Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) mooring deployment operations underway on boardSagar Manjusha in the Arabian sea CONTENTS inadoSak kI irpaoT- Director’s Report Supra Institutional Projects: Science for development of a forecasting system for waters around India Understanding Coastal Upwelling : A system biology approach to delineate web dynamics from primary to tirtiary level . 1 Ecobiogeography of the estuarine and coastal waters of the southwest coast of India . 4 Impact on the coastal zone due to natural and anthropogenic pressures . 10 Engineering analysis of coastal processes for marine structures and technology development towards marine activities . 13 Role of the Equatorial Indian Ocean processes on the Climate Variability (EIO-CLIVAR) . 14 Observing and modelling the interaction between Indian Ocean, atmosphere and coastal seas (OMICS). 17 Physical and biogeochemical dynamics of estuarine and coastal ecosystem along the east coast of India. 20 Network Project Atmosphere carbon dioxide sequestration through fertilization of a high-nutrients-low chlorophyll (HNLC) oceanic region with iron in combination with Biogeochemical and ecosystem responses to global climate change and anthropogenic pertubations, and transfers across interfaces in the north Indian Ocean . 22 Biotechnology Projects Bioprospecting and biotechnology of marine microorganisms . 24 Habitat Ecology and aquaculture of marine organisms for food and medicine and chemical synthesis of novel compounds . 26 Evaluation, mechanism and control of biofilm and biofouling . 27 Bioactive molecules from marine environment . 32 Genesis, Evaluation and Tectonic Framework of Marine Mineral and Energy Resources (GETMER) Projects Environmental Impact Analyses of offshore mining . 34 Exploration of deep sea mineral resources . 36 Geological, geophysical, geochemical and microbial studies of the Indian continental margins to decipher gas hydrates . 39 Deciphering deep crustal structure, tectonic processes and evolution of the Indian continental margins and adjoining ocean basins . 42 Biominerals from the continental margins and conditions for their formation . 43 Other Projects Applications of geological and geophysical methods in marine archaeology and underwater explorations. 45 Marine Pollution Assessment and Ecotoxicology . 46 Paleooceanography of the northern Indian Ocean - An interdisciplinary approach. 47 Autonomous Vehicles and Instrumentation for Oceanography. 48 Structure, tectonics and morphology of ECMI and Bengal Fan . 49 Seabed survey of the Exclusive Economic Zone of India by using multi-beam Sonar . 51 Tectonic controls and hydrothermal processes along the slow spreading mid-ocean ridges and the Andaman trench-backarc system, Indian Ocean. 53 Sponsored Projects . 54 Research Cruises . 63 Deputations . 66 Events . 71 Awards & Recognitions . 78 Patents & Publications . 81 Finances & Human Resource . 91 Research Council . 