Our Solar System Scrap book made by Kanika G and Pell G I, Kanika G, along with my daughter Pell G, put together this informative electronic scrap book. y daughter was being taught about the solar system in school and was eager to !nd out more about it. So we scoured the internet for pictures and obscure and interesting facts about the solar system. "e found helpful information on various websites like "ikipedia, space.com, #asa$s o%cial page, on many youtube videos and some other places. "e sorted the information, and put it together in a lucid, concise and organi&ed form. In spite of being a former Physicist, I learned a lot of new things while doing this pro'ect. Our Sun https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/review/gallery- sun/ultraviolet_T.en.jpg Here is an interesting documentary !lm about the sun which is the centre of our solar system) https)**youtu.be*+,-./G0t+-1 Sun facts) /he sun is 2.3 billion years old. 415 earths can be lined up side by side to !t across the sun. The Sun is so far away from the earth, that it takes 6 minutes and 45 seconds for the light from the Sun to reach the .arth. 7bout 41,111 .arths can be lined up side by side between the .arth and the Sun. The sun and it$s atmosphere have many layers. The core of the sun is the hottest at 48 million Kelvin. /he surface, photosphere is between 2811 and 3111 K. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sun_poster.svg 9ut then as you go away from the surface in to the Sun$s atmosphere, the temperature rises again, until you reach the corona, which is very hot. /he corona is the part of the Sun$s atmosphere that can be seen during a total solar eclipse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun#/media/File:2017_Solar_Eclips e_Weiser_Idaho.jpg /he solar wind, which is made of charged particles emitted from the sun$s corona protects the solar system from gamma ray bursts produced during a collapse of a distant star. 7lmost three:;uarters of the sun is made of Hydrogen. /he Hydrogen atoms in the Sun$s core, 'oin together to form (elium atoms. 7lmost one ;uarter of the Sun is made of Helium. /he Sun is only one of many many stars in the ilkyway gala<y. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Artist %27s_impression_of_the_Milky_Way_(updated_-_annotated).jpg /he sun completes an orbit about the centre of the milky way gala<y in ,,8 = ,81 million earth years. This is called a galactic year. Mercury https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/mercury/galleries Position) ercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It has an elliptical orbit, with closest distance from the sun being ,5 million miles and the farthest distance being 2> million miles, making it the planet with the most eccentric orbit in the solar system. ?otation @ Revolution 4 day (time from noon to midnight to noon againB on ercury = , years Atime taken to complete one orbit) on ercury 4 year on ercury = 66 .arth days ercury rotates on it$s a<is once in 86 earth days. http://pages.uoregon.edu/jimbrau/BrauImNew/Chap08/7th/AT_ 7e_Figure_08_12.jpg Si&e ercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It has a radius of ,221 Km, little less than half the radius of .arth, and 4.2 times the radius of our oon. ercury is the second most dense planet after .arth in the Solar sytsem Climate ercury cannot support an atmosphere and only has an e<osphere. So the half of ercury facing the Sun is very hot with a surface temperature reaching 2>1 +, while other half is very cold with a surface temperature as low as :401 +. /he difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest spots on mercury is 311 +. Other Facts ercury does not have a moon. It$s surface is full of craters and looks a lot like our moon. Surface gravity of ercury is >6% the surface gravity of .arth. Fenus https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/venus/galleries Position) Fenus is the second closest planet to the Sun. It has the most circular orbit of all the planets in the solar system. https://www.universetoday.com/47900/length-of-year-on-venus/ ?otation @ Revolution Fenus rotates in a direction opposite to .arth and most other planets. 