CTHE TUFTS DAILY17 Medford, MA 02155 Thursday, October 4,1990 Vol XXI, Number 19 UELLOOOOOOO? Medford City Council calls for response to anti-Catholic flyers by PATRICK HEALY distributed on Sept. 11. On Sept. Senior Staff Writer 17 Associate University Chap- Hunt, Edelman The Medford City Council lain Father Michael Hunt sent a unanimously passed a resolution press release to local newspapers evaluate campus on Tuesday night requesting that calling for “an end to a [Tufts] University President Jean Mayer double standard in dealing with atmosphere submit a written explanation of issues of hatred and bigotry.” A In the wake of numerous al- his inaction in last month’s wide- smry containing Hunt’s comments leged anti-Catholic incidents, spread distribution of anti-Catho- appeared in The Medford Tran- members of the Tufts commu- lic literature on the Tufts cam- script the following Thurshy and nity have begun to assess the pus. in The Medford Mercury last damage of discrimination The resolution was offered by Friday. Hunt’s comments quoted against Catholics to the Uni- City Councillor PatriciaDoherty, in the release were made at Sun- versi ty. who noted that the Tufts Admini- day Masson Sept. 16 to hundreds Associate Chaplain Father stration had in the past been swift of students in Goddard Chapel Micheal Hunt said he has re- to condemn similar incidents on and some members of the Medford ceived phone calls from par- campus. press. ents of prospective students who “I saw thepieceof anti-catho- According to Doherty, the have worried about “what kind lic litemure myself,” said Jhherty, Medford City Council often re- of atmosphere it is [for Catho- Photo by Jen Kle/ns&midt who identified herself as Catho- ceives calls and letters complain- lics] here.” He assured them If you look really hard you can see China. lic. “I found out that the flyers ing about Tufts students. The anti- that these problems happen on were widely distributed on cam- Catholic flyer, alleging that Pope all college campuses and it is pus, and that no comments were John Paul, George Bush and not any more of a problem a1 Students dispute police made by the Administration. I Ronald Reagan were Catholic Tufts. read Father Hunt’s statements in Nazis, angdand disMbed many There have been several in- the Medford Transcript that a residents in the Medford area, cidents that have contributed report of confrontation double standard existed at Tufts according to Doherty. She said to the sentiment among some abusive language, that the offi- in handling discrimination and that when the Council called the that Catholics are under attack by LAUREN KEEFE cers never asked him to leave the bigotry.” President’s Office, a representa- at Tufts. During last Decem- Daily Editorial Board and JEREMY ROSENBERG party, and that he did not grab the The flyers, printed by a na- we CATHOLIC. Daee 12 Daily Staff Writer officer’s wrist but was instead tional anti-Catholic group were see MEDFORD, page 9 A Tufts senior is disputing trying to shake the officer’s hand. Tufts Police’s version of a con- The student also said he was not frontation that occurred early attempting to mediate between Administrators evaluating BYOB Saturday morning at an off-cam- the officer and a resident of the by EMANUEL BARDANIS purchasing group that provides pus party and is considering fil- house, as was also reported in the Senior Staff Writer 30 national chapters with risk ing a complaint with the campus Police Log. Members of the Administra- management recommendations police. In addition, the student and tion and the Student Activities and liability insurance. The group The student said in an inter- seveml student witnesses said they Office continue to examine the recently issued a ban on kegs in view Tuesday that the descrip- believe the officer used exces- viability of alternative forms of order to reduce the liability for tion of the incident contained in sive physical force in dealing with on-campus social events, follow- their national fraternities, local this week’s Police Log did not the student. ing the creation of alcohol poli- chapters and universities in the accurately reflect what occurred The student said he doesn’t cies that have stunted the tradi- event of alcohol mismanagement. on Saturday, Sept.29, whenTufts know the name of the officer tional fraternity keg party. Members of the Inter-Greek police responded to a call about a involved. Tufts fraternity chapters have Council have expressed concern party at 45 Packard Ave. Infor- Public Safety Director John refrained from throwing large that thenew policiesaredesigned mation for the Police Log, which King said yesterday that while he parties this semesteras a result of primarily for “Bring Your Own runs every week in the Daily, is would be happy to talk to stu- the decision by many national Beer” parties, which Tufts pro- compiled from Tufts Police re- dents