ARTICLE .97 Russian Philosophical Cosmology: One Step Backward and Two Steps Forward – Approaching the Universal Evolutionary Future Konstantin S. Khroutski Novgorod State University Russia The natural sciences is right stating its truths, but is not right in relation the things which are passed over in silence. Karl-Friedrich Von Weizsacker Epistematic Versus Epistemic Song4, who, during the ABC5 in Tsukuba and while debating my presentation of the original Cosmist philo- During the Fifth Asian Bioethics Conference1 in sophical system – of subjective functionalist evolutionary Tsukuba, Professor Hyakudai Sakamoto2, a leading universalism5, posed a question about the plain defini- Eastern expert in bioethics, while presenting his out- tions of my core notions – "cosmic" and "cosmist". The look for the future development of global bioethics, crux was that I used these notions precisely in the epis- proclaimed the fundamental necessity of "a new human- tematic, but not in the accepted epistemic reasoning. ism without human-centrism", as a overriding way in The fact is that I have elaborated an original Cosmist harmonizing (or, "bargaining") "every kind of antagonis- episteme – an original system of fundamental princi- tic values on the Globe". In his exploration Prof. ples, which strives to obtain the capability to generate Sakamoto necessarily transcends the area of epistemic (thus providing modern science with) the universal the- reasoning (the area of Western episteme3 itself, inas- ory and methodology of comprehending the living much as he definitely rejects its cornerstone principles: world, primarily – the object of individual's health (the anthropocentrism and rational foundation of ethics on personalist wellness). the whole) and enters the emergent level of the epis- Generally, we treat "cosmos" and "cosmic" from the tematic creative work (by comparing the different epis- accepted standpoint of the science of physics – the sci- temes or creating a new episteme). ence of matter and energy: "cosmos" is the universe in It was the very same reason, why I had a difficulty contrast to the earth alone, and "cosmic" – relates to the to provide a clear short answer for Professor Sang-yong cosmos. In scientific relation, we usually mean (under Journal of Futures Studies, November 2005, 10(2): 97 - 104 Journal of Futures Studies "cosmic") the data from the exploration of this versal world-outlook system, which is equal extraterrestrial vastness (from astrology, cosmo- and true for every living subject on Earth, nautics, etc.) All this is absolutely normal. including humankind first of all. However, there is another standpoint on "cos- The same was with Western episteme – mos" and "cosmic", which has the history for the basis of current Western and world civiliza- ages, may be since the beginning of human tion – in the middle of the Second millennium civilisation itself. Clearly expressed in the (A.D.) of world history. Particularly, I stress that Eastern and Ancient philosophy, the macro- Western episteme originally was emergent, – cosm/microcosm principle has emerged and non-deductive from the cultural reality and the enriched human culture, by introducing the atti- laws of Monarchic (I also call it Eastern) civiliza- tude and mentality of seeing reality as a whole tion. Nevertheless, although not derivable from and noticing patterns that are universal the contemporary culture of Monarchic soci- throughout all the levels of reality. This philo- eties, Western episteme has come into the sophical conception runs through ages and world by virtue of Western mentality – Western epochs, having reached the Russian culture and thinkers' philosophic breakthrough: by Rene awoke Russian cosmological development, Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Locke, Voltaire, including Russian Cosmism. David Hume, Immanuel Kant, John Dewey, and In Russian cosmological tradition, the by many other. Evidently, precisely this Western Eastern and Greek "man is a small cosmos" has episteme (as substance – the system of mental acquired a great (in philosophical relation) concepts) served as a basis for the creation of "active-evolutionary personalist" significance – theoretical proposals and practical solutions – of a Cosmist agent, responsible both for her in building a new macro-evolutionary era: for or his personal wellness (of microcosm – constructing and erecting new (democratic – as Humankind 6), and for wellness of the entire opposed to monarchic, ruled by a sovereign) Cosmos (macrocosm). Significantly, the Russian social systems, aimed at the industrialization cosmological tradition (in its cosmos-, person- and democratization of a society, with eventual and future-centric integrity) was interrupted globalization of socioeconomic interrelations. since the Bolshevist