Man Is Slain in Street Fight in Red panfe Distribution Weather Snow, tapering off this afternoon. Today Temperature* fat upper 20s. Part- ly cloudy and colder tonight loir 26,325 around 20 in city in teens in sub- urb*. Tomorrow partly cloudy Red Bank Area J and cold, high around SO. Out- look Wednesday, fair and cold. Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS tlluKtlluKt **&• MomUy through maty- Slant Cltu Puataci VOL. 89, NO 156 Paid u R«d BiSt M>a «t Addition!] Mulling Ol(lc«t. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE ' -"• io° Paid Views Differ on U.S. Bombing of North Vietnam By The Associated Press Frequently, North Vietnam President Johnson says the system, eithe rbecause of a possi- chairman of the joint chiefs of can be penetrated only if an planes in the year and a half since SAIGON-The American bomb- hints that the bombing is the United States Is. "conducting the bility of hitting civilians or be- staff,: reported a trend in the American pilot is engaged in air the first MIG encounter, it is con- ing offensive against North Viet- greatest single obstacle to nego- most careful and self-limited air cause of prospective political com- Communist north to disperse an- combat with enemy fighters. ceivable that 10 planes and pi- nam is two years old tomorrow. tiations on the Vietnam war. But war in history." plications. tiaircraft batteries and key sup- The Pentagon has not con- lots would "have been saved if To date, it has cost the United Hanoi has failed to say what it Here are some major com- —U.S. pilots must bypass ply depots among heavily popu- firmed or denied these reports, airfields had been attacked at the States more than 400 pilots dead, would do to scale down the war plaints of U. S. pilots and other barges loaded with' trucks and lated areas because the Commu- nor one that the Air Force and outset. captured or missing and 471 air- if the offensive is halted. military men: ammunition, must pass up enemy nists know "our policy is not to Navy must have permission for Concern Voiced craft worth roughly « billion There are confusion and ap- —U.S. bombers use approved airfields crowded with Commu- attack populated areas per se." each bombing raid within 30 However, they express more by Pentagon estimates. parent contradiction in official and known runs to established nist jet warplanes. One flier said The net result, he said, was in miles of Hanoi. They can at- concern aboilt the bombing offen- In the wake of publicity and statements about the effectiveness targets, and the North Vietnam- he had to fly past barges un- some instances to make instal- tack surface-to-air missile (SAM) sive itself. Ths North Vietnam- protests about the bombing, a of the raids on the north. ese, aware of this, can concen- loading trucks and supplies "which lations immune to attack. sites without explicit defense de- ese, the' argument goes, have great debate is raging: Is the Some say stop the bombing al- trate heavy antiaircraft fire. later I attack, with questionable Washington sources have re- partment approval, though the used MIGs not so much to at- bombing worth it? Or is the together. Others say restrictions —U.S. airmen now are forbid- success, in the jungles of the Ho ported the administration in Jan- 10-mile diameter rule likely would tack' U. S. fighters as to menace offensive, as some insist, largely oh U. S. pilots create frustra- den to bomb key targets in the Chi Minh trails." . • , , • uary barred bomber flights from hold in this case, t6o. bombers and force them to light- • a failure In achieving U. S. ob- tions for them and sanctuaries . north; Industrial complexes, oil After a tour of Vietnam rscent- an area 10 miles in diameter Officers say that since U. S. en loads by dropping bombs be- jectives? for the enemy in the north. depots and the vital Irrigation Iy, Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, over the center of Hanoi, which losses to MIG fighters totaled 10 (See BOMBJNG, Pfr 3, Col. 2) AgainstViet Cong in C Zone Yanks Launch New Drive SAIGON (AP) — U.S. troops In other, developments: —U.S. tactical bombers flew MIG17s in a firing exchange but the closest to Hanoi since Jan. have launched a big new drive —American ground , forces re- a record. 