2305 Peter Roberts, formerly of Nethcrfleld-road South, Evcrton, James Thomas, late of Harrison's-buildings, Man-street, Liverpool, Book-keeper and Collector, then of Portland- Toxtcth-park, Liverpool, Boat Man. place, Everton, Book-keeper, and out of employ, after- James Hughes, formerly of Murphy's-court, Scotland-road, wards of Summer-gardens, Kirkdale, in no business, and Liverpool, Cart Owner, afterwards of Limekiln-lane, in Lodgings, then of Bedford-street, Toxteth-park, all in Labourer, in Lodgings, then of Newsham-street, and Liverpool aforesaid, afterwards of Letherland, near Liver- late of Cherry-lane, Liverpool, out of employ, and in pool, in no business, then of Kent-square, Liverpool, Lodgings. and late of Euston-village, near Liverpool, in no employ. TAKE NOTICE. John M'Key, late of Chapel-street, and keeping a Shop in Bath-street, Liverpool, Tailor, Draper, and 1. Tf uny Creditor intends to oppose a Pri- Outfitter, and late of Chapel-street, Liverpool, Tailor, soner's discharge, notice of such intention must Draper, and Outfitter. be given to the said Prisoner, in writing, three Pierson Jenkin, formerly of Brownlow-street, Liverpool, and Lord-street, Appraiser and Commission Agent, in clear days before the day of hearing, exclusive of Lodgings, afterwards of Renshaw-street and Parkes- Sunday, and exclusive both of the day of giving street, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Commission Agent, such notice and of the said day of hearing. then of Trafalgar-street, in business in Parker-street and Church-street, afterwards of No. 8, Copperas-hill, in busi- 2. But in the case of a Prisoner, whom his ness in Church-street, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Com- Creditors have removed, by an order of the mission Agent, then of School-lane, out of business, then of Renshaw-street, out of business, then of Care-street Court, from a gaol in or near London for hearing and Castle-street, Commission Agent, afterwards of in the country, such notice of opposition will be School-lane and Castle-street, Commission Agent, then sufficient if given one clear day before the day of No. 132, Copperas-hill and Castle-street, Commission of hearing. Agent, and late of No. 41, Renshaw-street aforesaid, and Castle-street, Commission Agent. 3. Tike petition and schedule will be produced William Towl, late of Denison-street, afterwards of Hart- street, then of Bridport-street, Liverpool, Mariner, in by the proper Officer for inspection and ex- Lodgings, then of Bean-street, Liverpool, Commission amination at the Office of the Court in London, Agent for Sale of Tea and Coffee, afterwards of Essex- between the hours of Ten and Four; and copies street, Toxteth-park, Liverpool, Dealer in Tea and of the petition and schedule, or such part thereof Coffee, afterwards of Hill street, Toxteth-park, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, and late of Essex-street, as shall be required, will be provided by the Toxteth-park, in Lodgings, Dealing in Tea and Coffee in proper Officer, according to the Act, 1 and 2 Viet, the name of Ann Beard. cap. 110, sec. 105. James Smith, late of Camplin's-buildings, Great Ancoats- street, Manchester, afterwards of No. 29, Princes-street, N.B. Entrance to the Office in Portugal-street, Liverpool, and late of No. 17, Princes-street, in Lodgings, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Labourer. Thomas Barber, formerly of Rose-vale, Everton, Liverpool, 4. The duplicate of the petition and schedule, Lancashire, afterwards of Fraser-street, Liverpool afore- and all books, papers, and writings filed there- said, then of Higham-street, and late of No. 2, Spring- gardens, Bootle-lane, Kirkdale, Liverpool, and Park-lane, with, will be produced for inspection and ex- Liverpool, Commission Agent, Dealer in Salt and Provi- amination by the Clerk of the Peace, Town sions, Ship Stores in Bond, and Ale and Porter. Clerk, or other person with whom the same Henry Soulby Melson, formerly of No. 28, Pembroke- shall have been directed to be lodged for such place, then of Phythian-street and Shaw's-buildings, South John-street, all in Liverpool, on his own account, purpose, at the Office of such Clerk of the Peace under the firm of Messrs. H. Melson and Co. as Wine, or other person, and copies of the petition and Oil, and Spirit Merchant, then of the Cross Keys Hotel, schedule, or such part thereof as shall be Gracechurch-street, London, out of business, then a required, will be there provided according to Prisoner for Debt in Whitecross-street Prison, then of No. 27, Myrtle-street South, Liverpool, then a Prisoner the Act, 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 77, or 1 and 2 Viet, for Debt in Lancaster Castle, then of No. 57, Gloucester- c. 110, sec. 106, as the case may be. street, Liverpool, in Lodgings, same time of Leicester- buildings, King-street, Liverpool, in copartnership with John Handford and Co. as General Merchants, then of No. 99, High-street, and No. 38, Tomb-street, and Lower INSOL VENT DEB TOES' CO UR T. Malvon, all in Belfast, Antrim, Ireland, in business, under the firm of H. Soulby Melson and Co. as General DIVIDENDS. Merchants, and late of the Clarence Hotel, Clarence-dock, Liverpool, General Merchant A Dividend of five shillings and four pence farthing in the Patrick Kains, late of the ship Adam Lodge, and residing pound is now payable to the creditors of Edmund Mills, in Bedford-street, Toxteth-park, Liverpool, then in late of No. 32, Week-street, Maidstone, Kent, Chymist Greenland-street, Mariner, and late of the ship Bevin, and Druggist, Dealer in Tobacco, &c. No. 62,819 C. and residing in Woolfe-street, Toxteth-park, Liverpool, A Dividend of two shillings and six pence three farthings Mariner, in Lodgings. in the pound to the creditors of Thomas Taylor, late of 'Owen Lewis, late of Field-street, Everton, Joiner and Castle-street, Dudley, Worcestershire, Draper and Hosier, Builder, and late of Clarence-street, Everton-road, Liver- No. 58,708 C. pool, Joiner and Lodging Housekeeper, formerly in part- A Dividend of five shillings and a halfpenny in the pound nership with William Williams, as Builders. to the creditors of William Drage, late of Button, in the John Power, late of No. 85, Mulberry-street. Liverpool, a isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, Farmer, No. 60,406 C. Brewer, in Great Richmond-street, Liverpool, and latterly A Dividend of three shillings and three pence three in no business or employment. farthings in the pound to the creditors of John Furlong, Thomas Needham, late of Thurlow-street, afterwards of late of Nantyddwylan Arms Inn, Morvil, Pembrokeshire, Agnes-court, Lawton-street, and late of No. 2, Cropper- Innkeeper and Farmer, No. 61,214 C. street, Liverpool, Shoe Maker, occupying a Stall in A Dividend of one shilling and four pence halfpenny in the Deane-street-market, Liverpool, for Sale of Shoes. pound to the creditors of George Pocock, late of East- John France, late of Saint John's-lane, afterwards of Chris- bourne, Sussex, Butcher, No. 64,423 C. tian-street, Liverpool, Watch Jeweller, afterwards of Duckenfield-street and Saint John's-lane aforesaid, and Apply at the Provisional Assignee's Office, late of Prince Edwin-street, all in Liverpool, Watch Portugal-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, London, Jeweller, in Lodgings. between the hours of Ten and One..
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