The Evolution of Psychotherapy FRONT ROW (from left to right): Albert Ellis, Mary Goulding, Robert Goulding, Zerka Moreno, Cloe Madanes, Virginia Satir, Miriam Polster, and Carl Rogers. SECOND ROW: Rollo May, Arnold Lazarus, Judd Marmor, Aaron Beck, Carl Whitaker, Murray Bowen, Thomas Szasz, Paul Watzlawick, Jay Haley, and Joseph Wolpe. BACK ROW: Bruno Bettelheim, James Masterson, Jeffrey Zeig, Ronald D. Laing, Ernest Rossi, Erving Polster, Salvador Minuchin, and Lewis Wolberg. The Evolution of Psychotherapy Edited by Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. All royalties from this book are the property of The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., 3606 North 24th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85016. Royalties will be used to foster educational and scientific efforts that pertain to psychotherapy and hypnosis. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference (1985 : Phoenix, Ariz.) The evolution of psychotherapy. "Dedicated to the faculty of the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference"—T.p. verso. Conference held Dec. 11-15, 1985 in Phoenix, Arizona. Includes bibliographies and index. 1. Psychotherapy—Congresses. I. Zeig, Jeffrey K., 1947- II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Psychotherapy—trends —congresses. WM 420 E925e 1985] RC475.5.E96 1985 616.89'14 86-23263 ISBN 0-87630-440-4 Copyright © 1987 by The Milton H. Erickson Foundation First published 1987 by BRUNNERMVIAZEL, INC. This edition published 2013 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 27 Church Road, Hove East Sussex BN3 2FA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any process whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright owner. This book is dedicated to the faculty of The Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference whose brilliance, compassion, and tireless efforts have shaped the practice of modern psychotherapy. This page intentionally left blank About The Milton H. Erickson Foundation • The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ERICKSON is a federal nonprofit corporation. It was FOUNDATION formed to promote and advance the con­ tributions made to the health sciences by BOOKS the late Milton H. Erickson, M.D., during his long and distinguished career. The Foundation is dedicated to training health The following books, in addition to the and mental health professionals. Strict el­ present volumes, are published by Brun- igibility requirements are maintained for ner/Mazel, Publishers: attendance at our training events or to A Teaching Seminar with Milton H. Er­ receive our educational materials. The Mil­ ickson (J. Zeig, Ed. & Commentary) is a ton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. does not transcript, with commentary, of a one- discriminate on the basis of race, color, week teaching seminar held for profes­ national, ethnic origin, handicap or sex. sionals by Dr. Erickson in his home in Directors of the Milton H. Erickson Foun­ August, 1979. dation, Inc. are: Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D., Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis Kristina K. Erickson, M.D., Sherron S. Pe­ and Psychotherapy (J. Zeig, Ed.) contains ters, and Elizabeth M. Erickson. the edited proceedings of the First Inter­ national Erickson Congress. Ericksonian Psychotherapy, Volume I: ERICKSON ARCHIVES Structures, Volume II: Clinical Applica­ tions (J. Zeig, Ed.) contains the edited In December 1980, the Foundation be­ proceedings of the Second International gan collecting audiotapes, videotapes, and Erickson Congress. historical material on Dr. Erickson for the Erickson Archives. Our goal is to have a central repository of historical material NEWSLETTER on Erickson. More than 300 hours of vid­ eotape and audiotape have already been donated to the Foundation. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation pub­ The Erickson Archives are available to lishes a newsletter for professionals three interested and qualified professionals who times a year to inform its readers of the wish to come to Phoenix to independently activities of the Foundation. Articles and study the audiotapes and videotapes that notices that relate to Ericksonian ap­ are housed at the Foundation. There is a proaches to hypnosis and psychotherapy nominal charge for use of the Archives. are included and should be sent to the Please write if you are interested in de­ editor, Bill O'Hanlon, M.S., P.O. Box 24471, tails. Omaha, NE 68124. vn Viii THE EVOLUTION OF PSYCHOTHERAPY THE ERICKSONIAN MONOGRAPHS Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D., discusses the pro­ cess of hypnotic induction and describes The Foundation has initiated the pub­ the microdynamics of technique that lication of The Ericksonian Monographs, Erickson used in his 1964 inductions. which appears on an irregular basis, up Length: 2 hours. to