CHEMISTRY International March-April 2006 Volume 28 No. 2 The News Magazine of IUPAC The News Magazine of the International Union of Pure and November-December 2012 Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Volume 34 No. 6 InternationalCHEMISTRY InternationalThe News Magazine of IUPAC January-February 2009 Art and Science Volume 31 No. 1 Looking in the Same Direction ALCHEMISTS are US January-February 2013 Volume 35 No. 1 May-June 2007 March-April 2008 March-April 2011 Volume 29 No. 3 Volume 30 No. 2 Atomic Weights Volume 33 No. 2 No Longer Constants November 2012 covers.indd 1 10/29/2012 11:07:56 AM of Nature Roald Hoffmann’s Should’ve Ethics and Science on Stage Where Would We Be without Chemistry? Chemistry The Chemical Industry Assuring Quality of for Biology Scientifi ques Sans Frontières The International Year of and Sustainable Analytical Measurement Solubility Data Compilations Chemistry Begins! Development Results: The IUPAC Role May-June 2009 March-April 2005 January-Februa stry? Volume 31 No. 3 Volume 27 No. 2 Volume 33 March 2011 cover.indd iii 2/28/2011 3:32:55 PM e Responsible Care 10 YEARS IN in Canada Marie Skłodowska a special issue commemorating the 100 anniversary of her Nobel Prize in Chemis Beyond COLOR the Book Role Models in Pure and Applied Chemistry: Linus Pauling Chemistry: Citation Highlights 1998–2003 ii CHEMISTRY International September-October 2003 November-December 2003 September-October 2005 November-December 2006 Volume 25 No. 6 Volume 27 No. 5 Volume 28 No. 6 January 2011 cover.indd ii 1/3/2011 11:03:01 AM An Update on the Kilogram “It's A Chemical World!” GEOTRACES Chemistry Takes Center Stage in Marine Science The Overwhelming Success of A Poster Competition Crop Protection Chemistr in Latin America Would Einstein Nanotechnology: Lessons Challenges for Have Approved? from Mother Nature Chemists May-June 2011 Volume 33 No. 3 November-Decemb November-December 2011 Volume 32 Volume 33 No. 6 September-October 2009 Volume 31 No. 5 The Internationa System of Units Bienvenidos a Puerto Rico Turns 50 A Wrap Up of the 2011 IUPAC Congress and General Assembly Exploring Elemental Matters Institut Kimia Increasing the Impact of Malaysia—Malaysian the Polymer Division A Closer Look at Responsible Care Playing with Salt Institute of Chemistry Bonus: p tter A Philatelic Tribute to the SI Concise S IYC2011 Keeps Rolling July-August 2005 March-April 2009 Volume 27 No. 4 Volume 31 No. 2 September-October 2011 May 2011 cover.indd iii 5/3/2011 2:03:45 PM Volume 33 No. 5 Nov.11 Cover.indd 7 10/28/2011 4:09:35 PM Nov. 2010 cover.indd iii 11/11/2010 10:58:47 AM The International Chemistry Olympiad HelpingHelping From the WinWingsgs Amountmount of Substanc Substancnce of ButButterfliesterflies to Improve BiosafetyBiosafety andnd thethe MolMolee The KilogramKilogram in the “New SIS PublicPubPublicblicblilicc ImagesImagIImmmamagaagggees ofof IUPACIUIUPUPUPAUPPAPACAC HistoryHHisHistoristorstos ry andand BiosecurityBiosecurity Customs,CustomCus s, Chemistry,Chemistry, an andd Berzelius’ DiscoverDiscoveryy of ChemisChemistryemisemmismissttrtryrryy PresPPreservedresesereseeserserveveded IUPAC:UPAC: An OldOOld StorSto y SeleniSeleniumum March-AprilMarch-April 20042004 May-JuneMay-JunMay-Juneay-June 2006 202 6 Volume 26 No. 2 VolumeVolume 28 No.No. 3 GreenGreen Sept 2011 Cover.indd iii 8/24/2011 5:20:16 PM July-Augustuly-Augustgustst 200200909 Reflfl ecting NovNovevee VolumeVolume 3131 No.No. 4 CChemistryhemistry The GlobalReflectingReflecting onon Young Academyoonn ththee in ththee AraArabb PromotingPromoting IUPAC PrProjectsojects ColloidColloid ReRegiongion GGeneraleneral AsseAssemblymbly INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SustainSustainabilityability andand and Chemistry InterfaceInterface ScienceScience PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Chemical Sciences in Development From the Editor CHEMISTRY International ith this issue, we celebrate 10 years of CI in color! Having produced W60 issues of this modern version of the magazine with production The News Magazine of the International Union of Pure and editor Chris Brouwer, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on what Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) CI stands for and consider what else it could be. The first “color” CI, published in January 2003, featured a red (Pantone www.iupac.org/publications/ci 180 to be exact) frame, header, and highlights throughout. Each succes- sive issue has featured one of six colors that we rotate through each year. Managing Editor: Fabienne Meyers Chris and I had teamed-up in 2002, having “inherited” a magazine Production Editor: Chris Brouwer somewhat lost in transition and crying out for a face lift. You might Design: pubsimple remember the old magazine’s design, a simple black and white interior and “striking” green cover reminiscent of the All correspondence to be addressed to: 1970s. Quickly, we shifted gears and adopted Fabienne Meyers a more contemporary design, which is still in IUPAC, c/o Department of Chemistry use today. In the late 1990s, like many organi- Boston University zations at the time, there was a strong