AIAA-83-0098 Galileo Atmospheric Entry Probe System: Design, Development and Test J.J. Givens, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA; L.J. Nolte, Hughes Aircraft Co., Los Angeles, CA; and L.R. Pochettino, General Electric Co., Philadelphia, PA' - -3 -4 00 " W AlAA 21st Aerospace Sciences Meeting January 10-13, 1983/Reno, Nevada 'I GALILEO ATMOSPHERIC ENTRY PROBE SYSTEM: DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND TEST J. J. Givens* NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Leo J. ~olte' Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, Calif. and Louis R. Pochettino$ General Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Abstract and its satellites by an orbiting vehicle, and to make direct measurements of the characteristics of The overall development of the Galileo Atmos- the Jovian atmosphere by the atmosphere Entry pheric Entry Probe System is described. The Probe Probe. This paper describes the Galileo Atmosphere will be carried to Jupiter by the Galileo Orbiter Entry Probe and some of the major engineering chal- and released on an entry trajectory 150 days before lenges faced during its development. It will begin entry. A complement of seven science instruments with a brief review of the science payload, summar- will measure the near-Jupiter radiation field and ize some of the pertinent mission requirements and the characteristics of the Jovian atmosphere from a constraints, and, after describing the hardware distance of about 5 Jupiter radii above the 1-bar design, focus on aspects of the development and, level down to levels in the 10-20-bar range. Probe test program peculiar to atmosphere entry probes. data are to be transmitted to Earth via the Orbiter. System requirements are discussed. Probe design Development of the Probe and relay radio hard- features and those feature? of the development test ware (receiver and antenna mounted on the Orbiter program peculiar to entry probes are described. to receive the Probe radio signal) is under the management of Ames Research Center. The Space and Communications Group of the Hughes Aircraft Company Nomenclature has the overall responsibility for the design, fabrication, and test of this hardware under con- AS1 = atmosphere structure instrument tract NAS2-10000. The General Electric Company Re-Entry Systems Division is the principal subcon- DCP = data and command processor tractor and is responsible for thermal protection up through entry at Jupiter, the structure and heat EPI = energetic particle instrument shields for protection during entry, and the Probe separation and parachute systems. HAD = helium abundance detector The Galileo Project, including the integration IPIU = instrument power interface unit and test of the combined OrbiterlProbe spacecraft and mission operations, is under the management of LRD = lightning and radio emissions detector NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The overall mission is described in Ref. 1, the Orbiter and NEP = nephelometer Probe missions are described in detail in Refs. 2-4, and the Orbiter desig~is described in Ref. 5. NFR = net flux radiometer NMS = neutral mass spectrometer Probe Science Objectives PCU = pyro control unit The science objective of the Probe mission is to characterize the Jovian atmosphere by determin- RRH = relay radio hardware ing 1) the chemical composition, including minor constituents, isotopic ratios and the hydrogen/ SPIU = system power interface unit helium ratio; 2) the density profile from initial detectable deceleration; 3) the temperature and TCXO = temperature controlled stable oscillator pressure profiles as a function of altitude; 4) the location and structure of the Jovian clouds; 5) the radiative energy balance; and 6) the existence and Introduction characteristics of electrical discharges in the atmosphere at both optical and radio frequencies. The purpose of the Galileo Mission is to These atmospheric characteristics will be deter- conduct a comprehensive exploration of the Jovian mined by in situ measurements to an atmospheric system, including remote observations OF the planet pressure level of at least 10 bars. In addition, the Probe will determine the existence of radio emissions from the planet by remote sensing, mea- sure characteristics of the trapped particle radia- *Probe Development Manager, Galileo Probe tion before entry, and will determine atmospheric Project. Member AIM. wind shear by means of Doppler measurements. The t~ssociateManager, Galileo Probe Program. science instrument payload carried by the Probe $Program Manager, Galileo Program. to accomplish these objectives consists of seven This paper is declared a work of the U.S. Government and instruments. Table 1 lists the instruments, the therefore is in the public domain. principal investigators, and the primary measurements