MUSKOKA HERITAGE AREAS PROGRAM A Project of the D~ct Municipality of MUlkoka and the MUlkoka Heritage Foundation 10 Pine Street, Bracebrldge, Ontatlo P1 L 1N3 RESULTS OF \ 1991 FIELD PROGRAM MUSKOKA HERITAGE AREAS PROGRAM REPORT NO. 2 RESULTS OF THE 1991 FIELD PROGRAM Ron Reid Bonnie Bergsma Bob Bowles Adr i ane Po 11ard Dan Whittam Andrew White February 1992 The Heritage Areas Program is sponsored by the District Municipality of Muskoka and the Muskoka Heritage Foundation, with major financial support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and other agencies. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING ... 1 2. METHODOLOGY FOR BIOTIC FIELD PROGRAM ... 6 3. RECOMMENDATIONS .. 17 RECOMMENDED NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS 8;g East River .. 20 Novar Bog .. 36 Axe Lake .. 43 Lewisham wetlands ,.. 48 Jevins Lake .. 54 Br itann·; a Es k e r . 5 9 Beaumont Bay Carbonates .. 64 Dwight Bog .. 71 OTHER SITES OF INTEREST .. 76 LITERATURE CITED .. 83 1. PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING: The Muskoka Heritage Areas Program was established to identify the best examples of the Distrlct's natural and cultural heritage, using a systematic, objective evaluation process, and to seek mechanisms for the protection of these heritage landscapes. 1991 was the second year of a planned three-year program, with field activities relating to natural heritage features, both biotic and abiotic. Evaluation of cultural heritage wi 11 begin in 1992. This report provides a preliminary analys;'s of the significance o~ candidates studied in 1991 by the Heritage Areas field crew. The final evaluation of all candidates will take place late in 1992, after field work has been completed. A review of technical measures such as regional rarity of species, the 'diversity/area index, and the percentage of introdu~ed species will be carried out in preparation for this final evaluation. Evaluation of heritage areas is guided by a series of selection criteria, approved by District Council in March 199q after review by various agency staff and interest groups. (Table 1) Program direction is provided by a Technical Steering Committee, with representation from the District Municipality, the Muskoka Heritage Foundation, the Ministry of Natural Resources Bracebridge District and Algonquin Region. The 1991 field program had two major components: i) A joint earth sc;ence program was carried out by the Ontario Geological Survey, with participation by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the District Municipality of Muskoka. This program mapped surficial geological deposits and evaluated landform features for inclusion in the "Heritage Areas Program and the provincial Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest program. OOS field work is ·direc·ted Andy Bajc. Total co~t of the two-year program is appro~imately $140,000. F;.W mapp;ng was completed for the Huntsville and Br.eebr;dge map sheets in 1990; 1991 work covered the Gravenhurst and Penetanguishene sheets, to provide complete coverage for the District. The results of the 1991 mapping will be published by the' Ontario Geological Survey in the spring of 1992. As well, the ·OOS will provide a sunmary document of - 1 ­ surficial geology in Muskoka, together with their recommendations on candidate areas for protection. This report is expected early in 1992. i;) The second year of the biological field program, at a cost of approximately $120,000, was co-sponsored by the District Municipality and the Muskoka Heritage Foundation. Additional support for this program included: * Funding provided through the Regional Parks and Recreational Areas program of the Ministry of Natural Resources; * The secondment of a knowledgable local field naturalist from Ontario Hydro for part of the field season, along with a support vehicle; * The provision of an Environmental Youth Corps grant from the Ontario Ministry of Environment to hire two field assistants and one data input person; * A three-year grant provided by Wildlife Habitat Canada to assist with landowner contact. and stewardship components of the program. * A,Natural Heritage Grant provided by the Ontario Heritage Foundation to assist in carrying out studies along the Georgian Bay coast; * Financial support provided for the Severn River corridor study by the County of S~mcoe, Ministry of Natural Resources Southern Region, and Canadian Parks Service. The 1991 biological field· program included three components: a) Severn River Corridor study: . A contracted study" carried out by the consulting firm Gartner Lee, examined nine candidate areas on both sides of ta.. Severn River. As well, the consultants examined the length of the River to document the presence of speci.l flor;stic elements, particularly aquatic and prairie yegetation 'features. - 2 ­ b) Georgian Bay study: A contracted study