MeandersMeanders QuarterlyQuarterly VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2007 I Featured plant 3 River Bottlebrush Creekside burble Meet a stakeholder 5 Environment FROM THE PRESIDENT Protection Agency Welcome to the last issue of Meanders Quarterly for the year. Yes, it’s that Featured bird 6 Southern Boobook time to celebrate a very successful year of community action along Edgars Creek. So let’s celebrate together! Community alliances 8 A Creek bringing community together We would love to see you at our Christmas Party at Edwardes Lake on 16th December 2007. You will find more details about this fully catered Water watch 10 So, how clean is our event on page 9. Let’s all raise a toast for a truly fantastic inaugural year! Creek? Our Treasurer has even more good news on page 4 in relation to recently WHY successful grant applications. With the grant from the City of Whittlesea, we MEANDERS? now have the financial support from all three Councils responsible for man- WHY MEANDERS? aging the Creek reserve. The eroding The eroding bends of goose-neck meanders through the lower floodplains of Edgars Another grant from the federal government has allowed us to purchase bendsCreek are part of of a goose-natural process. tools, including a brushcutter, to help us to maintain our revegetation sites. Apparently, there are no other areas along theneck urbanised sections meanders of Merri and Edgars Creeks where this process can be preserved. PLANTING A FUTURE through the Our Confluence Tree: Tree Our last planting day for OurCustodian Confluence Project Tree: Launch Tree , lower flood- the year was held in Sep- CustodianJuly 2008 Project at the Merri Launch and , tember along the upper plains of Edgars JulyEdgars 2008 Creeks at the confluenceMerri and escarpment adjacent to Edgars Creeks confluence Creek are part of the waterfall in North Coburg. During this a natural event we welcomed more Something we can all be new members who process. proud of helped transform this area in a blink of an eye. Apparently, there are no This planting site com- prises very exposed, other areas shallow soil. The lack of rainfall has meant these plants have (Above) Planting along the urban- struggled, but thankfully survived. the escarpment ised sections of above the KEEPING UP THE WATER waterfall, Merri and As we head into summer, it is im- September 2008. Edgars Creeks portant we water the plants in this site to get them through dry spells. where this In years to come, we can appreci- time you go for a walk, remember process can be ated even more the Spring show of the Golden Wattles we planted, to take a bucket. Dipping a bucket preserved. ablaze with yellow. The Red-gums into the Creek and watering a cou- we planted in July will also respond ple of trees is a great way to stop, well to occasional watering. So, next listen and enjoy. PAGE 2 COMMUNITY PRIDE bush care project along the lower reaches of Edgars Creek. Unfortunately, not all users of the Creek reserve share the same vi- This program, launched in October sion. Both our planting sites along this year, seeks private funding for the Creek have suffered small-scale revegetation initiatives at three vandalism over the last couple of sites in northern Melbourne, namely months. lower Edgars Creek in North Coburg, Merri Creek in Fawkner and During August, someone selec- Barbers Creek in Yan Yean. tively removed all our River Bottle- brush seedlings from our planting The revegetation activities under- site below the Kodak bridge, pre- taken by Greening Australia will sumably for their garden. We have augment the planting projects we replaced these plants and erected have already undertaken and will signs indicating the site is being hopefully see an accelerated rate of managed by community volunteers. improvement along the Creek. So far the signage seems to have stopped any further plant theft. Look forward to more detail about the Greening Australia urban bush During October, one of the Droop- care project in the next issue of Me- ing Sheoaks planted on the escarp- anders Quarterly. ment above the waterfall was un- ceremoniously cremated, possibly WEEDS AND MORE WEEDS as an expression of youth boredom. Tree, guard, stakes and mulch were Two weed workshops hosted by all reduced to a small pile of char- the Merri Creek Management Com- coal. mittee during September and Octo- ber are helping us maintain our Hopefully, as more work is done to plantings along the Creek. improve the Creek reserve others will also be encouraged to take Weed management is an ongoing pride in the Creek environment. maintenance requirement, particu- larly during the early stages of a restoration project when we are try- ing to help the indigenous species we plant to out-compete the foreign invaders. Special thanks to all those Friends who braved the hot weather to par- ticipate in these workshops. Thanks also to our host and resident weed expert, Alex from MCMC, who had to endure both the heat and our ir- reverent humour. LOOKING FORWARD Finally, thanks to all who have contributed and supported the first year of ‘Friends of Edgars Creek’. There is certainly no doubting our Alex from MCMC MORE GREEN TO BE SEEN achievements together! helping us identify those nasty weeds A more exciting, but perhaps less Next year promises to be even dramatic development for our Creek better, particularly if our most re- is the interest shown by Greening cent Melbourne Water Community Australia to undertake an urban Grant application is successful. