‘ ';. y ^ ■ * ■ ■ r^ %*' f .*• • ''M. , V . *■ IHUBSDAt; D SC fia^^ JO, }986; - i ^ - ■t'’ f <iU , ■i'll Pmdsh Leaders Tliese girl* Attend achools and ^roih Four Neighbored Kitchen imlleges and some a n employed i t n . R ubmU Wliite in the G i^ te r Hartford area. ~ ^IrfANCliESTER « l 46 TumbuU' Rd. will caQ DOBIS BEUMNO Named for Drive I Further information on fam­ radodIdaiMMi tomorrow night a t ' ^ ^ le a bachelor in the Air ily and individual membership Four Manchester women have ADULT EVENING SCHOOL Cblder a New Tear’s Bhre dinner-dance Force, George M. Gordon o l 366 may be obtained from any of Low tooidbt '46-50. bixmaored by the Manchester Oalfland St. started cooking as been named parish chairmen to the parish chairmen or by call­ Mandke$tP.r^A City of Village Charm ^ u a re Dance Club at Waddell ■■ hobby. He began to specialize direct a membership drive for ing Sister Mary Sacred Heart New Course In VOL. NO. 77 (TWELVE PA6ES--TV SECTION) School. I>inner will be served at bi. A.rmenian food because it the Good Shepherd Guild of at the Convent of, the Good BfANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1965 (ObMrifled Advertlainf on Fhc* U ) Shepherd, 170 SiiMon Ave., 7 p.m. Bart Johnson wlli call was not available in most Hartford in their respective square dances. Members of the places, and he ha/l been used Hartford. , Beginners' Typing Executive cranmittee of the club to it as his mother is Armenian. parishes. The drive will run Will meet tonight at 7 at the During his days in the service through the month of January. MONDAY, JANUARY 3 Khool to decorate for the event, be cooked dinner for up to 75 Parish chairmen and their Reno Ready churches are Mrs. John T. Clif­ REGISTRATION — MON. ft TU^.. ------ persons. At present he occas- Prayer ford of 95 Olcott Dr., Church . The Rev. Earle R. Custer of aionally prepared meals for his RENO, Nev., (AP) — Ne­ of the Assumption; Mrs. Helen JAN. 3 . 4 — 6:45 - 8:00 P.M. North Methodist Church will wife, two children and a few vada oiled up its free-wheel­ B. Griffin of 136 Green Manor conduct a service Sunday from guests. Two of his favorite reci- ing, aU-hours hospitality to­ Peace Mission Rd., St. Bartholomew’s; Mrs. HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE day jto help thousaiids wel­ 6:40 to 6:55 a.m. in thq chapel pes are Dolma and Rice Pilaf. i John J. Conner of 19 Virginia come (1966. pt Manchester Memorial Hos­ Dolma Rd:, St. James’, and Mrs. James IN SOME PL/ICES Room Available In Many Other Courses The parties in Las Vegas pital. Sunday services are open 1 cup rice Year Blanchfleld of 81 White St., St. earthw orm s grow and Reno start at 8 p.m. to the public and sponsored by 2 cups finely chopped-onions Bridget's. and the doors of the major TO A LENGTH OF For More Infermorion, Coll 643-4171 the institutions and chaplaincy 36 , (approximately) young. The guild is a statewide or­ NEW YORK (AP)—The casinoe never close. bommlttee of Manchester Coun- tender grape leaves ganization of more than 11,000 FOUR FEET. .. world welcomes the new pil of Churches. M cup chopped pignolia nuts V>‘ '' R eno, Police C^ief Elmer ^members. Funds .raised through year tonight with joyous -Briscoe’s 184 officers and V* cup raisins (optional) Spreads in Europ membership helps finance resi­ eight dogs will guard against Capt. Ernest V. Payton of- 1 teaspoon sugar celebration and a prayer dential care programs for Cjbn- over-celebrating. The mid­ fleer-in-ebarge of the Sal\"ati6n teaspoon salt- Smiles Grow when Wines for paece; necticut teen-age girls of all night glee on Reno’s casino teaspoon pepper It is a time of merrymakers, jArmy, will conduct a service M faiths at Marian Hall and and Liquors from Our row in 1962 and 1963 was Sunday from 8:15 to 8:30 a.m. ^ large lemon resolutions, popping corks — Euphrasia Hall, both of Hart­ and cannons. riotous, literally. bn radio station WINK. The olive oil ford. The programs are op­ Lengthy Packaged Goods The West Germans will see Since the riots, all the services are conducted each Saute onions in olive oil un­ erated 'by Good Shepherd Sis­ bars and casinos have serv­ Envoys Call Simday at this time and spon­ til soft. Add uncooked rice and Display are Served in 1966 in with a bang. They are all ters. set to blow up $15 million worth ed drinks in plastic cups sored by the Manchester Minis­ other ingredient^, except lemon, Marian Hall is a residence rather than glasses. The terial Association. and mix together. Cool. Place New Year’s Eve Party of fireworks, almost 60 per cent On DeGauUe, for girls having difficulty in ad­ more than last year. glasses made nasty weapons. approximately two