,5,)2!$&!(2%2 4*.1-&35--!29/&!##/-0,)3(-%.43 WHY SIMPLE? 3 SUmmarY OF QUaliFicaTions PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT/ (Curriculum Vitæ) 4 – 5 BRAND ARCHITECTURE 18 – 31 Coca-Cola booths 19 Coors Light 20 DIGITAL Bradesco 21 CONTENT MANAGEMENT 6 – 17 dpz.com 22 MAC Virtual 7 Coca-Cola Light 23 Telemig Celular 8 Costa do Sauípe 23 Element^n 9 Starmedia 24 – 25 AOL (re)design 10 – 13 AlmapBBDO/ONMedia 26 McDonald’s McInternet 13 VISA 27 FIAT Marea 14 Volkswagen Polo 27 MTV Brasil 14 JR Duran 27 Cineclick 15 .comDominio 27 Shop160 (UK) 15 Kropki 28 Telesp Celular 16 BankBoston 29 CarltonArts 17 Klabin 29 Jontex 17 MOODs 30 FNAC 17 New Media consultancy 31 2 Digital should mean “simple”. TecH SHOUldn’T be THE 21ST-cenTURY BUreaUcraT. Efficient digital solutions must be straightforward: the average user doesn’t have time and/or patience enough to figure out what was in a programmer’s mind. That’s my motto: “If you can’t make it simple, why make it?” My name is Luli. I’ve been working with digital media for quite ACADEMIC / TEXTS / LECTURES some time now, as stated in the next pages. I usually work as a AND COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS 32 – 39 Creative Director, but this is quite an inaccurate term, so I’d rather Education 33 define myself as a Creative Planner, whatever that may mean. LOV (Location Of Value) 34 Teaching (postgrad) 35 Besides that, we all know that there are times, places and Teaching (graduation) 35 situations where you just can’t help dealing simultaneously with Tutoring 35 quite a handful of subjects. Keynotes and workshops 36 Articles published 37 Therefore, I have grouped my major activities in three categories: Book on corporate behavior 38 Digital Content Management, Product Development/Brand Books written on digital design 39 Architecture and Academic/Texts/Lectures . If this sounds a little chaotic, there’s a more conventional resume on the next spread – it doesn’t show much information, but may work quite as well. COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS 40 – 45 DWD:3 40 – 41 STOA, Fotoblog, Digiblog 42 – 43 WECA 44 Best regards, Jump Radio Podcasts 45 ON Radfahrer 46 4 b CUrricULUM viTæ (SUmmarY OF QUaliFicaTions) LULI RADFAHRER LUIZ GUilHerme de CarvalHO ANTUnes ADVERTISING AWARDS AND JURIES Over 50.000 Google references Three Cannes Cyber Lions; three The One Show pencils; New York e-mail: [email protected] Festivals winner and juror; MEMEFEST – Radical Media Festival juror; Address: r. Edson, 53 ap 31 MOBILEFEST – Mobile Media Festival juror; awarded many Brazilian 04618-030 São Paulo SP Brasil creative prizes and juror in many local and national contests. Phone #: 55 11 5531-3688 Website: www.luli.com.br/blog IM: [email protected] Skype: luli_radfahrer LANGUAGES Fully bilingual in English and Portuguese. EDUCATION Intermediate Spanish. Basic German. PhD on digital communication in post-modern times, granted by the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo – ECA/USP in 2002. PERSONAL Masters degree on language and hypertext, ECA/USP, 1998. Born in Oct 04, 1966. Married, no children, presently living in São Paulo, SP (Brasil). Graduated in Social Communication / Advertising, ECA/USP, 1991. Able to relocate in 2-3 weeks or less if needed. Graduated in Computer Science / Technology, School of Technology of Mackenzie University, in São Paulo, 1986. 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Kropki Volks Polo VISA AlmapBBDO MTV BankBoston FIAT Marea StarMedia dpz.com WAAAP Coca-Cola Light Shop160 Bradesco AOL McDonald’s CineClick Element^n MOODs Coca-Cola Molson MAC Virtual Assistant Professor: Graphic Design Associate Professor: Graphic Design and Photography Professor: Graphic Design, Photography and Digital Communications Featured Columnist: Design Gráfico and Propaganda magazines Book: Design/Web/Design (1 & 2) Featured Columnist: Jump and Webdesign magazines Book: The Art of War... Book: DWD:3 Keynote speaker, universities, on Webdesign Keynote speaker, universities & corporate events, on Digital Culture Collaborative Projects Podcasts CUrricULUM viTæ (SUmmarY OF QUaliFicaTions) b 5 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WRITER / FEATURED MAGAZINE COLUMNIST 1994-PRESENT CONSULTANT ON INNOVATION & DIGITAL MEDIA 1993-PRESENT FEATURED COLUMNIST OF THE MAGAZINES: McWorld Brasil; Publish Brasil; Design Gráfico; Propaganda; WebDesign; Jump; iMasters. Major clienTS in BraZil: McDonald’s, AOL Brasil, FIAT, MTV, DPZ, AlmapBBDO, Leo Burnett, VISA, Citroën, British American Tobacco, BOOK AUTHor - on digiTal design: Design/Web/Design; Design/ Bradesco and Coca-Cola. Web/Design:2. Third book in production. on CorporaTE beHavior: The art of war for those who moved the cheese from the rich dad. inTernaTional clienTS: Element^n (Beyrut, Lebanon), StarMedia (New York, USA), Shop160 (London, UK), Coca-Cola (Toronto, Canada). LECTURER / KEYNOTE SPEAKER 1994-PRESENT ACADEMIC PROFESSOR 1994-PRESENT KEYNOTE SPEAKER in universities, national students conferences, professional conventions, forums and seminars. UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO ESCOLA DE COMUNICAÇÕES E ARTES CORPORATE WORKSHOPS on Innovation. Main clients are big DEPARTAMENTO DE PUBLICIDADE E PROPAGANDA Brazilian banks, telecommunication operators and multinational corporations like Autodesk, Samsung, Pfizer, FedEx and McKinsey. Academic proFessor, posT-gradUATion. Subject: Digital communication, meta-interfaces and hyperrhetoric. COLLABORATIVE prOJECTS 2003-PRESENT academic proFessor, Undergrad coUrses. Three subjects: Graphic design and production; Photography and WEBSITES, BLOGS, WIKIS, PODCASTS and online collaborative visual literacy; and Digital communication. projects aiming to spread knowledge and to develop discussion forums on themes related to the digital environment. 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Kropki Volks Polo VISA AlmapBBDO MTV BankBoston FIAT Marea StarMedia dpz.com WAAAP Coca-Cola Light Shop160 Bradesco AOL McDonald’s CineClick Element^n MOODs Coca-Cola Molson MAC Virtual Assistant Professor: Graphic Design Associate Professor: Graphic Design and Photography Professor: Graphic Design, Photography and Digital Communications Featured Columnist: Design Gráfico and Propaganda magazines Book: Design/Web/Design (1 & 2) Featured Columnist: Jump and Webdesign magazines Book: The Art of War... Book: DWD:3 Keynote speaker, universities, on Webdesign Keynote speaker, universities & corporate events, on Digital Culture Collaborative Projects Podcasts Digital Content Management The Internet is messy. There are a lot of places you may want to spend your spare time. I don’t believe a commercial website should be one of them, do you? The jobs under this category gathered a combination of marketing skills, user knowledge, information architecture and interaction design to provide all that’s needed as soon as possible. Fetch. Find. Leave. Simple as that. DigiTal ConTenT ManagemenT bb 7 MAC Virtual, 2007 MUseUM 2.0 PROPOSED CONTENT: Museu de Arte Contemporânea, one of the most important Contemporary Art museum in Latin America, deserved its YoUR MUSEUM online action to be broader than a plain website. Despite • Theme guides (organized by artistic movement, the fact that this kind of cultural institution were among the color, mood, group recommendations etc) first to go online, the digital presence of museums and art • Personalized guides (to be printed in booklets and galleries had changed very little since the 90’s. Meanwhile, guides; the best-rated could become leaflets) the Internet had undergone many changes, specially in what • Your catalog (your selection of major works) relates to its usage (from reference library to publication and • Recommendations communication channel); and in what is usually called “the • Preferences user” (from an ordinary reader to an information prosumer). • Permanent Collection (open to tagging, ranking, linking and downloading) Since today the majority of available content is produced, recycled and referenced by common people rather than the news traditional information sources – media, schools, research • Arts, artists and shows news centers – what is a museum’s role in an online world? • Calendars • Museum and Expositions Blogs (updated by My proposal: museums, like classrooms, should be discussion researchers, press releases, staff, interns and volunteers) forums, the raw material for knowledge building, not anymore absolute centers of knowledge. They should not inTeracTive ART only open their doors, but also grant access to all collections • Wiki and open Encyclopedias and reference centers, in order to become a reliable source • Widgets and open applications and a transparent institution, like it should be. • Special actions in expositions • Suggestions Each user could then define how to organize the art works, • Educational activities having access to the whole collection in a personalized and • Sources for public access and manipulation flexible way, something impossible in the real world. That would show a museum true vocation: interaction, research, education and participation. 8 bb DigiTal ConTenT ManagemenT Telemig Celular, 2007 mobile PHone SHops are noT PHarmacies I strongly believe that a transaction environment should reflect the spirit of the products it sells. If it is business-oriented, it should be straightforward and objective; if it is built for entertainment, it should be fun; above all, it can’t be boring nor inefficient. Mobile phone shops, although, are the opposite: generic, vague, a little oppressive and not informative. There’s almost nothing about the thrill of the phone it sells in it. My work with an advertising agency
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