University of Oklahoma Libraries Western History Collections Phillips Pamphlets Collection Phillips Pamphlet Collection. Printed materials, 1820–1978. 8 feet. Pamphlet collection. Pamphlets (1820–1978) containing information on U.S. government- tribal relations, and U.S. government Indian policy. Materials include memorials from Indian delegations concerning allotment, land transfer, and per capita payments; tribal agreements with the Dawes Commission; annual messages of Indian nations; legal cases argued before the Oklahoma Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court; and annual reports of the Board of Indian Commissioners. Other pamphlets concern Oklahoma statehood, mining and oil and gas rights on Indian lands, railroads in Indian Territory, and claims of Old Settler Cherokees. _____________________ This collection of documents began in November of 1927. Frank Phillips established a special account in a Bartlesville, Oklahoma bank to provide the funds necessary for purchase of those items. E.E. Dale, with later assistance from Morris L. Wardell, made all of the purchases from various book dealers. Each item that he purchased was logged into a ledger book and the entry number in the ledger was assigned as the identification number for each item. For example, the forty-sixth item purchased, James B. Finley’s Life among the Indians, was marked “46” to correspond with the ledger entry. Through the years many of these items were catalogued and placed in the regular stacks of the Western History Collections with other books. Others have been interfiled in the reprint files and in the government documents section of the WHC. This fact accounts for the large gaps in the numeric sequence of the documents listed in this guide. However, many of the items were not catalogued and were unavailable for use by researchers. This guide provides access to those uncataloged documents. All documents are arranged in numeric order. What follows is a listing of these materials and a subject index. Each entry gives the number, author, title, date, and a brief description of the document, (if the name does not indicate content). At the end of some entries any duplicates existing elsewhere in this collection are listed. SAMPLE ENTRY: 2755.54. Bushyhead, D.W. Message of the Cherokee Delegation to the Congress of the U.S. n.d. (expresses opposition to allotment.) (6810.2, 7213) The subject index has been written using standard entries from the Library of Congress Subject Headings guide. There are some minor exceptions. Virtually every document has two or more subject entries. This should facilitate finding and offer the broadest approach when searching for specific topics. 1 Phillips Pamphlets Collection Subject-Name Index A A A A A A A A A A Absentee Shawnee Indians 7269 Acers, Charles W. 3754 Adair, W.P. (William Penn) 2755.43, 2755.61, 2755.62, 2755.70, 2755.127, 2755.129, 6812.1, 6817.1, 6828, 6996 Advisory Council on Indian Affairs 6489 Agriculture --Arizona 6725.1 --New Mexico 6725.2 Agriculture, U.S. Department of 2902, 7192 Ainsworth, N.B. 6990 Alaska—Indians—Education 1632 Albany County, New York—Census 1702, 1714, 1720, 5220.9 Alberty, Ed 3742 Algonquin Indians --Census 1736, 5220.1 --Wars 5220.3, 5220.4 Allison, John 3744, 3747 Allotment in severalty 6213, 6861, 7176, 7251, 7264 (see also under specific tribes) Anchor Oil Company 7126 Ancient Order of United Workmen of Oklahoma 7087.1, 7087.2 Andros, Edmund 