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 This grant is for a significant sum of money to establish more revegeta- tion sites along the Creek, fund a The unchain gang remnant seed collection and propa- gation program and invite some in- Two dozen workers stood in line, teresting speakers to talk to us about the geology and aboriginal heritage To attack the stubborn ground. of Edgars Creek. Until then, see you With pick and shovel striking rock, down the Creek! With sweat on face and hand. Stephen Northey, President They were no chain gang making roads, No gold or oil was sought. No wage was paid no whip was cracked, Sense of place No slaves were sold or bought. FROM THE SECRETARY These are the friends of Edgar’s creek, Out for a fun weekend. Like the colourful flash of a King- To dig the holes and plant the trees, fisher recently sighted along the Our environment to mend. Creek near Livingston Street in North Coburg, our activities over the past months have been equally vibrant. Edgar’s creek’s a piddling thing,“Sometimes No torrent gushing wide.gardening is just Our picnic and tour at Westgarth- We live along its humble length, town reminded us of the enduring And speak of it with pride.that simple.” relationship local residents have with We planted red gums all along Edgars Creek. The continual growth in our membership is testimony to To shade the sweeping bends this ongoing relationship. The Latin name is eucalyptus camal-dulensis. Leanne, our Membership Secretary, has been doing a great job welcom- We’ll hang around and watch ‘em grow, ing our new members during our monthly activities and keeping our It shouldn’t take too long. member database up-to-date. In 80 or 200 years, They’ll be big and strong. You may have also noticed our new FoEC poster displayed in the Notice These trees will grow to make amends Board at both Edwardes Lake and For all of white mans’ wrongs. near the footbridge at North Coburg. Our kids can sit down in their shade, Regrettably, due to the time pres- To sing their earth care songs. sures of other commitments I have resigned as Secretary. I will continue Written by Paul Gleeson Friends of Edgars to be involved in our FoEC activities November 2008 Creek poster and hope to see you all at our Christ- mas Party on 16th December. Interested in becoming the I encourage you to consider taking on the Secretary position yourself FoEC Secretary ? and helping our committee manage our activities. It hashas certainly been a Please contact Stephen very rewarding experience for me. Aliey Ball, Secretary Phone 041 050 4212. PAGE 4 Weather report FROM THE TREASURER I am keenly awaiting an opportu- Your FoEC Committee is in the nity to write a Treasurer’s report process of establishing a business about depleted coffers and financial sponsorship program that will allow ruination but that certainly won’t businesses to sponsor a plant in a happen in this report. small planting site along the Creek. More on this in the next issue of our Instead, I am happy to report that newsletter. we have had more success with our grant applications over the last few The Moreland City Council, cour- “Each flower months. The City of Whittlesea have tesy of a quick response grant, have provided $1000 to help fund activi- helped fund our Christmas Party at produces a ties along the Creek in that munici- Edwardes Lake on 16th December. I pality. The federal government, small woody hope to see you all there to help through its small grants program, celebrate a very successful fruit has also provided FoEC with funds to inaugural year. purchase a brush cutter and tree Anita Morgan, Treasurer containing planting tools. hundreds of tiny seeds.” River Bottlebrush Callistemon Sieberi FEATURED PLANT when they come in contact with moist soil. In this issue of Meanders Quar- terly we feature River Bottlebrush Typically, Callistemon Sieberi is a Callistemon Sieberi. Callistemons quick growing erect shrub reaching are closely related to paper-bark a height of 5 metres and a width of melaleucas, which also have 3 metres.
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