May 22, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E789 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MEMORIAL DAY AND HONORING Canegata; Army SFC Floyd Lake; Army SGT SPURRING PRIVATE AEROSPACE OUR FALLEN SERVICEMEMBERS Jorge Scatliffe and Army SGT Errol James. COMPETITIVENESS AND ENTRE- PRENEURSHIP ACT OF 2015 This nation owes these men, and the count- HON. JOYCE BEATTY less others who have paid the ultimate sac- SPEECH OF OF OHIO rifice, a great debt; one which we can never IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES really repay. Our resolve is that their sacrifice HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Friday, May 22, 2015 is not in vain as we rise up in their stead in OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, Memorial Day the continuing fight for liberty and justice for Thursday, May 21, 2015 represents one of our nation’s most important all. holidays. The House in Committee of the Whole Each year, our nation unites, regardless of f House on the state of the Union had under political differences and ideology, to remember consideration the bill (H.R. 2262) to facilitate CONGRATULATING PHIL LARUE a pro-growth environment for the developing the heroes from all branches of military serv- commercial space industry by encouraging ice who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend private sector investment and creating more the very freedoms we hold so dear. stable and predictable regulatory conditions, This Monday on Memorial Day, as we honor HON. RON KIND and for other purposes: the courageous men and women in uniform OF WISCONSIN Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr Chair, I voted for who gave their lives to defend our country, we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 2262, the Spurring Private Aerospace continue our nation’s long-held tradition of Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship paying tribute to America’s fallen soldiers. Friday, May 22, 2015 (SPACE) Act of 2015 to promote continued On this day of remembrance, let us recall American competitiveness and ingenuity in that these brave men and women left behind Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thank space exploration. I agree with many of my countless loved ones and family members Phil LaRue for his many contributions to the fellow Democrats that as this industry ma- who also deserve our collective gratitude. New Democrat Coalition. Next month, Phil will tures, we should be regularly revisiting the As we remember the remarkable lives of our be leaving the New Democrat Coalition to issue of the ‘‘learning period,’’ and its related nation’s fallen soldiers and their families on move back to Pennsylvania. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regula- this Memorial Day, we must continue to honor tions regarding spacecraft, as well as rules re- them each day, as a single day of commemo- The New Democrat Coalition, which I have the honor to Chair, is a group of 46 pro- lating to indemnification. ration is far short of what they deserve. This is why I supported the Edwards growth, innovation focused Members of the f amendment to the SPACE Act to shorten the House Democratic Caucus. New Dems sup- HONORING FALLEN VETERANS extension of these provisions to five and four port policies to expand economic growth and years, rather than continuing them through foster the new economy; a fiscally responsible 2025. Though that amendment failed, I voted HON. STACEY E. PLASKETT and efficient government; and a robust foreign to support the underlying bill because it is im- OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS policy that includes a pro-growth trade agen- portant to encourage growth in this industry, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES da. considering the end of NASA’s space shuttle Friday, May 22, 2015 Phil joined the New Dem staff as Commu- program in July 2011, and the rapid develop- ment of this industry internationally. Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nications Director in June 2013. Since then, he has been a trusted advisor to me and As is now happening with our commercial honor the members of our armed forces who drone industry, which can help us with every- many Members of the Coalition. Over his ten- have given their lives in defense of our de- thing from enforcing environmental protections mocracy. The men and women whose dedica- ure, the New Democrat Coalition has been at to improving worker safety, a failure to move tion has been to protect not just our land and the forefront of many issues important to our beyond outmoded federal regulations in the people, but also the principles we hold so country including working to reopen govern- U.S. will mean other countries progress and dear: the principles of life, liberty and the pur- ment during the shutdown in the fall of 2013, we’re left behind. A failure to reach agreement suit of happiness. introducing and advocating for Comprehensive on these critical areas of emerging technology The veterans from my home district in the Immigration Reform, advancing a competitive- and the role of the federal government will un- U.S. Virgin Islands have long been among the ness agenda, building support for regulatory dercut American’s ability to compete and lead first to answer America’s call to duty. In some reform, and working to pass a pro-growth, pro- in the 21st century. Research, innovation and cases, even fighting in defense of this great worker trade agenda. Phil’s work sharpening investments are happening in the area across nation before they were officially a part of it. our message, interacting with the press, identi- the globe. We must strike the right balance, Our territory had only been under the U.S. fying opportunities, and coordinating key but Congress ought not play a role by adding flag for a few months when America entered complexity and delay. into World War I. Virgin Islanders had not yet stakeholders has been critical to the Coali- been granted American Citizenship, but our tion’s success. f people served—and they did so bravely, and In addition, Phil was a key architect in the MAY AS NATIONAL FOSTER CARE with honor. New Democrat Coalition’s American Prosperity MONTH In the fight to preserve our democracy all Agenda released in March 2015; the first com- Virgin Island veterans have given, but there prehensive policy agenda in the Coalition’s 18 HON. JOYCE BEATTY are some, like the nine brave Virgin Island year history. The American Prosperity Agenda OF OHIO souls, who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the lays out a vision for policies Congress should IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. prioritize in three key areas: 1. Grow the Friday, May 22, 2015 This Memorial Day, I ask that my colleagues Economy in Every Town and City, 2. Give Ev- join me in saluting the sacrifice and honoring Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, this month, I eryone a Shot at the American Dream, and 3. the memory of these men. They are: join my colleagues in recognizing May as Na- Make Government Work Better for the Middle Army SSG Kendall Thomas; Army PFC tional Foster Care Month. Jason Lynch; Marine Lance Cpl. Shane L. Class. National Foster Care Month was established Goldman; Army SPC Jose Rosario; Army SSG Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Members of over 20 years ago to bring foster care issues Gregory Rivera-Santiago; Army LTC David C. the New Democrat Coalition, thank you Phil. to the forefront, highlight the importance of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:17 May 23, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.001 E22MYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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