E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2005 No. 9 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was last day’s proceedings and announces ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House his approval thereof. PRO TEMPORE pore (Mr. LAHOOD). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f nal stands approved. Chair will receive 10 one-minute speeches on each side. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER f PRO TEMPORE f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION OF GUEST fore the House the following commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the CHAPLAIN WALLACE nication from the Speaker: gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) (Mr. BACHUS asked and was given WASHINGTON, DC, come forward and lead the House in the permission to address the House for 1 February 2, 2005. Pledge of Allegiance. minute.) I hereby appoint the Honorable RAY Mr. SHIMKUS led the Pledge of Alle- Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, our pray- LAHOOD to act as Speaker pro tempore on giance as follows: er today was offered by Pastor Aubry this day. Wallace. Pastor Wallace is joined by J. DENNIS HASTERT, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. United States of America, and to the Repub- his wife, Shirley. They just celebrated lic for which it stands, one nation under God, their 51st anniversary. Pastor Wallace f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and Shirley are the parents of four PRAYER children. Three of them are serving our f country and have served our country. The Reverend Aubry L. Wallace, Their son was in the Navy and was Chaplain, Chilton County Sheriff’s De- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE deceased while serving. They have an- partment, Clanton, Alabama, offered A message from the Senate by Mr. other son, who is a Marine, and another the following prayer: Monahan, one of its clerks, announced that has served in the Air Force. Heavenly Father, I pray Your protec- that the Senate has passed a bill of the He has pastored three churches in tion for this assembled body. May the following title in which the concur- Chilton County, where he is beloved. brightness of Your countenance shine rence of the House is requested: He also serves as a chaplain for the upon them. Keep them in Your hand S. 167. An act to provide for the protection Chilton County Sheriff’s Department, and give them the assurance of Your and one of the things I am most proud walk with them as they go about the of intellectual property rights, and for other purposes. of him is for his ministry to prisoners business of deliberating the affairs of there in the Chilton County Jail. He The message also announced that our beloved country. has and is making a difference. He is pursuant to Public Law 93–618, as May they find in You the strength to over a 20-year veteran of the Air Force, amended by Public Law 100–418, the withstand those who criticize. Give where he served in Vietnam for 7 years. Chair, on behalf of the President pro them the humility to accept aid when So we are very proud of him this offered and the courage to do the right tempore and upon the recommendation morning and thank him very much. thing. of the Chairman of the Committee on Holy Father, make them aware of Finance, appoints the following Mem- f Your presence as they take part in this bers of the Committee on Finance as SUPPORT FOR ALBERTO divinely appointed experiment we call congressional advisers on trade policy GONZALES and negotiations: human government. Then at the end of (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was The Senator from Iowa (Mr. GRASS- the day let them know, all that is re- given permission to address the House quired of you is to love mercy, do just- LEY), for 1 minute and to revise and extend ly, to walk only with their God, and in The Senator from Utah (Mr. HATCH), her remarks.) his Holy name we pray. Amen. The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, f LOTT), Judge Alberto Gonzales is a true Amer- The Senator from Montana (Mr. BAU- ican success story, an embodiment of THE JOURNAL CUS), and the American dream. He deserves to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Senator from West Virginia (Mr. confirmed as Attorney General. He was Chair has examined the Journal of the ROCKEFELLER). born in Humble, Texas, to immigrant b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H289 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:53 Feb 03, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02FE7.000 H02PT1 H290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 2, 2005 counsel to then Governor Bush and eral. Enough obstruction rooted in proved they were true living nation in counsel to the President of the United petty partisanship. It is time for the spite of mass graves which was made States. Senate to confirm Alberto Gonzales as by the last regime and terrorists. The I am truly inspired by Judge United States Attorney General. Iraqis which I have the honor to be one Gonzales and his outstanding contribu- f of them were braver than their lead- tions to our Nation. He is a highly ers.’’ WOMEN AND SOCIAL SECURITY qualified nominee who is a true Amer- Finally, the last e-mail I received: ican success story and a source of pride (Ms. SOLIS asked and was given per- ‘‘It was a big day.’’ for Hispanics across the country. mission to address the House for 1 To my friends, the candidates in the I urge my colleagues across the minute.) Iraq election, I am very proud of you. I Chamber to do what is best for Amer- Ms. SOLIS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise am very proud of the Iraqi people. I, ica and confirm Judge Gonzales. to denounce the phony Social Security too, agree it was a very big day, not just for Iraq but for the world. f crisis that the President is trying to sell the American public. As the new f MISSING $9 BILLION IN IRAQ Democratic Chair of the Women’s Cau- OUSTER OF VETERANS (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given cus, I am especially concerned because COMMITTEE CHAIR permission to address the House for 1 women are the first targets to be minute and to revise and extend his re- thrown off the lifeboat. Women ac- (Mr. STRICKLAND asked and was marks.) count for 70 percent of all Social Secu- given permission to address the House Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the rity beneficiaries older than 85 years of for 1 minute.) Mr. STRICKLAND. Mr. Speaker, my state of the Union is asleep. This ad- age. Women depend more on Social Se- Republican colleagues are willing to ministration cannot account for $9 bil- curity because they often live longer stand on this floor in support of nomi- lion it controlled in Iraq for a 9-month than their spouses, anywhere from 7 to nee Gonzales, but the sad fact is they period ending last October. Wake up, 10 years. Many have less retirement were not willing to stand up and sup- America. savings because they stopped working port their own colleague, the gen- While $9 billion went unaccounted to raise their children and to take time tleman from New Jersey (Mr. SMITH). for, the administration did not have out to take care of a family member. The gentleman from New Jersey is enough money for bullet-proof vests or In the community I represent in East arguably the most pro-life Member of armor-plated protection for troops. It Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Val- this House, a true conservative. But fought against increasing the combat ley, there are nearly 60,000 Social Secu- that was not enough for this Repub- death benefit and cut veterans benefits. rity beneficiaries. Many are disabled lican leadership. This good man, who Yet, for 9 months, an average of $30 women, widows and wives who rely had been on the Committee on Vet- million a day, totaling $9 billion, could very heavily on their hard-earned erans’ Affairs for 24 years, was removed not be accounted for by the adminis- monthly Social Security benefits. of that committee, deprived of his tration’s Coalition Provisional Author- Democrats believe that all American chairmanship, because he spoke out for ity, according to the Inspector General. workers should get the benefits they veterans and their needs. Do we hear a grand jury stirring? paid into. We will fight to improve the Speaker HASTERT received a letter Was the $9 billion stolen? Was it used Social Security system, not dismantle from 10 national veterans’ organiza- for bribes for peace or rent-a-friend or it. As one of my colleagues said, ‘‘Let’s tions, the American Legion, Veterans a paid assassin program? Was it fun- not throw grandma out with the bath of Foreign Wars, Military Order of the neled elsewhere to spend money to fo- water.’’ Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of ment chaos, disorder and violence? f America, Vietnam Veterans of Amer- The administration could not find IRAQI ELECTIONS ica, Disabled American Veterans, WMDs, Osama bin Laden, and now $9 AMVETS, Blinded Veterans Associa- billion is unaccounted for.
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