is continuous at 0 iff S(zn) → 0, for some sequence zn ↑ 0, and then S is continuous everywhere, if finite-valued. Vol. 93 (2019) Variants on the Berz sublinearity theorem 353 In Sect. 2 below we discuss subadditivity, sublinearity and theorems of Berz type, proving Theorems 1–3, Th. BM (for Baire/measurable) and Th. HP (for Hille–Phillips). The work of Hille and Phillips is a major ingredient in the Kingman subadditive ergodic theorem (Sect. 4.9) of probability theory. In Sect. 3 we give stronger versions of Berz’s theorem by thinning the domain of definition, under appropriate side-conditions, results of quantifier-weakening type (Theorems 4 and 5). We close in Sect. 4 with a discussion of the extensive background literature. 2. Subadditivity, sublinearity and theorems of Berz type We first justify our preferred use of local boundedness. Here and below we write Bδ(x):=(x − δ, x + δ) for the open δ-ball around x. Theorem R. (cf. [50, Th. 16.22]) For A ⊆ R asubgroupandS|A, → R subad- ditive: if S is bounded above on some interval, say by K on Bδ(a) ∩ A, then for any b ∈ A S(b + a) − K ≤ S(x) ≤ S(b − a)+K (x ∈ Bδ(b) ∩ A). In particular, it is locally bounded on A: so here, local boundedness from above is equivalent to local boundedness. Proof. Mutatis mutandis, this is [14, Prop. 5(i)], as the proof there relies only on group structure. The proof in [50] is more involved, and not immediately adaptable to the subgroup setting that we need. The proof offered here we learned from the Referee of [14] (see the Acknowledgements) and in view of that and of some related helpful correspondence with Professor van Rooij we gladly label this Theorem R. As it pinpoints the group dependence, we thank the present Referee for urging us to make explicit reference to local upper boundedness as an alternative assumption (calling to mind the Darboux-Ostrowski-type assumption—see [12]). We may now begin with a sharpened form of the Berz theorem, with a proof that seems new. Below we write R+ := [0, ∞),R− := (−∞, 0], and A± := A ∩ R±. Theorem 1. (cf. [14]) For S : R → R a sublinear function (i.e. subadditive, with S(nx)=nS(x) for x ∈ R and n =0, 1, 2,...),ifS is locally bounded, then both S|R+ and S|R− are linear. Proof. For M a bound on S in Bδ(0) = (−δ, δ), |S(x)| = |S(kx)/k|≤M/k, 354 N. H. Bingham, A. J. Ostaszewski AEM for k ∈ N, x ∈ Bδ/k(0); so S is continuous at 0, and so everywhere uniformly, since |S(x + h)|−S(x) ≤ max{|S(h)|, |S(−h)}, [33, Th.7.8.2] cf. [14, Proof of Th. 0]. But S(q)=qS(1) for rational q>0, so by continuity S(x)=xS(1) for x ∈ R+; likewise S(x)=|x|S(−1) for x ∈ R−. Remark. The argument can be repeated for S : X → R with X a normed vector space; then S(x)=||x||S(ux)forux the unit vector on the ray: {λx : λ ≥ 0}. Here |S(ux)|≤M/δ for all x =0 . This gives us a corollary Theorem BM. ([9,13], cf. [14]) For S : R → R a sublinear function, if S is Baire/measurable, then both S|R+ and S|R− are linear. Proof. For S Baire/measurable, S is bounded above on a non-negligible set and so, being subadditive, is bounded above on some interval (by the Steinhaus– Weil Theorem, [13,56]), and so, being subadditive, is locally bounded. The following is a slightly sharper form of results in [14] with a simpler proof (the subgroup here is initially arbitrary). This extension theorem may be interpreted in Hahn–Banach style as involving a subadditive function S which, relative to a subgroup A, majorizes an additive function G that happens to agree with the restriction S|A. Theorem 2. If S : R → R is a subadditive locally bounded function and A any non-trivial additive subgroup such that S|A is additive, then S|A is linear. In particular, for A dense, any additive function G on A has at most one continuous subadditive extension S : R → R. For the proof, we will need the following theorem; for completeness, we show how to make the simple modification needed for the result given in [34, Th. 7.6.1].
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