February 10, 2019 Volume 15, Issue 3 Budget discussion results in a 3.6 per cent increase in Georgina property taxes Home owners will need to dig into their hard decisions. This budget provides for has changed since Regional Councillor pockets a little deeper again this year after services today, puts processes in place for Rob Grossi and Ward 1 Councillor Mike Georgina council approved a 3.6 per cent improving services, moves forward two Waddington were elected. increase in property taxes. major capital projects in a responsible Both Mr. Grossi and Mr. Waddington op- The increase in spending is 2.6 per cent but manner and adds to our reserves to plan for posed the motions to approve the $69 mil- an additional one per cent has been added the future.” lion in expenditures for both projects. to bump up reserves for future spending. The plan for that future includes carrying a Ward 5 Councillor Dave Harding joined “The budget process is always challenging, debt of $94 million by 2022 with annual them in a ‘no’ vote for the Civic Centre as we weigh the best interests of the Town repayments of $6.4 million to build a $42 expenditures. today and plan for tomorrow,” said Mayor million Multi Use Recreational Centre Referring to the regional and municipal Margaret Quirk. “Our infrastructure is ag- (MURC), $27 million for a new Civic review by the province, Mr. Grossi said the ing and we recognize the need for repairs Centre and $8 million for the re- unknown impact on municipal government and improvements, while also acknowl- development of West Park. should give council pause before moving edging the growth happening across Geor- Up until the municipal elections in Octo- the MURC project forward. gina and the importance of long-range ber, the majority of discussions regarding “I’m not sure what is going to happen and planning. It is never easy to increase taxes, the MURC and the new Civic Centre had I think we need to pause relative to major but we are not here to make the easy or received unanimous approval by former infrastructure investments in this popular decisions, we are here to make the council members. However, that dynamic Continued on page 3... Source: Town of Georgina 2 Budget Bouquets and Bricks OK, after spending two whole for the safety and security of days in council chambers listen- residents who have, and will, ing to how the Town will spend experience extreme incidents of over 70 million of your hard flooding, I can only shake my earned tax dollars, I’d like to head. make the following observa- The Town will spend $6,000 to tions. Full disclosure here...I am retain a professional videogra- looking at all of these expendi- pher to produce “how to” vid- tures through the lens of “how eos for YouTube to help edu- does this make my life better.” cate you on the various proc- 279 First of all I want to throw a esses involved in applying for a bouquet to Mayor Margaret permit. Here is what I envi- Quirk. The budget process and sion—the next time you call the order in which items were dis- town to inquire about the proc- cussed were logical and effi- ess for a permit to install a pool, cient which gave way to a well you will be directed to You- run meeting which began and Tube. ended on time. We are going to pay contractors I also appreciated the open and $60,000 a year over the next honest discussions by council four years (read $240,000 total) members who were either vot- to paint fire hydrants. Come ing for a budget item or against on...there has to be someone one. I value the expression of from the Civic Centre pool of opposing views and alternative 270+ employees that can paint opinions and they should not be a fire hydrant. discouraged. Here is what isn’t in the Now out of the hundreds of budget… items demanding funding, here A plan supported with funding are a few I take issue with. to ensure all Georgina residents First, despite the push back have access to high speed inter- from some councillors and a net technology...money to fix growing number of residents, a the sidewalks in Sutton...money motion to spend $42 million for for permanent washrooms and the MURC and $27 million for change rooms at Holmes Point a new Civic Centre was ap- Park (they are going to pur- proved and will become debt. chase a mobile trailer for Yiiikes! Continued on page 3... These two projects should have been put on hold until recommendations from the Over 15 Years Experience provincial government’s re- view of regional and munici- Publisher/Editor pal governance have been Karen Wolfe • NEW!!! Reflexology made public. We don’t know (705) 437-1216 what