AND SIMILKAMEEN ADVERTISER. Tor, I. No. 33: HEDLEY, B.C., THURSIL^Y, ^UG. 31, 1903. $2.00, IN ADVANCE. Methodist Church. are completed the force is likely' to be Mr; Ros,s!s friends will feel disap­ increased, and there js every reason to , HKDI.KV, 13. C. THE APEX GROUP pointed at his attempt, at defending believe that before many months the his position on the, dismissal of Mr. Sunday Sclioo! ut 3 o'clock. Evening Service at 7:30 o'clock. I Dominion Exhibition B.C.. Copper Co. will find that they AVade. The obvious suppression of Kvcvybody • welcome. Properties On Indepen.dnce the. time the railway reaches here the sundry ugly facts lias robbed if of even ' » L. THOMAS, PASTOR. 1905—September 27. to October 7—1905 ' Mountain have in this group of claims one of the the semblance of .openness and given real big things of this province and by it a ring of insincerity that he will evi­ " Untlcrthc nusliiccs'of the' " • "''• Apex group will have tonnage in dently regret Avhen he has to face ful­ 1 RoVAl/A.GKICVr.TUKAl.-& QtiftRLES f\E. SMW sight whicli will give the railway en­ ler facts. -. Ji' he'would come, out man­ INDUSTRIAL SOCIKTY . , CIVIL ENGINEER, B?;C. COPPER CO.'S CAMP gineers no rest until they have provid­ fully Avith the truth and state that he ' DOMINION AND ^PROVINCIAL ed the necessary *>pui's for. transporta­ had'acted on misrepresentations made LAND S'URVEYOR. NEW WESTMINSTER, B: 6. Splendid Showings—Getting Ready For tion. to him, the people Avould accept it, for - .-. ', i •• Orders may.be left at Gazette office.- ,Sf upendou's and comprehensive,,, Winter's Work.—Sons Qf Anak.— South .of the Apex group. Rocky any man is liable'to make a mistake: array of Exhibits representing • Other Properties, Ryan had a group of claims the names but his preference to still occupy a B. G. HEDLEY, the resources - of •, all Canada. of which were too geographical for false position and to bolster it up with the prospectors thereabout- to remem­ fallacies already fully exposed is only Immediately south of Northey !$ioo,ooo ^iS,^s $100,000 ber. , They explained that Rocky had to go from bad to worse. ] \) 60RISTW&, V. S. A Mountain and connected with it by a Enlarged grounds, new, hand- "sort of Siamese twin link is Indepen­ been a sailor and named the claims CONSULTING | some and spacious buildings .' dence Mountain which has recently after all the ports in which' he had W. A. McLean tool; a gang of ten or sweethearts. The analogy goes still ."VKTEIIINAKIAN -, become a point of great interest ow­ a dozen men from here to work on the ing to the fact that developnient'wovk farther for the claims were all tacitly irrigation contract Avhich betook from , -.1^=030VOOS, B.C. 1 WORLD'S CiiAJipioNsmr EVENTS has started there on a scale, 'that has abandoned or sold as. doubtless'also the Southern Okanagan Land Co. Mr. in Rowing and Lacrosse, Horse Advice and prescription by mail, $1.00. not been seen any whore, else in this were the sweethearts. The best of M'cL'eau doesn't want to delay the Gt. Racing, Broncho "Busting,". Mili­ portion of the district with the single Rocky's claims are now included in Northern, but he wants to get, his tary Parades and Exorcises. } WINKLER & MOHR exception of the Nickel Plate. .the Teyiot group owned by K. P. share of the loose labor that is so much Penticton and Princeton ROYAL IRISH GUARDS'and other The- pmperties under development Mathison who is said so have an ex­ in demand at present. Famous Bands. are those of the Apex' group, staked cellent showing, with good values and the property well-situated. Reai Estate and Mining Brokers. GRAND WATER CARNIVAL—Parade in 1900 by W. J. Forbes who after­ Mrs. 3. .1. Tracy who ha..- Ivc-na guest, of Eraser river fishing fleet, patrol wards-took in as partner AV. D. Mae- The Gazette was unable to visit all at the hotel Similkameen for the past : Correspondence Solicited, Jrom Tiiose Moving j' boats, M. M. warships, Indian' war Millan, and the work which they have and had to depend on information ob­ Property to 5e!5. three months went out by Tuesday canoes, etc., etc. done and the showing they have made tained from others which Ave h.-iA-p morning's'fiver en route for he; l:oine reason to believe Avas in all such cases INDIAN SPOUTS. has compelled the attention of capital in Seattle. AVhon Mv. Tracy gets R H. -ROG-ERS, -with the- result that Mr. McMillan fair and truthful. through Avith his Avork in the A Vest ., M.A.. 13.C.L. For all information vvribcAV. H.JCKAUY, who is the largest owner, succeeded in The Lone Star owned by M. Mac- and returns here to take u;> fen«truc- SKCRETARY ruirl MANAUKII, XHW WKSV- bonding the property early this-sum­ Auley and others lies across the gulch tion AVOJ'IC in a month oi' .