Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, February 3, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 2 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, February 3, 1983. 57(2). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/486 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE COMMENT Vol LVII No 2 Bridgewater State C allege February 3, 1983 Record What Is A Student Trustee? Blood Drive For Frat Open Letter to the Campus By Rob Holmes tees. This does not however By Robert Flynn The Board of Trustees Byl­ mean I do not have input into aws state that "The composi­ the other five Committees. BSC fraternity Phi Pi Delta tion, functions, duties, As a member of the Board broke all previous records for powers, and responsibilities of Trustees I join in the the collection of blood dona- · of the Board of Trustees, its decision-making process tions last week in the Student committees, or subcommit­ with great concern for Union. A total of 357 pints tees, shall be as provided and Bridgewater State College, its were collected in a drive cam­ authorized by the laws of the history and especially the paign whose slogan wa,s Commonwealth as in effect future it holds, which in my "We're out for Blood" and frQm time to time, subject to opinion appears very bright. included the distribution of such rules, regulations, poli­ This is one reason why I am balloons . to .those that :::ies or guidelines as the actively involved. donated . This shattered their Board of Reg~nts of Higher I, being a student and a vot­ earlier -collection .record of Education ma:y, from time to ing member of the Board of 320 pints. Dean Deep, the time, adopt, amend or repeal Trustees, represent you, the Vice President of Student for the management, control, student body, faculty, and ·Services, congratulated Phi administration, or regulation administrators. I have your Pi Delta for their "unselfish of the system of public higher best interest in mind and need contribution in this important education, or any part your help to keep the college humanitarian endeavor." thereof." Rob Holmes, '83, Student Trustee progressing to its fullest Phi Pi Delta's president The Board of Trustees is potential. Kevin Bouchard felt that the divided into seven standing Monthly meetings are held blood drive was "an all committees: 1. Executive the second Wednesda~ of around . success." Although Committee, 2. Personnel, "As a member of the Board of Trus­ each month in the Student the entire fraternity was Faculty, and Educational Pol­ tees I join in the decision-making pro­ Union Council Chambers. I involved with the organiza­ icies, 3. Building and am on campus, easily acessi­ tion of the drive, Bouchard Grounds, 4. Budget and dess with great concern for Bridgewater ble and will be looking for added that spec~I thanks Financing, 5. Long Range State College, its history and especially positive input from all of you. must be given to Katy Menton Planning, 6. Student Affairs, (l,nd. K,athy .· Russell for Jt:le and 7. Audit Committee. At the fufure It holds, whibfi"lrl mYt/pfftion · ··11(515 ·Holmes· .. : great df)al of help that they the present time I am serving appears very bright.,, Student Trustee provided in order to make the on the Building and Grounds Box 62 Scott" Half Rm ..217 drive such an overwhelming and Student Affairs Commit- Extensions 2347. & ~348 success. WBIM: Training Ground for Broadcasters By Brett Peruzzi WBIM. BSC's · own radio oriented rock format to station located at 91 .5 on the include jazz, blues, funk, and Experience .. It's what FM dial, is a fertile training classical music shows, the counts in today's tight job ground for SSC students station has been a starting market. Granted; securing a interested in careers in point for ·their professional college degree is the big broadcasting. Once just a 10 careers. Program Director door-opener to most profes­ watt station with a range of a Peter George works part-time sional fields, but in many few miles, WB1M is now oper­ as a DJ at WBET in Brockton, cases it isn't enough. ating in stereo at 180 watts, and DJ Laurel Bowman also Today, employers in some with a range of up to 25 miles works part-time at night as a fields are reluctant to hire and a potential listening DJ at WHJY in Providence, people fresh out of college audience in the hundreds of RI. with no practical experience thousands. WBIM staffers are also in their chosen fields. Broad­ For some of the student working in television broad­ casting is one field where staffars that run WBIM, which casting. Public Relations . experience is a definite plus. has e.xpanded its album- (P/8888 see WBIM, page 3) WBIM ~DJ Jim "The Wolf' Magner BSC May Join Cable TV Boom By Brett Peruzzi Cook, BSC's Director- of Media was done on a college campus · and Robert Flynn Services, a demonstraUon video­ and not in a professional 'tV tape of a show featuring $everal stUdio. What .started out as a magazine campus prnfessors was pro.;. "There was also a very positive forum for the faculty members at . duced: Using a format similar to response from President Rondi­ BSCrnaysoon bea monthly show Even!ng A(agazlne and· other TV leau and the· Board of Trustees," on area cable television·.