V FRIDAY, JANUARY H , 195^ m i ' PAGE EIGHTEEN ATtragt Daily Nrt PrtM Ran lianrI;PBtfr Ittmittg IferaUi For liN WMk ThaWaathtr Jaik at. 1PM roreoMt of V. B. WeutiMr Burquu ' ^embers of Andereon-Shea Poet, January business, meeting was a group. Alton J. MUhale, super­ syatem in Hawaii and the part tM tkmald W. Olamann, son of Mrs. A daughter Was bom. at the Exch^ge Teacher PTA plays in it. , Hartford Hospital Tuesday to Mr. NOA2048. VFW. and lU auxiliary canceled because of a snowstorm. intendent of the Sunday School. ^ T:M y rleody, eeld loulght Lew Myrtle M. Olamann of lOS BIssell will'meet tonight at 7:30 at the Mrs. P. J. Peak, who is In charge will give Hum Inst^ctlon. Pour There will be a meeUng. of thf 11,888 About Town St., and Donald 3. Porter, son of and Mrs. Robert Lassen, 38 Brat­ -of program and refreshments,. has new Junlois will be .enrolled at executive committee in the llbrafy IP-18. Sunday rieudy, eome euaw ton Rd.' HolnWs Funeral Home. 400 Main Speaks to Council tr at Oie AMHt Donald T. Porter of 1S9 Vernon St. St., pay respects to Past Com­ arranged to hav^ Gene R. Suslam, this time, and Ronald. Gcbel Will at 7:80 p.m. j t t CIrwriutlon nt night, cmM. High In upper RPn, Mr*. Cl«r««c» Hamilton of and Mrs. Caroline J. Porter of mander Alexis Tournaud. interior decorator,. 184 Benton transfer froht* Jamaica, JU I. 7 MmchmUer— A City o f Village Charm 1 ^ Hartford, completed recruit train­ The Married Couples CTub of St., speak aC this meeting. ' The Manchester PTA Council SRTBACK TONlOirr Hooky HtU will bo guost opeaker ing today at the Marine Corps the Talcottvllle Cohgregatlonal *v- ait the all-group meeting of the Sheldon M. Jaffa, son of Mes. wUI hold lU mid-year mtfeUng Recruit Depot. Parris Island. S. C, Church will meet tomoVrouT night ' GIbboVs ■'Assembly,) Catho^ Monday, Jan. SO, at Nathan Hale The weekly setback pgrty sponJ (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY^ JANUARY 28, 1956 (OlnpaUIdd AdvnrMtlag m Pngn B) Second' Congregational Women's at 7:30 in the church. Nathan Ladles Of Columbus, will hold a A ser\'lce of renewal for all Rose Jaffe of 48.Brodklleld St., has VOL. LXXV, NO. 100 PRICE FIVEXBNTS Junior soldiers of the Salvation been named to the dean's list at School. sored by Manchester Grange win iM gue Wedinsaday, t^b. 1, and Gatchell. will apeak and show special meeting Tuesday, Jan. 31, be held tohfght at 8 o'clock in'tho ' all women of the church are t^ e Ladies Auxiliary of the at 8 p.m. In the K. oj C. Home, to Army will' be held at the Citadel Yale tlnlverslty for outstanding Miss Alice Yoshiinori. echange Armv and Navy Club will hold a slides on his trip to Mexico. Any­ academic achievement during the teacher from Hawaii, will give an downstairs hsll...,of Orange Hallj ' / - __ cordially invited. The Strickland one Interested In hearing him Is take care 'of business which has Sunday moi-nlng at 10:48. They The public is Invited, »• Group will be in charge of the, card’party at tbe clubhouse Mon­ acrumiilated since December, The will sign their pledges and sing as 1054-55 school year. He is a senior. Illustrated talk on-the achool ^Einstein’ Removed day night at S :15. cordially Invited. V, Iv e s W ants program and refreshments. U.Sh Releases From Oxygen Tent Ike Clue on Olendale, Oalif., Jan 28 (SV— Einstein the cat was recover­ ing today after leaving most of his nine lives in an oxygtn »es tent. The alley cat came down Washington, Jan. 28 (>P)— with lobar pnisumonla two DIVIDEND! weeks ago and hla adopted W. HALE C0RR.\ DECLARES Alderaon, W. \a ., Jan. 28 Sen. Ives (R-NY) suggesteD ownera Mr. and Mrs. Victor .—Tokyo Rose, whose cultured today that President Eisen­ M. Bernal, provided the best of ■-M voice anD dreamy records hower could enD second term care. ‘ tantaljzed U.S. troops in speculation by announcing The childleaa couple spent- 8150 for medical expenses in­ WorlD War II, was released that if his health continues' to cluding penicillin and all tha .from prison t^ a y but fac6a improve up to convention oxygep Einstein could inhale. possible deportation for her time he woulD accept the Re- A veterinarian removed the GOOD wartime treason. pubican nomination. oxygen tent yesterday' and Sec^tary AttackeD “I'd like for be able to have a Elsenhower^as eaid his health said Einstein was out of dan- PO-Sb chance‘to get back to my will be a major factor in hta de­ K*t- feet," aald Mrs. Iva Ikuko Togurl cision. But when he was asked lYAquino as she left the prison, at his nCwa conference Wednesday ByTGOP, Dem ocrats DIVIDEND No. 1 TERRIFIC JANUARY BUYS “l^have.no complaints," she added. whether hla health was the only Suriiie Oaims Shtveiiiig in the 16-degree cold problem, he