-o move, she .MIX&TCU, U. C. , • SOLICITOR, CONVISYTANCEK, mer to the B. C. Copper Co. co the south. Avhcro a tunnel has boon expects to return to Hedley. r -KKOWS NOTARY l>L ]3LLC, ETC. The group consists 01 the Apex, driven for some 20 feet. George Ham is also the oAvnor of claims in the vi­ Nighthawk, Keystone fraction, Utopia Mr. Keith of the Allison (ownsite is cinity upon which considerable devel­ VERNON, B..C Australian and Alpha, and is reached firm in the belief that the C. P. R. Avill opment work has been done Avith good from' the Nickel Plato by the Pentic­ have the first train into Hedley. Tt Cawsteii $ Ediiidiid results : and further south* on ton wagon road to Nbrthoy's camp, may be so, bu fc that i.s not the tinu-tutn PIEHSON MOUNTAIN GILLESPIE k between Riordan and Northey Moun­ in Hedley. Tf he should happen to lie FZE.F\L. ESTATE the old P.ierson group of claims, OAVU- tains, beyond which Northey's trail right in this matter Hodleyites Avill, —AN'D- by Cornell and others, are considered over the mountain for about 2 miles not kick, but will be ready to throAA' WINIING BROKERS «onthvard will bring the new camp. excellent properties. On them a great up their caps in honor of the winner Insurance Agents, Conveyancers., Etc. deal of development has been done PURVEYORS The name'Apex was decidedly apt, in the race. AVe're. true sport? here. _•' ' Next to Post.Oilioe,-HEDLEY. B.C. for the claim covers .the top of the Avhich has enhanced the value of the property. OF mountain. \ £dw. G. Warren U The work done was of a character Again the question arises what is ' -Word has come from Riordan Moun­ Electrical Engineer and J which showed that the performance Hedley's policy to'be with reference tain to the effect that Jimmy Riordan's Contractor ALL KINDS of mere assessment duties had cut no to the opening up of these properties ne>v strike on the Resort is opening up 2 finely. The Avhole cut is now in solid GREENWOOD, - B.C. < figure with the owners, for the work and securing the measure of prosper­ OF \ was far over what was required find ity that rightly belongs to us as the ore Avith all the strength and solidity (8 was done with good judgment, in so result of their early development? that might be expected at 1,000 feet of ESTIMATE'S' FURNISHED ON ANY ELEC­ depth, the ehalcopyrite strongly in far as showing up the ore bodies is con­ Points to the east that are more than 111 evidence and pointing to the inevitable TRICAL PROJECT FOR POWER OR LIGHT FresU Meats cerned The amount of graded. ti'ail twice the distance from these camps 'conclusion that a great copper mine is too, was outlay wisely made. On the that Hedley is, have connection by J PI there. '••'-. Apex is a shaft 15 ft. deep, all in fine- wagon road and bid fair to obtain a ALLISON 0 Pisn looking ore, with the exception of a large share of the trade during the in­ thin lime capping. That on the dump itial stage of development.. That the. In conversation Avith a mining man C. P. RAILWAY TOWN I is good looking ore of garnetite ore Avill come out to the railway on who came down from Princeton last gangue carrying mispiekel and chaleo- the Similkameen is a. foregone conclu­ week the Gazette Avas pleased to learn -:o:- V6Q6taDl6S pyrite, the latter being very .much' in sion, but the trade of the initial stage of the fine shoAving which'is to be seen Will be in the Market in a few weeks. AND evidence and generously, distributed is AA'ell Avorth striving for, and Hedley on AAr. C. McDougall's United' Empire through the rock. There was no should be aliA'e to her interests. Claim on One Mile creek. The AA-ork waste noticeable on the dump and the done had shoAvn up a fine deposit of' ;•.- -••."'-:. quantity of ore was about what one ore, principally copper carbonates Supposed Drowning- Accident. would expect to fill the hole it came Avith the indication that further. Avork Cut Rates on Orders by both Penticton out of. No walls were visible here. Avill prove the existence of a good body \RJsi.fc}niTi&.tt.&tm ? and Overland Stages. Considering the use that is made .of This dump is said to haye given :\ssay the lake at Penticton there lias been of sulphide ore.
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