to be made. Spacecraft resources Probe Description dedicated for instrument use are given in Table 2. The Probe is composed of two major segments, the Deceleration Module and the Descent Module Mission Requirements: Constraints (Fig. 2). The Deceleration nodule includes the heat shields, the structure that supports the The Galileo Probe Mission is divided into four heat shields, the thermal-control hardware for phases: launch, cruise, coast, and the entry and mission phases up through entry, the separation descent phase. In the launch and cruise phases. subsystem, and the parachute subsystem. This hard- the Probe will be carried by the Orbiter. Although ware is provided by General Electric Company. The the launch loads on the Shuttle are somewhat higher Descent Module is the package that descends through than have been experienced in past launches, this the Jovian atmosphere by parachute while the prime phase does not place unique design requirements on science data are gathered. It contains the science the vehicle. The cruise phase is the portion of instruments and the Probe subsystems required to the mission from after launch to approximately support the instruments and transmit the data back 150 days prior to entry. For the present mission, to the overflying Orbiter, which serves as a relay the maximum length of this phase is 1,100 days. to Earth. An additional element of the hardware However, studies conducted in the process of eval- supplied with the Probe and designed and fabricated uating other mission options indicate that the Probe by General Electric is the Probelorbiter adapter. could be used for missions in which the cruise phase would be as long as 1,650 days (1,800 days total Deceleration Module mission length). The Probe will remain dormant during this phase except for checkouts scheduled at Configuration. The entry configuration of the 6-month intervals. The Orbiter will support the Probe is a 45' half-angle cone with a base diameter Probe by providing electrical power, commands, data of about 4 ft. The radius of the spherically transmission, and a thermal interface compatible blunted tip is equal to about half the base radius. with the Probe thermal control system. The major The general shape was selected to provide a minimum- effect of this phase on the Probe design is its weight Probe, primarily because it allows more for- duration, which imposes a long-storage-life require- ward placement of the pressure vessel than more ment on the Probe battery. At the end of this blunt vehicle shapes, leading to minimum base diam- period the Probe will be targeted for the appropri- eter and minimum ballast required for aerodynamic ate entry conditions at Jupiter and separated from stability. This shape also has the advantage of the Orbiter. Specific entry requirpents are dis- being essentially the same as that of the Pioneer- cussed in Ref. 4. Venus Probes. This similarity reduced the need for basic aerodynamic testing, since the Pioneer-Venus The coast phase is the 150-day period between data base7 was directly applicable. The Probe/ separation of the Probe from the Orbiter and the Orbiter adapter consists of three bipod assemblies Probe's entry into the Jovian atmosphere. From the which connect the Probe to the Orbiter. beginning of the coast phase to the end of the mission, all Probe operations will be controlled by Heat Shields. Thermal protection during entry a preset sequence. The Probe will remain dormant is provided by a carbon phenolic forebody heat during the coast phase except for operation of a shield and a phenolic nylon afterbody heat shield. timer set, at the time of the Probe's release from Although these materials have been used extensively the Orbiter, to start Probe operation and science for Earth reentry vehicles, on the Galileo Mission measurements approximately 6 hr before entry. The they will be subjected to environments never before prime Probe mission is completed when the Probe experienced. For both the forebody and afterbody, reaches the 10-bar pressure level in the atmosphere radiative transfer is the prime energy-transport (about 42 min after entry). mechanism. An additional consideration included in the final heat-shield design is mechanical erosion The sequence of major events from Probe turn-on (spallation) of heat-shield material. throuzh descent into the Jovian atmosphere is illus- trated in Fig. 1 and is described in detail in The definition of the entry heating environment Ref. 4. The design challenges associated with this and the design of heat shields to survive it was a phase are similar to those encountered in the major program effort. This work was carried out as Pioneer-Venus Program. There are, however, a a joint NASA-industry development with significant number of major differences.
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