1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8055 all respects as though they refer to the For the Government of Luxembourg: MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Organization in place of the Institute. G. N'AsPREMONT L. A message· from the Senate, by Mr. ARTICLE V For the Government of Norway: SIGURD BENTZON. Frazier, its legislative clerk,. announced Any Member of the Institute which is not For the Government of the Netherlands that the Senate had passed, with amend­ a signatory to this Protocol may at any time (including the Netherlands Indies): ments in which the concurrence of the accede to this Protocol by sending a written H. VAN HAASTERT. House is requested, a bill of the House notice of accession to the Director General For the Government of Poland: of the following title: of the Organization, who shall inform all W. WYSZYNSKI. signatory and acceding Governments of such For the Government of the United King­ H. R. 6477. An act to amend section 32 of accession. dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, as amended, and section 3 of the Federal ARTICLE VI JOHN 0. MAY. For the Government of Czechoslovakia: Farm Mortgage Corporation Act, as amended, 1. This Protocol shall not be subject to and for other purposes. ratification in respect to any government Dr. JAN PAULINY TOTH. unless a specific reservation to that effect is For the Government of Turkey: The message also announced that the made at the time of signature. FURUZAN SELCUK. Senate had passed bills of the following 2. This Protocol shall come into force upon Sous reserve de ratification. titles, in which the concurrence of the lts acceptance in respect to at least thirty­ House is requested: · five Governments Members of the Institute. ANNEX Such acceptance shall be effected by: S. 2280. An act to amend the Federal Farm LIST OF CONVENTIONS TO WHICH ARTICLE IV OF Mortgage Corporation Act to provide a sec­ (a) signature without reservation in re­ THE PROTOCOL RELATES gard to ratification, or ondary market for farm loans made under (b) deposit of an instrument of ratifica­ International Convention for Locust Con­ the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, tion in the archives of the Organizaiton by trol, dated at Rome, October 31, 1920. as amended, and for other purposes; Governments on behalf of which this Proto­ International Convention for Plant Pro­ S. 2307. An act to provide that every Sat­ col is signed with a reservation in regard to tection, dated at Rome, April 16, 1929. urday shall be a holiday for banks and build­ ratification. or International Convention concerning the ing and loan associations in the District of (c) notice of accession in accordance with Markings of Eggs in International Trade, Columbia; and Article V. dated at Brussels, December 11, 1931. H. J. Res. 156. Joint resolution to extend 3. After coming into force in accordance International Convention for the Stand­ the succession, leading powers, and the func­ with paragraph 2 of this Article, this Proto­ ardization of the Methods of Cheese Analysis, tions of the Reconstruction Finance Corpora­ col shall come into force for any other Gov­ dated at Rome, April 26, 1934. tion. ernment a Member of the Institute. International Convention for the Stand­ ardization of Methods of Analyzing Wines, The message also announced that the (a) on the date of signature on its be­ Senate had passed, with amendments in half, unless such signature is made with a dated at Rome, June 5, 1935. reservation in regard to ratification, in which International Convention for the Stand­ which the concurrence of the House is re­ event it shall come into force for such Gov­ ardization of the Methods of Keeping and quested, a bill of the House of the fol­ ernment on the date of deposit of its in­ Utilizing Herd-Books, dated at Rome, Oc­ lowing title: strument of ratification, or tober 14, 1936. H. R. 6739. An act making appropriatiom; (b) on the date of the receipt of the notice AMERICAN EMBASSY, RoME, ITALY. for the Department of Labor, the Federal of accession, in the case of any non-signa­ I certify that this is a true copy of the Security Agency, and related independent tory Government which accedes in accord­ original. agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, ance with Article V. [SEAL] DAVID McK. KEY, 1947, and for other purposes. In witness whereof the duly authorized Charge d'Affaires ad interim. representatives of their respective Govern­ ADJOURNMENT The message also announced that the ments have met this day and have signed Senate insists upon its amendments to the present protocol, which is drawn up in Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I in­ the foregoing bill, requests a conference the French and English languages, both quire of the Chair whether there are any with the House on the disagreeing votes texts being equally authentic, in a single nominations on the Executive