revolution in the 1917 year Thus, the macro-evolutionary impact of the – suppressed by the proletarian dictatorship Western episteme (on the world development) and the communist (Marxist) ideology. To my is clearly evident in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, let it view, however, the world evolutionary7 process be in the 20th century as well (the century of ter- evidently completes its successive ascending rible world wars and global confrontation), but evolutionary circle and crosses, in our days, the not in the 21st century (in the macro-evolution- point of the beginning of a new epoch of spiral ary aspect) – in no way! (This topic is discussed ascent – of a new evolutionary era based on below). At present, to my firm belief, new originally novel – universal – civilisatory8 epis- (emergent) epistematic fundamentals are called teme. Inasmuch as Russian cosmological poten- for objectively – those, which might be effica- tials, to my firm conviction, are of immense sig- cious in realization the healthy fitting true onto- nificance for the achievement of acceptable genesis of a humankind and any other living emergent future for everyone on Earth, I see subject on Earth, from a molecule – up to socie- the rationality to "make a step backward" – for ty, mankind and, ultimately, the whole evolu- learning the Russian cosmological fundamen- tionary process of the life on Earth. tals, and "two steps forward": the first – to mas- ter the absolutely necessary Western civilisatory fundamentals (I mean the substantial funda- What is the Point? mentals, regardless of the form: Marxist, liberal, After such a complicated introduction, a socialist, etc.9), but, all this, – for "the second reasonable question can arise: What is the point, step forward": To reach the evolutionary novel meaning why is this argument important, what 98 (emergent10) macro-level, based on original uni- is its relevance? Therefore, in this next part I Russian Philosophical Cosmology clarify the significance of this argument, espe- further occurred the historical emergences of cially its relevance to discussion of the future. families, social bodies, communities, societies Substantially, the Russian outstanding philoso- and civilisations; the next integrity naturally pher (a philosophical cosmologist) Nicolei O. should be a whole mankind. Lossky asserted: "Philosophy is a science and And what is more, macroevolutionism has therefore, like every other science, it seeks to the essence of self-(macro)evolutionism. This is establish truths that have been strictly proved the basic point of the so-called Cosmist and are therefore binding for every thinking Dualism12, (1) that states the factual existence of being and not only for a particular people or the one cosmic universal evolutionary process nation."11 In the present, however, we really of the life on Earth – Process (which is a exist in the condition of global paradoxes in our posteriori, descriptive notion), (2) urges to its knowledge about the world, first of all – con- scientific exploration (by means, originally, of cerning the scientific comprehension of a priory revealing and explaining Process's humankind. In the first place, the so-called universal laws), but, at the same time, (3) 'Anthropological Evolutionary Paradox' – in declares that cognition of the causes and mech- relation to humankind: a person is a uterine ele- anisms of Process's origin and the Evolution are ment of the one common whole cosmic evolu- beyond the scope of current scientific possibili- tionary process of the life on Earth (Process, ties.13 Substantially, however, Process is an briefly); however we deny the search for univer- autonomous subject: independently of our sal evolutionary knowledge and rely on the plu- interpretation of its origin and causative mecha- ral (different and often incompatible) sources of nisms of development (God, Nature, Cosmos, knowledge in defining man's nature: biological, Darwinian evolution, etc.), the final outcome of sociological, psychological, etc. Earth's common evolutionary process – its cur- At the same time, we have objectively and rent state – reveals the one wholeness (proved really (in front of our philosophical reflection) by natural sciences) and the universal functional the series of indisputably evident, scientifically interrelation of the entire number of Earth's liv- verified truths. The first: our living world is one ing subjects (biological, ecological, social, per- universal whole – fundamental universalism. sonalist). This truth is known at least since the discovery Process is a self-(macro)evolable14 sub- (in 1953) of the structure of DNA by Watson stance. Humankinds are self-(macro)evolable and Crick, which proves the unity of all life on substances
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