B”H The Chabad Weekly Parshas Shoftim Chabad of Beverly Hills Vol. 17 Issue 46 Friday, 3 Elul 5774 / August 29, 2014 409 Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Every one of us has Candlelighting Here Comes the Judge Chabadofbeverlyhills.com (Los Angeles) By Yossi Goldman good and bad to some extent. Even those who Rabbi Yosef Shusterman 7:04 PM Don’t be judgmental. Unless, of have sinned may have 310-271-9063 Friday Mincha: course, you happen to be a many other good deeds judge. Then it’s your job. 7:20 PM that outweigh the bad This week’s Parshah, Shoftim ones. Perhaps even one good LATEST SHEMA: 9:39 AM (Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9), be- deed was of such major signifi- Sometimes - simply because Elul and cance that it alone could serve the High Holidays occur with yearly gins with the biblical command dependability - we don't pay enough as a weighty counterbalance. Shabbat Schedule for judges to be appointed in attention to a very radical concept in every city and town to adjudicate The point is, only G‑d knows. Judaism. Tanya 8:45 AM and maintain a just, ordered, Only He can judge the individ- During the month of Elul a Jew is sup- civil society. Interestingly, it oc- ual in the context of his whole posed to stop what he's doing, hon- 9:30AM Shacharit curs in the first week of Elul, the life and all his deeds, good and estly and objectively assess his spiritual followed by month in which we are to pre- bad. condition, and take whatever steps are Kiddush, pare in earnest for the Days of necessary to improve it. But how much Cholent & Our goal is to emulate the Judgment ahead, Rosh Hasha- can an older, set-in-his-ways person Farbrengen heavenly court. We should try really change? nah and Yom Kippur. to look at the totality of the per- Realistically speaking, each of us has Pirkei Avos 6:05 PM There are, however, some sig- son. You think he is bad, but is his own strengths and weaknesses, Mincha 6:50 PM nificant differences between he all bad? Does he have no things we are willing to do and things followed by earthly judges of flesh and blood redeeming virtues? Surely, he that are just not for us. Aside from minor adjustments, aren't we destined Seuda and the heavenly judge. In the must have some good in him to remain basically the same till 120? Shlishit earthly court, if after a fair trial a as well. Look at the whole per- To this, Judaism responds with a re- defendant is found guilty, then son. Shabbat 8:04 PM sounding "No!" You too can change there’s really not much room for A teacher once conducted an and do teshuva, the Torah tells us, ends clemency on the part of the experiment. He held up a white regardless of your experience or ma- judge. The law is the law and turity. Whatever happened before is Announcements: plate and showed it to the must take its course. The ac- class. In the center of the plate past history. No door is closed, no bad Yartzheits: Moshe cused may shed rivers of tears, was a small black spot. He then habits so ingrained that they cannot be overcome. A Jew always has the po- but no human judge can be cer- asked the class to describe Kirshenbaum—Elul 5, Leo tential to draw nearer to G-d, and dur- tain if his remorse is genuine. what they saw. One student Presser—Elul 8, Yaspah His feelings of regret are touch- ing the month of Elul, is granted special said he saw a black spot. An- powers from Above to assist him. ing, but of limited legal conse- Brok – Elul 9, Moones Bral other said it must be a target This principle, that a Jew is a perpetual quence. After all, a human judge -Levieddin – Elul 9. for shooting practice. A third "work in progress" and that it's never may only make a decision based suggested that the plate was too late to improve, is the result of the Happy Birthday to on “what the eye can see.” The dirty or damaged. Whereupon unique nature of the Jewish soul. The misdeed was seen to have been Jewish soul is eternal, unlimited by any Shimshon Mishael, the teacher asked, “Doesn’t committed. The remorse, who anyone see a white plate?” boundaries. Nothing can stand in the Rebecca Molayem, knows? Perhaps he’s a good way of a Jew's sincere desire to be There may have been a small close to G-d - neither logic, emotion, Yitzchak Hatanian and actor and is only acting contrite. The Supreme Judge, how- black spot, but essentially it environment or inclination. The mo- ment he resolves to change