5220.3, 5220.7 Antiquities—Bibliography 6227 Apache Indians—Depredations 1941 Appropriation Bills (see U.S. Congress) 2 Arapaho Indians --Depredations 3629.19, 7272 --Missions 7266 Arizona--Agriculture 6725.1 Arkansas--Auditor 2755.111 Arkansas River 7128, 7129, 7130, 7141 Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the U.S. and Canada 6454.1, 6454.2 Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railway Company 7105, 7109 Atkins, J.D. 2755.52 Atlantic and Pacific Railroad 2755.131 Avery, Cyrus S. 7128, 7129, 7130 B B B B B B B B B B Badger, George E. 7312 Bailey, Isaac 3629.4 Bailey, John 2639.5 Bailey, Mary E. 3629.21 Baker, Charles S. 7246 Banking (Enid, Oklahoma) 7088.1, 7088.2 Bannock Indians--Depredations 3629.11 Barnard, H.G. 7134, 7135 Barnes, George T. 4733, 7183 Barnes, George W., Jr. 7089.1, 7089.2 Bass, W.G. 7136 Bell, Ermine H. 7134, 7135 3 Bell, H.H. 7134, 7135 Bell, James M. 6819.1 Benge, S.H. 4519 Beveridge, Albert J. 3080 Binger, Hermann 7182 Bishop, Bolivar B. 3629.30 Bixby, Tams 7186 Blackfeather, Johnson 6974, 6975, 6986 Bland, John C.W. 3748 Bland, Thomas A. 7323 Blood Indians--Depredations 3629.20 Bluejacket, Charles 2755.62 Board of Indian Commissioners 2755.56, 4690, 4691, 6361.64, 6361.65, 6361.67, 7173 Bogy, Lewis V. 6955 Boomers 2755.134 Boudinot, Elias 1679 Boudinot, Elias C. 2755.110, 6957, 7074 Bradford, Putnam F. 3629.30 Bradshaw, A.E. 7111, 7112 British v. French in North America 5220.1-5220.11 Brook, Eck E. 7086.1, 7086.2, 7086.3, 7086.4 Brown, Al 7111, 7112 Brown, John 3749 4 Brown, John (Seminole Chief) 2755.62 Bryan, William Jennings 7061 Buck, Peter 7155, 7156, 7157 Bureau of Education, U.S. 7238 Bureau of Indian Affairs (civilian vs. military control) 6955, 6963 Burke, Charles H. 7188 Burns, Charles 3742 Bush, Isaac H. 3629.16 Bushyhead, D.W. 2755.41, 2755.45, 2755.46, 2755.49, 2755.51, 2755.54, 2755.135, 6828, 6874, 7080, 7191 Business Men of the South 4517 C C C C C C C C C C Caddo Indians 7150.1, 7150.2 Cady, William J. 3629.19 Caldwell, George Alfred 7331 Calhoun, Richard 3756 California Legislature (8th Session, 1857) 2486 Canadian River 7141 Carlisle, John G. 4517 Carnegie Corporation Cross-Cultural Education Project 7230 Carter, Charles D. 7279 Carter Oil Company 4735 5 Cartwright, Wilburn 7189, 7306 Casinghead Gas 4323, 5706.1, 4706.4 Cattle Trails (Oklahoma) 6837 Cayuga Nation 7155, 7157 Chadwick, Edwin D. 7057 Chamberlain, J.B. 4393 Chandler, Zacariah 7056 Charloe, David 7156 Charloe, Ruby 7156 Cherokee & Arkansas River Railroad 2755.151, 6817.1 Cherokee Blind and Insane Asylum 7070 Cherokee County, Oklahoma--History 7093 Cherokee Delegation 2755.43, 2755.49, 2755.54, 2755.61, 2755.66, 2755.69, 2755.70, 2755.71, 2755.114, 2755.127, 2755.131, 2755.135, 3652, 6540, 6543, 6812.1, 6817.1, 6821.1, 6829.1, 6830.1, 6870.1, 6874, 6908, 6909, 6920, 6942, 6943.2, 6949, 6958, 6959, 6996, 7008, 7056, 7223, 7224, 7311 Cherokee Indians --Allotment 2755.54, 2755.83, 2755.85, 2755.115, 4686.3, 4686.5, 4742.2, 4744, 6818, 6823, 6958, 6959, 7131 --Arkansas River 7141 --Canadian River 7141 --Census 2755.134, 3666, 3786, 3796, 6724 --Children 4686.5 --Citizenship 2755.41, 2755.46, 2755.51, 3666, 4686.5 --Civil War, U.S. 4519, 7209, 7224 --Courts 2755.71, 6025, 6980 --Crime 2755.41, 2755.51, 3736, 2741, 3742, 3744, 3747, 3749, 3750, 3751, 3752, 3753, 3757, 6551, 7004, 7008, 7139.1, 7139.2 --Delawares, adopted 2755.66, 6975, 6987 --Destitution 6989.1 --Education and Schools 1679, 2755.40, 2755.41, 2755.45, 6 2755.46, 2755.53, 4614, 7068, 7166, 7230 --Freedmen 2755.41, 2755.66, 6948 --Funds 2755.45, 2755.66, 6948 --in Georgia 2072, 7163, 1679, 7271, 7311 --Intermarriages 4716, 4744 --Intruders 2755.70, 2755.132, 3652, 6540, 6548, 6819.1, 6948, 6949, 7068 --Land 2755.70, 4682, 4683, 4686.3, 4699, 4711.1, 7004, 7068, 7131, 7277, 7311, 7324 --Land Cessions 2755.43, 2755.45, 2755.82, 6907.1, 6968, 7072, 7080, 7152, 7153.1, 7163, 7208, 7311 --Language 7228, 7229, 7230 --Liquor 2755.40 --Livestock (and grazing tax) 2755.46, 2755.66, 6820, 6822.1, 6846, 6930, 7055 --Neutral Lands 2755.70, 2766, 2823, 2835, 2838, 2844, 7312 --in North Carolina 2072, 2755.77, 4389.1, 4389.2, 4389.3, 6807.1, 6807.2, 6808.1, 6830.1, 6941, 6942, 6943.2, 6944, 6945, 7008, 7056, 7151, 7203, 7312 --Old Settlers 2755.7, 2755.69, 2755.70, 6544, 7271, 7273 --Orphans 7068 --Outlet (see Cherokee Outlet) --Per capita payments 2755.135, 3790, 4686.5, 4738.4 --Permits 2755.41, 2755.51, 2755.127 --Prisons 2755.41, 6860 --Railroads 2755.61, 2755.49, 2755.51, 2755.70, 2755.80, 2755.113, 2755.151, 2755.153, 6543, 6817.1, 6873, 6874, 6877 --Reconstruction Treaty 2755.14, 7223, 7224 --Removal 7271 --Resources (Natural and Mineral) 6985, 7131, 7277 --Shawnees, adopted 2755.66, 6974, 6975, 6986 --Slavery 2755.40 --in Texas 3664, 7000 --Town Sites 2755.133, 6823 --Tribal Sovereignty 2755.129 Cherokee Nation --Boundaries 7141 --Lawsuits 2755.80, 2755.153, 4389.1, 4389.2, 4389.3, 6877, 6944, 6974, 6975, 6986, 6987, 7141, 7152, 7153.1 Cherokee National Council 2755.113, 3786, 3790, 6025, 6822.1, 6846, 6850, 6860, 6983, 7072, 7221, 7224, 7226, 7227 7 Cherokee Outlet 2755.43, 2755.46, 2755.70, 2755.81, 2755.82, 2755.85, 2755.137, 3192, 3226, 4389.1, 4389.2, 4389.3, 6547, 6806.1, 6812.1, 6819.1, 6820, 6822.1, 6847, 6907.1, 6908, 6909, 6930, 6968, 6972.1, 6972.2, 6973, 7055, 7057, 7068, 7074, 7152, 7153.1, 7208, 7310 Cherokee Primer 7230 Cherokee Strip Livestock Association 6930, 6972.1, 6972.2, 6973, 7074, 7310 Cherokee Syllabary 7228, 7229, 7230 Cheyenne Indians --Depredations 3629.1, 3629.19, 3629.21, 3629.22, 3629.23, 3629.24, 7272 --Missions 7266 Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway 6835.1 Chickasaw Delegation 6958, 6959, 7244 Chickasaw Indians --Allotments 2755.39, 2755.119, 4686.4, 4715, 5741, 4742.2, 6958, 6959, 7290, 7291, 7292, 7293, 7294, 7295 --Arkansas River 7141 --Canadian River 7141 --Census 6485 --Citizenship 6485 --Education and Schools 4614, 7242, 7296 --Freedmen 2755.52, 4741, 7252, 7290, 7291, 7292, 7293, 7294, 7295 --Funds 4701, 4733, 6223, 7149, 7190, 7197, 7298 --Guardians 7159 --Intruders 2755.143, 7103, 7104, 7242 --Land 2329.1, 2329.4, 2329.6, 2329.7, 2329.8, 2329.9, 2755.39, 2755.73, 4683, 4699, 4711.1, 4737.1, 4740, 7099, 7138, 7159, 7189, 7324 --Laws 7245 --Orphans and Incompetents 7159, 7250, 7253, 7259 --Per Capita Payments 4738.1, 4738.2, 4738.3, 4738.4, 7159, 7189 --Railroads 6842, 6873, 7105, 7106, 7107, 7108, 7109, 7247, 7255 Chickasaw Nation --Boundaries 7141, 7142, 7143, 7144, 7145, 7146, 7147, 7148 --Lawsuits 2329.1, 2329.4, 2329.6, 2329.7, 2329.9, 7099, 7105, 8 7106, 7107, 7108, 7109, 7141, 7142, 7143, 7144, 7145, 7146, 7147, 7148, 7149, 7159, 7253, 7290, 7291, 7292, 7293, 7294, 7295, 7296, 7297, 7298 Child Welfare 7232 Chili Fish 7258, 7281 Chippewa Indians (Minnesota) --Land 6288 Choate, George W.
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