95 inadoSak kI irpaoT- gyaarhvaIM pMcavaYaI-ya yaaojanaa2007- 2012 ko p`kar jalavaayau pirvat-na sao saamanaa krnao ko ilae kao dohavasaana hao gayaa.vao svatM~ Baart ko phlao p``qama vaYa- kI yah irpao-T hO,,, [sailae saMsqaana ko BaU- AiBayaaMi~kI kao yaM~ p`dana krogaI. BaaOitk samaud` vaO&ainakaoM maoM sao ek qao. [sa yaaojanaa ko paMca vaYaao-M ko daoOrana p`mauK ra,, sa iva saM ko inadoSak haonao ko naato Aapnao phlao [sa pMcavaYaI-ya yaaojanaa maoM AnausaMQaana ko ilae Anya .. AnausaMQaana piryaaojanaaAaoM ka Avalaaokna krnaa maooOM caar AMTak-iTk jaanaovaalao SaaoQa yaa~aAaoM ka dao ivaYaya BaI hOM.samaud`I BaUiva&ana evaM jaIvaSaas~ ]icat samaJata hUM. yah yaaojanaa [sa irpaoT- ko Aayaaojana ikyaa ijasasao doSa kI klpnaa Sai<a kao AaOr jaOva tknaIk.phlaa jaao gaoTmaor p`qaxaamarI saUcaI piryaaojanaaAaoM kI AnauvatI- hO. baZavaa tao imalaa hI prntu ra,, sa iva saM kI #yaait naama sao svaIkRt hO ijasamaoM samaip-t ivaYaya gahro .. .. , saudUr fOlaI jaao samaud` iva&ana eMva sahbaw ivaYayaaoM 2007 2012 ko daoOrana janaSai> AaOr inavaoSa samaud`I KinajaaoM ka AnvaoYaNa jaOsao bahuQaai%vak - ( ka AnausaMQaana krnao maoM jauD,a hO.saMsqaana ko kI BaagaIdarI ko saMdBa- maoM raYT/Iya samaud` iva&ana ipMD gaOsa ha[D`/oT kI Kaoja mahaWIpIya saImaaAaoM ) p`arimBak kala maoM saccaa[- evaM nyaayainaYza sao Bara saMsqaana ra,, sa iva saM kI Aiga`ma saMsqaagat ka evaM saaqa ko samaud`aoM ka ivakasa AaOr Anya (...) “ huAa Aapka inadoSana smarNaIya rhogaa. piryaaojanaa” sabasao baD,I piryaaojanaa hO. [sa ivaYaya jaao ]<ar ihnd mahasaagar ko samaud` BaUiva&ana piryaaojanaa kao,“ samaud`I pya-avarNa ko pUva-anaumaana sao jauDo, hue hOM. jaIvaaSma sao jauDo piryaaojanaa maoM k[- ko ilae iva&ana” ko $p maoM phcaanaa gayaa hO ivaYaya Saaimala hOM jaOsao, AaOYaQa inamaa-Na ko ilae nayao ijasamaoM ]<ar ihnd mahasaagar kI tTIya baayaaoei@Tva ANauAaoM kI Kaoja, jaOvapTla evaM (),mahaWIpIya Saolf AaoOr Zala jvaar eMva BaUmaQya jaOvajamaava ka AQyayana,, jalakRiYa jaOvaGausapOz roKIya xao~aoM ko mau#ya phlauAaoM pr samaya saairNaI tqaa samaud`I pairisqaitkI. baw k`maSa: evaM Anya AaMkD,aoM kao eki~t hmaoM AaSaa hO ik [na piryaaojanaaAaoM sao eosao krnaa Saaimala hO. jabaik samaya saarNaI AaMkD,oM , inaYkYa- inaklaogaoM ijanasao saMsqaana ka gaaOrva p`aqaimak $p sao BaaOitk phlauAaoM pr haogaoM eosao , baZ,ogaa. [sa p`itvaodna ka AiQaktma\ ihssaa AaMkDoM rasaayainak evaM jaOivak AMgaaoM pr BaI hOM , 2007 08 maoM hue AnausaMQaana ka byaaOra ]plabQa ]sakI vaarMvaairta kma haogaI.[saka AMitma - krata hO. yah p`itvaodna saMsqaana maoM hue Anya ]_oSya yah hO ik hmaarI vaO&ainak samaJa evaM [na , kaya-k`ma jaOsao kaya-SaalaaeM evaM sammaolana AaMkDaoM ko maa^Dla tOyaar krnao kI kuSalata kao , vyaa#yaana samaJaaOto Aaid pr BaI p`kaSa Dalata doKnaa hO.yaid BaartIya tT ko samaud`I ivaivaQata hO. ko pUvaa-naumaana krnao maoM [na maa^DlaaoM ka ]pyaaoga kI hmaarI pyaa-Pt kuSlata p`maaiNat hu[- tao, yao maa^Dla maOM 2007- 08 maoM hu[- dao GaTnaaAaoM ka ]llaoK Baart sarkar ko pRqvaI iva&ana maM~alaya kao krnaa ]icat samaJata hUM jaao saMsqaana ka BaivaYya ina%ya$p sao pUvaa-naumaana krnao ko ilae saaOMpa ]jjavala krogaoM.p`qama saI. esa... Aa[- Aar kI jaaegaa.hmaoM AaSaa hO ik, eosao p`maaiNat ikyao hue saMcaalana maMDla nao ra,,.sa.iva .saM ko [sa p`stava pUvaa-naumaana lagaanao vaalao maa^DlaaoM Wara samaud`I kao Anaumaaoidt kr idyaa ijasamaoM Baart ko tT gaitivaiQayaaoM sao jauDo, samaudayaaoM kao laaBa haogaa. [sa isqat mahaWIpIya Saolf evaM Zala pr iksaI BaI bahuivaYayaI piryaaojanaa ka ivastar Anaok AMgaaoM sao maaOsama maoM ]pyaaoga AanaovaalaI ]plabQa jalapaot kao jaOsao ivaSauw iva&ana,, ]saka p`yaaoga samaaja kI Aija-t krnaa qaa.