The history of the collection of Romance manuscripts from the former Preussische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków – the overall study The history of the collection of Romance manuscripts from the former Preussische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków – the overall study Contents Wartime “wandering” 129 The contents of the collection 133 Manuscripta gallica 137 Manuscripta italica 153 Manuscripta iberica (hispanica and lusitana) 165 Historical catalogues of the Royal Library 185 Example histories of selected items 187 Pictures and coments 195 Conclusion 243 BeforeWartime we move on to presenting generally“wandering” how the collection of Romance manuscripts at the Royal Library of Berlin, and later at the Prussian State Library, the same one, only operating under a different name, had formed – this concerns only the manuscripts kept in the Berlin collection at the Jagiel let- lonianus make Library a short in reminderKraków, the of how‘Berlin and collection’ why the (affectionatelyBerlin collection termed had found ‘Ber1 - linka’ in Polish), which form the subject of research within this project, batteredits way to city Kraków transporting in the first the place.most valuableBeginning collections in the year from 1941, the in Prussianeffect of Statebombardment Library for of deposit Berlin by at theirthe Allied castles, Forces, monasteries 41 convoys and of grottos, trucks beforehandhad left the properly prepared, outside of the city. Possibly at that time one bomb could have sufficed to irreversibly destroy the priceless treasures of Europe’s and world’s cultural heritage. A part of this collection had made its way to the cast- le of Fürstenstein (today named Książ), and afterwards, in 1943, to Grüssau (today named Krzeszów). These localities had been part of the Third Reich at available on the website of the Polish research group Fibula 1 Detailed stories are presented in the descriptions of the individual manuscripts, : info.filg.uj.edu.pl/ fibula, and in the books by Piotr Tylus, Roman Sosnowski and Jadwiga Miszalska.. 129 that time, and they became Polish after the borders were altered in the year termined the new shape of Europe, areas to the West and North of the Polish 1945. In effect of the 2nd World War and the Potsdam Agreement, which de- border of 1939 became an integral part of Poland. These were, as is known, the Western territories, or the so-called ‘Recovered Territories (in Polish – Ziemie Odzyskane). By Ordinance of the Minister of Education from December 1945, collectionson the securing in the of abandonedRecovered Territories,or discarded including, book collections, among others,a Delegate in Lower of the Ministry of Education was instated with the task of securing precisely such Silesia. Dr Stanisław Sierotwiński was appointed to the post of Delegate. The recovered and secured book collections (thus perhaps even saved from destruction), including collections from Berlin, found after the war in Lower LibrarySilesia, werein Kraków, transported first to the monasteries of Vincentian Priests and Brothers and of Dominican2 Order, and then to the building of the Jagiellonian Jagiellonian Library, whereas a deposit the Delegate of the National had his Treasury, seat. After collections the dissolution stemmi of ngthe originally post of Delegate from the in Prussian1951, the MinistryState Library of Education in Berlin. had Because transferred these goodsto the - law,were these not confiscated, collections arebut currentlyactually found in possession (already ofon the Polish Treasury soil), thusof the the State ar- ofticle Poland, 56 of theand Haguethe Jagiellonian Convention Library of 1907 is doestheir notdepositary. apply here. We Accordinghad stressed to several times already that the role of the scholar does not concern taking a stance in diplomatic matters. In the present situation, the best solution is to conduct research on this collection in order to share knowledge about it with the Polish and international society of scholars, as well as with all amateurs of old books who may be interested in this topic, which we had done in course of this project. Coming back, however, to the wartime fate of this collection, it is noteworthy that it was perhaps “good fate” that the Germans had transported there,this collection this collection from Książ would to Krzeszów,not exist in because the present the castle day. ofAnd Książ perhaps was burned it was down by the Red Army in Spring of 1945, and had the books been present “fate” that made Dr S. Sierotwiński find and save this collection. Alma Mater 2 For the details cf. Zdzisław Pietrzyk, “Zbiory z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwo- wej w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej”, in 100 (2008), p. 15. 