News from The Ayn Rand Institute OGTOBER1994 UpcomingEvents Ayn Randin the Media ARI I Oth Annlyersary Events. In celebrationof its Ayn Band in lnvestor's Business Daily. A front- lOttranniversary and the 90th anniversaryof Ayn Rand's pagefeature a.rticle on Ayn Rand and Objectivismappeared birth,ARI will hold a seriesof banquets/auctionsin 1995: in the August 8 issueof Investor'sBusiness Daily. The story r Los Angeles:February 4, Holiday-Iryr Crowne Plaza; waqgbjectiye,ahilosophical and respectful. for roomreservations: (310) il2-7500. Article in Albany Times Union. A friendlyarticle r Boston: April2? (FordHall Forumweekend), Shera- on the Objectivistmovement appeared in the Albany Times tonBoston; for roomreservations: (617) 236-2020. Union on August 26. T\e story highlightedARI and the r Chicago:October 21, Sheraton Chicago; for room ObjectivistGraduate Center (OGC), and featuredquotes reservations:(3lD 6/.ICcc.. from an OGC student,members of the campusclub at Rens- Blocksof roomshave been reserved at all thneehotels. selaerPolytechnic Institute, and Michael Berliner. Lyceum lnternatlonal Gonfetences. r Lyceum Dr. Hendricks in Arizona Medicine. ARI's flyer Internationalhas announced a conferencein London,Eng- featuringDr. Hendricks'speechinAtlas Shruggedfound its landMay 26-29,1995,featuring Michael Berliner, Andrew way into the handsof the editorial staff of A rizona Medicine, Bemstein,Hany Binswanger,Gary Hull andJohn Ridpath. and the speechwas reprintedin their Septemberissue. r Lyceumhas also announced a touringconference featur- ing AndrewBemstein, Gary Hull andRichard Salsman. Locationsand dates are: Chicago,November 11-13, 1994; HealthCare Activism SanDiego, January 13-15, 1995; Houston, February 10-12; Peikoff to Appear on TV and Radio. r Leonard Tampa,March }-5; andBaltimore, March 3l-April 2. For gueston the NET cable/satelliteTV details,call (206) 876-5868. Peikoff will be the sole network show "Mitchells in the Morning" on October 11, Texas Gonference. TheHill CountryObjectivist 8:00-9:00a.m. Eastern time. The topic: "HealthCare Is Associationis sponsoringa conferencein AustinOctober Not a Right." r Dr. Peikoffwill alsodiscuss health care on zl-z3,featuringlecfures, workshops and art exhibits. For the"ZohHieronimusShow" onWCBM radioin Baltimore details,call (512)282-5528. on October18, 9:00-10:00 p.m. Eastemtime. Publications GeneralNews Pelkoff's slllstory of Phllosophy" Available. Locke Addresses Business Educators. Edwin r LeonardPeikoff's "History of Philosophy"taped lecture Locke spokeon "BusinessHeroes in Fact and Fiction" be- courses,Volume I: "Foundersof WestemPhilosophy: Tha- fore the annualconvention of the National Academyof lesto Hume"and Volume II: "ModemPhilosophy: Kant to Managementin Dallason August15. The talk includednu- thePresent" are now availablefor salefrom SecondRenais- merousreferences to Atlas Shrugged. sanceBooks. For details,call (800)729-6149. r LectureI Milgram to Address Language Educators. of VolumeI, "The First Problem: fue ThereAny Abso- ShoshanaMilgram will speakat the annualconvention of lutes?"is now availablein a 48-pagepamphlet from The the American Associationof Teachersof Slavic and East JeffersonSchool. Subsequentlectures will alsobe reprinted. EuropeanLanguages in SanDiego in December. Her topic: To order,send $14.95 to P.O.8ox2934, Laguna Hills, CA "Variations on a Themein Hugo, Dostoevsky,Ayn Rand 92654. andRichard Wright." Atlas Shtugged In Buslness Journal. Thespring High Schools 1994issue of Anuricanluernational College Journal of Busirussfeatured an articleby ShoshanaMilgram, titled Massive Essay Gontest Promotion. This year, "Ayn Rand'sAtlas Shrugged:Production as Heroic Virtue we have dramaticallyincreased the numberof high-school in theWorld of Business." essaycontest flyers that we aremailing. Last year,we Berliner ln Profltable Hanagement. Michael mailed 95,000flyers for the Fountainheadand Anthern con- teststo 63,000 This year, we mailed 486,000 Berliner'sarticle "Why RentControl Is Immoral" hasbeen educators. flyers, printed process, reprintedin thepremiere issue of ProfitableManagement, a in four-color to 254,000educators, including English librariansat magazrnefor propertyowners and managers. all teachers,counselors and rhe9-12 gradelevels in the U.S. and Canada. Typos In Ayn Rand books. PenguinUSA has re- centlyre-tlpeset some of Ayn Rand'sbooks. If younotice Universities anytypos in thebooks, please contact Richard Ralston at ARI, (310)306-9232. OPAB Essay Gontest. We havemailed 2l,l00flyers Employment Oppoilunlty. ARI seeksa full-time for our new essaycontest on LeonardPeikoff's Objectivism: hojectsAssistant. Skills desired include word-processing The Philosophyof Ayn Rand-12,300 to academicphiloso- anddesk-top publishing. Pleasecontact Donna Montezza phersand the remainderto departmentsof philosophy,his- arAR[, (310)306-9232. tory, Englisfliterature,classics and political science. New Talks Available. The following talkshave been oGc addedto ARI's SpeakersBureau: "Your hofessors' War Against the Mind: The Black Hole of Post-Modemismand Fall Semester Beglns at Erpanded OGC. Multiculturalism" and "The Problemof Universals: Failed Students,faculty and supporters of ARI's ObjectivistGrad- Attemptsand Ayn Rand'sSolution" by GaryHull; and uateCenter gathered in Manhattanon September25 to cele- "Freedom: What It Is and Why It's Worth Fighting For" by brateOGC's major expansion, its moveto NewYork, and GeorgeReisman. thebeginning of its secondsemester. Twenty-nine students AR|-assisted Campus Talks. Fordetails, call areenrolled for fall semester,eight of whomare attending JasonSwihari at (612) 673-9192. full time. OGC'steleconferencing equipment has been ex- Date Speaker School Topic pandedto allowmore students to participatevia telephone. 10-12Locke U-Minnesota The CaseAgainst Animal Rights 10-17Bernstein U-Cincinnati Right to Abortion 10-18Bernstein U-Houston Right ro Abortion 10-19Bernstein U-NewMexic<r Mind As Hero in AtlasShrugged IMPACT is publishedbimonthly by ttre Ayn Rand Institute. All rights reserved,copyright @1994. palsanbag uoucilJoC ssaJppv OZgg-ZOZM V) o A3d l3q VNldVW. EtZ 3llDS . AVA\ AI]VdIWCV 0t97 WSINIJ.)3I'SO.JOJ.N3W3)NYNqV EHI dO.J U3IN3) 3HI EIDIIISNI qNVU NAV EHI.
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