[sa Anaumaaodna sao vaYa- 2008 ]pyaaoigata sao haogaa. maoM ]pyau,,,,,,<a jalapaot KrIdnao ka rasta saaf hao jaanaa caaihe. dUsarI, mah%vapUNa- GaTnaa maoM saMsqaana samaud` maoM kaba-na ka` pRqakIkrNa ijasamaoM naa[T/oT ko ilae ek 80 maITr lambaa[- ka sadabahar kI pyaa-Pt AapUit- prntu laaOh saIimat hO jaao , samaud`I AnausaMQaana paot ko inamaa-Na ko ilae padplvak Wara kaba-na Da[Aa^@saa[D kao isqar e vaI jaI iSapyaaD- saUrt ko saaqa AnaubaMQa pr krta hO yah ek saI esa Aa[- Aar kI ... , ,.... hstaxar ikyao gayao. yah jalapaot 2011 maoM maht\vapUNa- sahyaaogaI piryaaojanaa hO ijasaka saMsqaana kao ]plabQa haonao kI saMBaavanaa hO.daonaaoM ra sa iva saM naotR%va krta hO. 2009 maoM .. .. jalapaot Baart sao jauDo, hue samaud`aoM evaM Anya ba`omarhovaona jama-naI isqat Alf``oD vaoganar saMsqaana , jagahaoM ka Avalaaokna krnao maoM saMsqaana kI xamata ko sahyaaoga sao haonao vaalaa ek p`yaaoga [sa baZayaogaoM. piryaaojanaa ka kond` ibandu hO.yah piryaaojanaa hmaoM [sa saMBaavanaa pr nayaa dRiYTkaoNa idKaegaI A%yaMt du:K ko saaqa maOM ]llaoK krnaa caahUMgaa ijasasao mahasaagaraoM ka p`yaaoga krko vaatavarNa sao kI,... ra,, sa iva saM. ko tIsaro inadoSak kaba-na Da[Aa^@saa[D ka SaaoYaNa krnaa AaOr [sa Da^... vaI vaI Aar vardacaarI ka 4 Agast 2007 inadoSak kI irpaoT- Director’s Report This report covers the first year of the possibility of using the oceans institute's ability to observe the the 11th Five Year Plan, which to drawdown carbon dioxide from seas around India and elsewhere. spans 2007–2012. It is therefore the atmosphere, and hence provide It is with sadness that I note here apt that I begin by providing an a tool for geo-engineering to face th overview of the projects that will the climate change. that on 4 August 2007 we form core of the research to be received news of passing away of carried out in the institute during The Five Year Plan covers two other NIO's third Director, Dr. V.V.R. the five years of the plan period. areas of research; marine geology, Varadachari. He was one of the The schematic following this report and biology and biotechnology. first physical oceanographers of lists the projects. The former, which carries the independent India. As Director of acronym GETMER (Genesis, NIO, he played a key role in The largest project, both in terms Evaluation and Tectonic organizing the first four of involvement of manpower and Framework of Marine Mineral and expeditions to Antarctica, which investment, during 2007-12 is Energy Resources) is dedicated to caught imagination of the country, NIO's “Supra Institutional Project”. exploration of deep sea mineral and made NIO much better known The project often dubbed as resources (polymetallic nodules, for as a research centre dedicated to 'Science for ocean forecasting' example), search for gas hydrates, study of oceans and allied topics. involves collection of high-quality study of evolution of continental He will be remembered for his time-series and other data on margins and adjoining seas, and sincerity and honesty while major variables in coastal other issues related to marine managing this institute during its (continental shelf and slope), geology of the north Indian Ocean. formative days. estuarine and equatorial regions of The project dedicated to biology the north Indian Ocean. While the covers a number of topics time-series data will be primarily including search for bioactive on physical variables, such data molecules of interest in drug on chemical and biological development, study of biofilms and variables but at a lower frequency biofouling, aquaculture, are also planned.
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