M m a l l s r i d a h o M o n d a y , AAprin67^979 ------------------------------------ 7 4 tth h year. No. 106^I---------- T w tnrFal E a irth q iu a k ce k ill g o sli[a v ia ^^^^p^W 'Yugosiavav:—there-would bcrmonrdai r awa^M j^HBpi^^B i BELGRADE, Yug'ugoslavja (UPI) — Thehe strongest felt througttouhout Yugoslavia and as far horrifying picture.’’ ears leveled entire villages;s ond spread Germ any, AusAustria, Bulgaria, Albania arim d and Budva anind In Kotor, In the BokaDka Kolorska bay, aboyt 70 percen i.. eaiihguake tn 75 yeai i was de uninhabitable, includlnf' a liosp ^'read death and desilesthictlon along Yugoslavia/ia’s southern Yugoslavlarrlan seismologists said it v ■ * tr *ka bay • further to thUie all houses were made t quake to hitt YlYugoslavia In 75 years, jy.darAVfgftl or knocked dowiwn with 200 patients, officlaflcials said. Several thousand rcsldt Adriatic coast Easter:er Sunday. drialic ^B W W W PPB rch of Kotor were evacuate«ated to a clly soever stadium and It was In the quake-stricken;en area but The eplcententer was placcd In the Adr ■ 9 UUilUUlJ.'lfi^lng hoteljtd s and a 200-year old churc Li_. p^dent.Tlto wa of UIclhJ7and 215 miles soullulh of officials asked for tentsnts and blniikuts for the lhe liomde Ir- escaped unhurt. l o aa I;broadcast to the nation, he sold alw.ui' miles west of -■ • -near!vDubrovnlk. clear he was capital ot Bel{telgrade.. ■>' 200 people had t>een!€n,kUled, but made ll cle vas In the sea,”-said [tltd dlshipted road and rallwajway traffic In the area and ci Army units and specipecial civilian protecHon squads fi "W e were•e Itlucky lhat lhe epicenter wa ephonellnes, electricity and'nd waler supplies, police said all over Uie country■y vwere flowti by helicopters to quoting unoHlcialrw Rlbarlc, director of the LJ»JublJana geological t e l ^ Local govemmenri^ ^ clals said that oboutlUt 150 people Vladim ir Rib Qve had much worse. PPresident n Tlio, who was in his Igalo residence on Ui Montenegrin coast. he quake thot Institute. "HaHad ll not been. It would hav 5 quake hit the area, appealo were kill^ and mentore than 600 Injured In thc Montjn le n e ^ n coast when the qi central Yugoslav city of Sarajevo, stretch from the seasideIde resort of consequencesces." the nation to send all neede2ded assistance. Tito spoke; llo A report from thc cen r o ^ e d a 90-mlIe si said the Sunday quakp wasIS 1.2 Richter points to th« i In miles northwest of thehe (quake-slrlckon area, said llniis Dubrovnik. to Ulcincinj, close to the AlbanImian border. Ribaric sal portOT after he had toureded the quake-stricken area 1 stronger thanlan the catastrophic quake thaltl devastated the repoi bears In the city zoo roairoared and rabbits ran .•iroimd iti p; Thousands more wen•ere left homeless, In 1963. killing more H eresrcegNovl. take was felt there. ch re^stered 7.2 on the Ri<Richter scalc, southeasternm Yugoslav city of SItopJe Ir >ck.” Tlio soid. “ I was nfrai•aid ShorUy before the quake ' The quake, which people. A quake in 1904 alsoI nmeasured 7.2 on the "It*'It was a very strong shock : ' ......Jolted the Monteheffr»fjrln coastal area at 7:i9 a.:a.m. and was lhan 1,000 peo ■ " " " " " ' lF l a r m e r s f_________________ ' LPZZ 1l ^ d i v a i V" ' ^ _ ' t o C h in o ' i ' ‘. i ^ h a l l e>ngers ; Srr \ J 2 PEKING (UPI) — Anicr iO P c tafnrmers wlU do Uio.mosl busl .............. -te k S fg lo 'cnshln onm c n™l ye ncnorm^ diplomatic, relations China, diplomats saW Sunday. i e g f a r ite^g^run “ DIplomafs spetTalTlfnTR - ............ -- -'ec- economics.said U.S. agrlcuUurr porta win m ake up Uie bjBKest t of overall U.“S."saies"t'o China fn" • ■ a£as 11 did In 1978. 2 h _ u p : The United States ih 1970 hu acatc >best year of trad e wlUi China. ' P rellm ln a^ U.S. -Deparlmei OCommerce statistics show sali ■_________ _________ alabout jaoT million, and .Ame • “ir im portrofC hinese goodS-Shrau rGhur to roughly *300 million. reh -----About $600 million of tho-Ame . - _________________cxii!im^e: IP China come from Ml aiagricultural products, wiin couo: wwheat being Uic largest factors. # China Uils y ear may buy betw • nmillion and 10 million tons of aabroad. wlUi Uie United Suites h ___ _________ ______: Uto supply atraut 3 million tons. ----- Thercnmreo^rcrexpected^ tltlnue their lonftstandlny poll kkeeping their grain Imports dl h ' ■' fled. Canada, France and Arg> _______________ 0are other customary suppliers. — -y ......... —al5o“think"that“mnchlnery'5aa CChina — especially in the mlnir cconsUiicUon fields — will Inc; and that two-way trade wUl st steady but not specUicular yyear. \^S SfiSSi Forecasts for two-way between Uie two countries range Z:\\ _____________ $1.? hllliop to $2 billion compai V 1 ■ tihe rou^ly $1.2 billion recore Tlie Chinese government Is rc -----------------------—1 