24 - THE HERALD, Fri., April 3, 19B1 NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Autot For Solo 81 Legal Notice TOWN OF MANCHESTER PUBLIC HEARING Ih e Zoning Board of Appeals at a meeting on March 30.1961 made the following BOARD OF DIRECTORS BANK REPOSESSIONS FOR TOWN OF ANDOVER dedaloa; TENTATIVE BUDGETS OF GENERAL MANAGER Appl. No. 711 - - East Catholic Parent’s Gob - 115 New SUte Road - -Variance SALE, 1978 Pontiac Formula PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ___ j with condition. 13,200, 1975 Chevrolet Monza Special Permit APRIL 6, 1981 Ih e variance shall have an effective date in accordance with the Connecticut $1,800, 4 cylinder. 1974 General Statutes. Noiice of this decision has been filed in the Town Gerk’s Office. The Planning & Zoning Commission of Andover^ Connecticut 7i30 P.M. didsmobile Cutlau Supreme. WADDELL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing in the lower level of the Town Office ^ w a rd Coltman, Secretary^ 81 cylinderevil $1,500. 1969 163 Broad Street AMC Ambassador 4 door $300. Building, Monday, April 13, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. on the application Dated this 3rd day of April, 1961 1975 Chrysler Cordoba, poor of Mr. Richard Selig for a Special Permit to establish a single A public bearing on the General Manager's Recommended Town Budget fw the fiscal year July 1, IMl through June condition, best offer. The family dwelling in a Business Zone located on Route 87, sur­ M. 1982 will be held Monday. April 6, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. at the Waddell School Auditorium. 1«3 Broad Street. above may be seen at the rounded by the properties of N/F Francis Gardino. Proposed Manchester. Connecticut for all interested citizens of the Town of Manchester. The following budget is proposed for Savings Bank of Manchester, fiscal year 1981-82 for approval by the Planning & &ning Commission of Andover, (ialrgorv Total Revenue Sharing Portion 923 IVbin St., Manchester. Connecticut. GENERAL FUND 831.8O4.085 I 740,100 O V i) . S M th a At this hearing interested persons may be. heard and written Debt Retirement US5.8S0 83,500 BUICK CENTURIAN, PS, Street Lighting 340,245 211,500 hast la aMdtora 3ht Heralb communication received. A copy of the application is on file in PB, AT, AC. Very good condi­ Pension Contributioii 459.000 445,100 at at SME’a ... Sewing the Greater Manchester Area for 100 Years tion. 3400 or best offer. 643- the Office of the Town Clerk, Andover 'Town Office Building, FIRE DISTRICT SPECIAL FUND 2.382,398 85.000 5317. Andover, Connecticut. Insurance 114,706 85.000 ..... SPECIAI, TAXING DISTRICT Mancheater, Conn. Saturday April 4,1981 25 Cents Dated in Andover. Connecticut this 3rd and 10th day of April, 1981 DODGE Window Van. many PARKING FUND 91.758 2.500 new parts. Needs motor. Best 1981. Insurance 4.800 2.500 offer. 643-5317. Planning & Zoning Commission CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 266.500 266,500 NEW ENGLAND of Andover Totals $34,545!52I 11,074.100 1974 T-BIRD, low mileage, John L. Kostic, Chairman Copies of the Proposed Budget are available from the General Manager's Office in Town Hall, and are also on file at EXPOSITION the Town Libraries and Town Clerk's Office All interested citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral air-conditioning, stereo, Mary Keenan, Secretary comment APR. 7 8 k 8—Noam to 9 PM a APR. 9—Noam to 8 PM power seats, windows and 0084)4 017-<H No one under 16 admitted. Hartford Civic Center._________ more options! 32,500. Also: 1975 LTD WAGON, eight passenger, air-conditioning 11200 649-9404 SAVINGS AS BIG AS ALL OUTDOORS! Brady removed 1967 MERCURY COUGAR - professionally restored. New battery, tires, exhaust, wheels, tune-up and new LOFTS paint Call anytime 649-8180. Lflwn Food Fertilizer JEEPS, CARS TRUCKS Covan tOJXtO Sq. FI, 4 A f l f l available through government OurNag. 13.77......... I UaOO from critical list agencies, many sell for under With last-greening, non-buming formula for safe, ellective uae. 3200 Call 602-941-8014 ext 7816 WASHINGTON (UPI) - Jim Brady was shot in the head during for your directory on how to brain scan' showed multiple bullet purchase Brady, who was shot in the head in an assassination attempt on Presi­ and bone fragments in the head. the assassination attempt on Presi­ dent Reagan Monday at the He said the cause of the high blood F R E E 1973 CHEVY, 9 dent Reagan, Friday was taken off Washington Hilton Hotel. The bullet pressure was a blood clot and passenger station wagon with the critical list and told his doctor entered his head just above the left swelling above the left eyelid. A iurchase of five L7815 tires (4 that he was “press secretary at the fike new). 