:<. •f-if Ministry Ministry is the international ]ournai ot the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association and has been published since 1928 Association Secretary Pastoral Assistant Editors James A. Cress John C. Cress, Frednck Russell, Luther and the gospel Maylan Schurch, Loren Seibold Editor A dynamic chronicle of Luther©s discovery Willmore D. Eva International Advisors A. Abdulmaiid, Alejandro Bullon. of the gospel and its immediate outcome Assistant Editor Jaime Castrejon, Victor P. Julia W Norcott Krushenitsky, Carlos Martin, Hans K. LaRondelle Editorial Assistant Gabriel Maurer, Joel Musvosvi, Sheila Draper David Osborne, Paul Ratsara, Peter Roennfeldt. John Willmott, Professional Growth and Eric Winter, R. A. Zeeman 10 Inter-church Relations Nikolaus Satelmajer Pastoral Advisors The joint Declaration on the doctrine Leslie Baumgartner, S. Peter Contributing Editors Campbell, Miguel A. Cerna, ofjustification: One year later Sharon Cress Jeanne Hartweli, Mitchell A thoughtful assessment of the Joint Declaration between Peter Prime Henson, Greg Nelson, Norma Joel Sarli Osborn, Leslie Pollard, Dan Vatican and Lutheran World Federation representatives Kit Watts Smith, Steve Willsey Consulting Editors Advertising Raoul Dederen Ben Clausen, Raoul Dederen. Editorial Office Teofilo Ferreira, Ron Flowers, John M. Fowler. Michael Subscriptions and Circulation 14 Hasel, Roland Hegstad, Jeannette Calbi Kathleen Kuntaraf, Ekkehardt Resources A review of the joint Declaration Mueller, Jan Paulsen, Robert Cathy Payne Peach, George Reid, Angel Cover Illustration Rodriguez, Penny Shell, on the dogma ofjustification Dennis Crews William Shea, Russell A candid evaluation of the Joint Declaration, Staples, Pilchard Tibbrts, Ted Cover Design including significant Protestant responses Wilson, Edward Zinke Harry Knox Hans Heinz Subscriptions: 12 issues (double issue for June- July): United States us$29.95; Canada and overseas us$31.50; airmail us$41.50; single copy us$3.00. To 19 order, send name, address, and payment to Findings of the Report on Religious Freedom Jeannette Calbi, Ministry Subscriptions, 12501 Old An interview discussing the state of religion©s freedom Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 U.S.A. m the world today and its possible implications Subscription queries and address changes: Email: [email protected]; fax: 301-680-6502; John Graz and Willmore D. Eva telephone: 301-680-6503. To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Editorial preference is to receive manuscripts on 22 diskette with name, address, telephone and fax Justification in Lutheranism and Catholicism: numbers, and Social Security number (if U.S. citizen). Send editorial correspondence to 12501 From conflict to conversation Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. A further perspective on the dialogue between Phone: 301 -680-6510; fax: 301 -680-6502; Lutherans and Catholics over the nature of justification Email: [email protected] or [email protected] (editorial offices); Roger Evans Web site: www.ministerialassociation.com Writer©s Guidelines available on request. 26 Ministry (ISSN 0026-5314), the international The Apocalypse: Pathological journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association 2000, is published monthly (except neurosis or healing therapy? for June-July, when a double issue will be An exposure of the value and positive role of the published) by the General Conference of Seventh- day Adventists and printed by Pacific Press Pub. book of Revelation in contemporary culture Assn., 1350 l\l. Kings Road, Nampa, ID 83687-3193. Paul Fisher Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. Member Associated Church Press. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 73 Number 11 IN EVERY ISSUE Bible credits: Texts credited to NEB are from The New English Bible. Copyright 1961,1970 by the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press Reprinted by permission Texts credited to MIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. 3 Letters 29 Pastor©s Pastor Copyright 1973,1978,1984 by the International Bible Society Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Texts credited to WKJV are from The Mew King James Version. Copyright 1979,1980,1982 Thomas Nelson. !nc , Publishers. Bible texts credited to New Jerusalem are from The 4 Editorial 30 Resources New Jerusalem Bible. Copyright 1985 by Darton, Longman andTodd, Ltd , and Doubleday Company, Inc. Reprinted by permission of the publisher. 