Ingits-am blUousprogram of-ln - ----------“ rallzaUon'tmmched-in-March-ii tthe l l ^ t of its foreign cui shortage and Its lack of sclcntis candidate. Steve is In stepep with his constl- —\"eri^neere. Industrial dcvcloj "Later thal some monlh,h, bon Todd, a form er R(Ronald formidable ca By DAVID MOMUSSE inybody luen cy o n thle er major domestic and foreigrgn issues." targets'aret being lowered, and __ _~pi»ngnn rflmpalgnjlratcglsrisl formed “ABC-PAC (Any • tn describe tssues.ci.or -votes-where h^______ _temphasis Is being put on agric 'B u t C h i ^ PolUlcal-Mtidrori-<Jdmmittc6)rThcrgoisfrt *^based— =--Reberger-re ' BOISE —^TATthoughthe A election Is iffr9 months a'waJ/TIdaho "■ B sees ChurchI as vulnerable^ — and llflinneiusiry-------- — firm Is now cngag^.ln.fundid raising. But he did list areas. ‘ Also, many of tho bllaleral 1---------- -- Frankk C hun* and al least fivei ppossible RepubUwn.,____ \\ BC-F%C wlll begin a stateatewlde "That’s a1 HHlltUepremalure,” ho said. Bi i long distance run for ......Sometime this year ABi felt Symms was "in step>p" wllh Idahoans jments needed to provide ' chalJenge'rs3 sseem to have entered thc lc advertislngcampalgn lo fo<ocus attention on what ToddKid calls where h e fel ; thew!nner><•’8 cbxde in Washington. Jdy Bul ."RARE II (P(Roadless Area Review andnd Evaluation) and jframework for a long-term get-oflheRepubUcan--------_Church!a_i^completo_SenafC late record/' T^e Any_^j ■eriimltation-come-to-mind.-d._There;s-alsQ-Uic ----- — relatlonshlp-stiU-ani_oaIy_J :— ------------ C h u ic hRnds " ^ himself a-pilm etai^et Idahoans -WlU_ dislike _ miunMy7of~Z:ithe:i60^acrerl 6oUrraa»anffhalionaIiS)n»nservfltlve groups'; ' • CX3iuh:h-^up-bcllcves-Ic ■ Uie Panama-Canalr-Taiwavan-and-the-SAL'T ------—,— discussloh-stage.-BoliJ govern ■ Paiftyandl»l Church’s Senate voles —- once those voles arc publiclypul sugar bill, th ___________QatzOLhBSto a held hla.SfiDat&Jpb.8ln«ice 1956. He has won C _______ ^__ rsirntfigJcAn:\rm s Limitation Treaty)." arc moving toward them kiiuwit. won't dfcHirniiiiu till!----------- ;dcllbcraUdn rauiur uiaii liuslu. relecUoninltiil^^lnl968and_lOT4. who have expressed Inter*crest or But Beljcrgi•rger warned Issues alone wo entlon by laklnghalf a~'^''~'7 Who are the five men w The agreem ent on dispo: :--------------------- ISlOTerChTThurd] galn d riatrdnal attenl ' have been mentioned as chthallengers to Church? ■ , 1980 election,n. r. dozen presid'sidentlal primaries from a Georgia farm boy h ngers Is "I think It'It will be dealt wllh most 01on which person Is ,Chinese assets frozen by tiie Topping the list of poterenlial Republican chalieng< I crosses Uie classic ;States during the Korean W: u n y C ai^ r. Steve Symms of Caldwell.I. going to do- mimorc for Idaho. That often c Id be different.........................--istDistrict1 Conptsssman Si jJlncs. The Issues will not slaland by Uiemselves. American assets impounded b> --------- ixpe'm are 8ayingl980 could 1 . Now In his fourth term IrIn the house, Symms h asst5 said he-------phllosophlcJlr — IS that Church Is facing thele 1biggest Republican - ---------- They’ll b e ImiImpbrtanlTtiUranyomrwho. titiilnks-the-Eanama ___ : ^— was-lnlUalcd-by_Trcnaury S^ee P. The signs t is considerlnga Senate challalienge to Church, challenge o£raf his c a i w already have1>eibegun to mount. on thot Canal Is th em> most Important thing isn’t riright."' Michael BlumenUial during h "He probably won’t ha’lave any announcement on ;hc race is former Late la sti yyear, one national newspc^ape'r examined five ri” Symms district directoj:tor Phil A secondd ccandidate considering thi • (o Peking in Marcli. ves believe can be . uuntil the first of the year,' General Wayne KIdwell ofo f Boise, who lik e- However, it has _not_y^ 1_____________ Democratic-Ic-senatore__ conseWatlve —Reberger recently told thele Tlmes-New8/-5iTho structiictureof ____Atlomey Get 1980 through a massive fundmd raising camparpi: T is UiTadvanloge of statewidee 1nam e familiarity.------:------ formally signed, and ma^y nei defeated Ini IS the federal election lawss make ll advisable to wilwithhold Symms, has U Church’ss xxiame ap p eal^ on thee list, after George t Vl’m givingIng very serious th o u ^ l to) Ilhe race,” KIdwell gresslonal approval afler that. formal announcement for-awhile.” a considerations, and . Next on Uie agenda may *■ M c G o v ^1 oof f South Dakota and dfrchI BBayh of Indiana. > ; has received numerous qtqueries said recenUy.Uy. ‘‘There are, of course, c> eaHy Januaxy a-representaitaWvo-of-lhoJiaUonal -----------____Rebcrgcr.sald.Symms V buH-wHHjemahing-a-deels!lslon4n-a-maUer of-----------— general—trade—fl^eement—b r --------------------- Thenrln ea • fromsupportersonhlsscninatorlai plans.
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