"THESOUTHSFOREMOSTCOLLEGEWEEKLY" VOLUME LXXXV MONDAY,MARCH14,1994 NUMBER21 World Cup soccer comes to Davidson By Will Cobb dents and faculty at 9:00a.m. on 13andolder atnine dollarsapiece. World Cup members Desmond similar tothatoftheUnitedStates' Five weeks ago, the United Wednesday. Reserved seating in All seating in the stands will be Armstrong andPaul Calquiri,and firstround opponent,Romania. States National Soccer Team ap- be $16.50 ' thestands will soldfor a offeredonafirst come,firstserved AlexiasLalas (Rutgers),who was "This is the next step in the proachedDavidson College ticket with while standing room for basis. featured inSports Illustrated last evolutionof what we're trying to the opportunity to host a World adults willgofor ninedollars. No The ticket office hasalready month.The teamwill becoached dohere.Theycametous,and they Cupexhibitionmatchgiving apre- additional bleachers willbe in- received severalphone callsask- by soccer missionary Bora are promoting their own game, view of to what is comethis sum- stalled, so all seats will be at a ing for information. "I wouldn't Moltinovak,whocoachedMexico which they don't do that often," mer in cities all over America. premium. waituntilschool startsback [from in1986 and CostaRico in1990. said Slagle.If thematch isasuc- Davidson was able to work out a Davidson will offer standing SpringBreak] toget tickets,"said The United States will face cess, the possibility for future deal that will feature the United roomseatingbetween a threefoot CharlieSlagle. the Moldavian National Team. matches willbeenhanced. StatesversusMoldaviaonWednes- advertisement fence and the sta- The UnitedStates squad will Moldoviais aregionofBessarabia The game will simulate a day,April20,at7:00 p.m.onRich- dium. A special section of 500 feature the teamthat willcompete which was incorporated into the WorldCupmatch.The price ardson lowest Field. tickets for 12 and under children thissummer,includinggoalieTony U.S.S.R. earlier this century by for a World Cup ticket this sum- to $4.50 The eventis expected be a willbe available at apiece, Meola (UVa), Brad Fiedel Joseph Stalin. The Moldavians, mer willbe $45, so themaximum quick sellout. Tickets will go on whileanotherstandingsectionfor (UCLA), Thomas Dooley (En- who are primarily of Romanian exclusively sale for Davidson stu- 500peoplewillbeoffered forages gland), Jeff Agoos (UVa), 1990 decent,shouldhave aplayingstyle See Soccer onpage15 Ruddick Corporation Sailaway endows professorship ByKathcrine Hash Ruddick Corporation from 1968 Ruddick Corporation and the until he became Chairman of its Dickson Foundation recently an- ExecutiveCommittee inFebruary nounced that they will contribute 1994. The Ruddick Corporation, $1millionoverthenextfiveyears headquarteredin Charlotte,owns toestablish the R. StuartDickson four subsidiary companiesinclud- Professorship. TheDickson Pro- ing Harris Teeter, Inc., American rcssorsriio will rtcopni7cdnd siin~ &Efird,Inc.,JordanGraphics,Inc., m Hfll port an out- andRuddickInvestmentCompany. standing Asabusiness leader,Dickson teacher from directed theoperations,devel- — has - M any depart- opment,andgrowthoftheRuddick I f Vi " # # ment. Presi- Corporation, which now has an- rf f 1 dent Kuyken- nual salesof $1.75 billion. As a dall says this community leader,he hasworked latitude is in to assure the high quality of the keeping with region'seducation,healthcare,and Dickson's culturalresources. StuartDickson character : Dickson is a Davidson alum- "Stuart him- nus and has servedon theExecu- selfhassucha Committee Photoby AmyLaukkanen tive of Davidson's Davidson's sailingteam tookfirstplacein Saturday'sregatta,thefirsthomecompetition for diversity of talents; to honor him Boardof Trusteessince 1984.' the new team. Second at the Clemsonregatta,theDavidson teamisnow firstin theNorth properly, this professorship He hasmost served cer- recently PointsDivisionof theSouthAtlantic IntercollegiateSailingAssociation. Becausethe top two tainly shouldnotbelimited toone the collegeas an architect for the teamsui ihedistrict go to thenationalchampionship, Davidson teambelieves ithasachance department." $150 million Campaign for tocompete at Coast Guard AcademyinConnecticut HallamWalker, Stuart Dickson serve1 as the Davidson'scoach from 1966-85,returnsfrom retirement to coach thenew team. See story on page13. Chairman of the Board of the See MONEY onpage4 Two springbreaks scheduled in f95 Men's Basketball By Mary Clare Jalonick However,the addition of an ministered on Sunday inorder to Next year, the calendar in- Easter break, however, will not pushthewinter breakreleasedates cludes anEaster Break and a new affect the lengthof Spring Break, backonedaytoDecember21. This in the NIT examschedule. which will remain at ten days. change wasnotnotedoncalendars