This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ( Robert J. Dole .Institute :of Politics . REMOVAL NOTICE. : . Date: (1._ / 7 /11 . .... ::.. '!' : ........ :. ·.. :;_:-·. · 1;30 .x ·. ~ ; Y;~~f, ~<: ":;~_: Removed to: Ov.ers~zed Photographs. ··:... ,. ·: . ; ;.·;_:. ':'.,::: ·.· ··.. ··~· ··(circle one) · Oversiied:Publications Box ·_: _.. ...' ·,J.:·.. -~:, .•: , .. ···•.. · .. Campaign Material · Bo:x__ . .. · ·. ·· · Oversized Newsprint Box .... Personal·Effects ·". Box __. .. ·· . · · · Memorabilia · Box ~ · ..02., i.. DOS ' Overs~zed Flats [Postersj Handbills, etc] Box~ ·: Political Cartoons Box Textiles B.ox ,, Size: Format: Description: ?_" J,' ~eJ:-er- l:i~ lrr.. "'S • p~ u..J..l, u}e, k-.J1 Jlt. rJo &r- eJ~ '-He. ..s-h..r ~ .vl.11.J~ Date: Subject Terms (If any): Restrictions: none Remarks: A~ ~ o~el f Pf&rs ; (\ ~d rpeuL ·fu- tJtJ1[ c.exe,tM.-MJ c;.;l:- A rL1!-lnt_ -· ~ -. "~ .,,. Place one copy with removed item Place one copy in original folder File cine copy in file Page 1 of 35 , This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ~CT-10-91 THU 13:51 IBPAT-GST OFFICE P.02 Su.fl I :Dec.. 'if //:oo a...m. J/r/,;,,J-IM 1/c..i ·I Cettte~ October 10, 1991 ~ 4,)<, . ~ The Honorable Robert Dole Hart Senate Office Building #141 Washington, D.C. 2051 o ~~ Dear Sehator Dole: '\ (J(J'- No Greater Love will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the United States entry into World War II on Sunday. December 8, 1991. The ceremony will be held at 11 :00 near General Omar Bradley'~ grave at Arlington National Cemetery. Fifty years ago on December 8th, President Roosevelt addressed Congress calling upon the Nation to answer freedom's call. At this tribute, a memorial tree and stone will be dedicated to those who died in World War II. The Board of Directors of No Greater Love would be honored by your presence and participation in this special ceremony. We would like you (as a Veteran of World War IQ to speak a few minut~§ during the ceremony. Among others we are inviting to give two- minute remarks are Senator Robert Dole, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, actor James Stewart, Secretary of the Army Michael P.W. Stone, cartoonist Bill Mauldin, Elie Wiesel, former baseball star Bob Feller and Walter Cronkite. We are bringing together for the first time, from all across the country, sons and daughters of those who died ·during this war, for a national memorial service for their fathers. The ceremony will be videotaped and there will be a luncheon following this tribute. I hope you can be part of this historic event. Thank you for your consider.ation of our request. ~Afa~ovfu Carmella LaSpada Chairman 1750 NEW YORK AVENUE, N. W.. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 (l02) 783-466S A ~Mnpt'Oftt tu-exempt~~ bnW"- . .ltn. Page 2 of 35 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 0 C T - 1 0 - ·::;. 1 THU 13 52 IBPAT-G ST OFFICE p • () 3 -=-- · - =========-======~~=========PARADt'S fl'IClll Intelligence Report ·-----·------ Little J~, RIP Bush am~ Agatrt? lch&el L&ndon'1 eqil!P, a Gallup poll nn al tel e vt.wicm IA.!rt month lndic&ting perform.a.nee wt1..a tru-t ~2% oft.he U.S. the two-hoUJ' pl.lot public would praflll" ror the a.bor~ CBS !.hat h.e ~ a. IUl'W series rJ1. But the l&te stu a ma~. M runni:oi PIWdent perhaps best remembered fot DBush b3E1 In etr~ told bi!f his t'..1'$t TV ,erlM, &nAn.Za. political &dvti;.erq tbAt D&n 11ot the Ponderaea. Qu.a.y1.e will be on the ticket Ranch, 1. ma.rker l.e going up wit.h him~ - It~ for Litt.le Joe l.n lhe rnAke- at the end of a ~t -1on beUeve buriAI s1 t.e where there at De. vid. Bu.ah b..trn8d IW'ee..dy 11..."e tornhstonoo for &n to Qi ui.yle and sa.ld, ''Befotoe we s.nd HOl!s c....rtwright, wbo break up. fd like a raw wordlJ were played by Lorne Gnene trom my rurtnlog mate,• &.i"ld 'D&.."1 Blocker. ~rte a. w~ lnl!idar. The Pondel"'6& Ran.ell, on One or the Bu.1.