16784 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 20, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF TEXAS Robert G. Yoes, Faculty Associate in Militant nationalism 1s an absurd concept AND FACULTY OPPOSE ABM Physics; Eugene Couch, Faculty As­ in this nuclear age. The United States can sociate, Dept. of Physics; Alfred Schild, only protect her people by insuring world Professor of Physics; Laurence Shepley, peace. This means that we must actively put HON. RALPH YARBOROUGH Assistant Professor of Physics; Rich­ an end to the action-reaction cycle which ard Matzner, Faculty Associate, Dept. can only escalate the arms race, draining the OF TEXAS of Physics; Albert R. Exton, Faculty financial resources so badly needed to cope IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Associate, Dept. of Physics; William with the world's domestic problems. The de­ Friday, June 20, 1969 Kinnersley, Faculty Associate, Dept. of ployment of the ABM will serve only to bring Physics; Richard Tropp, Teaching As­ us one step closer to a nuclear disaster, Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, I sistant, Dept. of Physics; William H. prompted by thooe who claim they are seek­ have recently received a letter from 13 Marlow, Research Scientist; Ph. D. ing but to defend the nation. Let us not members of the faculty and graduate Candidate; Physics; John W. Middle­ force the Russians into the position of hav­ students in the Physics Department of ton, Teaching Assistant, Physics; Yin­ ing to deploy a system even more terrible ger Ehlers, Professor of Physics; Robert than the ABM, a device that will spell the the University of Texas at Austin, Tex., S. Castroll, Teaching Associate, Math­ doom of the up-coming arms negotiations, another letter from 14 members of the ematics Dept.; John A. Campbell, As­ if not the world itself. Physics Department of Texas A. & M. sistant Professor, Physics and Com­ We are well aware of your solid opposition University, and a letter from eight stu­ puter Science. to the ABM. We hope this letter and the pe­ dents and members of the academic tition enclosed (signed by more than 1000 community of the University of Texas at Hon. RALPH YARBOROUGH, members of the Austin academic community) Austin, all opposing the ABM. The last­ U.S. Senate, will bolster your position in Congress, and Washington, D.O.: help influence your colleagues to follow your mentioned letter was attached to a pe­ example. Please make our position known to tition containing the signatures of over We the undersigned members of the phys­ ics department of Texas A. & M. University, as many members of Congress as possible. 1,000 people at the University of Texas wish to express our opposition to the pro­ We would appreciate a reply from you con­ at Austin who are against the ABM pro­ posed deployment of the Safeguard Antl­ cerning the prospects for the fight against the posal. Ballistic Missile System. We respectfully ABM. Mr. President, these names on the pe­ urge that you vote against the authorization Sincerely, tition were collected over a period of and appropriation of the funds necessary James C. Kearney, Stacy Heinen, Ben several days when the petition was avail­ to deploy the Safeguard System. Davis, Bill Holder, Claire Wilson, able for signature outside the Student This petition reflects the individual senti­ Steven Shankman, Marsha Maverick ments of the undersigned individuals and in Wells, Nancy J. Moore. Union Building at the University of no way represents an official position of the Texas at Austin. The petition and these named institution. We, the undersigned students of the Uni­ letters tell me that there is great public J. Nuttall, associate professor; Ronald versity of Texas and members of the Austin opposition to the ABM proposal in my Bryan, visiting lecturer; F. Alan Mc­ academic community, deplore the NiXon Ad­ home State of Texas. We cannot ram Donald, asst. prof.; William A. Pearce, ministration's iadvocacy of the ABM system, this multibillion-dollar program down asst. prof.; Lee C. Northcliffe, assoc. and we urge both Senators from t he Stafte prof.; R. K. Vaneyer, asst. prof.; G. W. of Texas rto fight very strongly in Congress the throats of an unwilling people. I for the defeat of the ABM program. hope that the Senate will keep this fact Kattaman, assoc. prof.; E. Reyne, assoc. prof.; C. N. Adams, grad stu­ Agnes I. Edwards, Karen Leiner, SuzannA in mind when it votes on this proposal. dent; L. L. Rutledge, Jr., grad student; Davies, J. B. Perkin, John R. Doggett Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ Mitty C. Plummer, grad student; Joe III, James Coates, Carol Thompson. sent that these letters, one from the De­ S. Ham, prof.; Donald F. Weekes, pro­ Kerry Kremer, Robert A. Devine. partment of Physics, University of Texas, fessor; Harold Cohen, post doctoral Jennifer Gee, Jan Dohoney, William dated February 26, 1969; one from the research associate. Brans, Ryan W. Oliver III, Rachel Physics Department