course Raymonde Barishman. ever, does know whether the was a white plate. Why do we ever slightly (in the right direction) he accused genuinely regrets his only see the dirt? Let us learn Happy Anniversary to to find the good in others. No- becomes invincible. actions or is merely putting on Each day of his life, a Jew has the ca- body is perfect, not even our- Shimshon and Dora an act. Therefore, He alone is pacity to revolutionize his existence selves. Let’s not be so judg- Mishael. able to forgive. That is why in and imbue it with ever-increasing holi- heavenly judg- mental and critical. Let’s try to ness. It's just easier during Elul, when ments, teshuvah (repentance) is see the good in others. our hearts are naturally aroused to effective. Chabad.org doing teshuva and spurred on by G-d's greater proximity among us. The Maharal of Prague gave (By Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman) another reason. Only G‑d is From: L’Chaim #1036) GOOD SHABBOS! able to judge the whole person. - lchaimweekly.org SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Story of the Week: It was late Friday afternoon when he arrived in Sanz. Although the Rebbe PARSHA INSIGHTS Sunday 8:00 AM Reb Nachum and Reb Gedalya were You shall be perfect with the L-rd the two wealthiest citizens in their did not usually receive visitors so Gemara – Tractate Sanhedrin your G-d (Deut. 18:13) respective counties. Thus, when a close to Shabbat, an exception was Some people behave in a G-d-fearing (men) match was arranged between the two made for Reb Gedalya, whose acts of manner only when there are others charity were legendary. families it was the talk of the town. around to observe them. When alone, It is most likely that the tzadik was however, it's another story. This Monday 8:00 PM Several weeks passed as preparations were made for the celebration, an already aware of Reb Gedalya's story, verse teaches that we must strive to be "perfect" even when our only Chumash (men and women) event that was already being referred as there was almost no one in the audience is "the L-rd our G-d." For to as "the" social event of the year if region who hadn't heard it. Nonethe- less, he listened attentively as Reb what difference does it make if hu- Tuesday 8:00 PM not the decade. Then, all of a sudden, mans see us, when G-d continuously Gedalya poured out his tale of woe. Gemara B’Iyun a rumor began to circulate that Reb sees all our actions? (Alshich) Nachum, the father of the bride, had The Rebbe was silent for a few min- Tractate Kesuvos (men) lost his fortune. utes before responding. "You are very It is not all that difficult to appear to Eventually the bitter truth came out: lucky to have come here," he finally be perfect and whole to other peo- Reb Nachum had been forced to de- said. "However, as it is almost Shab- ple. That is why "with the L-rd your G- Wednesday 8:30 PM d" is specified - your uprightness and clare bankruptcy. Not only had he lost bat, it is too late now to discuss it any Halacha and Tanya (women) honesty should be genuine and not his personal wealth but he had even further. Why don't you stay here as my guest, and after Shabbat we will just for show. (Rebbe Simcha Bunim) had to sell his house to appease his Thursday 10:00 AM creditors. With nowhere else to go the continue this conversation." Reb Gedalya left the Rebbe's pres- What man is there who is fearful and Chassidus (women) family moved into a tiny apartment fainthearted? Let him go and return paid for by the community. ence greatly encouraged and in a to his house (Deut. 20:8) When Reb Gedalya heard the news he hopeful mood. The tzadik had lis- The words in this verse were said by Daily immediately sent a messenger to Reb tened to his every word and seemed Moses to those who were to wage Chassidus 6:45 AM– 7:15 AM Nachum with a letter expressing his to agree with him. Surely he would war. Rabbi Yosi Haglili said: This sympathy. Reb Nachum's reversal of rule in his favor; hadn't he told him means one who is afraid because of his sins. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov fortune sincerely touched his heart. At that he was "very lucky"? Reb Geda- Halacha Between Mincha lya spent a delightful Shabbat in the added another insight: The worst the same time, it was obvious to him thing is when a person dwells on his and Maariv Sanzer Rebbe's courtyard.
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