I II NPS Now Accepting Getty Museum Opens JACLers Speak at Applications for New Ishiuchi Miyako RAICES Conference Grant Program. Page 2 Exhibition. Page 7 in Texas. Page 9 #32641 VOL. 161, No.7 ISSN: 0030-8579 WWW.PACIFICCITIZEN.ORG 2 Oct. 2-15, 2015 NATIONAL PACIFIC. CITIZEN , HOW TO REACH US Tule Lake at Email: [email protected] NPS IS ACCEPTING APPilCATIONS Castle Rock Online: www.pacificcitizen.org Tel: (213) 620-1767 Fax: (213) 620-1768 Mail: 250 E. FirstSI.,Suite 301 FOR CONFINEMENT SITES Los Angeles, CA90012 STAFF Executive Edita GRANT PROGRAM Allison Haramoto Assistant Editor PftJTO CDJRTESY (f' ctOrG10 Tiffany Ujii ye match $1 in non federal funds or "in-kind" contributions to every WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Park Service is now Business Manager accepting applications for $3 million in grants to preserve and $2 they receive in fedelal money. 1futching funds can be raised and Susan Yd::oyama inteIpret U.S. confinement sites and other locations where more than spent during the grant period and do not have to be "in the bank" Production Artist 120,000 lapaneseAmericans were imprisoned during World War II. when a group applies for a giant. Applicants can receive up to Marie Sam mte The deadline for applications is Tuesday, Nov. 10. two giants a year. More than 60 historic sites are eligible for grant-funded work. They Circulation ''rellin g the difficult stories of our nation's history, along with its Eva Ting successes, is an important responsibility of the National Park Service, include the 10 "War Relocation Authority centers that were set up in 1942 in seven states: Granada (Amache), CO; Gila River and Fbston, The Pacific Citizen newspaper and preserving the experiences of lapaneseAmericans imprisoned (ISSN 0030- 8579) is pJtjimed during World War II is one of those important but challenging stories AZ; Heart Mountain, WY; Jerome and Rohwer, AR; 1-hnzanar and s em~ m mth ly (exce j::t once in that must be tokl," NPS Director Jonathan B. Jarvis said. "These Tule Lake, Calif.; :Minidoka, Idaho; and Topaz, Utah. Also included December and January) by the are more than 40 other sites, including "assembly centers" and U.S. Japanese American atizens grants support projects that are vivid remindem of the continuin g need LeaQJe, Pacific Citizen, to guard the constitutional rights of all Americans against injustice, Army and Department of Justice detention and internment facilities. 250E. First St , Suite301, prejudice and fear." Los Ang9es, CA 9)]12 For more infonnation, including the 2016 application materials, Pe..- icdcal pJstage paid at L.A, CA Congress established the Japanese American Confinement Sites POSTMASTER : Send aOCT8SS Grant Program in 2006 to preserve and explain the places where visit http://www.nps.govljacsl. changes to Natimal JACL, 1765 Japanese American men, women and children - most of them U.S. Sutt e..- Sl, San Francisco, CA 94115 citizens - were incarcerated after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor JACL President: David Lin in 1941. The grants are awarded to eligible groups and entities, ~ UNITEDSTIlTES Statement of Ownership, National Director: Priscilla OJdlida including nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and state, I!ilI POST~L SERVICE lID Management, and Circulation P.C. EDITORIAL BOARD local and tribal governments for work to preserve confinement sites Card Kawamoto, dlairperson: and their histories. 1) Publication Title Pacih:: Citizen 2) Publication Number 0030-8579 3) Filing L8O"la Hirad::a, EDC: Jojy Mitori, Date Sept 29. 2015. 4) Issue Frequency Semi-month ly, except once in MD C: Rcberta Bart oo, eeoC: In establishing the proglam, Congress authorized up to $38 million Jim Duff, NOA-NPDC: Gatfielle Jolnuary & December 5) Number of Issue Published Annually 22 6) Annual Nomura, PNWOC: Gil Asakawa, in grants that can be awarded over the life of the program, with funds Subscription Price $407-9) Mailing Address/Publisher Jolpanese American IDC: Jctln SaitoJr, PSWOC: appropriated annually. Grant money can be used to identify, research, Citize ns League dba Pacifk: Citizen (Los Angeles County) 250 E 1st Street, NiOJle Gadd e and Kcta Mizutan i, evaluate, interpret, protect, restore, repair and acq uire historic Suite 301 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3819 Con ta ct Person Manager AJ lison youth reps confinement sites. To date, the program has awarded more than Haramoto: Telephone (213) 620-1767 10) Owner Japanese American Citizens League dba Pacifk: Ci tizen 1765 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA SUBSCRIBE $18 million in grants to 148 projects involving 19 states and the 9411511) No known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and other Security Holders Get a me-year 5lJbscrij::tion ct the District of Columbia. Pacific Citizen newspaper at Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, www,pacificcitizen,org a call In fiscal year 2015 (Oct. 1, 20 14-&pt. 30,2015), theNPS or Othe r Securities 12 ) Tax Statu s Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 (213) 620-1767 distributed 20 grants totalin g more than $2.8 million. The president's Months 13) Publication Title: Pacifk: Citizen 14) Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: 09129/15 15) Extent and Nature of Circulation Membership Bene ft and ADVERTlSE bud get for fiscal year 2016 seeks $3 million for the next round of Paid Subscription a Total Number of Copies (Net Press Run) Average No To advertise in the Pacific Citizen, call (213) 620-1767 a e-mail proglam grants. Copies Eactl Issue During Preceding 12 Months 8,328 No. Copies of Single pc@pacificdtizen. a g Grants can be used for a variety of efforts, including the design and Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 8,050 b. Paid Circulation 1 Mailed LEGAL construction of interpretive centers, trails, wayside exhibits and other Outside-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS FOIlll 3541 Average 7,550 Single Issue 7,5002. Mailed In-Count Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS FOIlll No part cttn s pLt> li c3: im may be facilities, oral histories and site-history research, school curricula and 3541 Average 680 Single Issue 510 c Total Paid Distribution Average 8,230 repro:i.J ood witl-D.Jt the expreS3 permiKim cJ; the Pacific Cilizen. purchase of nonfederalland at authorized sites. Single Issue 8,210 f. Total Distribution Average 10,623 Single Issue 10,100 Edta iai s, lette rs, ne ws and the g Copies not Distributed Average 98 Single Issue 40 h. Total Average 8,328 The program requires applicants to raise project funds from other opinims exp ressed by cdumri cts Single Issue 8,050 i. PerC€nt Paid Average 100% Single Issue 100%16) sources to "match" the grant money, which is awarded after a ether than the m:timai JACL preEidoot Publication of State of Ownership Publication of this statement will be printed competitive review of project proposals. Successful grantees must a natiooal d recta do m nece=rily in the Oct 2, 2015 issue reflect JACL pdicy. Everts m d prooLrts oovertised in the RC. do nct carry the implicit oodasemert cJ; the JAQ or this puljicatim . We reserve The P.C. 's mission is to "educate on the past Japanese American experience and preserve, the rig t-t to edit artides. © 2015 Pe ri cdcals paid at Los Angeles, promote and help the current and future AAPI communities." Calif and mailing ctfice JACL mambar? I7l ill] 0$500$100 0$150 0$200 0 __ ""..,,""'"JACL MEMBERS Hame"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Change of Address II you've mCNed, Address """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" please send new inlormaiion to: National JACL City """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1765 Sutter St. San Francisco, Stale """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" Zip """"""""""""""""""""""""""'" 2015 Q~~m CA94115 921-6225 or [email protected] Phone """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" ~[PwDoo@ Allow 6 weeks lor ~ a,dd"" changes. EmaiL""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" CAMPAIGN avdd interruptions Pacific Citizen FOR MORE INFORMATION: in delivery, , please notily your 250 E. First St., Suite #301 (I11III) l1li&-6157 > to include Los Angeles, CA, 90012 www.paclnccHlzen,org you, of address • Your donations will help build and preserve a cohesive library of the Pacific CIf/zen to educate future generations Form 3575) PACIFIC' CITIZEN COMMENTARY Oct. 2-15, 2015 3 A MOTHER'S TAKE COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS By Marsha Aizumi ith the Supreme Court ruling in favor of biological sex, I have no doubt that he will be harassed same-sex marriage for all states this year, In the spirit of all families matter, and humiliated once again. There is no way that he W the JACL delegates voting in favor of an this had been identified as a will be seen as female. emergency resolution to be a "vibrant ally" to the Going into the men's restroom, there is a possibility trans gender community in July and Caitlin Jenner that a civil bounty of no less than $4,000, plus bringing hans gender visibility to the forefront, you GENDER NEUTRAL attorney's fees, will be placed upon him. It is a would think that as a mother of a hans gender son, I no-win situation that could only bring the potential of would feel overjoyed to know that the world is moving physical hann to my son. in the right direction of equality for the lesbian, gay, So, what are some possible solutions? bisexual and trausgender (LGBT) community. One solution would be to have designated gender­ While I celebrate these victories and applaud all neutral bathrooms. This would be a bathroom that can the wolk that is being done, there are still reasons be used by anyone. When I have used a gender-neutral for me to be scared for Aiden's future. One of them bathroom, I know there might be men in there. Perhaps is a California initiative called the "Personal Privacy RESTROOM the first few times, it felt stran ge to me.
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