4 day (time from noon to midnight to noon again) on Fenus C 440 .arth days http://frigg.physastro.mnsu.edu/~eskridge/astr102/venus_rot.jpg 4 year on Fenus ~ ,,8 A,,2.0B .arth days Fenus rotates on it$s a<is once in ,2> earth days. Si&e ?adius of Fenus is 318, Km. So Fenus is almost as big as .arth. .arth$s radius is 3>04Km. Climate ost of Fenus$s atmosphere is made of +O, along with small amounts of nitrogen. Fenus$s atmosphere is 51 times as dense as .arth$s amosphere. /here are some clouds of sulphuric acid too. 9ecause of the dense green house gasses in it$s atmosphere, Fenus is the hottest planet in the solar system. /he average temperature of Fenus is 23, +. Other Facts Fenus does not have a moon. Fenus is the brightest ob'ect in our night sky after the moon. Moon https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/rare-full-moon-on- christmas-day The oon completes an orbit around the .arth in ,0 days. "e always see the same side of the oon. The motion of the moon is locked with the .arth, meaning it has the same period or rotational and orbital period, resulting in tides in our oceans. oon Landing On 43th Iuly 4535 the !rst humans, #eil 7rmstrong and .dwin 7ldrin landed on the oon during the lunar mission 7pollo 44. Neil Armstrong https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/images/339773main_a pollo_image_11a.jpg Edwin Aldrin https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/40th/images/apoll o_image_12.html Mars https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ed u_what_is_mars.jpg Position) ars is the fourth closest planet to the Sun, situated after .arth. It has the most eccentric orbit of all the planets in the solar system after ercury. https://www.universetoday.com/47900/length-of-year-on-venus/ ?otation @ Revolution https://www.universetoday.com/wp- content/uploads/2008/06/earthmarsorbittop.jpg ?otation @ Revolution ar$s a<ial tilt is very similar to .arth$s, resulting in similar seasons and temperature variations. 7 day on mars is ,2 hours and 21 minutes, which is only a little longer than an .arth day. 4 ars year = 360 .arth days or 335 ars days. Si&e ?adius of ars is >>51 Km. ars is one-si<th the si&e of .arth. Surafce gravity of ars is only >6% that of .arth. +limate /he atmosphere on ars mainly consists of +O, and some argon and nitrogen. ars appears red from a distance because of a lot of iron o<ide dust in the atmosphere. That is why ars is called The Red Planet. Surface temperature of ars reaches ,1 + at noon on the e;uator and goes as low as :48> + at the poles. /he poles have fro&en +O, and water. ars Missions Starting from 4532, we have successfully sent a number of missions of ars. The !rst was a Jy by mission conducted by #7S7 called ariner 2. Since then we have sent other Jyby missions as well as orbiters, landers and rovers. +urrently there are 6 operational missions, of which +uriosity and Opportunity are rovers sent by #7S7 and angalayan is a orbiter mision sent by IS?O in India. Opportunity Mariner 4 Mangalayan Curiosity Pictures are from Wikipedia Other Facts Olympic ons, a volcano on ars, is the tallest mountain in the solar system. It is about , and a half times the height of ount .verest above sea level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Olympus_Mons_alt.jpg Falles arineris on ars is one of he largest canyons in the solar system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valles_Marineris#/media/File:Vall esMarinerisHuge.jpg Over the years scientists have speculated about the e<istance of li;uid water on the surface of ars at some point. ?ecently, +uriosity discovered some perchlorates in the Gale +rater of ars that result in briny water that may possibly support life. The 7steroid 9elt https://www.tes.com/lessons/rNCN3twbu8tS-w/astroid-belt 7steroids are small rocky bodies orbiting the sun. The vary, from 4 metre to a 4111 Kms across, in si&e. 7steroids smaller than 4 metre are called meteoroids. The largest asteroid is the dwarf planet +eres with a diameter of 508 Km. /he ne<t two largest are 2Festa and ,Pallas with diameters of about 811 km. Smaller asteroids have irregular shapes. https://www.tes.com/lessons/rNCN3twbu8tS-w/astroid-belt /he asteroid belt is between ars and Iupiter, where all the asteroids can be found. There are several million asteroids in the astroid belt. It is believed that all planets were originally asteroids that coalesced together. However Iupiter$s high gravitaional pull may have prevented the coalescing of the asteroids in the asteroid belt. +eres, Festa and Pallas are protoplanets, while +eres is the only asteroid with a fully ellipsoidal shape and therefore ;uali!es as a drawf planet. 33 million years ago a 3 mile wide asteroid crashed in to the earth making the 411 Km wide +hic<ulub crater in e<ico. 7part from the local damage, world wide earth;uakes and tsunamis that followed, and the ice age that resulted from the sunlight being blocked by the dust and smoke from the collision, resulted in the e<tinction of dinosaurs.
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