,w � ru □ IT' IT' □ � IT' ln J] J] ru -J:' ln Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://archive.org/details/massachusettsdowOOmass COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPA RTMENT OF Fooo AND AGRICULTURE 100 CAMBRIDGESTREET, BOSTON,MA 02202 617-727-3000 June 15, 1997 Greetings: On behaH of the MassachusettsDepartment of Food and Agriculture, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the over 150 Massachusetts farms listedin thisdirecto ry. Withrecreational and educationalactivities ranging fromfarm tours to hay rides, petting zoos to pick-your-own fruits and vegetables, these 11 farms offer a varietyof II down on the farm adventures for all ages. Agri-tourism is a growingtrend in agriculture which merges the world of travelwith the experiences of farming and thefood system. Whetheryou learnhow to milk a cow or how to tum that milk into blue cheese, agri-tourism offersyou an enjoyable, insider's view of agriculture. During your visit, support your local farm by purchasing seasonal freshfruits and vegetables fromtheir farmstand. Many farmstands also offera wide varietyof baked goods and craft items. Your purchases help insure thatlocal farms will be in business for many years to come. Massachusettsfarms keeplocal food supplies strong while helping to preserve the scenic beautyof open space. I hope thisguide leads you to many fun farming adventures. Enjoy themin good health. Sincerely, ��� JonathanL. Healy Commissioner Paic1 Table ol Contenf s BarnstableCounty ..................................................................3 13erkshire County .................................................................... 6 Bristol County......................................................................... 12 DukesCounty .......................................................................... 16 Essex County ........................................................................... 17 FrailklinCounty ...................................................................... 24 HampdenCounty ................................................................... 30 Hampshire County .................................................................35 MiddlesexCounty ..................................................................38 NantucketCounty .................................................................. 46 Norfolk County....................................................................... 48 Plymoutlt County................................................................... 52 Worcester County ...................................................................55 Hey fo symbols I RS I retail store/ roadside stand [!] tours [!J schooltours � fee fortours � restaurant I RRI restrooms I HAI handicappedaccessible I BBi bed & breakfast/ overnightaccomodations � events hosted Massachusetts Coun1y Map ,_o � �kes Nantucket For more inlormafion: Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 617-727-3018, x175 Internete-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: www.massgrown.org Hassachuscff s Down on fhc farm Direcfory Bamsf able County Chatham ShellfishCo. P.O. Box 205, West Chatham, MA 02669 (508) 945-2662 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a Aquaculture farm-raised oysters utilizing the most modem techniques available. Please call for directions. �□□□□□□□□ Co-Hoggs Grant Street#51, Provincetown, MA 02657 (508) 487-0043 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a Working shellfish farm. Developing "dig your own" clam farm. Hours: Mid May thrumid October, tidedependent. In P'town-Commercial St to the end. West End rotary & P'town Inn. Grant is on the left hand side of breakwater. A 15 minute walk over sand flats. □ �[!] □□□□□□ Coonamessett Farm 277 HatchvilleRd., East Falmouth, MA 02536 (508) 564-5516 fax: (508) 564-5073 e-mail: [email protected] web page: n/ a � 20 acre farmingand research operationon Cape Cod. 'thefarm is open to visitors to tour the greenhouses and fields. Hours: May throughSeptember daily from9:00am to 5:00pm. Rt 28 to Rt 151 East. Go 1 mile and make right tum on Sam Turner Road. Go 11/2 miles to stop sign. Proceed straight 200 yards. Farm gate is on left. ��[!] □□�□□� Paic3 tfilHilChUICffl Ion •• fhc farmllrcd1ry Craig's Greenhouses & Nurseries 621 Main St. (Rt. 28), West.Dennis, MA 02670 (508) 398-9600 fax: n/a e-mail: n/a web page: n/a We have a greenhouse operationfeaturing plantsthat are hard to find elsewhere, along withhouseplants, annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, native shrubs and holiday plants. Hours: Open daily April to December from8:00 am - 6:00 pm. ��[!]