called that "a ques­ roW n-e^ wom- tion that no one cap anawer." uuen'i queatlona OOP Conclave Ang.' 20 By KDWIN B. HAAKINSON utea after her 6 Hughes HinteD the Federal Re­ The {^publican national Conven­ Washingtop, Jan. 28 (/P)—Red-faced Republicans aarraaD DOUBLE ^ GREEN STf tion will open Aug. 20 In San Fran-r, ith Secretary of Agriculture Benson today that he “puThiD a DIVIDEND No. 2 men; cisco. ' Ives saidi In an interview FBI Affiliation he thinks the Interval would give boner" in appisi'ently endorsing a jnagazlne article which r«* the ferred to fa c e r s as “pampereD." Prealdent .'sufficient time to New York, Jan. 28 fA>)-~Donald test his endurance and decide A. Surine. Investigator for Sen. The SacrOtary hastily retracted the enDorsement,. saying QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE whether he feels able to take on Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wla), has he haD sMn neither the atricle Hself nor a letter to the e^tor m . (our more years of the presidency. DIVIDEND 3 testified in the perjury trial of writtep in his name calling it "excellent." ' "The President could say that if Paul H. Hughes that the defendant he is Btill on the upgrade physical­ “ ■ his” Democratic critics ........................beat him to the punch with new intimated to him he waa an In­ nDs for his ouster anD some Republicans joined in tha (THIS YOU GET ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND!) M apaclous prU- ly by convention time he would former for the .FBI. aome SO report- accept thh nomination," Ivea said. Surine was a wltneaa yeaterday icism. **• "The American people know they in the federal court trial of 35- The article. In the December ii- aphera crowded aue of Harpers Magoalne, started syond the prison TOEYO'ROSn would get nn honest decision. In year-old Hughes, accused of giving brother and sis- my opinion \he.-decislon, whatever false testimony to a federal grand qut “Our pampered tyrant, the a an automobile it was, woul^ be accepted without jury regarding alleged financial AffiMdoan farmor, la about .to get Ltgal papers in ths proceedings “Orphsn Annie" on the air, but her question.' old given to Harvey M.’ Matuiow hla txwU licked again by both wers served on hep Inside cthe here pris­ yesterdayQI itstehcra called her Tokyo Rose. .u ...^i ••UU.4 to (micago. However. Vleij. Payne (R- to purportedly Induce Matuaow to poUUsaL.)»rtlaa.’i^ ......... ... on late last night. Six English-speaking women actu­ Maine), one or« the - original 1952 become a turnalmut wltneaa.' It eolled farm price support pri>* Mrs. D'Aquino, now S9. politelyally took turns on, the broadcasts, STAMPS With refusedttmq off. to for comment good behavior. on the newly .SUMqhowAri^Autiimrtera,.JMld .in.a. .In. th e . latter, jjart. .Pf March, groiba “legoliaed .boruption.”:—-:-r~ DOUBLE Mrs. DAqnijiO's 10-yesr sentence h ilt' Mrp. '■D*Aquiho,' 'born in 'L61 Benson'S letter, which he aald announced deporatlon action qeparate interview he doesn't be­ 1955, Surine said, Hughes told ■for treason ended today. She en­ Angeles, wss the only U.8. citlsen lieve the President will make any him he Was working with the FBI waa signed by an aide without .Mo, against her. tered the reformatory Nov. 18, among them. and "had obtained information ■ceing It. 'Rt* publlahOd In tne Served with Papers conditional announcement. magonlne'a Irabruery Issue. 1949, after being convicted for her She wore a little white hat, a "I think he wilK aay 'Yea' or that Involved Mr. Fritchey (Clay­ wartime broadcasia from Japan, trim pearl gray suit and a tan ton Frltchey, deputy chairman of Anson' took full reeponalblllty, •No',” Payne aald. VAnd when he iMit aald "We pulled a boner on this lA GIVEN WITH CASH which beamed a mixture of trea- coat for her return to the outside makes his decision it ahould be ac­ the Democratic National Commit­ sohous aweet’ talk and American world. She ackowledged the outSt tee), Mr. Rauh (Joseph L. Rauh one." timeSHOREOASSKS Jaas to U.8. ■ervicemcn in the was brand new, commenting cepted without any pressure on Jr„ national chairman of Ameri­ Sen. George (D-Qn) said In an 7 South Pacific. , ft him to change it." ’ cana for Democratic Action! and interview that (‘Benzon has lost She eometimes called herself (Oonttaraed on Page Three) Payne said he expects Demo­ others in a conspiracy with the hla uaetuIntM aa Becretary of DETAILED PEWECTION crats to continue to diacuss Elaen- Matuaow matter.” Agriculture qn account of that in- HeAVY QUAUTY ALL d a y' MTURDAY hower’a health in the can^paign if Fantastic Fabrication tempernta letter He can't serve the President .runs again.
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