three issues per year. Edited by Stephen Symbolic Hypnotherapy. Jeffrey K. Zeig, Lankton, M.S.W., the Monographs pub­ Ph.D., presents information on using sym­ lishes only the highest quality articles on bols in psychotherapy and hypnosis. Seg­ Ericksonian hypnosis and psychotherapy, ments of hypnotherapy conducted by Mil­ including technique, theory, and research. ton Erickson with the same subject on two Manuscripts should be sent to Stephen consecutive days in 1978 are shown. Zeig Lankton, P.O. Box 958, Gulf Breeze, Flor­ discusses the microdynamics of Erickson's ida 32561. For subscription information, symbolic technique. Length: 2 hours, 40 contact Brunner/Mazel, Publishers. minutes. Videotapes are available in all U.S. for­ mats, as well as in the European standard. AUDIO AND VIDEO TRAINING TAPES The Milton H. Erickson Foundation has TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES available for purchase professionally re­ The Erickson Foundation organizes the corded audiotapes from its meetings. International Congress on Ericksonian Ap­ Professionally produced videocassettes of proaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. one-hour clinical demonstrations by mem­ These meetings are held triennially in bers of the faculty of the 1981, 1982, and Phoenix, Arizona; the first two meetings 1984 Erickson Foundation Seminars and were held in 1980 and 1983. Each was the 1983 and 1986 Erickson Congresses attended by over 2,000 professionals. The can also be purchased from the Founda­ 1986 International Congress is scheduled tion. for December 3-7. Audio and videocassettes from The Ev­ In the intervening years, the Founda­ olution of Psychotherapy Conference are tion organizes national seminars. The sem­ also available from the Foundation. inars are limited to approximately 450 attendees, and they emphasize skill de­ velopment in hypnotherapy. The 1981, AUDIOTAPES OF MILTON H. 1982 and 1984 seminars were held in San ERICKSON Francisco, Dallas and Los Angeles respec­ tively. The Erickson Foundation distributes Regional workshops are held regularly tapes of lectures by Milton Erickson from in various locations. the 1950s and 1960s when his voice was strong. Releases in our audiotape series Programs held at the Foundation for are announced in the Newsletter. local therapists include beginning and ad­ vanced ongoing training in hypnotherapy and strategic family therapy. All training programs are announced in TRAINING VIDEOTAPES FEATURING HYPNOTIC INDUCTIONS CONDUCTED the Foundation's Newsletter. BY MILTON H. ERICKSON ELIGIBILITY The Process of Hypnotic Induction: A Training Videotape Featuring Inductions Training programs, the newsletter, au­ Conducted by Milton H. Erickson in 1964. diotapes, and videotapes are available to ABOUT THE MILTON H. ERICKSON FOUNDATION ix professionals in health-related fields, in­ (M.S.W., M.S.N., M.A., or M.S.) from ac­ cluding physicians, doctoral level psy­ credited institutions. Full-time graduate chologists, and dentists who are qualified students in accredited programs in the for membership in, or are members of above fields must supply a letter from their respective professional organizations their department certifying their student (AMA, APA, ADA). They are also avail­ status if they wish to attend training able to professionals with graduate de­ events, subscribe to the newsletter, or pur­ grees in areas related to mental health chase tapes. Acknowledgments • The assistance of a great many indi­ A number of volunteers helped, both viduals was instrumental in the success prior to and at the Conference, including of The Evolution of Psychotherapy Con­ Brent Geary, M.S.; Michael Munion, M.A.; ference. I would like to take this oppor­ Martin Zeig; and Ruth Zeig. In addition tunity to thank them. there were more than 160 student vol­ Deserving special recognition are Mrs. unteers who served as monitors and who Elizabeth Erickson and Kristina Erickson, staffed the registration and continuing ed­ M.D., members of the Board of Directors ucation desks. of the Milton Erickson Foundation, who A Steering Committee consisting of sen­ gave generously of their time and energy ior Arizona clinicians was formed and met to make many executive decisions about on a regular basis to develop policy and the Conference. They have worked tire­ procedure relating to The Evolution of lessly on behalf of the Foundation. Psychotherapy Conference. The Steering On behalf of the Board of Directors of Committee was invaluable to the admin­ the Erickson Foundation, I want to take istration of the Conference. Warm appre­ this additional opportunity to thank the ciation is extended to: Aaron Canter, Ph.D.; distinguished faculty of the meeting. The Sharon Cottor, M.S.W.; John Racy, M.D.; extra efforts of the faculty were certainly F. Theodore Reid, M.D.; Ann Wright-Ed­ noticed and
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