5808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE March 17, 1992 SENATE-Tuesday, March 17, 1992 (Legislative day of Thursday, January 30, 1992) The Senate met at 2 p.m., on the ex­ speak therein; with the Senator from President. In 1990, he signed the Clean piration of the recess, and was called to Minnesota [Mr. DURENBERGER] to be Air Act into law, which he is touting as order by the President pro tempore recognized to speak for up to 15 min­ the most significant environmental [Mr. BYRD]. utes; the Senator from Alabama [Mr. achievement of his administration. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The HEFLIN] will be recognized to speak for But now in 1992, the White House is prayer will be led by the Senate Chap­ up to 10 minutes; and the Senator from stalling on the enforcement of the new lain, the Reverend Richard C. Halver­ Wyoming [Mr. SIMPSON] or his des­ Clean Air Act regulations, and actually son. ignee, will be recognized to speak for helping industry avoid reducing emis­ Reverend Halverson, please. up to 5 minutes. sions of air pollutants. Several Senators addressed the Mr. President, this may be a stand­ PRAYER Chair. ard political flip-flop. But as far as the The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard Mr. CRANSTON. May I make a unan­ environment is concerned, it is just a C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow­ imous-consent request? plain flop. ing prayer: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under Only 4 days before the Michigan pri­ Let us pray: the order, the Senator from Minnesota mary, the President announced two is listed first, to be recognized to speak proposals that were avidly sought by Come now, and let us reason together, Detroit auto executives. Both these saith the Lord: though your sins be as for up to 15 minutes. Mr. DURENBERGER addressed the regulations are of questionable air scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; quality benefit. Neither is required by though they be red like crimson, they Chair. Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, will the Clean Air Act, and in fact, one of shall be as wool.-Isaiah 1:18. the Senator yield for a unanimous-con­ them actually violates the act. If we say that we have no sin, we de­ sent request? These proposals were approved by the ceive ourselves, and the truth is not in Mr. DURENBERGER. I am pleased to administration only 2 days after the us.-I John 1:8. yield to the Senator from California. Environmental Protection Agency had Eternal God, in the light of Your rea­ Mr. CRANSTON. I ask unanimous sent them to the White House for re­ sonable, gracious, invitation given consent that I be added to the list and view. through Isaiah, forgive us for the be granted 10 minutes. Meanwhile, 10 other critical Clean stubborness and pride with which we The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Air Act regulations have been lan­ deceive ourselves as we struggle to sus­ out objection, the Senator from Cali­ guishing for months at the White tain the image of power and strength. fornia [Mr. CRANSTON] will be added to House. These include important steps Refusing to admit our weakness, our the list and will be recognized for 10 that will help to create a cleaner and failure, our sin, we deprive ourselves of minutes. safer environment for all Americans. Your forgiving love and allow the cor­ Mr. DURENBERGER is recognized. But they are going nowhere at the mo­ rosive action of guilt to enervate and ORDER OF PROCEDURE ment. debilitate. Daring not to admit our vul­ Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. President, For example, the Bush administra­ nerability, we make ourselves more at this time I would like to yield 5 min­ tion is delaying setting emissions vulnerable. utes from my time to my colleague standards for toxic air pollutants that Help us, Lord, to be honest with our­ from Montana for purposes of his cause cancer, birth defects, and other selves and with You. Help us to come speech as though in morning business. problems. This is a serious breach of to You in our need and find in You the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The George Bush's promise to the American patient and compassionate love that Senator from Montana [Mr. BAUCUS] is people. The delay could have serious ef­ heals and receives the sinner. Thank recognized for 5 minutes. fects on the public's health, the envi­ You for the promise, "If we confess our Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I very ronment, and even jobs. sins, He is faithful and just to forgive much thank the Senator from Min­ Let me explain. In the 22 years since us our sins, and to cleanse us from all nesota for yielding his time. the Clean Air Act was first passed, unrighteousness." EPA has regulated only seven toxic Receive us, Lord, in the sacrificial chemicals. To correct that situation, love and righteousness of Jesus, in CLEAN AIR ACT-BUSH the Clean Air Act specified 189 other whose name we pray. Amen. ADMINISTRATION DELAYS toxic chemicals the agency should set The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I want standards for. Senate will be in order. to bring my colleague's attention to EPA finished its regulation covering what has become of the most signifi­ most of them 21/2 months ago. They cant environmental legislation to pass sent it to the White House and nothing RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME this body in some time. has been heard of it since. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under There is a lot of talk these days These organic chemical regulations the standing order, the majority leader about logjams in Washington, that would control over 1 billion pounds per is to be recognized, and the Republican very little actually gets done here, and year of toxic air emissions, or about leader is to be recognized. a great deal of the criticism is coming one-third of the total amount expected Without objection, the time of the from the White House. The President is to be controlled by the Clean Air Act. two leaders will be reserved. campaigning on this issue, blaming This means fewer cases of cancer, fewer Congress for being a barrier to health problems for those living near progress. chemical plants, and lower health care MORNING BUSINESS I would like to ask the President, Mr. costs for those affected Americans. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under President, what happened to the Clean And in addition to the health bene­ the previous order, there will now be a Air Act? fits, these emission control regula­ period for the transaction of morning In 1988, then Vice President Bush tions, if they were ever promulgated, business with Senators permitted to promised to be the environmental would have economic benefits as well. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. March 17, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5809 According to a draft study prepared Countries facing public health and is the way the process works. You for EPA, full implementation of the air environmental problems will contact reach for a compromise and, if you can­ toxics provisions of the Clean Air Act firms in Germany, not the United not get it, you have the battle and con­ would generate between 1.1 and 1.4 bil­ States. We can retain our leadership clude it, and you do not expect that a lion dollars' worth of revenue annually only by pressing ahead at home. year later someone, somewhere, in the for pollution control companies be­ By turning our back on the future, middle of a political campaign is going tween 1992 and 1995. And even more we are repeating the mistakes of the to undo years and years of work that it thereafter. past. took to put that whole process to­ So while the industry would be I could go on, Mr. President. But I gether. What an example this is to the spending money to comply with the wanted to thank my colleague from country, to have them do this. I hope law's public health requirements, it Minnesota for generously yielding his the President was listening Friday also would be creating new, good pay­ time. I have a lot more to say about · night and, if he was not, I hope he is ing jobs for those who design and build this subject. The long and short of it is listening today. pollution control equipment. we have an opportunity to implement Mr. BAUCUS. If the Senator will Another example of White House the act; we have an opportunity to de­ yield-I do not wish to take the Sen­ backtracking involves the requirement velop the pollution control tech­ ator's time, but I want to thank the for cleaner fuel, known as reformulated nologies for ourselves and to ship over­ Senator for joining in making this gasoline to be sold in our Nation's seas. Otherwise, developing countries point very strongly, because if more of most polluted cities. are going to buy them from Japan; us address ourselves to it, it is more The reformulated gasoline regula­ they will buy them from Germany. likely we are going to get some results. tions were prepared as part of a new That very, very much hurts America. process called regulatory negotiation, In summation, Mr. President, I just in which representatives from the af­ ask the President to live up to his OMB DIRECTIVE ON WORKPLACE fected industries, States, and environ­ promise to be the environmental Presi­ SAFETY mental groups all participated.
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