
November 2. 1984 Br)lant ollese' Box 37 Smithfield. R.I. 02917 Uolume 51 Number 12 Social Security analyzed Social Secur-ty w- I stay but cost everyone more . contributi n . i.e, laxes, f empi yer officials that attempts to influence 1935 and ha ' Peen amended man~ time' By Stephen Jaegle and employee~ to 7.65% b 1990, The governmental policy making, ha ' harpl\' and still 'urvives, It will be here long alter Of The Archway Starr normal re tirem nt age will be increased critielled the national Committee on I've gone." At the ~me time he admi ts to 67 by the year 2027, Also, those whose 'ocial 'ccurity R form , The Board of You have ju~t received your paycheck. that the turn of the century could be the income i' greater than the amount to be ru~(ees for Social Security et li p 4 You nOllce a deduction called FICA, the beginning of a difficult peri od. Federal lru.umncc Contribuli n Act, determmed by the IR will Ilnd their cenarios which attempted to 3nalYle 12 Currently. there are 3.2 "orker for factor f r th coming 75 year. William olh rwise kno .... a~ ocial Secunl} , Your ocial ccurity benefit ta ocd . he act ever. person collecting Socwl ecuritv. May, chairman of the CED, said of the conlrtbut ion amounts [0 6. 7~i of your provide~ that the maximum a mount of Accordmg to Brown, it IS c!>timat d thilL taxable wage will rise as wage. rise: it Board of Trustees for Social Security. gross pay, up to a maximum amount of h} the year 2000. the r tio wil l be only 2 $37.000 in annual eamings. In Januarv. also provides lhat benefils will be rcduct:d "They were more optimi tic tho n may w rker ' to every per on collecting 0 lal prove t be the c e." Last February. the the fr"dCtion will go lip to 7. 05'i'r. an if OASDI as e ls fal l bel w ecurilY. Thi e limalc is based on predetermined leve!s . Between !983 and CED said in a report that it v"as Increase i 5.2{N in }our contribulion to current dcmograhlc,,; the majodty of 1989. these and other mea ures of lhe act "concerned that they [the board] provide the program . Also, your employer will be peopJt: born between now and Ihen will are upposed to add $166 billion 10 \ery liule margin of afety." making a contribulion equal to your probably not h e entered the workforce OASDllru I fund . Additionally. the act Th CED ha recommended th t the pa} menl. by t eye' r 2000, a.lll hey' Will be at most 17 allows mterfund borrowing between the normal retirement age hould rise Yt)U mav wonder wh Iher your FICA years old Other things being equal. [hiS deduclio~ has gone Ih~ wav ot .arious Social ecuritv Adminbtration immediately and that benefi t increases esllm,lIe implies that individual So ial funds through 1987 ­ should equ I only 60% or 80% of Iyranno aurus rex dnd the w"ooJly , ecurity contributions would have to ri e mammoth Will you ever ee the m ney Medicare is a part of the ocial in rea~e in the Consumer Price Ind x. h~ bO'7r In order 10 maintain constanl One ritici m of pegging Social 'ecuritv again'! The answer l!, a dcfinit " probabl ,'. ecurity Administration. Many expert· dollar benefits, I.e. with inflation factored increases to the CPI is that the CP'I Jim Brown, a public arfair officer ror the leel Ihat Merucare will go bankrupt by ut. at their current leveb. 1990 Jim Brown aid that within the meaures increase' in the price of good oClal Security Administration. ~aid. One Ifundred. i teen million working }ear Congre!>' will ma~e necessary which older American d not consume, "The . ocial Se urit) Act was passed in American pay taxe.~ to OASDI.lh Old­ hanges to en ure Medtcare\ survival. Higher intere t paymenls on new home Age and Survivors Insurance and fhe SOCial Security Amendments of 11}8J mortga!:es pro\'lde an 0 ten cited Di 'ability Imurtnce Trust Fund. 36 will relluire Ihat ho pilals be reimbur~ed example. million merlC,ln ecei epa) menl a predetermined amount per diagno~is: Jim Brown contend thaI the Social Irom Ihse tru~l' . During the 1960~. employ C!> of non-profit organi/alions ~ecurity foreca t will balance out over Social SeclIril y benefits were IIlcreased will now hu\-e to pay into the sy~lem . The the long term: according to Brown. If \\ ithuul a l:1;rrc!.pondin 1 incre'.I~e in Ho~pital In.. uraoee Tru t umJ. a piHt of anyLhingdocl>go :o.rong.(' ngr!!s~\\llIdo cllnmhuli n.. l"urrc:ntl\. OA"iOI tru,t 1edic' n:. Il an·J IJ", bill! n t the Oil.! \\hateH:r " n ~~ a. to I.e th \'.Iem l unci t~ pU;'III~ ;!