PfWVidorv .. , j :'1. DEFENSE BONDS THENE KPOST STAMPS !l ----. Number 37 1, 1942 ENTS I ' Services Held Tuesday 011 k to Midnight Blackout GARDENERS For George Chahllers USO CENTER COMPLETE Hel' Pl'Ollonllced A IIcces 1ST. THOMAS Funeral services fo r Gcorge Chal­ Newark's participation in the state­ mcrs, who died aIler a n illness of wide dusk to midnight blackout last WIN AWARDS several mon tl' G in the Delaware Hos­ FOR WOMEN COUNTY night was carried out successfully with TO OBSERVE pital, were held at the home of his all elements of the Civilian D fen e daugh ter, J ane Ann Chalmers, Rose­ organization functioning in good order. INVI CTORY vill e, Dcl., on Tuesday afternoon. WORI(ERS TO G.O.P. SLATE PI-omptly a t 7:30, riefense volunteers CENTENARY Besides h is da ughte r, two brothers, cut tl llwn trafl'ic to 15 MPH and check­ both of Newar k, sur vive. They ar e ed on li ght violations. Although street ".. ...... __ ITION David C. Chalmers and William Chal­ OPEN HERE LISTED a nd trafTic illumination, as well as ON SUNDAY mers. dimmed vehicular li ghts were permit· P all bearers at the service were ted, li ghts in I' id enccs, non-defense Nunlcl'ouS Prizes nephews: J oh n Pemberton, Pusey Pem­ 73 E. Main 'St. Willits, Virden comm rci a l establishments and signs Services Honoring berton, Talbcrt Chalmers, William were completely blacked out for over Takcn by Newark Chalmers, and Dav id Chalmers, all of Named Site Of Ar e Winners In foul' h urs. ] OOth Anni.ver sary Newar k, a nd Wil li am Chalmers of Both the National Vulcanized and Ga rdell Clubhers Philadelphia. Headquarters For County Primary Continenta l Fibre Companies wel'e 10 f Parish Founding Interment was in White Clay Creek granted excmptions as being war In Hat'vest Show Cemetery. ' Recr eation Plan Election Saturday plants. Begin At 11:00 A. M. Anumber of awards ,nd pl'izes were A u.s.a. center for women Defense In the two legisla tive contests in the The one-hundredth anniversary of . by members of the Newark Gur­ workers li ving in Newark w il l be Republican primary election held Sat­ the founciing of St. Thomas Episcopal Club participating in the Victory AUTO IS opened in the former Western Auto urday, victory went to William R. WiI ­ FOOD BANI( parish will be c lebratcd on Sunday, Harvest Show for Army Navy C mpany build ing at 73 East Main li ts in the Second Representative Dis­ when the Right Rev. Arthul' R. Mc­ ill Ihe Wilmington New Century Street as soon as suffic ient funds for tr ict and William E. Virden in the Kinstry, D.D., Bishop of Delaware, will I lasl Friduy and Saturday. GRANTED maintenance are secured, it was decid­ Fourth RepresentaUve District. DONATIONS deli ver the centennial s rmon. The ob­ awards, including five firsts, ed th is week a t a mecting of the spon­ Willits, won over Councilman John servance will open with Holy Com­ and two thirds went to soring commi ttee in the New Century J. Anderson, while Virden defeated munion service at 1 I :00 o'clock. the Hill in Section A for Dahlias, in COUNCIL Club building. John J . Caruso, with both winners TO START celebrant being the Rev. A. W. Mayer, for Spec'al B looms, In­ With several church and civic or­ carrying all di ~tri cts . rector. Decorative, Cactus Type, Min­ gani zations already agreeing to con­ The complete New Castle County The service will include the dedica­ and Pompoms. tribute monthly sums and others ex­ ticket follows: ON MONDAY tion of the new alla r a nci chancel hang­ (0 1' the largest dahlia bloom BY BOARD pected to follow sui t shortly, the cen­ ings, the dedica tion of a scrvice fl ag Recorder of Deeds-Burton S. Heal. plus diameter, presented by th e ter is expected to open in the neal' of 13 stars relJresenting parishioncrs Register of Wills-Isaac R. Brown, Jr. Dahlia Society was given Al·th ur fu ture. The room will be the headquar­ serving in the armed forces, and the Sheriff-Elmer C. Taylor. Residents Asked who also garnered 5 other Certificate For ters for he recreati onal activi ti es pro­ rededication of the organ rebuilt early Levy Court Commissioner, Distr ict two seconds in Section A for gram, now being planned for Newark this year, the expenses f l' which were NO.2-Thomas Earl Ba nks. To Bring Canned His awards were in the class- Passenger Car women Def ense workers. met through succe sfu l completion of F irst Senator ial district- J ames S. Special Bloom, Informal DecOl'a­ Additional funds are assured