565 sorties against'no damage was reported to ei- 15, when U.S. planes attacked an against the Viet Cong's jungle ported killing more than 100 en-Communist positions and troops ther side. oil,depot M'/j miles north of the bastion in War Zone C. U.S. of-emy soldiers in a series of en-in South Vietnam. Communist capital. • • ficials also disclosed today that gagements. In Air Dogfight The aerial duel came while Air chemical-spraying American —Air Force B52 Stratoforts ; The first of six flights over,the Over North Vietnam, U.S. AirForce ' F105 Thunderchiefs planes have started •defoliation staged two raids, one against pounded a big army barracks at barracks area reported silencing; of the southern half of the de- Force planes tangled with Com- three antiaircraft guns. Other pi- War Zone C and the other Xuan Mai, 20 miles, west-south- militarized zone to expose North just south of the demilitarized munist MIGs during strikes close lots : reported destroying three Vietnamese invasion routes into zone separating the two Viet to Hanoi yesterday. Four F4C west of Hanoi. The raid against buildings and starting numerous the south. nams. Phantom jets 'took on eight the 400-acre barracks area was fires.- .-,... '. ' Congress to Recess Thursday DEMOCRATIC FETE —'Rep. James J. Howard, and his wife, Marlene, left, chat with former Gov. Robert B. Meyner, and hit wife, Helen, at Sea Girt Inn, Wall. Township, After Moving on Debt Ceiling ; Saturday night when th» congressman was honored at testimonial dinner. Mr. Meyner WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-Democrat refused his House seat Okla., floor manager for the.bill, organization bill, pproduct of two surprised ;if:"a" ^^notion to »ehd, was guatt speaker. (Register Staff Photo) gress plans to recess late this pending an investigation. said there was no chance to,com- years work by a Senate-House back : to .. committee, week for its first 1967 holiday Powell has been invited to ap-plete action on it before the re-committee, is in serious trouble. pjrksen,; was after more tussling with the na-pear Wednesday. cess. ', . , Many provisions face opposi- adopted. This would kkil l iit , he tional debt, the Powell case and The Senate will continue to de- He said he expicts the Senate's tion pf 'such senior ijiainber* a* ^-^-•--'--—•- - reorganization^^.,-- -,.i-sii,-v- nlr break, to extend; U^rough » leeond RepubUcan Lie*d|)t.«Ev«ett Mi The holiday scheduled to start holiday planned for Washington's Dirksen and ftiissell a.- long, D- Thursday is for the Lincoln's considered this yyear. Birthday. La., the Democratic whip. to for seven dayi Birthday period,- traditional time A. S. Miki e Moflroney, D- Monmoney said Me fears the re- Monroney said he would not be of. Republican celebrations. It is listed' to end by the middla of Honor Howard at Fete next week. • ' •>' Will Report to White Hoiige ; i I' . WALL. TOWNSHIP — Six-hun- "In 1966, they said I had wonDemocratic Party and should in- The House will take up on dred fifty Monmouth County Dem- without any coattails—but they spire the party in Monmouth to Wednesday a bill to boost the ocrats honored Rep. James J. were wrong. I won on your coat- future success."' national debt limit to $336 billion, Howard, D-3d, Saturday night and tails, those of the Democratic Sheriff Paul Kiernan, the coun-$6 billion over the present tem- heard the party leadership urged leaders and workers in the Third ty leader, recalled how Mr. How- porary ceiling. Deny 'Peace Signal' to RFR to pick future candidates who District." ard first aspired to run for Con- President Johnson urgent- would emulate the congressman's 'For the Best' gress in 1962 when the leadership ly asked foe a $7 billion boost PARIS (AP) — The French during his visit to Paris - last his visit to Paris." list withdrawal of US. military "courage, dedication and intelli Mr. Howard, for whom the ex-picked, instead, State.Navigation but the House Ways, and Means government, the American Em- week. • - • • :. The American Embassy, who forces from South Vietnam as a gence. two term governor predicted "a Bureau Chief Peter Gannon. Committee cut that back by $1 bassy and the North Vietnamese Newsweek magazine Teported had a representative with (Ken- precondition to opening talks. > Former Gov. Robert B. Mey- great career" in politics, said it "In 1964," said Mr. Kiernan, billion. diplomatic mission in Paris to- the peace, overture; whichit said nedy when he talked with Man- The article commented on ner, guest speaker at the county is easy to run as a Dempcrat. "he "again expressed his interest Wednesday a special House day denied a report that Sen. indicated willingness by Hanoi to ac'h, said, "We do not know of Johnson's news conference of last Democrats Third Annual dinner, "Because," he explained, "I and this time the steering committee will begin considering Robert F. Kennedy received a negotiate a settlement of the such a message.'' Thursday, in which Johnson said at Sea Girt Inn, said that typical know I am not just asking for committee selected him.
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