rmnmmr f/'1 ONir. Oli' S01J'l'll'8 IUCWJT:S'Ji ,., · Mason Organist Goes to Carolina I THE INGHAM COUNTY N1nely-Third Year, No 22 Mason, Michrgan, Thursday, May 29, 1952 Throq Soc11ons, 22 Pages News Index Boy Pulls Girl from Creek Memorial Day Want llrlH, l'ar.:eH 0, 7 nnrl 8, I'111 I I Sof'inl ncw:i, Par.:c~ •I nnrl 5, Saginaw Builders P,u'l 1 i Pdf.:C 3, Pnrt 2, Rites Planned 1 llllll'll 11ew~, l'.tge '1, Purl 2, !.r•Jllll nollr cs, Pur.:c H, Purl I; l'ngeH ;; and 0, Purl 2; nnd Jl,lf.:l'h :1 and G, Pari :~. For Forenoon 1 File Lowest Bids on Su JlC'l'VIHm s pro e e e r11 ngH, l'llf.:C 3, Pat t 3, Pn r·tulr• Will 11'ollow l~rlltlll Jal~, Pngc 2, Put l 3, l'atriotie Progr·arn l•'.ll'ln neWH, !'ltgeH 11 IIIHI 5, Which St!LI'ts at II l'mt a. 7 Miles of US-127 By-Pass on Mason's West Side and 4-Lane Pavement Between Mason and Holt Included County and City Former Chaplain Work Out Plans Finds Monuments For Park Sewer lack Significance J't•utiJ diHI illgiJ )lUI'(lOHC ar!! l!i!! lllliJ i.<sllill( lnl'lnlll'li!IH, dedar!!tl ltc•v. H<~yrnlltHI L. Nmlon in an o~rldtl'ss 'l'ltl'sd<~,\ night. The Ma· .on Ml•lltor!J•,J p.1stor spoke bl!· lot ro ill<' J{tW.Ints c•htb. ltcv. Notlllll l>a•etl !tis asser· I lOllS Oil I'SJH'III'IJI CS aS a Chap· lo11n 111 \V01lcl War II In lloslon and elsc\\lte!e in N1•w l•:ngi.lllcl ill!' lo1·mel' clwp· la111 '.tlrl, Ill' Vlstl!'rl old ccmcter· 11•s .111cl <'11ut <'ilr":. In I~ngland he .vas 111 'IIlii l'hy.u rls l'l'nlurles old .tnrl 111 <!Jut !'lws will< It went back lo IIH• NoJmdn !'rlll[jllCSl. In !•'1 1111 I' iH' saw llw .tct·es of ccmc­ II'IIC's wiH'l I' millions of solcller.~ ill' i>lllll'ri llllm Wrnlrl War I. Tn (,r'l'lllolll) h1• VI ,,tc•rl 1 hurchcs With plaqtlr•s slwlrlrorl Willi the names of W.tl' droarl lie saw bloeit aft. •'1 l>lo• k ol inslortc 111Jilcling> piled 111l•1 tllhbl<' by bomhs 'l'lu•n lw tolrl of .t l11p made to N:opl•"' :1ncl tit!' rums of Pom· l'l'll :1nrJ o[ ,1 VIsit to the Pyr.t· mtrls ol I•:r.:ypl, where a ltlng who llllcrl ~ llOO years ago had 11 monu­ ment :nul crypt IJLllil for hun. '!'he i"ng s subjects, the pastor s.11d IOSSI'd I ill' rlc,ld ilodv of then· hdlecl l;lllr.( tnlo tiLe Ntie and the pvtnmlll wh11 h covc•ted 13 acies was newt o<' upwd as n crypt. M:on,; o[ the stones we1·e torn olW.I,\' ollld Used in but!rhngs. I• tom J•;gi'Pt HPv. Not ton went 'o IPtus.tl!'rn l'vcn there he io11nd th.11 momtrnc•nts of stone 11 r• 1101 <"I!' I i.tsltng. Streets where l!'sus walltPrl .uc now l'oVet•ccl by 'II l<•c•t ol debt Hi .t!Hl t uhblc left hy cl('sltur·tton <~ncl tebutlding. l~1glll limes, lite pastot said, .Teru- •.. tl!'tn il11H been clestloyed The l!l'IL m c•t till' Dam.1scus gale in 1111• ltnv• ol Clu1sl was found to 111• {I [Pel he low 1he surface of lilt' gtolliHI at the [Hcscnt gate. 'J'hc nlomll bombs dropped by llnJPLlloillS ,II I!Jtosluma made Two Ma~on men .mrl a L.tllSIIIJ.( tllbble ol lhe rtty .mrl ktlied all man paid $27.80 each Mrmrl.l,Y fol' tlw f,l! Lilly and I he 300 girls en· catching and having b,Jss 111 tlwu· 1ol!ecl 111 tiH• Anwrican missionary possession. ,ciJIHll IIH•n•, ]{Pv. Norton said. Conservation Olficer \V,tlter BLtl IIH• f,llt 11, t!Jc• courage•, the ~le· Mutchler of M.tson discovered voltnn !'Xl'rnplllted by the stU· the Illegal 'fishing at Lowe ialw rlronls olllll Ill!' ],[('lilly were not nea1· Stocltbridge Sum!.ty rlcstrnyPd by tlw alomtc blast, the J(enneth 0 BIUWII ami Dw1gh I pdslot s<~ld TIMl fattll, thut cour· Royal of Mason anrl William .T. ,,ge, lit.tt dc·volton live on. Kemp, J1·., of Lanstng were I he "When T c•nlctcd lite at·my I fishermen. They pleaded guilty llarl JlHl'lfistiC lendCIJCiCS," cle· before Justice of the Peace Roy ,·Ia 1ed R!'v N ortnn "After seelllg­ W. AdarnH al Mason Monday. tln• rlPsttudton, the suffering unci Under the new flshtng law .dl llw g11el rny p.tci[lsm was con· Ingham lalccs are open except for filmed ,md st tc•ngtltcncd. No good largemouth and smallmouth bass. eo1n ~ome frorn wat• only hent t­ County Board The season on those species does hrcni\ anrl rltsnstcr. Monuments to not open unlil .June 21. 