A Bibliography of the History of Inland Waterways, Railways and Road Transport in the British Isles, 1997 Ott.xxxxx refersrefers toto an entry in Ottley's Bibliography of British railway history and its two suplements. t indicatesindicates thatthat aa copycopy ofof the the bookbook hashas notnot been been seenseen andand thethe bibliographicalbibliographical details are therefore uncertain. Any correspondence concerning thethe bibliography shouldshould bebe addressed to GrahameGrahame Boyes,Boyes, 7 OnslowOnslow Road,Road, Richmond,Richmond, SurreySurrey TW10TWIO 6QH,6QH, whowho againagain acknowledgesacknowledges thethe invaluableinvaluable support receivedreceived from contributors. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GA GENERALGENERAL HISTORY HISTORY AND AND DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF OF TRANSPORT TRANSPORT IN IN THE. THE BRITISHBRITISH ISLESISI,ES 1 WEST. JENNY (comp). Original sources for transport pioneers. London.-London: Transport History Research Trust, 1997. pp. [iv],I ivl, 49. IT(1'.H.R. H.R.T. T. paper no. 2.]2] Guide to surviving papers and records of96of 96 selected transporttransport 'pioneers','pioneers', chieflychiefly involvedinvolved in railway & canal engineering and management. GB TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AT AT PARTICULAR PARTICULAR PERIODS PERIODS GB1GBt Prehistoric,Prehistoric, Ronson Roman and and medieval periods up up to to c.1500 .1500 2 WERNER, WALTER.W ALTER. The largest ship trackway in ancient times: the DintkosDiolkos of the IsthmusIstIunus of Corinth, Greece, and early attempts to build a canal.canal.lnternationaiJnl International.nl ofNauticalofNtmticalArch. Arch. vol. 26 (1997) pp. 98-119.98-119. A 5th century BC stone rutwaynoway and a 1st century ADAl) uncompleted canal. GB2 c.1500-1900c.I500-1900 3 ATKJNSON.ATKlNSON, MICHAEL (ed). Exmoor's industrial archaeology. pulvertonl:[Dulverton']: Exmoor Exmoor ilks,Bb, 1997. pp. 160, [24][24J pl.pI. 1212 maps,maps, 1515 diagms.diagrns. A history of mining and other industries.industries. pp. pp. 136-57, 136-57, Transport, by John Bentley, with a note on the Florence Tramway by Michael Messenger. GC TRANSPORT IN PARTICULAR REGIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLES GC1hGClb England—SouthEnctand-South West RegionRepon 4 MILLS, STEPHEN. Gloucestershire at work. Stroud: SuttonSut/on Publng, 1997. pp.pp. 160.160. [Bntam[Britain inin oldold photographs series.] Seen 6 (pp. 97-114),97-114), Transport. GC1cGClc England—SouthEncJand-Sooth East ReponRegion 5 WAKEFIELD,W AKEFIELD, PETER. A guide to the industrial history of Epsom and Ewell. [Bookham?]:[Boo/cham?J: Surrey IndustrialIndustrial History Group, 1997. pp. 3737. 5555 illns,illns, 4 maps.map. Gazetteer of sites. London and LondonLoodon Transport 6 BAKER,BAKER. MICHAEL H. C. ILondon ondon Transport sincesince 1963. Shepperton: lanIan AI/an,Allan, 1997. pp. 128. Many photos. (/an[Ian AI/anAllan transporttransport library series.] A year-by-year account of the principal events. Companion to London{,ondon Transport J1933-1962.933- J 962. I' 7 t BEASLEY.BEASLEY, JOHN D. TransportTransport in PeckhamPeckharnandNuohead. and Nunhead. PJ:pp South Riding Press, 1997. pp. 96.96.87 87 dins.illns. CovenCovers all all forms forms of of transporttransport since Roman times. GCld England--WealEnl:~West Midlands MldllUlds RegionRectOR 8 TRINDER. BARRIE.BARRIE. The indushialindustrial archaeologyarchaeology ofof Shropshire. Shropshire. Chichester: Phillimore, 1996. pp.pp. 288. 288.127 127 illns.illn. 9 WILLIAMS, NED. What'sWhat's happened happened to Wolverhampton? Wolverhampton: Uralia, 1997. pp.pp. 128.128. ManyMany flirts,illns, incl. col. A record ofof changeschanges since since 1960.1960. pp. 5~5,50-65, TransportTransport. C.CleGCle England—EastEncJand-East MidlandsMIdlands RegionRelion 10III MANN.MANN, GERALD. VictorianVictorian transporttransport schemes 1863-1900: trains, trams & buses. [Additional subtitle on cover:cover: historyhistory ofof transport transport systems between Newport PagnellPagnell -- Olney - Towcester - Wellingborough.]Wellingborough. J Istchborough: Litchborough: Newton Newton BusinessBusiness Solutions, 1996. pp. 96.96.47 47 ii11ns. Ins. • History of Newport PagnellPagnelJ RlyRly extensionextension to to Olney Olney (1865; (1865; part part constructed constructed but but not not completed);completed); NewportNewport Pagrrell PagnelJ & District Tramway (1886:(1886; part part construct.]constructed but but not not completed); completed); Newport Newport Pagnell Pagnell Motor Motor Car Car SyndicateSyndicate (1897;(1897; bus bus operator); operator); andand contemporarycontemporary railways in the area. 11 SIMMONS, JACK.JACK. PublicPublic transport transport in Leicestershire,Leicestenbire, 1814-80.1814-80. Leicester:h.Leicestersh. Arch. & Hist.Hist. Soc.Soc. Trans. vol. 70 (1996) pp. 105-27. The successive development development of of waterways, waterways, stagecoaches, stagecoadtes, railways railways and and trams trams andand their impact,impact; with an analysis of railway station traffic. COIGeli England—Yorkshire En&Jand-Yorillrhlre 12 HELLEWELL, D. SCOTT. South yortcshire'sYorkshire's transporttransport f974-1995. 