Last night, coach Bob McKillop received a phone call The Faculty Executive Com- Spring Break will be in the first sent to parents,butthey will soon confirming the extension of the men's basketball season. mittee an break weekofMarchratherthanthe third receive version. instituted Easter therevised Davidson will compete in the National Invitational Tourna- due to a number of complaints week. Theexamschedule continues ment. from students and faculty. The Singermanclaimsthatanear- tocausecontroversy.The Faculty break will last from Friday after lierspringbreak wasinstituted "to Executive Committee decided to TheCatswill play the West Vir- classes through Tuesday, giving take some fatigue out of the sys- institute Sunday examsas a result ginia Mountaineers,number four in I studentsfourdaysoff near theend tem." The committeeis attempt- of numerous student complaints the Atlantic-10 conference, at 7:30 I of the springsemester. ing toshorten the periodbetween andSGApetitions.Somestudents, p.m.,Thursdaynight inMorgantown I -. Jfca Thebreak willfallonMonday ChristmasbreakandSpringBreak however,arestillnotsatisfiedwith at WVU for the first round of theI and Tuesdayrather thanThursday which studentsoften findunbear- the schedule. NIT.If Davidson wins,theCats willI andGoodFriday.EasterSunday is ably long. GautamSrinivisan,amember play the winner of theClemson andI adifficult travelday,andthesched- Inorder tocompensate for the of the Educational Policy Com- SouthernMississippi game. ule will enable families to spend dayslostduringthenewbreak,the mittee, is composing a letter to "We're thrilled to have the op- allday togetheronEaster,saysDr. springsemesterwillbeginonJanu- give to theExecutive Committee. 1 <J\ portunity to continue our season," AlanSingerman, amemberof the ary 16, threedays earlier. Coach McKillop McKillop night. committee. Fall exams will now be ad- See Break onpage 3 said last Course guide Discrimination DaveMatthews Women's Hoops This book debate in the workplace Band Leadingatthe half,Davidson Week students, but makesGeorgiaSouthernfight Professors grade InterviewI FirstClassMail students Williams offers rebuttal to tQ wm Jn|he first roun(Jofthe should grade profes- withDsve U.S. PostagePaid sors? Barron's laisez-fairestance. conference tournament. Permit#/ Opinions _|16 Sports Davidson, NC28036 News 2 7 Arts 13 2 NEWS Students Course guide controversy elected By Court McBryde from otherorganizationson cam- pressesis that"alotofpeoplehave response togive afair response." for SophomoreJamieMcConnel pus. not takentheevaluationsseriously. "Personally, this issue con- andjuniorBJRudell aretakingthe What isMcConnel's It is important for students toun- cerns me. If it is not done very campus initiative onbehalf of theStudent position? derstand if we only get 600 re- scientifically and with enormous ReviewBoardinaneffort topub- McConnel started the quest sponses, then [the guide] won't care, it could undermine the aca- lishDavidson'sfirstcourseguide. forthecourseguide;Rudelljoined measure what classes are really demic integrity of this college," councils However, their quest has him after hearing his initial pro- like. The effort must come from DeanTerry says. raised controversy and questions posal to the Student Government bothsides," McConnelsays."We SGA Vice President Allison By Katherine Hash among Davidsonfaculty, admin- Association. McConnelsays that needmoreresponses tomake this Sabel says there are several pros The faces of many campus istrators,and students. asof last week, 489responses to work." andconstotheproposedguide."It organizationsarechangingasnew Whatis thecourseguide? the questionnaire had been col- Where do theconcerns and wouldallowstudents tolearnabout officers and membersare elected The course guide wouldbe lected,andby"theendoftheweek- controversylie? courses andprofessorsfrom other tofillpositions onnumerouscom- distributed to students at the be- end we willhaveover500." McConnel had topresenthis students'sexperiences."However, mitteesandcouncils.Electionsfor ginningoftheacademicyear. The Rudellsays alotofpeoplesee proposalto theMediaBoard.Dean Sabel worries that ifastudent re- positionson theCouncil on Cam- incoming freshman class would thecourseguideas "causingarift ofStudentsWillTerryisamember ceives abadgrade from aprofes- pus and Religious Life (CCRL), receive booksbymail,beforethey betweenprofessors and students, ofthecommitteeandsaystheboard sor,his or herresponse cannotbe theHonor Council,ReachOut,the register for classes. butneitherJamienor Isee it that understands McConnel'smotiva- considered completely valid or Review Board, and the Student Thebookwouldbe acompila- way." Rudell says thereare some tionsand thinkshisaims aregood, objective. Conduct
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