\C ~nough ca~h 10 pu}' A l: and II \'i Of ' In~urance 1 rust .. fhere has been no adminilolralion that bencfih [or onl) t\\ () monlh~ , fund. Ihe part of the OAS))I \"hlcn pay" has advocated lhro\\mg . ocial Security (CIUI St urll\ dminiqration re egi tration ­ n:[m:ment benellt". [he luan remal~ llut nd tarting .. 11 )\er" llificiah sa) [hat 'th~ :ocial .. unt unrepaid . Sv. If) uhould ee ~ ur riC'A Check out your number n} Amendments signed Prcsidcn't I hc Committee lor Economic mone) again. it rna} ell orne at Ihe and the cJasses you can Reagan in April. 19l!3, \\ill solve current Dc\dopmcDt, a group of busine. expense 01 increased ta' burdens and take problem, . Tht act will in rea c e:,\cculi."es and rormer government lo\\!!r indi .... idual benefits. p.9-12 ~--------------------------------- alph Nader ­ Sup ort grow·ng for TRFY commen t on t h e Presidential election p. 3 B ' J, P LeBlanc: organizalion intere 1 and enlhusiMm in The Arthwa, having a key they are a allable in !:ltudent or Starr This Ride's For You ha been very "Drinking'! Don't Drive''', "Friends Development, the Student Senate, the encouraging, Two fraternities, Phi Sigm, Don't LeI Friend Drive Drunk!" . Book Store, and with Resident ;-.Iu and Delta Sigma Chi, sponsored 41 Picture Spread ­ "Drinking and Drivmg Don't Mix!". As~istaots. memorial football game during Parentf Phr e ' thaI are heard almosl on a daily A econd major promotion of his Did ~ur photographers Weekend of which the proceeds and basi . "Heard so often that ometime. [he Ride's For You was the wrecked car in donatlon went to This Ride s For You. catch you Through The meaning i. 10 t or forgotten," comments front of the Student Center on The game was held in memory of Ed Noreen Mallis, Health Educator at Wedne day. Oclob~r 10 and Thurda). Eyes of The Camera? p.8 "Pody" Jacobs, a ("rateroity member who Bryant College. Can the same be said October 11. The car was brought on died in an alcohol related accident. about the tudem-run Thi ' Ride's For campus to "graphically portray the According 10 Mattis. "The fraternities You program') Week after week we see possible result of a drunk driving wanted to show their upport of the signs bung and Archway advertisement . accident." added Mattis....Aware thai program nd help prevent the same I Thi' Ride' For You becoming an suchacarmaybnngoUlmlxldcmotions. tragedy from happenmg to other After Bryant ­ a pect of Bryant College which students we decided to go ahead with the idea students." The fraternity Phi Epsilon Pi know i there but don't really.see·? because although it was unpleasant. WQ looks at avoiding stress has provided approximately fifteen According to Mattis, This Ride's For hould not avoid the consequences of volunteer~, They are al.so initiating an and anxiety during You ha ' been very ucce , ful this mixing driving and·.drinking. Sometimes aluminum can collection drive of which interviewing p. 4 emester. Eight Bryant ludents were we need 10 be Jolled into dealing with the money raIsed will be donated to This provided safe rides on Friday, October reality and reminded that no matter how Ride's For You. The Bryant CoUege 19. three students on Saturday, October secure we are on Bryant Campu tbere i~ minorilY organization, Wantu Wa.luri. 20. and tWO tudent on Friday. October a real danger oUL lhere. We can not deny has Iso expres.sed an interest in 26. he ~trong l y cmpa ' i7ed "providing the existence of the horror or pain ofsucq becoming aCllvely lflvolved with the the s rvice is extremely important even an a'Ccidenl." The car wa involved in " program, Menu p. 18 when no calls are received , Thi Ride' ingle car accident on route 116 in Two qucsli n frequently directed For. You 'erves a an 'in 'urance policy', mithfield. The driver was an underclged Calendar p. 15 toward the program deal with extensIon available to ·tudents. to be used when f:male . intoxicated, and Ihe only Greek News p. 15 of the radius for pick-ups and additional needed," Matti al 0 feels the occupant ofthecar. A telephon polew3$ night of operation. To this Matti organizatIOn ha. met the challenge of rel evered' from the ground with the fron~ re ponded, "We pJan to expand but r promoting the program after the change passenger ide of the car.
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