1hro cJp,ul I.tel( Htgntftcance. The The reason why the season ts IJullt only IH Pvcrl<~stlllg. Monu· Meets Monday still closed on largemouth .111cl mcnls ate f,illen rlown but the smallmou th bnss, exphunec! Lrutlt of SueratcH, Marcus, Aure­ Inglwm supervtsors Will 1 c· Mutchler, is because the bass .1re lius, Attstotlc and Jesus Chr.ist urn to Mason Munday for the now spawning, and bass llshmg Hltll st.md." IUlll! SCSSIOII won't stand the pressme of cxt1.1 fishing without prolcctwn at Tltcre ts the usudl grist of I nt (,tad- Sf e the new AI'KOI)CX 7li nt !aims. In acldllton, the super· spawning. Wuton. :.!:!wL 't~ors will decide on nn approprla· ion needed to remedy sewage ells· msal conrhl1ons at the county No Rain, But Ltts of Mosquitoes fatrgrouncls. A report may also be st udu~d m Ute proposed annexation to Fair Skies for Caps and Gowns "ansing of most of what remains J! Lansing township. Petitions Mason seniors chose the 11ght Ihe l'onuncncemen t addresH. Prln· 2 DA l'S ARE LEFT AT PRESENT RATES 'or annexut Jon came before the d,tte for ~heir outdoor graduntwn ~t(Ml Rtchard Dernlow will pre­ Jo,ard at the Mny mectmg. They exercises. The forecast for ~ent Ihe schoi.u·ships and 8\'Val'ds Nere tabled for further study, Wedncsdny night Is futr and ~uol· and Maurice R!Citly, school board <\lt·eacly ordered on the Novem· er. No rain was In sight at noon. president. Will hand out the diplo· Subscription Price Will Change 1e1 ballot is Jhe proposal for In· This ls the fourth outdoor com· rnas to the IH seniol'S, Subscribers may renew subscriptions Thursday and :otporatton as a fifth class city of mencement planned. Last year's In hne for scholarships itr'e Saturday at the present rate, $2 for one year in Ingham 1nrl o[ the township west of Lan· was the only one rained off. Mm•tiyn Morris and Susap. and adjoining counties, $2.50 per yem· elsewhere in the >ing It would be called West Lan· People may find that raincoats Forchc,- Michigan State; Joanne United States. The 2-year rates are $3.50 in Ingham and sing. w111 comq in handy to ward off Tabachl<i, University of M1Cbl· adjoining counties, $4 fat• 2 yem·s elsewhere. Ptosccutor Paul C. Younger alttwks by mosquitoes. The min gan; and James Roggow anrl Dor1· Nas asl<ecl to give his opinion as in the early hours of Wednesday ald Rumbles, Michigan College Beginning Monday subsct·ip1 ion prices will advance. o the conflict between thl! incor· of Mining and Technology. DANJ{S OPEN SATUUDAY made things just right for the ln· .In Ingham and adjoining counties the rate will be $2.50. Joratlon and the annexation pro· sects. ' Baccaluureate services wcr•e Elsewhere in the United States the new price will· be $3. Although some service estab· Josals. Commencement exercises ate lis1m1cnts and a few stores wl11 held 111 the Presbytet•lan church scheduled to start at 8 o'cloclt nt Sunday night. Rev. Paul Ar· · Higher newsprint costs, higher postage rates and close both l~riday and Sntm·day, L .. li'ot• Guui-Sce new AI KOllCX 7 fi nt Athletic field. higher costs for just about everything else which goes into Mason banlts wi11 be open SatUl'· the nold pt·eached the sermon. ·', , a newspaper, forced the advance in prices. Wtuc'H. 22wl Rev. C. M. Muilenberg, pastor day forenoon. County offices wlll of Westminstet• Presbyterian '·'I' be open Saturday morning. Pot· exllL'l t watch ICJllllrlnK 11eo A. An• ~~~----~----~------------~----· dil• in llllton &, Rlcluud• Building. 22111 church In Lansing, ,wlll deliver I llnmston ploLided not guilty whm1 n. A. v. )\IAN NAMim · • , ' • JWJ'EI .WANT. OAllmA ,Je was tnlten · before Judge Ji'ollowlng n rccommendnu6n Mannes Ass1gn S~rvice Column Mason Paratrooper.· 'OtiC of Mlchl[(nn's top soft hall Mason Loses to Charlotte Adnms on n drunlt charge, 'l'ho of the Disabled American Vetm~- . Cpl. Eldonn E. Gregg of WI!· teams I~ lnoldng for games wit lr, lrlrll will he hold 'June 4, 111 4 nns of Michigan t.he Michigan 1M • t St ff llnmston, now Is serving with the tnams In the Jnghum emmty area, II 1 o'elndl, the judge said. I Veterans 'Prust Fund hoard . of aJOr 0 a 2i)t!J Infantry Division In enstern '!'he Willis Dairy .lets of .Jrwll· I And Beats Eaton ·Ra.pids· 5~0 Kenneth Breininger nnd Rudy trustccs has appointed Bernard · Koren, The 2rith, nppronchlng Its son, winner of 82 game!! Ius! yen!' Mrtson wound np tho 1!!~2 )lase· In the' fotn'tlt'11inlng a slnglt! and Pauls, both of.
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