1974-1995. Glossop: Venture, 1996. pp.pp. 160.160. ManyMany photos. [British busbus & truck heritage series.] 668 A history of transporttransport servicesservices operatedoperated and and controlledcontrolled bythc by the South South Yorkshire Yorkshire PTE. PTE. Ch. Ch. 10 10 (pp. (pp. 107~I7), 107-17), Train services; 14 (142~52),(142-52), Supertram.Supcrtram. 13 t SIMMONS,SIMMONS, RICHARD RICHARD THOMAS. THOMAS. Planning Planning industrial industrial development: development: the the Norfolk Norfolk Estate,Estate, Sheffield, 1800-1914.1800-1914. Planning Perspectives volvol. 1212 (1997) pp. 403403 31. The significance of the presence of railwaysrailways andand ofnewof new roadroad constructionconstruction inin thethe developmentdevelopment of ofthis this industrial industrial area. area 14 SIMMONS, RICHARD THOMAS. Steam,Steam, steelsteel and Lizzie the Elephant:Elephant thethe steelsteel industry, transport technology and urban development in Sheffield, 1800~1914.1800-1914. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Leicester, 1995. Examines relationships between the development of transporttransport systemssystems andand I!I8IlUDcturingmanufacturing technology, and their effects on urban industrial location.location. GC3 WalesWales 15 BARBER, CHRISCHRlS and BLACKMORE, MICHAEL. PortraitsPortraits of the past: the industrial heritage of old Monmouthshire. Abergavenny: Blorenge Books, 1996. pp. 164.164. Many drvigsclrwgs (mostly historical reconstructions)reconstructions) byby B1a.ckmore.Bhckmore. An appreciation and record of the industrial past since the 17th century, substantial references toto canals,canals, 1ramroads,tramroads, main line and industrial railways. 16 FLEMING-YATES, JOAN. River, road and rail in the MonnowMomow Valley. Ross-on-Wye&Ross-on-Wye & DismctDistrict Civic Soc., 1997. pp.pp. [v], [423.9 23. 9 photos, photos, 4 maps.maps, facsirns.facsims. [Pink publication,publication, no. 10.110.] pp. 7~9,7-9, RiverRiver Monnow Navigation; 17~21,17-21, Railways. GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 17 TIMPSON,TlMPSON, JOHN. Tirnpson'sTimpson's adaptables:adapIables: travels through England's hidden heritage. Norwich: Jarrold,Jerrold, 1997. pp. 192. Col.Co!. photos. pp. 5959·70, 70, Travelling Travelling adaptables. adaptables. Describes Describes redundant redundant transport-related transport-related structuresstructures andand artefactsartefacts converted to other uses. 18 PULLlN,PULLIN, JOHN. Progress through mechanical engineering: the fustfirst 150 years of the institutionInstitution of Mechanical Engineers. London: Quiller, 1997. pp. X,x, 270.270.50 SO dinsillns (some(some col.). GMGEt BiographiesB10lraphies of of civil c\vU engineerseJlllneen 19 SKEMPTON, AA. W. William Chapman (1749~1832),(1749-1832), civilcivil engineer. In SKEMPTON, A.A W. Civil engineers and engineering in Britain, 1600-18301600~1830 (1996)(1996) seenseen VI. Chapman undertookundertook. much workwork. on inland waterways, particularly in Ireland and also produced early locomotive desigm.designs. Second part of paper gives a catalogue raisonne of his work..work. Repr. from Newcomen Soc. Trans. vol. 4646 (1973-4)(1973-4) pp. 45-82.45-82. 20 SMILES, SAMUEL. Lives of the engineers. Facsim. repr.rem. of 1861-2 min edn ofof0tt.2472. Ott_2472. London: Routledge / ThoenunesThoemmes Press, 1997.31997. 3 vols. [The collectedcollected works of Samuel Smiles.) vol.vo!. 1,I, Early works of embanking and draining; Life of Sir Hugh Myddleton; Early roads and modes of travelling;travelling; Bridges, harbours and ferries; Life of JamesJames Brindley. pp. xvii, 484. vol. 2,2. Life of John Smeaton; Life of John Rennie; Life ofof ThomasThomas Telford.Telford. pp.pp. xiv,xis, 502. vol. 3, George and Robert Stephenson.Slephenson. pp. xxi, 512. GElGE2 Civilavu engineering enlineerinc (general): (&eneral): construction; constnJdion; problemsprolllems of terrain; tunnellingtmme_ 21 CHRIMES, MIKE (ed). The civil engineering of canalscanals andand railways railways before before 1850. 1850. [?]: [?]: Ashgate Publng,Publag, 1997. pp. xxxviii, 378. [Studies in the history of civil engineering, vol.VO!. 7.17.) Repr. of9of 9 papers on canals and 10 on railways. 22 DAY, THOMAS. Did Telford rely, inin northern Scotland, on vigilant inspectors or competent contractors? Construction History vo!.vol. 13 (1997) pp. 3~15.3-15. Examines the role of the contractors. GE3 ArchitectureArchitecture and and design: deslp: bridges, bridees, viaducts,
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