kind of impact those rec- [email protected] ommendations will have on Proofreader Georgina and Georgina service Nancy Pickering delivery. We should wait and Advertising Sales & Inquiries Karen Wolfe there is no valid reason not to! (705) 437-1216 They approved the purchase of [email protected] eight Soofa benches—solar Distribution Inquiries powered benches that can (705) 437-1216 track the movement of anyone www.thegeorginapost.com carrying a digital device The Georgina Post is published on within one block of the bench. the 10th and 24th of the month. Cost $40,000.00. Yippee! The contents of this publication (NOT!) are protected by copyright. In my humble opinion this is The Georgina Post accepts no an extravagance and when I responsibility for claims made for compare it to the absence of any product or service reported or advertised. an emergency response plan 3 Council approves 3.6 per cent increase Continued from page 1. but suggested the decision to municipality,” he said. “I heard build a new administration emphatically that we can’t af- building be delayed. ford it.” “I think it would be prudent to However, Mayor Margaret wait until after that provincial Quirk said each year the project review takes place because is delayed the costs will in- what we might find out is that crease by $2 million. “The need the people who work here may is there and the need will not go not be working at this location.” away,” she said adding, “My Mr. Rob Wheater, Georgina’s support is to move forward with Treasurer, said the interest for this project with an eye to look the $27 million debenture for at every opportunity for part- the Civic Centre has been cal- nerships.” culated at 3.7 per cent over 30 With respect to the $27 million years. (This results in $17.7 of tax funding needed for the million in interest payments new Civic Centre, Mayor Quirk alone over the term of the de- again emphasized the additional benture.) He told council the cost of waiting which could be phased-in tax levy impact of the $1.5 million annually. project over the next two years Ward 3 Councillor Dave would be 1.25 per cent annu- Neeson said the current Civic ally. Centre building will require In a recorded vote after the annual investments in mainte- question was called, Regional nance and upgrades. “We are Councillor Rob Grossi, Ward 1 going to spend the money one Councillor Mike Waddington way or the other,” he said. “So and Ward 5 Councillor Dave do we want to spend it now, do Harding opposed the motion to we want to spend it later, do we spend $27 million on a new want to spend it on this build- Civic Centre. Ward 2 Council- ing or on something new?” he lor Dan Fellini, Ward 3 Coun- said. cillor Dave Neeson and Ward 4 Ward 1 Councillor Mike Wad- Councillor Frank Sebo voted in dington acknowledged that the favour of it and Mayor Marga- current Civic Centre needs ret Quirk broke the tie by vot- maintenance and replacement ing to approve the motion. Bouquets and Bricks continued... Continued from page 2. comments provided by resi- $200,000 instead)...additional dents and the one issue that funding to bump up economic residents overwhelmingly felt development attraction pro- needed attention, is the ever gramming to ensure the ICI increasing tax rate. Many feel sector is aware of the benefits it shouldn’t be higher than the of locating in Georgina...a boat rate of inflation. However, ramp in Jackson’s Point...an with a 3.6 per cent increase in emergency response plan to taxes this year and a promise assist residents who become for it to go higher in the future, victims of flooding (I hate to no one at the Town seems to be harp on this but for heavens listening to their constituents. sakes, this community has Bottom line, if you aren’t go- three major rivers running ing to listen when you ask for through it, a multitude of feedback, why bother asking in creeks and miles of lake front- the first place? age and weather patterns are Karen Wolfe becoming more severe.) Editor. Prior to the budget being re- (Note: I invite you to read leased, the Town went out to some of the comments on ask for feedback. I’ve read the the budget on page 4 & 5.) 4 Letters to the Editor Re: 2019 Budget little or no business base to help $20,000 on 4 benches I was go- us out. ing to let go, but 8 benches – at I suggested three budgets—one at $40,000? This is WANTS over- inflation currently 1.8 per cent, taking needs and this is the type one at 2.5 per cent and the current of thing that has to STOP in one at 2.6 + 1 per cent levy to Georgina.
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