· .Tbe · shows of that. type, they attemp­ said Or. Kryzanek, who serves as Bridgewater Review· made ·· its ted to create an entertaining and the show's host. "They ag fee with · debut on campus last fall featur­ informative product, rather than me that it would be a very effec­ ing articles by various faculty one with a scholarly approach. tive way· to promote the college members. Subjects ranged from Nearly 200 man-hours were and show people what's happen­ research that professors were needed to produce one. thirty ing at Bridgewater State · working on to poetry, book and minute program, which featured College." · film reviews, and editorial and short.segments on scienc~, book Or. Glenn Cook, who will serve opinion pieces.· · and film reviews, economics, psy­ as Director of the show, which is During an.interviewwitha focal chology, a guest interview, and a tentatively ·titled Bridgewater reporter, Edttor Michael Kry­ calendar listing of upcoming Magazjne, feels that "THe value of zanek, a Political 'Science profes­ events on the BSC campus.The the show is varied as it serves to sor here at BSC, was. presented response to the demo tape was improve the campus morale, help with the idea that the magazine be overwhelmingly positive. Repre..; participating students gain valua­ turned into a television show. Dr. sentatives of Channel 2 in Boston ble technicial experience, and Kryzanek liked the idea, and viewed the tape, and were very (Please turn to page 3) Soon to be a TV show? under the direction of Dr. Glenn impressed by it, considering it 2 The Comment Thursday, February 3, 1983 Letters To The Editor Women's Center Says Thank You Tootsie Review Reviewed I would like to thank eve­ hardship I feel somewhat Mr. Treaton, has achieved the ability to and witty but that is as far as it ryone who donated clothing, hopeful about the tutu re I fail to see your point think as a woman, feel as a goes with me. To impose the etc., to our clothing drive last when people are able to share regarding the important woman, and actually become statement concerning men semester. A local store owner what they have with others statement Tootsie creates a woman within the boundar­ and women, which you are kindly donated a lot of winter who are faced with some­ concerning men and women. ies of the movie, then my hat implying in your review as clothing, which made the times overwhelming life chal­ If we carefully consider the is off to him as he is a better being of primary value to the recipients quite happy! lenges and situations. Your peculiar situations in which woman than I. At the conclu­ movie, is rather distasteful to The clothes were dropped continued support and giving Mr. Hoffman becomes sion of Tootsie, Dorothy me. Maybe I could concede off at Rosie's Place, a shelter to others in whatever way, engaged while portraying the Michaels cannot help but some value to.the statement if for homeless women in Bos­ shape, or form will always be character Dorothy Michaels, reveal and therefore validate Renee Richards had pro­ ton, and Womansplace, a appreciated. it is plainly evident that Mr. her true sexual identity ... Mi­ trayed the role Mr. Hoffman local shelter for battered Hoffman's responses to these chael Dorsey: undertook. women and children. Liz Scroggs situations are indicative of his I agree with you in stating Through a woman's eyes, In these days of economic Women's Center male identity. If Mr. Hoffman that Tootsie is entertaining Susan S. Piwowarski An open letter to "Tilly Time" Part Il Kevin Bouchard There are many different Pope Hall, Scott Hall, and cannot adapt to eatig at spec- work at the canteen. Your attitudes concerning the food Wood Hall. If you are familiar ified times. For these people Mr. Kevin Bouchard. Presi- eff ors t exemp 1·f1 Y th e f'mes t serv1ces· prov1"d ed f or t h e st u- w1'th t'""1·1e I ocat· ions o f th ese as well as the whole, I advo- dent, PhiS Pi Delta.
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