teaspoons of justing to family and commu­ According to German folklore, Rockville Area Family Camp­ mixture, depending on size of Places! Phone 643-4136. nity life. A daily year-round the bangs and flashes of Syl­ T ito, N A T O ers Association will meet Sun- °u each grape leaf and treitment program is carried vester (New Year’s Eve) are (day at 2:30 p.m. at the Lottie ’’O'b into cigar-ohaped dolmas, State News out by a religious and lay pro­ supposed to frighten off demons WASHINGTON (AP)— Fisk Memorial Building, Henry tucking in ends to prevent fill- fessionally trained team. and evil spirits. Jpark, Rockville. A film on Air *ug from falling out. Cover America’s Viet Nam peace Euphrasfa Hall, a separate ituU ntd miU In the Moslem nations the ob­ Stream trailers enroute from bottom of large saucepan with offensive spread today to program, provides a homelike servance of the new year may Two Jump Capetown. South Africa to 8Tap« leaves to prevent doJ- atmosphere for girls unable to France, Yugoslavia and a be somewhat subdued. It comes hastily called Session of the Calro, Egypt, will be shown. t”®? from stle^ng. Pack dol- live with their own families. tkls year on the sixth day of Ra­ n>as rather tightly in pan over Jail Guard madan, the Moslem holy month permanent council of the leaves. Add Just enough water of fasting. North Atlantic Treaty to cover dolmas and place an The Islamic faithful have Council. Inverted plate on top of them. In Escape Pre' New Year been warned that kissing and Arthur J. Goldberg, one of New Year's The plate should be just large (Herald photo by Pinto) Serve More of Pero's drinking are forbidden. DANBURY (A P )—Two young two special presidential envoys Streamers—Confetti enough to fit in pan. Cover Paper Plates— Napkins GEORGE M. GORDON abroad in Europe and U.S. am­ saucepan and cook over low “ ‘ -------------------------— -------------------------------------------- - Roman Catholics are looking overpowered a guard and forward to the new year as the escaped from the state jail at bassador to the United Nations, h ^ t for about 1 % hours or un- on plate. Squeeze lemon juice of Captain, in the Massachusetts ARTHUR DRUG and Out of Season!... DRESS start oif a special jubilee pro- Danbury today, was in Paris to begin a series of til \^ter is gone^ Invert pan over dolmas and .sprinkle with Air National Guard. meetings with French President so as to remove dolmas intact a little olive oil. Chill and serve claimed by Pope Paul VI to Th®y were identified as Milton His hobby is playing dupli­ Reg. $1.18 doz. I^arge, Sunkist mark the closing of the Vatican Moffett, 18, of Shelly Road, Charles de Gaulle and Foreign ________________________________eis appetizers. cate bridge. NAVEL ORANGES...................................... doz. 7f|^ Ecumenical Council. Bethel and Willie Johnson, 20, Minister Maurice Oouve de Klee Pilaf Murville. COMICE PEARS, Extra Fancy!................ 5 for In New York’s Times Square Second Ave., Danbury. 2 cups clear chicken broth CLEARANCE — a traditional New Year’s Eve Both were being held at the Four hours later, ne was to 1 4 cup rice TOMATOES, Fancy Slicing. Reg. 4 9 c .......... lb, gathering place — a^itew $10,000 Jail to await trial in Superior report on President Johnson’s Let Fairway Help Youi 1 Tnedium onion, finely PREMIUM ICE CRE AM .......................... i/^ gal. illuminated digital clock con- Court In Bridgeport, peace moves to the permanent 'f l i y chopped. council of NA-ro in Paris. The LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE............ 4 cans 0 0 trolled by signals from the U.S. Moffett and Johnson had ap- RING in the NEW { % cup elbow macaroni Naval Observatory will time the peered In Circuit Court Thurs- meetiillg was announced eariy 46-oz. Cans * 2 We have a group of dresses which we are mark­ f a Ir w a y y^i cup pignolia nuts arrival of 1966. day—Moffett on charges of today. salt and pepper to taste YEAR with Akmg .some of ttie nation’s breaking and entering with Ambassador-aUiarge W. Av- butter SEE US FOR: ing down turnpikes, highway patrols criminal Intent and larceny un­ erell Harrlman, the other presi­ Bring broth to boil and add Plenty of Cold Soda, Fresh.Cider, Snacks, Dairy Products, dential envoy, meanwhile, whis HATS FAVORS aiins! Groceries, Cold Cuts, Ice Cubes and Pastry. prepared big urns of coffee in der $15 and Johnson'on charges NOISEMAKERSr onion. Saute uncooked rice in Also: APPLES—fresh from the coolers! MACS __ DE­ hope of seeing weary celebra- of breaking and entering, scheduled to talk to President butter until very lightly browned LICIOUS —.
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