focus Metcalf Center for Science and Engineering at IUPAC on web development. But rather 590 Commonwealth Ave. than abandon print all together, our focus has Boston, MA 02215, USA been to publish a steady stream of content of interest to the IUPAC community, providing details on new activities E-mail: [email protected] and updates on projects, with abundant references to more information Phone: +1 617 358 0410 online. Fax: +1 617 353 6466 Over the past decade, with an issue every two months containing three to four feature articles and numerous sections, we have published Printed by: 2300 pages. Chris and I will be delighted to get some feedback and hints Cadmus Communications, Easton, PA, USA about what you liked most and what you wish you could have found in those pages. CI is bound to keep evolving and your input and ideas will Subscriptions be greatly appreciated. Working on the magazine is very rewarding; the Six issues of Chemistry International (ISSN 0193- connections that it sparks hopefully contribute to greater awareness of 6484) will be published bimonthly in 2013 (one what it means to be associated with IUPAC and deeper understanding of volume per annum) in January, March, May, July, international or global issues related to chemistry. September, and November. The 2013 subscrip- While contemplating the current internationalization of science,* I can’t tion rate is USD 110.00 for organizations and USD help thinking how “clairvoyant” were the former IUPAC members who in 50.00 for individuals. Subscription orders may be 1979 adopted a moniker for this newsmagazine that is as fitting now as it placed directly with the IUPAC Secretariat. Affiliate was 35 years ago. Sure, “International” echoes the “I” in IUPAC, but today Members receive CI as part of their Membership it is even more broadly associated with how to build science capacity or subscription, and Members of IUPAC bodies receive to establish research networks, or even how to envision better science CI free of charge. funding. With science becoming ever-more international, becoming an Affiliate of IUPAC is more fitting than ever. You can help support CI by Reproduction of Articles inviting your colleagues to join a thoroughly international organization. Unless there is a footnote to the contrary, repro- Wishing you all the international best for 2013. duction or translation of articles in this issue is encouraged, provided that it is accompanied by a reference to the original in Chemistry Fabienne Meyers International. [email protected] www.iupac.org/publications/ci Periodicals postage paid at Durham, NC 27709- 9990 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chemistry International, *See for example “The New Map of Science,” a recent special issue of IUPAC Secretariat, PO Box 13757, Research Triangle Nature, 18 October 2012 <www.nature.com/news/specials/global>. Park, NC 27709-3757, USA. ISSN 0193-6484 Contents CHEMISTRY International January-February 2013 Volume 35 No. 1 President’s Column Increasing the Value of IUPAC Activities by Kazuyuki Tatsumi 2 Features The Global Young Academy: Providing a Voice for Young Scientists in the Sustainability Debate by Michael Sutherland and Javier Garcia-Martinez 4 IOCD: Chemical Sciences in Development by Stephen Matlin 8 Green Technologies from Biomass by Ruijun Gu and Mohini Sain 12 IUPAC’s Legacy Preserved in the CHF Archives by Patrick H. Shea 15 IUPAC Wire International Call for Proposals in Sustainable Chemistry 16 More Collaborations on the Horizon 16 Naofumi Koga Recognized as 2012 Emeritus Fellow 18 New Interactive Tools Demystify Science Behind Global Challenge 18 InChI Call for Supporters 19 IUPAC PChem Visits University of Tokyo 20 Nomenclature Notes Deciphering and Constructing Names by Jeffery Leigh 24 Making an imPACt Terminology and Nomenclature for Macromolecular Rotaxanes and Pseudorotaxanes 22 JCAMP-DX for Circular Dichroism Spectra and Metadata 22 Stamps International, 14 Provisional Recommendations IUPAC seeks your comments 23 Bookworm Analogue-based Drug Discovery III 24 Macromolecular Complexes 25 Conference Call Role of Chemistry Research in National Development by Subramaniam Sotheeswaran 26 Stimulating Reflection and Catalyzing Change in Chemistry Education by Morton Z. Hoffman 27 Photochemistry by Silvia E. Braslavsky 29 Australasian Polymer by Sébastian Perrier 30 Where 2B & Y 32 IUPA Mark Your Calendar 34 APME EUROANALYSIS CALIX ESOPS EUROMEDLAB OMCOS ESCL IUPAC GA CONGRES EPF MMC TRAC FLOHET SECM SNBr ICCA A complimentary map/2013 calendar is MIBM M&M enclosed with this issue. 2013 CONFER Sponsored by the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AN TRAC M&M APS ISNA Workshop on Human 12th UNESCO/IUPAC 34th Australasian 15th Internati Errors and Out-of- Workshop & Conference Polymer Symposium Symposium o Specification Test Results on Macromolecules 7–10 July 2013 Aromatic Com in Analytical Chemistry and Materials* Darwin, Northern Territory, 28 July –2 Aug 22 23 January 2013 24 28 March 2013 Australia Taipei Taiwan President’s Column scientific sessions, as well as its social gatherings.
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