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UNTIL 2 A.M. $5.00 l:OVER 710 PAnFIl: STREET, HOUSTON,TEXAS 77006 (7131 523·0213 LEVI/LEATHER DRESS CODE ENFORCED. "t@ $.;1:::;?->m=J!I~ VOLUME 19, NUMBER 50 FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24,1994 16 LOOKING BACK Houston's "Peculiar Street" byPhIlJohnson 20 VIEWPOINT Send Gov. Richards A Message by Thorn Prentice 29 MOVIES The War Room: Inside Look at Clinton Campaign Reviewed by Rob Bridges 32 COVER FEATURE Anthony J. Bucciarelli of Dallas photos by Richard Scudder 39 CURRENT EVENTS 45 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 49 BACKSTAGE Come Back to theS & Dlme,Jlmmy Dean, Jimmy Dean at Austin's LiveOak 51 TRIVIA 55 STARSCOPE The Sun and Venus Move Into Mystical PiscesThisWeek 59 SPORTS Bowling Scores from the RioGrande Valley 60 TEXAS NEWS Complaint Filed Against San Antonio Judge in Gay Murder Case 65 TEXAS TEA 651in Fort Worth Celebrates 25th Anniversary 74 CLASSIFIED 83 OBITUARIES 85 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texes) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co .. at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas. Texas 75219 aOO 811Westhelmer In Houston Texas 7lCXJ6. Opinions expressed bycob.rnnlsts ore not necessarllythose of TWT or of Its staff. Publicatlonofthe name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertlslng In TWT Is not to be construed os any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $69 per year. $40 per half year. Bock Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1994 by Texes Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Portlol or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT Is specifically prohibited by federal stoMe. THIS 1NEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay &. Lesbian Publication Since 1975. Weekly Circulation: 20,000 i PUBLISHER i DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR 811Westhelmer. Suite 111 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT (214) 521·0622 STM MILES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard. Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. Victor Perea ASSISTANTEDI.TORBob Dineen • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway. Nancy Ford. Lydia Godfrey. PhilJohnson. Dan Medina. Jim Rawson. Joe Watts STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSMike Beck. Cary Birdwell. Richard Scudder NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521'()622 • FAX 520-TWlT Advertising rates are available on request .rom the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Anthony Kruszynski (512) 447·8606 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houalon/Galvealon - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 61•••.1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Bob Dineen • Houalon Brian Keever lWT © 1994 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFF.PRESIDENTI CEO I DIRECTOR ROYKLAUSI CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. TGRA ~ .9'he-Jecond./fJvuud and {j).rf9:ina/ ~ rftlw (!llosev aJaB HEAT r ~ Tuesday, February 22, 1994 • 8:00 PM IT C J~) · C,__;::S".::,>.\. UP AT JR's SUNDAYS SI..tOWEL UDOMESTJ LONGNECK OPEN z CLOS ~~~ .:.~ ROUND-UP SAlOON 3912 Cedar Springs > Dallas· (214) 522-9611 PAGE 12 TWT FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24 1994 BY PHIL JOHNSON DALLAS GAY AND LESBIAN HISTORIC ARCHIVES PECULIAR STREET Houston Nightlife During The Albatross, whose first issue came out in 1965, is believed the Stonewall Era to have been the first gay periodical ever published in Texas. nJanuary, 1968, proper Houstonians Texas Tempo went on to inform its Iwere supposedly shocked by an article readers that the Houston Police Depart- in Texas Tempo entitled "Where Boys ment had an unofficial policy of condon- Meet Boys and Girls Go with Girls." It ing the existence of bars and clubs where began, "Male homosexuals along what homosexuals got together. "Frankly," a Houstonians call 'Peculiar Street' in 'Homo vice squad officer said, "we like them to Heights' very near downtown are willing stay together in their own places, as they to talk about what the 'straight' people call are doing more and more. We don't want queerness." them scattering to places where straight Of course, when so-called "straight" people go. It's the trend all across the na- people attempt an expose about "queer- tion. Houston is no different. ness" in an effort to increase circulation- "Homosexuals are a fact of life. They're they may hate us, but they love to dish coming out in the open more than they us-they strive for the exotic. The truth is, used to, probably because there isn't as except for affectional orientation, we are much stigma attached to their activities very much like them. And even in 1968 the as there used to be. Unless we have com- gay scene was hardly new. It is known that plaints that juveniles are involved, or that a gay bar existed in Houston during World overt acts are in progress, we don't do War II. Furthermore, it would not be un- anything about them. Let them stay to- reasonable to assume there were speak- gether-that's the way we like it." easies where gay men and women con- That may have been HPD's unofficial gregated during Prohibition. As one gay policy, but there are more than a few gay man said, "So what's wrong with it? Any men and lesbians who still remember how person who is of age certainly can make the police enjoyed giving jaywalkers up his mind about which way he goes. I'm tickets near gay clubs while the same kind 'that way' and I don't think it's wrong." of offense was ignored near straight What was wrong, according to Texas establishments; they remember a lesbian Tempo, was that people who were "that bar owner being cited for wearing front-fly way" looked ordinary. jeans; they remember vice officers de- PAGE 16 TWT FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24 1994 manding to see a bar's liquor license sev- young men wearing hot pants and flower eral times a night; they remember that in children with beautiful long hair and dirty those fearful days, a police officer had only bare feet. There are restaurants and, of to walk into a bar to empty it. Patrons course, bars, straight, gay and mixed. would simply put down their drinks and Visitors to Houston will want to spend quietly leave, hoping to avoid arrest or a a lazy afternoon at the Round Table. This •••• possible raid. is one of those old, old houses that has Even so, the article went on to point out been converted into a lively fun-place. On that gays were not the problem. The prob- a hot day, how nice it is to sit quietly at one lem was the violence committed against of the friendly tables on the front porch, gays by hustlers, thieves and blackmailers. drink a cold beer, meet new friends and _., To protect his patrons, one bar owner paid watch the busy world go by. Then you'll two toughs to roam the streets at night want to visit Mary's Bar and talk with to "hustle the hustlers" away from his comely Dick Reed. He makes visitors ... establishment. feel at home! La Boheme is another house Texas Tempo went on to mention, but that's been turned into a jewel-like bar. did not name, the "14 bars that catered to Small, yes, but so entertaining. In the same _.' homosexual males and three that were fre- block is one of Houston's "adult libraries." quented almost entirely by Lesbians." To This is a private club, so you'll need to set the record straight (so to speak), ac- become a member, but with its full stock cording to the first gay publication in of films, pictures, papers and books, you'll Texas, The Albatross, the bars were Ali find what you're looking for.
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