through the centennial fund r aised by members Evans. Caetus Type, Orchid Flowers, and Also Issued To the cooperation of the E 52 P layers of Foods To 'Century of the parish. Dr. Walter Hullihen, Third Senatorial d istrict-George P . I the University of Delaware, w ho have ,Tunior Warden, will give a welcoming Ed monds. Newark club member, EI­ Dr. A. Mencher agreed to donate the proceeds above Club After 10:30 address and announce the final amount Filth Senatorial d istrict- Geor ge W. J. Ellison received foul' awards, expenses of their opening play this reached by the Centennial fund. first. two seconds and a third, in Two certifica tes for new passenger season, Max well Anderson's "Eve of Rhodes. "Every person in the Newark vicini- Much interest at the church service A for Dahlias, winning in the a u tomobiles were issued th is week by St. Mar k', scheduled for the latter part Seventh Senator ial district- W. Bate- ty wil! be given an opportunity to will center on a record box, containing i Bloom, and Informal Decora­ t he Newark Rationing Board, one "go­ of October . man Cullen. contr ibute to the Emergency Food various relics ancl articles, which will classes. One award was earned ing to · the Town Council of Newark DitTic ully of secur ing funds through First Representati ve district- Albert Banks w hich will be establi shed at be sealed and deposited in the church Hm, who took fi rst in a nd the other to Dr. Arthur A. Mench­ regular usa channels was ex plai ned W. Husbands; Second district, MI'. WiI - evacuation centers in Delawat'e," states for opening on the parish's two hun­ bloom in the Inf ormal Decor­ er. of Newark. by Father E. J . K raemer, chairman of Ii ts; Third district, Ralph S. Keenan: Mrs. Kate Henley Daugherty, who is dredth anniversary in 2042. Section. Certifleates fo r tires were granted the finance committee, who said local Fourth district, MI'. Virden ; Fifth dis-Co-Chairman with Mrs. Irving War­ Following the services in the church, awards for artistic al'l'angements as fo llows: Harvey C. J ordan, New­ community organizations would be ex­ tr ict; Robert P. J oll y; Sixth distric t, ner of Wilmington for the Emergency the choir and congregation will make by Mrs. David Eastburn, in ark, two new truck tires; Charles H. pected to underta ke fin a nci ng the cen­ Raymond D. Phillips; Seventh di ~t r ict , Food Banks in New Castle County. a pi lgrimage to the church yard, where C., while Albert Starkey took Hayman, Jr., Newark, three new pas­ ter at least until usa aid can be ob­ Samuel B. Bird; Ei ghth distr ict, Ben- "The Emergency Food Banks will be ceremonies in memory of early families in the same section for senger tires and tubes; H. E. Tiffany, tai ned. ja min E. Hicks; Ni nth district. Clar - established," continues Mrs. Daugher­ of the parish btu'ied there will be arrangemen t and gladioli class. Newar k, one passenger retread ; Frank "Newark Community Service" was ence E. McVey; Tenth district, Robert ty, "through the joint efforts of the conducted . Smith earned five awards H. Butterworth, New Castle, pipefllter. the ti tle selected for the maintenance A. Barnes; Eleventh district, Herman Evacuation and Disaster Canteen Com­ Contained in the record box, to be C all ( 0 1' roses, with D. C. two grade II, one tube; J ames T. Birch, fund, of whi ch Robert J . Boyd was Leasure; Twelfth district, George R. mittee of the Red Cross, the Women's deposited in the church, wi ll be a ing a first prize for sweet electrician, Newark, two gr ade II, one appointed chairman. Con tributions are Cl ar k; Thir teenth d istl'lct, E. Lela nd Division of the State Council of De­ history of the parish written for th'e passenger tube; Edward Miller, boil er being sough t from organizations spon­ Pleasanton; Fourtcenth district, F rank fense, the American Women's Volun­ celebration by Dr. Francis H. Squire, filled with fruits and packer, three grade II, three tubes; sor ing the plan, as well as other busi- Lawson; Fifteenth district, J ames C. tary Services, the Agricultural Extcn­ of the Department of History of the a" ,•• l"ble" we.re presented by the New­ Melvin A. Cha pma n, two grade II, two Please tW'n to P age--4 Reynolds. sion S rvice of thc Universi ty of Dela- University of Delaware, and Miss Har­ Club to be sold to raise tubes; Jim T. Suppe, Newar k, tex tile ware, and the State Victory Ga rden riet T.
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