130 Below may be found a table listing the present places of storage of the Romance manuscripts included in the collection of the Prussian State Li : - brary in 1939, taking into account wartime losses (collections: Manuscripta3 GallicaGallica, in Manuscripta folio gall. Italica, fol. ManuscriptaItalica Hispanica in folio and Lusitana)ital. fol. in Berlin in Berlin 1-120, 226, 234-272, 1-47, 47a, 50, 58-133, in Kraków 274-281 in Kraków 136, 140, 141, 152, 159- 161, 170, 172, 175-180 121-126, 128-141, 48, 49, 51-57, 134, 144-147, 150-153, 155, 135, 137-139, 142-151, 157-159, 162-167, 169- 153-158, 162-169, 171, 176, 178-190, 192-197, 173, 174 199-206, 208-211, lost during the war 214-218, 221, 223, 224, lost during the war or at other libraries 227-233 or at other libraries 142, 142a, 148, 149, - Gallica in quarto gall.154, 168, quart. 177, 191, 198, Italica in quarto ital. quart. 212, 213, 219, 220, 225 in Berlin in Berlin 48, 56-77, 80, 93, 94, 26, 79, 87-97 in Kraków 103, 114, 117, 121, 122, in Kraków 160-188 1-20, 22-34, 36-43, 1-25, 27-53, 56-60, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52-55, 62-69, 71-78, 80-86 78, 79, 81-92, 95-102, lost during the war 104-113, 115, 116, 118- lost during the war or at other libraries 120, 123-159 or at other libraries Gallica in octavo gall.21, 44, oct. 47, 51 Italica in octavo ital.54, 55, oct. 61, 70 in Berlin in Berlin in Kraków in Kraków 41, 45-126 18-23 lost during the war 1-20, 22-25, 29, 32, 35, lost during the war 1-15 or at other libraries 37, 38, 43 or at other libraries 21, 26-28, 30, 31, 33, - 36, 39, 40, 42, 44 turbesitz: 3 Based on data from the website of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kul- http://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/handschriftenabteilung/recherche- 131 Hispanica in folio hisp. fol. Lusitana in folio lus. fol. in Berlin in Berlin in Kraków in Kraków 38-42 - lost during the war or 1-10, 12-18, 20, 21, lost during the war 1,3 at other libraries 23-37 or at other libraries Hispanica in quarto hisp.22 quart. Lusitana in quarto lus.2 quart. in Berlin in Berlin in Kraków in Kraków 79-80 - lost during the war lost during the war or at other libraries 1-78 or at other libraries 1 Hispanica in octavo hisp.- oct. Lusitana in octavo lus.- oct. in Berlin in Berlin in Kraków in Kraków 4-6 - lost during the war lost during the war or at other libraries 1-3 or at other libraries - - - ¶ and own data. Interestingund-ressourcen/abendlaendische-handschriften/bestandsuebersicht.html is the fact that on this website the manuscripts of the Berlin collec tion of Kraków are listed as manuscripts kept in Kraków, whereas one mediaeval - commonly in the research circles – is listed as a war loss. French manuscript kept at the Bibliothèque nationale de France – a fact known 132 The contents of the collection L what are the contents of the Roman 4 et us recapitulate quickly, in general, - Portuguese.ce manuscript collection, in the Berlin collection kept at the Jagiellonian Lib- rary. These are manuscripts written in French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and of world culture, from both the textological as well as iconographic point of view.This Thesecollection are containsmanuscripts in many which cases had treasures been created unique over for the the course entirety of th th many centuries: 13 -20 century, and are quite numerous. th The describedth centuries, collection contains, is quite diverseamong others,in character. philosophic The collection treatises, of modern and contemporary5 French manuscripts, spanning items from the 16 to the 20 Fibula 4 Details may be found on the website of the research group: info.filg.uj.edu. beenpl/fibula previously (see footnote described 1). by Piotr Tylus – see Les manuscrits médiévaux français 5 etFrench occitans manuscripts de la Preussische from the Staatsbibliothekmiddle ages of the et Berlinde la Staatsbibliothek collection of Kraków zu Berlin had Preussischer Kulturbesitz et Piotr , décrits par Dominique Stutzmann Tylus, Har- 133 poleonic campaigns, historiographical studies covering both local as well as works by Voltaire, D’Alembert, Wolff, documents of war, e. g. from the Na- world history (sometimes even from the dawn of the ages, half-legendary inth century,character), for diaries, Poles very heraldic interesting, documents, or descriptions as well as descriptions of the Prussian of the court court as of the Polish king and the Sejm from a time before the partitions of the 18 th th centu seen through the eyes of French diplomats, in turn interesting for Germans. andVery texts important providing are usalso with diaries insight from into travels the mentality to exotic of lands times (16 past-17 and into- ry) as well as geographic descriptions,century morality books works, covering educational affairs works, of the th- mathematics,its development. chemistry, Present physics,are also 18engineering, medicine, including veteri kingdom of France, battle plans, ancient military and scientific treatises (of th- nary science, pertainingth toth the art of healing horses), treatises devoted to wellthe art as offrom chess, the collections linguistic standpoint.of copies of letters,In the collectiona proverb maybook be from found the not16 onlycentury, ordinary cookbooks copies, (16 but-19 alsocentury), autographs, interesting executed both by thefrom authors the cultural, or under as their direct supervision.
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