12 volt battery, eyebrow and crossed through the large chunk of skull and the injured new. 3350. firm 643-1814. White House. right side of his brain. brain tissue, about 20 percent of the Brady’s condition “continues to right cerebral hemisphere, were MG MIDGET 1975 Excellent improve,” the White House said in “I like to think that under the very removed. condition. No rust. 41.000 an evening medical bulletin. best circumstances he could end up miles. Must sell 32,600 or best Kobrine said the bullet severed with no mental impairment,” several arteries in the brain. “Once offer. 643-6166 “He has been moved from the Kobrine said. “He is right-handed. critical list but remains in the inten­ the bleeding was controlled and the 1973 CAMARO LT, power It's certainly too early to tell what blood clot was removed, the blood steering, power brakes and sive care unit,” the report said, “His his motor function will be like. automatic transmission. Runs vital signs are stable and there have pressure came back to normal,” he “I can forsee a scenario where his said. good. 31700. 646-4122 SA¥e OVER *59 been no further tem perature mental capacity will be normal." elevations. He said Brady will be moved from 1966 MUSTANG FOR PARTS. Kobrine said Brady has “gotten intensive care to another room in the 3350 or best offer. 528-8563. SEIKO “This afternoon when Mr. Brady’s brighter every day since his injury, Sue or Carl. physician asked him what his job hospital by the weekend or early Men’sChtonogrMih and is speaking sentences of three, next week. was, he replied, ‘Press secretary at four and five words. He moves his 1980 PINTO - 4 cylinder, very the White House,'” Kobrine said his patient “is over low mileage, AM-FM, rust right side very well. He moves his W B Raglttgi the hump" as far as possible brain proofed, excellent condition, left side very little." swelling. He said there still might be 34.300 646-1271 MuftHunction digital quartz Earlier, the doctor who performed kwlel) with lap thnar, and brain surgery on Brady said the 40- But Kobrine said if Brady con­ a problem with infection, but Brady 1979 CJ5 JEEP - 6 cyl. Three automatic adfuttcaltnd*'' year-old press secretary could tinues to do well, movement on the is on high doses of antibiotics to speed Call 646-5157 after 5 recover from the gunshot wound to left side should improve. combat that possibility. pm. SAVE OVER *27 his head without any mental impair­ When Brady arrived at the Asked to describe the worst possi­ 1973 FORD GRAND TORINO ment. hospital, his blood pressure was at ble outlook for Brady, Kobrine said, - Excellent condition' 4 brand Texet Inttrumenta But Dr. Robert Kobrine, the "abnormally high" level of 240 “Well, he can still die, but I don’t new tires. 31000. Call 289-1628. LadieR’ LCDGhMrtz neurological surgeon at George over 160, the doctor said. He was expect that to happen.” Washington University Hospital, moving his right side, but not his Kobrine said Brady was asked how 1972 VW BEETLE - Good se­ $ 0 7 Our cond car. Call after 6:00 p.m. £>8 M a»M J7 said it could take up to a year to left. he was feeling Friday, and the press 644-3318 Hai quartz accwacy piui determine if there is any impair­ Kobrine said Brady was put to ' secretary gave a thumbs-up signal to updothambMla sluing. ment in Brady’s capacity to function sleep and hyperventilated to reduce his doctors and said, “I’m feeling normally. brain swelling. A skull X-ray and fine." SAVE OVOi 90% 1976 HONDA CIVIC, 3 door Taking advantage of the good spring hatchback Excellent condi­ 18” Sterling Silver ranged from the Boston Red So’' te tl,° tion Rebuilt engine. New Roue Nednee weather this week, two old timers. Jack birds chirping in the trees as v.'ell as exhaust Call Chris 643-6499. Fitzgerald of 23 Brinard Place, left, and Jeff changes over the last half centt ’•y In SURPLUS JEEP - Value *3 1 fla»4i,u Koelsch of Bissell Street discussed a Manchester. (Herald photo by Pnt, .| 331J6. Sold for 344. Call 312- Handmadawlbiotaaate changing Manchester. The conversation 742-1143, extension 5426 for in­ undarattfadaiaganca. know that formation on how to purchase 'We Rhodium pW fd to raaitt bargains like this! tamtah tor many yaara. *?" lltliMM MmMm WmsM 0«rtaaSw ...,.^.7^2 She’s our teacher 1963 FALCON - Rebuilt high 14K Quid Eerringt Special exploding bullet p^orm ance 289. Good body. Fair interior. Automatic. 8 . 8 S « ;l.tM 7 Mags. Call 647-0218. Aapactaoularaalaotion MANCHESTER - It was no or­ daugnad lor piaread aars.
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