about the incident, he can; fraternity organizations’ to cre- hibits. ports. not comment on it or investigate ate more stringent alcohol poli- Last week, IGC President Brea Tuesday’s Police Log stated unless a complaint is filed. cies that in some cases prohibit Ingerman, Zeta Psi President Rick Marcia Kelly that the student approached the The student is not sure if he the purchase of kegs. Other chap- McKenney, and IGC Social Chair officer and “grabbed [the offi- will file a complaint with either ters are forbidden to use frater- John Mucklebauer met with As- mentioned in the new policies. cer’s] wrist while using abusive the Tufts Police or the Dean of nity funds to purchase alcohol in sociate Dean of Students Bruce The other alternative, BYOB language toward him.” The re- Students Office, though he feels any form. Reitman seeking areversal of the parties, are not specifically men- port said that the officer then that the Tufts community should In addition to these policies, University’s anti-BYOB policy. tioned, Reitman said. He charac- asked the student to leave, “but be aware of the incident. many Tufts fraternity chapters ‘’menational fraternities] left terized the BYOB alternative as the student continued to walk back The student said he had ap- may face a complete keg ban as a two areas that could be pursued,” “more of a loophole.” and forth in front of the house on proached the officer at the party result of their membership in the Reitman said of the new alcohol On Sept. 17, representatives the sidewalk.” in an attempt to initiate discus- Fraternity Insurance Purchasing policies. He said that one of these from both the IGC, the IGC The student said Tuesday, Group. alternatives, a cash bar run by a however, said that he did not use see POLICE, page 12 FIPG is a national insurance licensed caterer, was specifically see BYOB, page 9 Conference to provide apolitical perspective of Middle East by STEPHEN NEWMAN hope we can get a sense of where has been limited to one issue. invasion of Kuwait and the im- The second panel, Hess said, Senior Staff Writer the conflict is going. This is big- ‘This conference, we hope, will pact it has had on the “frontline” will take one step backwards and While discussion on the Middle ger than a regional affai~by a see it in a broader sense,” he said. states -- Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, examine the broader regional East crisis has been overwhelm- long shot,” Hess said. In order U, achieve this broader Kuwait, and the United Arab implications. This discussiOn will ing during the past month, most Hess, director of Fletcher’s perspective, Fletcher organizers Emirates. Hess said that each of see CONFERENCE, page 8 of the talk is being generated by Program on Southwest Asia and have assembled a ropnotch group the panel’s four participants will government spokespeople, ac- Islamic Studies, which is organ- from the circles of international be allotted 15 minutes to give a cording to Fletcher Professor izing the day-long conference in academia. Among the distin- speculative presentation- that Andrew Hess. TheFletcher spon- Cabot Auditorium, said the dis- guished participants is Palestin- should then be followed by de- Inside 1 sored colloquium, “Crisis in the cussion is designed to be specu- ian American Walid Khalidi from bate and discussion in which the Oped .............................. p.3 Gulf: Implicationsfor the United lative in nature. Since the inva- the Harvard Center for Middle audience is invitedtoparticipate. What’s with this campus? Students States, the Middle East, and World sion, debate on the Middle East Eastern Studies who will give the Panel participants include Yair are becoming apathetic buttheRogram- Order” on Friday, Hess says, will crisis has been narrowly focused opening speech on the crisis’ Evron from Tel Aviv University, mine Board hopes to change that. provide the gravely needed apo- and very little emphasis has been future, and specifically on how John Esposito, a professor at litical perspective on the Middle given to its regional and global the crisis will affect the Palestin- College of the Holy Cross teach- Arts .................................. p.5 East crisis and its global implica- implications. ian world. This opening address, ing at Fletcher this semester; John Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pmafore- scheduled to kick off the confer- Gault the John Gault SA becomes the Titanic and the King comes tions. Hess said that through an I11 from back in a new collection of his greatests. “Our effort here has no politi- opening address and three panel ence at 9 a.m., will be followed of Geneva, Kamal Abu Jaber from cal agenda. We want to inform discussions, the Fletcher confer- by a question and answer session the Jordan Institute for Middle Sports .........................
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