Calendar. of the two Houses thereon, and appoints original which shall be deposited in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The archives of the Organization. Authenti­ Mr. McCARRAN, Mr. McKELLAR, Mr. Rus­ Chair is informed that there is nothing SELL, Mr. MEAD, :vir. MURDOCK, Mr. WHITE, cated copies shall be furnished by the Organ­ on the calendar except treaties. ization to each of the signatory and acceding Mr. BALL, and Mr. BRIDGES to be the con­ Governments and to any other Governments Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen­ ferees on the part of the Senate. ate adjourn until 11 o'cl.:~ck tomorrow which, at the time this Protocol· is signed, is The message also announced that the a Member of the Institute. morning. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 Senate had passed, with amendments in Done at Rome this 30th day of March 1946. which the concurrence of the House is re­ For the Government of Argentina: o'clock and 4 minutes p. m.) the Senate quested, a bill of the· House of the fol­ CARLOS BREBBIA. adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, For the Government of Australia: July 2, 1946, at 11 o'clock a. m. lowing title: G. S. BRIDGLAND. H. R. 6777. An act making appropriations For .the Government of Belgium (includ­ for Government corporations and independ­ ing the Belgian Congo) : ent executive agencies for the fiscal year G. DASPREMONT LYNDEN. ending June 30, 1947, and for other purposes. For the Government of Brazil: HOUSE OF REPRESENT AJIVES J. LATOUR. The message also announced that the Sous reserve de ratification. Senate insists upon its amendments to For the Government of Canada: MoNDAY, JuLY 1, 1946 the foregoing bill, requests a conference ALFRED RIVE. The House met at 11:30 o'clock a. m. with the House on the disagreeing votes For the Government of Cuba: of the two Houses thereon, and appoints . MIGUEL A. ESPINOSA. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ For the Government of Denmark: gomery, D. D., offered ' the following Mr. McKELLAR, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. RUSSELL, T. BULL. prayer: Mr. OVERTON, Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma, For the Government of Egypt: Mr. BROOKS, Mr. BRIDGES, and Mr. MAlWOUD MOHARRAN HAMMAD. Our Father, who art in heaven, hal­ GuRNEY to be the conferees on the part For the Government of Ireland: lowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. of the Senate. MICHAEL MACWHITE. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in The message also announced that the For the Government of the United States heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Senate agrees to the report of the com­ of America (including Hawaii, the Philip-_ And forgive us our trespasses, as we tor­ pines, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) : mittee of conference on the disagreeing give those who trespass against us. And votes of the two Houses on the amend­ DAVID MCK. KEY. lead us not into temptation, but deliver Subject to ratification. ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. For the Government of France (including us '!rom evil. For thine is the kingdom, 6496) entitled "An act making appro­ Algeria, Franch West Africa, French Morocco, and the power, and the glory, tor ever priations for the Navy Department and Indo-China, Madagascar and TUnis) : and ever. the naval service for the fiscal year end­ AucEE:-LARm:E. Amen. For the Government of Greece: ing June 30, 1947, and for other pur­ G. A. ExlNTARIS. By unanimous consent, the Journal of poses." For the Government of India: the proceedings of Saturday, June 29 The message also announced that the JOHN 0. MAY. was considered as read and approved. ' Senate agrees to the amendments of the 8056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 1 House to the amendments of the Senate Vocal solo: The Lord's Prayer ______________ _ 0 Thou who art the Father of us all, Mr. Robert Merrill in whose sight a thousanEl years are but numbered 12, 19, and 62 to the foregoing Taps ________________ Mr. Edward L. Masters bill. as yesterday, we ponder the strange tid­ Principal musician, USMC ings of destiny, in which are mingled ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Prayer and benediction_!. ____ Rev·. Frederick Brown Harris, D. D., Chaplain of the joy and sorrow. We pray fervently that Mr. ROGERS of New York, from the United States Senate Thy spirit may possess our souls so that Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported no selfish passion may hinder us from that that committee had on June 29, The SPEAKER of the House of Repre­ knowing Thy will and no weakness from 1946, examined and found truly enrolled sentatives presided. doing it. a bill of the House of the following title: The Doorkeeper announced the Presi­ Today we are assembled to give tribute H .
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