carried out by Geomatics International examined ten candidate areas in Georgian Bay Township. c) Heritage Areas Field Crew: A seasonal field crew based in Bracebridge carried out field work on fifteen candidate areas, plus initial reconnaissance of another nine areas. Results of this field work is included in this report. Field staff for 1991 included: Project Coordinator: Ron Reid, Bobolink Enterprises Field Biologists: Bob Bowles Bonnie Bergsma Field Assistants: Adriane Pollard Dan Whittam Data Input: Andrew White Field work was also assisted on several occasions by the volunteer input of Bill Crins, Jim Goltz, Barrie Malloch, Jan McDonnell, Bob Whittam, and several members of the Muskoka Field Naturalists. - 3 ­ Table DISTRICT OF MUSKOKA HERITAGE AREAS SELECTION CRITERIA January 1990 ABIOTIC CRITERIA: Objective: To identify a system of physical landscapes that incorporate the full diversity of bedrock, surficial, and aqu~tic landform types and features within Muskoka. 1. The area has landform features or elements that are distinctive or unusual in the District, Ontario, or Canada. 2. The area is representative of at least one landform type, process, or phase of development not adequately represented within existing protected areas. 3. The area exhibits unusually high diversity of landform features or types. 4.· The area contributes to regional hydrological systems through ground or surface water storage or protection or enhancement of water quality. BIOTIC CRITERIA: Objective: To identi,fy in a systematic way the best examples of the full range of Muskoka's biological heritage, including both aquatic and terrestrial habitats critical to the survival or healthy populations of native wild ·species. 1. The area is representative of at least one biotic community type not adequately represented within existing protected areas. 2. The area exhibits high diversity of native flora and fauna, either at the species or community level,. 3. The area contains biotic communities of unusually high quality or showing little recent disturbance, or remnants of community types greatly reduced from their earlier distribution. - 4 ­ 4. The area provides habitat for species of plants or animals that are rare, threatened, or endangered in the District, Ontario, or Canada. 5. The area serves as a breeding,· shelter, or feeding site for seasonal concentrations of wildlife or fish. 6. The area is large enough to support species requiring extensive undisturbed habitats, or provides linkages between other significant natural areas. CULTURAL CRITERIA: Objective: To identify a system of significant cultural landscapes and features within Muskoka, including historic and contemporary elements. 1. The area is representative of an historic or prehistoric theme or process significant to the development of Muskoka. 2. The area contains sites or landscapes associated with well-known events or people, or distinctive ethnic groups. 3. The area contains buildings, artifacts, travel routes, or landscape patterns of relative antiquity or duration. 4. The area exhibits cultural charact~ristics unusual or unique to Muskoka, possessing high artistic values, or embodying distinctive examples of a type, period, or method of construction. 5. The area contains elements that reflect the distinctive values, attitudes, traditions, and lifeways of the people of Muskoka. 6. The area has high archaeological potential, or known -archaeological significance. 1. The area contains sites or landscapes with patterns of form, line, colour, or texture that together present outstanding scenic value. - 5 ­ 2. METHODOLOGY FOR BIOTIC FIELD PROGRAM: 2.1 Selection of Candidate study Areas: Candidate study areas wer~ selected on the basis of: i) local knowledge of signif~cant or interesting features; i;) previous records of rare species from the National Museum Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants, the Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary, or the 'Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas; iii) distinctive or unusual landform features which could be combined with potential biotic significance; iv) representation of biotic types not adequately represented within existing protected areas; v) candidates identified during previous studies for potential park status, ANSI designation, or Atlantic coastal plain species. 2.2 Boundary Delineation: Tentative site boundaries were established using air photo analysis and preliminary site visits. Boundaries were refined and confirmed during field study, with buffer zones incorporated where necessary to protect sensitive ecological areas. On the individual Heritage Area maps, buffers have been noted with broken dash lines. Although final bounda~y and buffer delineation was made on Ontario Base Maps at a 1:10,000 scale, all boundaries must be considered
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