<h a.d ...;{.ee:ra ,..... ~ .W. ~ .i FM DrMdw !HJ co-ttat II~ N19 ~ ,.,....,,,.,, the Porth iilio~ ot ~ Ta.hoe, spoke up. "'Mr. P'rff!dent., a wa.e the ~t ror the !'llmini crt oonnrroation Twiggy Is No •'Fair udy" 8ocumz.v. for 8ix of it.8 H, ye&r8. 1ou're iQlni' to run?" wiggy WWB0!1 tr.a.y keep it Up. I WB..!1 petr!J1ed 9.Ild It was built at the spot where "Well, N the President look Wu a. prlncesa, up &.11 one nigh~ worrytng.• \.be "burni!lQ' mAp" tbAt ope!lBd reported.11 said, "t.hare's no but vbe c&n't her hW!b&.."l.d, the each ep!sode 1ndica.ted the ra.nch In ~ing My.• · point Wk like on~d she Briti8b &,(:tor Leigh L&wson, would b~ulh of knows It. ln fa.ct, while W'~ her to U'-..At a!l.e City, Nev. Since the ser1e.s pl.Aye a. princmia 1Il the had to~ h..!rnelf, Twiggy'i f &nded in new CBS Pr1.nce6SeS, ch.a.ra.cter was!ormed l 1973, the ;cb&dul&d to debut oext into a. fonliBr choru.a girl with ranch h.a.s F'tidAy, the ~lender, 4.2·yur- 11o b&ckgrcund & t t::Nl.c tM old &etn1Je a.dmita th11t wbe'$ llke her own. 300,000 no Prtnceea Di. The two m11t While the tl.nt eight ep!aodee vi.sit.ors & NCenUy e.t ~ cha.rity do . or the l!erie8 bei.njir shot &.nd yeu. Twiggy (real nam.11 : ~ the ratini"S ~gina. Du."'ing Hornby) aa.ya she ha.ct 90m.e Twiggy 1B Mtt.lin8 into Lo8 l.A.:1don'e input into her chAncter, iliv }.n~!M with her h\J..Sbarld and ~ . wi!U­ English widow of 1. 'O'.liz:IDr children: 12-7&1Lr-()!d C&rly, 1 wi.Ahers Euro~ prinDa. "Wrum r rrot her daughter from Mr wro~hlm lb.en, I round that I.hay wantoo man'~ to the Amerlcan to be Ille to do & very up-market llOrt actor Mich.a.el Wb.i tney, who ro.s..iled ~ of &eoent," the ooclcney former died of a. hea..-t in 1963; the n.nch. model told the Landon D&l.lf a.nd 1~year<ild Ace, L&w110n'11 Tb.a ~tor d.!ed of c.A.ncer on Tal&p&ph. "It wu all o.-rong, iOD. by the Brit:1ah ~ July l .:t l.i'1I !>4 . Memorl&l o °" who di&d a.nd I knew rd navar be &llle to Ha.yley Mlll.s. semoes held July 4 and ~ a. t tbJI during World Wu II, a. Ponderosa cha.J'81 were pa.eked. tr~ - dedicdion State Tax Update :- A record "lts:ltors mAd.e oerAmony will be held pU~ that month. ax rat.ea on S&lM, ' • Rhode Isla..nd. ~ the 'Todl.y, ~guide.!! a.t the 1.t Arling"ton N11tiona.1 ~-ta.::r:- o1ga.rettff LDd ' higbewt stat& C&rtwrlgbt R&nch HOU$e tltil1 C~rnetery on Sa.turday, Deo. 7, ~line from 28 cants per ~t t.he 50th an nlversa.ry of the pomt to Litt.le J~'s h.At and . y&&r to yeu. J.n .many ill nm. at 2!5 can.ta per g8llac. oe&t, which ha.:lg on the w-..ll bombing of Pea.rl HA.rbor. by Nebraalcs. (28-7 of our :so st&te11 . Here foD.owoo next to th.e&e of Hou. If 1ou lOBt a. parent in World ue 110me Q li(U.NI s a.s or Oct. 1 : cent.a), Wa.shlngton (~3 centa) War II 11.nd wa..nt to a.tU!nd, l It'1 odd q~ p~le oe.n't Mat a.nd North ~llna. (22.8 • Californi& hAll the hlg seem to sepa.ra. te the lciol'lf send e.<'d, sel!-&.ddreued 7 . 2~96. cent.a). Florid.& 1- the lowest, u.l.88 tu: rate, r.t from their oh.&n.cten. envelope to tAe sponaor, No Wyo~ &t 4. gall.on.. • Colorado a.nd. cents per Odd, too, the fll.ct lhAt NBC OreB-~r L"l~. Dept. P, 1750 New lowe&t, 3'lt.. • Virgi.nie. bAS tbl! lowe!!'t a 1mpoee the e.t or1gin&lly developed the ~rle. York Ave., N.W .. W~i1on, 1n the oount.ry, • Five of the !10 st&t.- ciprett& ta.::r: (ea.tu.rlni the w\d~en West 0 C. 20006, t.nd you'll nceivt Alu.kA,, MontAn.&, at !iU5 oonts per pe.ek, while a.n lnv1ta.tion. Tha 1- I.ha rroup to help lta perent oomps.i:iy, N'1W Ra.mpahlre a.nd C.onn.ectl.cut hM tha h!Q'hefrt, RC.A, Mll the tint color TV ~t 11wu.d the 'T1• • YeUQW Onli'Qll-bave M WM ta.x.
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