THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 9, 1981 Dear Paul: Thanks for sending on the information relative to the Senate race in California. It looks to me to be developing into a very interesting primary. Thanks for keeping me posted on your activities .. Warm regards, MICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff The Honorable Paul McCloskey, Jr. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 PAUL N. McCLOSKEY, JR. 205 ~ Bu!LDIN<I 12TH DISTRICT, CAL.ll"ORNIA WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5411 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS DISTRICT OFFICE: 305 GRANT AVENUE AND Congrt!>!> of tbt Wnittb ~tatt~ PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA COMMITTEE ON 9~308 MERCHANT MARINE (415) 326-7383 AND FISHERIES }!}ou~t of l\epresentatibtS lla.ubington, 19.«:. 20515 February 17, 1981 Michael K. Deaver Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mike: Charles Wallen passed on a suggestion from the President that I contact you about my Senate candidacy. Naturally, I would be pleased to have whatever advice and cooperation that you and the President's staff can provide, but I will fully understand that whatever action you take will be based on your perception of what is in the nation's best interest. I would like to think I can be a much better Senator than Sam Hayakawa, Barry Goldwater, Jr., or the President's daughter, but, most importantly, I think I can give you better assurance of defeating Jerry Brown and retaining the seat in Republican hands than any of the other candidates. Some polling data and several of my basic campaign memos are enclosed for your reference, and I will keep you advised as the campaign progresses. In the meantime, almost everything you're doing looks great so far. I intend to help you in every way I can regardless of what happens in the Senate race. Sincerely, PAUL N. McCLOSKEY, JR. PNMcC:dmb Enclosures THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS -i''AUL N. McCLOSKEY, JR. 205 CANNON BUILDING 12TH 0Jt·TRICT, CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20515 (ZOZ} ZZS-5411 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS DISTRICT OFFICE~ AND ~ongress of tbe Wniteb ~tates 305 GRANT A VENUE COMMITTEE ON PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94306 MERCHANT MARINE (415) 3Z5-7383 AND FISHERIES JEJoust of l-\epre.sentatibes (408) Z75-7462 Rias>bfngton, ll.~. 20515 December 10, 1980 Mr. Forrest ShlllTWay President Signal Corrpanies, Inc. 11255 North 'Ibrrey Pines Foad la Jolla, CA 92037 Dear Mr. Chairman: The list of those agreeing to serve on the Senate Exploratory Advisory Corrmittee under your leadership, thus far, is enclosed. Also enclosed is my list of legislative priorities for early 1981 and some recent J?Olling data which may be of interest. The oath of office for rrembership on this incredibly-significant new entry on the California rolitical scene, of which you are Chairman, is as follows: "We think Pete McCloskey will make a fine U.S. Senator, and that he can defeat any candidate the DErrocrats can put up in 1982, particularly including Governor Jerry Brown. We think Pete should have every chance to explore the J?OSsibilities of a 1982 Senate race, and if, in late 1981, it appears he can win a Republican prirrary, we intend to SUpp'.)rt him. 11 (W2 are also free, as individuals, to switch to some other Senate candidate if, in our individual opinion in Decffilber, 1981, McCloskey appears to have little chance of winning a Republican nomination, or if he fails to rreasure up to our standards of excellence in some other way.) I will send you additional names from time to time, and hope you and the other conmittee m:mbers will not hesitate to beguile a few of your own CEO friends into joining this 'WOrthy effort. All the best, PAUL N. M:::CTDSKEY, JR. P~C:dm Enclosure cc: Members, S.E.A.C. THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS 2/3/81 VcOJJS!CCY FOR S:C~J\.TE Ea.-.e:rd Jl.J.len, President Rob2rt frett, Chairman of tlie EGard S:::>ut.hern c.alifornia Edison Pinehurst Corporation Ernest C. Arbuckle, Chairi:B11 of lcor1ai-d K. Firestone, Director the Board, Saga Corp=iration Fireston Tire & Rubb2r Co. lvesley Bilson, President 'I\::rn Ford, President D2la..:'"lo Crnmuni ty Hospital Ford L-:o;.nd Cm~::,any RicJ-.a.rd :SOrda, Executive Vice President Verne Frc.t7n_'i..r1, President \·::ells Fargo f.ank Fre2:n3..n-So;xJgroth Construct:i on Ccr.i_r::a.ny G..c:vid Fossen, President F2ul E. Frei.Fan, President Vi2aslliex Corp:xation Syntcx L3bs, Inc. ~3lph :3oy11ton, President ?c)):X?rt FL1hn1.an, President and Chairman C2lifornia Security Bank- Lockheed Mi ssi 1e & S}J...=ice Cc~·il:-:a.ny ;·;o.yne Brrn·m, President Kip Eagopic>..n, Partner Brown & }:auffu;2.. nn Properties Erenh.'