9034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 13 VIRGINIA The Clerk read as follows: E. LeRoy Smith, Appomattox. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives ccmcttrring), Thomas E. Chambers, Blackstone. That, in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing Act approved March 1, 1907, the Committee on Interstate Commerce Anna G. Bengtson, Catawba Sanatorium. of the Senate be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to have James F. Walker, Fort Defiance. printed for its use 1,000 additional copies of the hearings held before John W. Rodgers, Hampden Sydney. said committee during the current session on the bill (S. 2009) Samuel S. Stallings, Suffolk. entitled "Transportation Act of .1939." Troy J. ·weeks, Willis. The concurrent resolution was concurred in, and a motion . WISCONSIN to reconsider was laid on the table . Joseph K. Hesselink, Cedar Grove. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HEARINGS ON PROFIT-SHARING SYSTEMS Carl Whitaker, Chetek. Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, from the Committee on Print­ Ina E. Hennlich, Curtiss. ing, I report back favorably without amendment (H. Rept. Alma M. Olk, Hortonville. No. 1115) a privileged concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 25) JosephS. Rosera, Lena. authorizing the printing of additional copies of the hearings Axel C. Swanson, Pembine. held before a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on William A. Weier, Wabeno. Finance on the Investigation of Existing Profit-Sharing Sys­ tems Between Employers and Employees in the United States, and ask for its immediate consideration. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Clerk read as follows: THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1939 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That, in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Act, approved March 1, 1907, the Committee on Finance of the Senate be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to have The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., printed for its use 10,000 additional copies of the hearings held offered the following prayer: before a subcommittee of said committee during the Seventy-fifth Congres~ pursuant to the resolution (S. Res. 215) providing for an Most merciful God, our Father, for our sins we ask the investigation of existing profit-sharing systems between employers forgiveness of the Cross and for our guidance the benediction and employees in the United States. of Thy love and care. Thou; who art so prodigal with the The concurrent resolution was concurred in, and a motion riches of field and forest, of land and sea, how much more to reconsider was laid on the table. has been the glory of Thy gifts to the souls of men. 0 Son of ADDITIONAL COPIES OF SENATE REPORT NO. 610, ON PROFIT SHARING Mary, walk with us; teach us the lessons of forbearance that we may forgive as we hope to be forgiven. Bless those who Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, from the Committee on Print:. struggle against want. We pray that the doors of employ­ ing, I report back favorably without amendment (H. Rept. ment may be opened wide and .that the hearts of men may No. 1116) a privileged concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 24) be opened to help the world's sad needs; may those who authorizing the printing of additional copies of Senate Report have much share with those who have less. Immortalize the No. 610 entitled "Survey of Experiences in Profit Sharing and hopes of those lives that have been blighted and the sanctities Possibilities of Incentive Taxation,'' arid ask for its.immediate of those who are lonely and in tears; transfigure human consideration. sorrow, lighten the darkness, and dwell among us. In our The Clerk read as follows: dear Redeemer's name. Amen. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed 12,000 additional copies of Senate Report No. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read 610, a report of a subcommittee of the Committee on Finance sub­ and approved. mitted pursuant to Senate Resolution 21.5 (75th Cong.), entitled "Survey of Experiences in Profit Sharing and Possibilities of Incen­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE tive Taxation," of which 1,000 copies shall 'be for the use of the A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative Senate document room; 10,000 copies for the use of the Senate Com­ clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a joint resolu­ mittee on Finance, and 1,000 copies for the House document room. tion of the following title, in which the concurrence of the The concurrent resolution was concurred in, and a motion House is requested: to reconsider was laid on the table. S. J. Res. 155. Joint resolution consenting to an interstate STATUE OF vnLL ROGERS oil compact to conserve oil and gas. Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, from the Committee on The message also announced that the Senate insists upon Printing I report back favorably without amendment <H. its amendments to the bill (H. R. 5407) entitled "An act to Rept. No. 1117) a privileged concurrent resolution (H. Con. amend an act entitled 'An act to establish a uniform system Res. 29) to print and bind the proc~edings of Congress, to­ of bankruptcy throughout the United States,' approved July gether with the proceedings at the unveiling in the rotunda, 1, 1898, and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary upon acceptance of the statue of Will ~ogers, presented by thereto,'' disagreed to by the House; agrees to the conference. the S.tate of Oklahoma, and ask for its immediate asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two consideration. Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. WHEELER, Mr. BoNE, Mr. The Clerk read as follows: TRUMAN, Mr. AusTIN, and Mr. TOBEY to be the conferees on Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concttr­ the part of the Senate. ring), That there be printed with illustrations and bound, in such The message also announced that the Senate insists upon form and style as may be directed by the Joint Committee on Printing, the proceedings in Congress at the unveiling in the ro-· its amendments to the bill (H. R. 4929) entitled "An act to tunda, together with such other matter as the joint committee amend the act of June 23, 1938 (52 Stat. 944) ,'' disagreed to may deem pertinent thereto, upon the occasion of the acceptance by the House; agrees to the conference asked by the House of the statue of Will Rogets, presented by the State of Oklahoma, 5,200 copies; of which 1,000 copies shall be for the use of the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and and 2,700 copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and appoints Mr. WALSH, Mr. TYDINGS, and Mr. HALE to be the the remaining 1,500 copies shall be for the use of and distribution conferees on the part of the Senate. by the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Oklahoma. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HEARINGS ON TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1939 SEC. 2. The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, from the Committee on Print­ have the copy prepared for the Public Printer, who shall provide ing, I report back favorably without amendment (H. Rept. suitable illustrations to be bound with these proceedings. No. 1114) a privileged concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 26) Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will yield, may authorizing the printing of additional copies of the hearings I say it was my understanding that there was to be placed in held before the Committee on Interstate Commerce of the that document only one illustration of the statue as it is in Senate on the bill CS. 2009) entitled "Transportation Act of the rotunda of the Capitol. No great number of illustrations 1939," and ask for its immediate consideration. was to be placed in the document. 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9035 Mr. JARMAN. I did not understand there w~ any great Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to number of them. insert in the Appendix of the REcoRD an address delivered Mr. RICH. It was my impression there was only one illus­ by theN. Y. A. Administrator, Mr. Williams, at the Institute tration. of Public Affairs in Virginia. Mr. JARMAN. My understanding was that the proceed­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the ings and what happened in the House in connection with gentleman from Virginia? that incident were to be printed. There was no objection. Mr. RICH. That is right; but the resolution refers to SOCIAL SECURITY illustrations. I was under the impression there was only one Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to illustration of the monument as it was presented and now address the House for 1 minute. · stands in the rotunda of the Capitol. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Mr. JARMAN. That was my impression also. gentleman from Mississippi? The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing ·'t9 the reso­ There was no objection. lution. Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, on yesterday the Senate The resolution was agreed to; and a motion to reconsider passed the so-called Connally amendment to the social-secu­ was laid on the table. · rity bill, requiring the Federal Government to match $2 for ADDITIONAL CLERK HIRE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES each dollar the State contributes up to $15 for the aged needy. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speakez:, I ask unanimous consent to This is one of the amendments a group of us fought for so take from the Speaker's table the bill <H. R. 6205) to provide hard and unsuccessfully when this bill was considered on the for additional clerk hire in the House of Representatives, and floor of the House.
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