2 Ministry/November 2000 May 2000 issue Bible; there is only tension between I read the June-July 2000 issue of I have been receiving Ministry for "scientific theory" and the Bible. Ministry carefully. Competent writers most of my twenty-four years in Secondly, by the construct Dr. Gibson wrote excellent articles dealing with the pastoral ministry; this is, however, the uses for his article (i.e., statement of great truth of the second coming of first "Letter to the Editor." Two view, Biblical evidence, scientific Christ. Only one writer, in the midst of articles in the May 2000 issue have evidence/theory), he seems to indicate one sentence, made this short remark, prompted such an unusual response. that the Bible and scientific theory are "Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit The first article is on the "Excite on equal footing, for us to examine, drenches us," (p. 39). All the articles ment of Expository Preaching," by J. evaluate, and decide which is true. avoided commenting on Revelation Grant Swank, Jr. That was the primary However, such is not the case. The 18:1-4, which to my understanding method of preaching my pastor-father Bible holds exclusive claim to truth, precedes the Second Coming. used for 45 years. I have tried to including truth regarding the origin I noticed also that the General follow in his footsteps. My goal is for of the universe. Since the Bible states Convention at Toronto had the my people to walk out of church God created the heavens and earth in beautiful cheering slogan "Almost knowing what a passage of Scripture six 24-hour days, all data will ulti Home." For the pilgrim this sounds teaches. Expository preaching enables mately agree therewith. Any failure on very encouraging. But do we realize me to accomplish that goal. As Swank our part to be able to reconcile the that after 2,000 years of Christianity, says, it also "grows its own fruit of data with that teaching of the Bible only 30 percent of the world©s popula spiritual growth within the preacher." grows out of the ignorance of our tion profess to be Christians of any The cover article on "Biblical fmitude compared with the infinite denomination? The other 70 percent is Creation" also aroused my interest. I God who has revealed His action of made up of Muslims, Buddhists, appreciate Dr. Gibson©s articulation of creation in His Word. Ronald Hindus, Confucians, atheists, etc. These the issues and agree with many of his Ruark, pastor, Central City Baptist do not accept Jesus Christ as the only conclusions. However, there seems to Church, Central City, Nebraska. way to salvation and eternal life. be a number of flaws in his argument. Have we as a church organization, First, he fails to distinguish consis June-July issue in over 150 years of our existence, tently between "scientific evidence" It was a real joy to read the June- preached "present truth" to all these and "contemporary scientific theory." July issue on the blessed hope. Every people? Jeremia Florea, retired By "scientific evidence" I take him to article was good. Richard Davidson©s minister, Arkansas. mean the facts and data of the world "The Second Advent and the Fullness around us. Those facts and data are of Time" was a masterpiece. After 35 We want to hear from you! the same for the biblical creationist, years of preaching these wonderful Our editorial staff is always the evolutionist, and the theistic truths, it still thrills my soul to read interested in knowing how you, our evolutionist. None of the three studies articles of this caliber. readers, feel about the articles you read a different world than the other two. I was especially impressed with in Ministry, and we welcome your The conflict lies, as Dr. Gibson notes the portrayal of the long-suffering of letters and emails. Please include the in his closing paragraph, in their God before He allows judgment to title of the article(s) you are writing presuppositions, the interpretations come upon sinners as at the Flood, about, as well as date (month and year) of the facts based on those pre Babel, Sodom, and Jerusalem. in which the article appeared. We suppositions, and the theories formed Davidson made the grace of God would also appreciate receiving your from those interpretations. For those paramount in the usually dry subject name and mailing address with your who believe in the biblical account of of the 2,300-day prophecy. I©ll preach correspondence; when your letter is the six 24-hour day Creation, there is it again for the sixtieth time with new printed in Ministry, we will send you no tension, as Dr. Gibson states, enthusiasm. Les Fowler, pastor, two complimentary copies of that between reconciling "nature" and the Booneville/Ozark, Arkansas. particular issue. Free Subscription If you©re receiving Ministry bimonthly and haven©t paid for a subscription, it©s not a mistake. Since 1928 Ministry has been I published for Seventh-day Adventist ministers. We believe, however, that the time has come for clergy everywhere to experience a resurgence of faith in the authority of Scripture and in the great truths that reveal the gospel of our salvation by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We want to share our aspirations and faith in a way that will provide inspiration and help to you as clergy. We hope you will accept this journal as our outstretched hand to you. Look over our shoulder, take what you want and find helpful, and discard what you can ©? use.
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