Volume XLIV, No. 12 Oshawa, Ontario July 1, 1975 Is Time Bunning Out? Scientists and Prominent Men Proclaim Doom By D. J. HANDYSIDES, Pastor College Park Church, Oshawa Who has not seen these men with large placards bearing the latest development of the Atomic Bombs said: "Science seems words "End of World", "Prepare to Meet Thy God," these ready to confer upon us, as its final gift, the power to erase proverbial eccentrics, these persons termed slightly mad, self- hu►nan life from this planet." The Late Secretary General of appointed prophets of doom? I have seen them in Hyde Park, the U.N., U. Thant wrote: "The Problems will have reached in England; I have seen them in Times Square, New York; such staggering proportions that they will be beyond our cap- they are to be found in Paris; in fact in almost every capital acity to control." He gave only ten years to the world. Dr. W. of the world these peculiar individuals can be found. Usually H. Pickering, of The Jet Propulsion Laboratory writes of the they are dressed in strange garb — I remember one draped in time-period needed to destroy the world: "In half an hour the a British Union Jack; others go about in blankets, and usually East and the West could destroy civilization." wear sandals with their toes peeping through. Their hair often Christ Jesus our Lord when speaking of the time of trouble appears to be electrically shocked, and the wildness of their facing the world tells us: "Except those days be shortened . eyes puts them into a class as ALMOST INSANE. But a very there shall no flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake those days unusual thing is taking place in this twentieth century — a shall be shortened." The tribulation of the LAST DAYS will strange yet positive change has come. be worse than any time before experienced by the human fam- Men for generations have been talking about the end of the ily. "A time of trouble such as never was since there was a world and the return of Jesus. The early pagan persecutions nation." brought with it the expectancy of THE END. The rise of the In my mind, 1945 stands out as one of the most significant Papacy and the terrible deeds that were done in the name of years in human history for it was in that year that an Ameri- religion—made the medieval world fervently expect the END. can bomber flying at a great height flew over the cities of The terrible Black Death in Europe was heralded as the End Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and dropped the atomic bombs that of Civilization. Mechanized Warfare seemed to declare — blasted the populations of two cities out of existence. Before THIS IS THE END. The Industrial Revolution with its myriads that date — man did not possess the means to destroy this of inventions gave to the Adventist people much sermon ma- planet and its civilizations. Today, the nations who are in the terial. And all Seventh-day Adventists know well the story of Nuclear Weapon Club, could literally destroy every man, William Miller and his great discovery of the prophecy of the woman, and child, together with all living animals in the space 2,300 days which brought us to the date 1844. of half-an-hour. In point of fact, they could over kill not five Adventists of 1844 were ridiculed and mocked when Christ times nor ten times, but the stock pile of Nuclear Weaponry did not appear — and it was not until the book of Revelation could destroy this planet 150 times over. was studied, and the Little Book of chapter 10 was rightly The MIRV — THE MULTIPLE, IN DEPENDENTLY understood that Seventh-day Adventists could hold their heads TARGETED RE-ENTRY VEHICLES, have the deadly po- up high with a mission that would finish the work of God in tential that has gone beyond the nightmarish dreams of man- the world. kind. Each missile has ten or more war heads — and each war- head can be directed with unerring precision unto the target Scientists and Prominent Men area. Each warhead could obliterate a city of a MILLION Now Replace the Eccentrics in Proclaiming Doom PERSONS. But now let us look at the changing scene of those who What a marvellous Truth we possess — "He that dwelleth would be prophets-of-doom. No longer do we look for the in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the eccentric figure but we see such men as Dr. George Wald, shadow of the Almighty." THE END IS UPON US — But let Nobel Prize Winner and professor of Biochemistry at Har- us read prayerfully and carefully the 18th verse of the 1 1th vard saying — "Civilization will end within fifteen to thirty Chapter of Revelation: "And the nations were angry and thy years unless immediate action is taken against problems now wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be facing mankind, especially pollution, over population and the judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants possibility of nuclear warfare." Dr. Herbert F. York, chief the prophets, and to them that fear thy name, small and great: scientist of the Pentagon — "Unless the NATIONS AGREE AND SHOULDEST DESTROY THEM THAT DESTROY TO AN ARMS ROLLBACK OUR CIVILIZATION IS THE EARTH." DOOMED." It was General Eisenhower, who, when given the Zephaniah 1:14 — the end of that chapter tells us of the Terrible terror of that day — declaring that our silver and gold you, before the DAY OF THE LORD'S ANGER COME will be of little value, and then in Chapter 2: He tells us, UPON YOU . Seek ye the Lord." "Gather yourselves together, yea gather together, 0 nation not We have time for business, for pleasure, for frivolous things desired. Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass — But how much time have we for THE END THAT IS as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon UPON US? Items from the Canadian Union Office CAN YOU HELP? Do you remember Mrs. Percy Snook 1975 (nee Mabel Hillyard) or Godfrey Maur- er? If you joined the church through the work of either one would you please CANADIAN UNION BAPTISMS write to our Canadian denominational historian: Mr. Ernest Monteith MAY R. R. 2, Cottam, Ontario, NOR 1B0 B.C. 117 It is rather easy to befriend those who are accepted by society. But those ALBERTA 113 who need our help are the ones who are rejected. Jesus chose to sit with the publican, the sinner, the scorned, be- cause they knew their need. Wealth, MAN. SASK. 71 popularity, and security often tend to make a person feel little need for God. Perhaps this is because man has a habit of viewing himself as one who is ONTARIO 238 fairly well off. Matt. 19:16-26. This state of mind is dangerous because the Bible clearly says that man is lawless QUEBEC and there is nothing good in him. 44 Rom. 3:23; Isa. 64:6. We, as disciples of Christ, are call- ed to minister to all regardless of MARITIME 30 class, creed, or color. God needs men who are not afraid for their reputa- tion to walk as Jesus walked among Men in need. We have a source from NFL D 15 which we can draw which can make us lovable and loving Christians. 1 Cor. 13. We are to be the lights in a dark world, giving hope and bringing TOTAL TO DATE 628 peace to fearful hearts. The Christian should be concerned only that he feed on the Living Bread LAST YEAR 647 and grow continually into the fullness of Christ. John 6:48-51. Other than this, the Christian is called upon to be open and friendly to all men just as his Lord so clearly demonstrated at the feast in Matthew's house. See The Desire of Ages, pages 272-280. Official Organ of the CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists. A. N. How Editor; Pearl I. Browning, Associate Editor. President, L. L. Reile; Secretary, A. N. How; Treasurer, Carl Klam. Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, C. K. Okuno; Lay Activities, Sabbath School, Communication, W. E. Kuester; Education, P. W. Manuel; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Medical. H. W. Gimbel, M.D. Issued semimonthly. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Second class mail registration number 0912. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Oshawa, Ontario. 214 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER Newfoundland South West Pond Gets New Camp Meeting Auditorium By R. A. MATTHEWS, President, Newfoundland Conference May 22 and 23 — a bulldozer moved in and prepared the auditorium and the platform and anterooms were finished at foundation for building. May 25, nine ministers and laymen each end of the platform. from Deer Lake and St. John's placed forms for cement foun- At the writing of this article the building is ready for use dation, by night one-half of the foundation was poured. with the exception of having the roof covering put on and the May 26 — foundations were finished and first section of windows installed. walls erected. The believers in Newfoundland are looking forward to an- May 27 — a crew was at work nailing and gluing rafter other good Camp Meeting at Southwest Pond. Last year was trusses and sawing out rafters. the first year for the Camp Meeting on the campgrounds. It May 28 — first trusses were put in place and roof over the proved to be a very fine Camp Meeting.
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