□□□�□□ Old Wharf Shellfish Mayo Beach, SouthWellfleet, MA 02663 (508) 349-9021 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a Farm shellfish, quahogs, oysters Hours: March 1 to Dec 1-low tide every day □��□□□□□□ Salt Air Farm 512 Route 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 (508) 385-9255 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a Spinningdemos on drop spindle, flyer spinning wheel andgreat wheel, lessons available, yearly wool festival (14th year!) Hours: May -Dec noon to 4:00 pm or by appointment. Route 6 to exit 8. Left off exit 8 (Union Street) to Rt 6A. Turn righton Rt 6A. 3 miles to Salt Air Farm on the left �□□□□□�□@] Toby Farm 352 Route 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 (508) 385-2930 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a · web page: n/a We are an historic farm circa 1681-llth generation descendantsof Thomas Tobey and the oldest family farm on the Cape. We operate a greenhouse and raise container flowers, tomatoes, and chickens. We sell produce andother farm products at our farm store. Hours: Open daily May 1st throughDecember 24thfrom 9:30 am - 6:30 pm through Labor Day. ���□□□�□@] Hassacbuscffs Don oa fbc FannDlrcdory Tony Andrews Farm 394 Old Meetinghouse Rd., East Falmouth,MA 02536 (508) 548-4717 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a PYOstrawberries, peas, beans, tomatoes, com. Hours: 10:00am- 6:00pm daily,June thruDecember. Call for directions Pafcs f1assachuscffsDown on fhc FannDlrcdory Berkshire CounfY Adams Agricultural Fair _..- Bowe Field, Old Columbia St., Adams, MA 01220 (413) 663-3977 fax: n/a e-mail: [email protected] web page: n/a Three-day old-fashioned fair shows of Berkshire Agriculture.Farm displays, animals, crafts & art on display, carnival, truckpull, tractorpull, ox drawnrides, pony pull. Hoursand days: Aug. 1st 5:00 pm-11 :00 pm, Aug. 2nd 9:00 am-11:00 pm, Aug. 3rd. 9:00 am-5:00 pm Bow Field, Old Columbia St. off Rt. 8, near North Adams-Adams line. Bartlett's Orchard 575 Swamp Rd., Richmond, MA 01254 (413) 698-2559 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/a We have an apple orchard, Pick-Your-Own operation and cider press. Our roadside farmstand features a variety of apples, cider bakery and countrygifts. There are glass windows for viewing the cider press. Hours:Open daily from August to May 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Exit2 from Mass Pike to Rt. 20 towards Pittsfield. Follow blue trail blazer signs to Bartlett's. ��@J0□��□□ Corn Crib ,,_ 1840 No.MainSt. Rt. 7, Sheffield, MA 01257 (413) 528-4947 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/a We operate a farmstand featuring bedding plants, home grown produce, bakery, gift baskets, crafts, doll and miniature shop. We use IPM and organic methods of crop production. Hours:Open daily from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm. Closed on Tuesdays fromJanuary through March. ��@] □□��□� Nassachuscffs Down01 fht FannDlrcdory Fairfields Farm 954 Green River Rd., Williamstown, MA 01267 (413) 458-3321 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a Dairy farm with hiking, make your own x-country ski trailsin meadows or on mountain thatabuts Mt Grey lock, farm pond for fishing and swimming, snowmobiling, hunting-deer and turkey. Hours: Anytime by appointment. 2 miles south of Rt 2 on Rt 43. 3 miles northof the ���□□�□□□junctionof Rts 7 & 43, Frederick's Tree Farm 360 WashingtonRd. Rt. 8, Hinsdale, MA 01235 ( 413) 655-8551 fax: n/a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a We operate a Choose & Harvest of 10 varieties of ChristmasTrees. No two trees are alike. We have some of thebest views in BerkshireCounty. Hours: Seasonal-Open weekends themonth of □��December from□□□□□□9:00am - dark. Gould Farm 100 GouldRd. Rt. 23, Monterey, MA 01245 (413) 528-1804 fax: (413) 528-5051 e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a We are a 600 acre diversfiedfarm. A small dairy operation, large gardens, pigs, beef cattle, many marked trails, offer farm tours. The mission of thefarm is to provide a communityliving & working toward well being of guest clients. Hours: Open year round by appointment. ���□��□□�From Rt. 7 take Rt. 23 to Monterey. Padt7 Na11achoscH1 Don 01 the FannDlrcdory Hancock Shaker Village Rts� and 41, Pittsfield, MA 01201 (413) 443-0188 fax: (413) 447-9357 e-mail: info®www.hancockshakervillage.org web page: http://www.hancockshakervillage.org Historic working farmwith heirloom vegetable andherb gardens. Breeds of animals,machinery, andcrops reflectthose used by Shakers. Hiking, historic buildings, craftspeople, activities. Hours: MemorialDay weekend-late October: 9:30am- 5:00pm,late October -November/April 1-Memorial Day: 10:00am-3:00pm. Mass Turnpike to exit 1. Take Rt 41 north to the end, turn left onto Rt 20 west for 1,000 ft. Entranceon the left. ��[!]0��□□� Ioka Valley Farm Rt. 43, Hancock,MA 01237 (413) 738-5915 fax: n/ a e-mail: n/a web page: n/ a A thirdgeneration farm that has diversifiedfrom dairying to growing pumpkins, Christmastrees and PYO strawberries. We also produce maple syrupand on spring weekends, it can be enjoyed on pancakes at our main barnCalf-A. We grow com, hay & beef. Hours:
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