of Texas A. & M. Maines, Edwin 0. Prin<:e, Carole Myse, Adrienne Diehr. APRIL 19, 1969. University; and one from a group of Uni­ Nancie B. Anderson, Eugene E. Wells, Jr., versity of Texas students dated April 19, Hon. RALPH YARBOROUGH, Senate Office, Claudia Stewart, Steve Brake, Bernard 1969, along with the names of their Washington, D.O. Duck, Jr., George Byars, Mr. and Mrs. signers; and the text of the petition from DEAR SENATOR YARBOROUGH: We strongly be­ P. Nugeon Guenluck, Bob Goldman, the University of Texas at Austin, to­ lieve that the ABM system advocated by the Tony TenaneUa, Ken Bayn, John Dietz, gether with the names of all of the present administration is sheer madness. The Karen &owlett, Sha,ron D. Rueler, Mark signers, be printed at this point in the Administration claims that this "defense" R. Lerner, Diallla Allen, Carolyn Na.nee, Stuart Greenfield, Charles Cervantes. RECORD. system is not provocative; this is simply not true. When the Soviet Union had set up ,a Martha Sherer, Bruce E. Harberry, Rob­ There being no objection, the material ert G. Milne, Edward Malewitz, Karo­ was ordered be printed in the RECORD, limited ABM system around Moscow we re­ to sponded by developing the MIRV, the most lyn Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. as follows: deadly warhead ever created. This, in turn, Friedel, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Shattuck, THE UNIVERSITY OF TExAS AT forced the Russians to keep abreast militarily Elizabeth Bernard, Charles Tandy, AUSTIN, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, of the Americans. In now advocating the de­ Joan Sechler, Margaret Gardner, John Austin, Tex., February 26, 1969. ployment of the ABM system, our military H. Whiteford, Robert Logan, John H. Hon. RALPH YARBOROUGH, leaders fail to recognize how terribly they are Mannehler, Arlene Welfel, Charles L. Senate Office Building, escalating the arms r ace. Does our military Borgeson, Jr., Ann Caraway, B. K. Washington, D.O. assume the Soviet Union will react more Guyler, Joel Finegold. DEAR SENATOR YARBOROUGH: We the under­ sanely to our ABM than we did to theirs? Mary Charles Lucas, Fred L. St earns, signed faculty and graduate students at The There are purely technical reasons for oppos­ James R. Eskew, John R. Schallow, University of Texas at Austin urge you to ing the ABM. In the February, 1968 issue of Lucius A. Ripley, Gary B. Rodgers, vote against any additional appropriations Scientific American, Hans Bethe maintains William A. Brine, Philip McGuire Mar­ for the Sentinel Antiballistic Missile System. that after spending billions of dollars, the tin, Victor J. Guerra, John W. Bowler, We believe that the Sentinel system does not system could be quite easily foiled by new Gustavo R. Ortega, Charlotte Webb, const itute a technically feasible defense Russian technological advances. Another Donald S. Webb, Judy Blumenfeld. against a nuclear attack with ballistic mis­ scientist, writing in the April, 1969 issue of David Spaw, Travis Briggs, Bob Gold­ siles and that any advantage obtained from the same journal, claims that the chances of man, S. C. Littlechild, Lacy Daniels such sr stem can be easily offset by minor, in­ nuclear war will be greatly increased 1f the Richard Whiddon, Ted 8amsel, Warren expensive modifications of offensive weapons. ABM system is adopted. Presently, neither Dean, Joe Bryson, J ames Richard We also feel that the construction of the side can gain much of an advantage by ini­ Rogers, Ferver E. Syleyks, Noelb Hen­ Sentinel system at this time will increa-se in­ tiating a nuclear attack. We, like the Rus­ dricks, Gilbert Cardenas, Perrell D. ternat ional tensions and lead to an immedi­ sians, will suffer equally, whether we initiate Epperson, Ron Klcheger, BlaninP. ate escalation of the arms race. We therefore or retaliate. If, however, ABM's are set up Cohen, Bev. Strittmatter, Juan Caro­ conclu de that the costs as well as the dangers on both sides (if they indeed function; many tez, 14 St. 506 Michael Woodward, Cole. inheren t in placing nuclear warheads in scientists have their doubt s) , the country Forrest S. Higgs, Judith A. Zemore, Mark populated ar eas far out weigh any advantages which attacks first will suffer least . There­ Simon, Katherine Murphy, Ann Lock­ of the Sentinel system and we urge you to fore, when a crisis situation arises, either lear, James Reddell, A. S. Marshall, oppose its construction. side is more likely to push the panic button. Betty Cotton, Rick Priwy, Jane Beek- June 20, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16785 strand, Robert W. Hoffman, Kelvin B. Wenorah Lyon, Tom Kincaid, Sharon Bower, David Vando, Diane Shottand, Pratt, Thomas A. Green Jr., George Bosting, Larry Grisham, James M. Donald McQuarle, Anthony J. Stant­ Zapalas, Jan Marston. Cody, Barry Banelle, Kurt Gustafson, zenberger, John Mikov, John Nibrow, John Lan, Randy Cally, Judy Morrison, Robert D.
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