-xx'l Associates :-Jolan K. Bushnell, Chail.lTar Preston Hotchkiss, President Chairman I B"oard of .Directors Bixby Ranch C.CTTl['..,any The Alliance· for Amer. Innovation E. Eric Johnson, F_".ecutive Vice Presjdent Rob:::?rt L. d-:.31rJ::ers, dJairrr1an of Johnson & Higgins of California the &:lard, Envirotech Ryland Kelley, President William Curtiss, Jr. Hare, Bre-1·,cer, Kelley Vice President and General M~nager O~eos-Corning Fiberglas Corp. J. Frank 1£ach, President Arcata National Corporation Th::r.-.as J. D3.vis, Jr., G211eral Partner, !'.dyf:i eld JlI Harry E. FcGrath, Jr. President and Chief Financial Officer ?.e:id IEnnis, I"2...r1aging Partner Ibgnum Micrn\·:ave Coq::oration Institutional Venture Asscx::iates Frederick W. .Mielke, Jr. nyron Du Ba:in, Chairman & President ChahY.a.n of the Board & CJ1ief Executive Officer Firc-;-a.n' s Fw1d Insura.r:ice Cc:.r.1f-<3.11ies Pacific C-as and Electric Co. h=:rb D~;:ight, Presjdent and Chairman Arjay Miller, D=an Erreritus of the Eoard, Spectra-Physics, Inc. Stanford Graduate School of Business \·hlJ iC>J11 C. Ec-.~-a.rds, General Partner !·;::Kenzie Vess, President .31"}·an & Eih-;ards Ea.nk of tl1e West Ri cLard EL"lrus, cJ-;ain1an of the Board ?·~=:rvin ,'-j::irris, President ··. ;..::--?:'..X Corp:::>r at ion . Forris J'..::.l1agC"T..:::nt Cc~'~Y f'.,:,;:.:::rt N. -~'Joyce, Cffi irman of the Ch.3.rles E. Sp::;r ck JY-,ei.:·d, Intel Corp::>ration :!>res:ic211t and Ol:ief Exc-:-eutive Officer ~:ational SE3'1:iconJt~ctor Tl ~7-:-;:i s J. 0' P.u,1rke, Cr.airman and ? re si c"J en t, Tyr-:-:sha.u;, John \·;allace, Presfrlent Petrol ane, Inc. M. Kenneth Osh~.an, President and Chief Executive Officer D='an 1·:atkins, Chainnan of the ooard :Kolm Corr:oration Watkins Joh•son Qxrl[_rj]1y \·;alter E. Oustenran, Jr., President Conald F. \\iilliaTns, President Kaiser Ce:1ent Corrxxation Conald F. h'illiarns, Inc. Nonnan F. Parker, President and John Young, President Chief Executive Officer Hewlett-Packard \'?i i2n1 COlT.x:>ration :Wwin Zschau W. J. Pecka, Q?_rieral I'\anager ChailT.an of tJ--ie Board and Pres:ic1ent \·Jcstern Electric CaTipany System Industries Tt.m rerkins ADDITI5NAL MEMBERS: Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byer :Rotert Pfeiffer, President, Larry Pittman. President Chairman of the J3oard INTERAMERICAN PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION CORP. C.ruef Executive Officer Ale:;..;ande.r & Bald\.;rin, Inc. C. \·Jesley Poul son, President Cold\vell Barike.r Canl_:::any Ceorge Qui st Hc.JTllxecht & Qui st j\rthur Rock ArtJ1ur Rock & Carpany pjcFsrd G. Rogers, Executive Vice President SyrJtex Corporation Toby Schrei.l::er, President S_pE::'c:ialty Brands, Inc. AllJE>rt R. Schreck, President I·r::mtgOTiery Ca.pi tal Corr.oration Forrest ShL.ITP... ,-a.y, President The Signal Carpan:ies, Inc. Bruce Seaton, President A:ner)can Presjdent Lines, Ltd. .. CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITY MEMORANDUM December 8, 1980 TO: Staff FR.CM: PAUL N. MCCIDSKEY I JR. SUBJ: Congressional Priorities and Staff Functions, 1981 General Priorities to July 30, 1981 1. During the next eight rronths prior to the surrmer recess, our number one priority will be to assist the Reagan Transition Teams and Administration to push through those laws and executive order changes in the areas of fi¥ C1WI1 expertise. Major Efforts 2. 'IWo major projects stand out well al::xJve the others: (1) The National Youth Service (NYS) alternative to the draft; and (2) Maritime reforrn. But there are 18 additional projects where I will be serving in a leadership capacity: (3) Incentive for balancing the Budget through a proportionate reduction in transfer payments and in salaries for top executive and legislative branch employees if there is a budget deficit as of September 30, 1981. (4) Development of a set of criteria in a new law to permit, but limit, school busing within constitutional decisions of the Suprerre Court (based on Justice Powell's dissenting views). (5) Repealing the Vinson-Tramnell law; shelving of the Renegotiation Board until next emergency. (6) Abolishing the Bilingual Ballot. (7) Restoration of the restricted stock option. (8) Repealing Executive Order #11246 on affirmative action, replacing it with simplified order emphasizing enforcement rather than paperwork. (9) A comprehensive new bill to legitimize, but control, alien workers. MEMORANDUM 'ID STAFF FRCM: PAuL N. M:CLOSKEY, JR. December 8, 1980 Page Two (10) Arrending the "born-secret" provisions of the 1954 Atomic Energy Act. (11) Continuing perfection of the I.aw of the Sea Treaty. (12) Repealing the tax burdens on overseas errployees of U.S. corporations. (13) Increasing family planning services funding. (14) Resolution of federal/state jurisdiction over Klama.th River salrron/steelhead fishing. (15) Resolving nuclear waste disposal processes and locations and expediting licensing process for energy facilities.
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