MARTEL INDUSTRIAL PARK’S OFFICES FOR RENT IN SAN PEDRO GARZA - AAA”” BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS. GARCIA, N.L. - LAND AVAILABLE FOR SALE OR BUILT TO SUIT. - 648 HECTARES TO OFFER. Ricardo Margáin Zoazya 755 Contact us: Ing. Jorge Flores • APODACA, N.L. • STA. CATARINA, N.L. Col. Santa Engracia [email protected] San Pedro Garza García C.P. 66267 • PESQUERÍA, N.L. • REYNOSA, TAMPS. +52 (81) 1066-0712 Arq. Adrián Leal +52 (81) 8363-8586 [email protected] Arq. David Armendáriz +52 (81) 1600-2850 www.martel.com.mx [email protected] +52 (81) 8363-8586 www.grupomartel.com.mx +52 (81) 1066-4102 www.chroma.com.mx CONTENTS THE GIANTS 6. OF THE INDUSTRY 14. GROW BEYOND COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE Leaders in 12. INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEXICO Industrial Real Estate INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE WE DESIGN AND OPERATE WORLD CLASS COMPREHENSIVE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS THAT PROVIDE CUSTOM-DESIGNED SPACES TO ENSURE 26. THE SUCCESS OF YOUR OPERATION. MEXICO, DESTINY 18. FOR PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT STORIES OF SUCCESS 25 • AGM AutoMotive beGins expAnsion in Mexico INDUSTRIAL 34. • A GerMAn in tlAxcAlA ‘PLUG & PLAy’ fACILITIES PARKS • boMbArdier in QuerétAro 38. GOVERNMENT 45 REAL ESTATE INNOVATION TRUSTS ATTRACT LOCATIONS INVESTORS IN MEXICO HUNTING FOR SPECIALIZED 46. PROFESSIONALS 100 Alejandro Junco de la Vega President and CEO Gerardo Lara Advertising Director MILLION SQF Rodolfo Junco de la Vega Vice President Roberto Castañeda Deputy National Editor DEVELOPED Lázaro Ríos Chief Managing Editor Miguel González Circulation Director Ricardo Junco Garza Chief Advertising Officer Jorge Arturo Padilla Deputy Business Editor REAL estate DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO Ignacio Mijares Chief Financial Officer Luis A. Soto Digital Content Editor Alejandro Junco de la Vega E. Chief Digital Officer Guillermo Toledo Art Director SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2016 René Delgado Executive Editor Jorge Obregón Production Manager GRUPO REFORMA Roberto Zamarripa National Editor Edgar Espinosa Chief Technology Officer [email protected] René Sánchez Business Editor Ricardo Del Castillo Deputy Art Director Leonardo Valero International & Soft News Editor Roberto Segura Circulation Manager 01 800 00 FINSA @finsaintl info@finsa.net /finsaintl www.finsa.net Juan Carlos Pulido Special Editions Manager / Marcela Díaz de Sandi Advertising Coordinator Published and printed in the workshops of: Consorcio Interamericano Elena Ramírez Commercial Editor / Fabiola Sánchez Editor / Zusett Santa Ana Commercial Art de Comunicación, S.A. de C.V., Av. México-Coyoacán No. 40, Col. Santa Cruz Editor / Design / Anain Gutiérrez Design / Lourdes Otero Translation Atoyac. Delegación Benito Juárez, México, D.F. 03310 Iraí Meráz Advertising / 5255-5628-7878 ext. 1847 / [email protected] Printed by: División Comercial 5255-5628-7503. DistriBUTION: Wall Street Journal: Atlanta 5,000; Chicago 10,000; Detroit 18,000; Greenville, 5,000; Houston 10,000; New York 5,000; Pittsburgh 7,000; Washington DC 10,000 copies. Grupo Reforma: Reforma 30,000; El Norte 15,000; Mural 5,000 Website: www.reforma.com Image bank: Shutterstock Follow us: Facebook: /ReformaSuplementosEspeciales / Twitter: @ReformaSupEsp The Wall Street Journal news organization was not involved in the creation of this content Experience. Innovation. Development. 66 THE giantsOF THE INDUstrY in Mexico industriAl Parks Are More thAn surfAces GeoGrAphicAlly deliMited And desiGned for the settleMent of industriAl fAcilities, Given the opinion of Pablo chArvel orozco, president of the MexicAn AssociAtion of industriAl Parks (AMPIP), there Are A kind of ‘pluG And plAy’, industriAl developMents which coMpAnies Arrive to estAblish without concerns to beGin workinG in suitAble conditions of locAtion, infrAstructure, fAcilities And services, And with A permanent AdMinistrAtion for its operAtion. Pablo chArvel orozco AMPIP president Photographer: Roger Méndez. INDUSTRIAL | REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO 88 oreign investors that arrives Mexico to visit industrial parks become surprised, because they find interesting to find first world developments, which have several AMPIP in certifications and industrial plants of world class, said numbers F in interview the president of AMPIP. “Industrial parks have been gradually evolving, they are no longer maquiladora or assembly plants, they´ve become incentives that attract an industry increasingly 68 CORPORATE MEMBERS: specialized, which has generated a real technology trans- private developers, ference through the different regions of the country and investment funds, REITs a real bond between the academy and the industry; it is and State Government Trusts. beginning to create a virtuous circle in which workforce is better prepared, salaries are better and we are attract- ing more industry because we have trained engineers 250 INDUSTRIAL PARKS for the work,” remarked Pablo Charvel Orozco. in 24 states. In this context, he declared that investors also have noticed that there are great talents in the Mexican la- bour. “Lots of the industries are installing their research and innovation institutes in Mexico, and that is cause of 2,500 tenants. much pride for us, and for that, from industrial parks we try to provide all the necessary facilities. The future is to invest in innovation and technology to continue being 2 MILLION jobs. competitive and successful and that industry zone sur- vives against all the challenges of the 4.0 manufacture, of the robotization and of the automatization.” 23 MILLION sqm It is worth mentioning that the AMPIP works with con- of constructed buildings. tinuous improvement and better practices programs to of- fer competitive industrial parks and standardize them with Source: AMPIP world tendencies, for example, through certifications as Authorized Economic Operator Standard (AEO), its indus- trial parks will be the first ones at a global level to obtain it. “In AMPIP we attract the industry and we are an en- abler to provide optimum conditions for investment in order that investors feel confidence. Great investments are made in their fabrics and industrial plants, that is why we provide optimum conditions and warranties so that they feel comfortable and secure to come into Mexico,” noticed Charvel Orozco. He added that the advantage of settling in an industri- al park is that generally these are developed in regions connected to highways and sometimes with railroad sidings and they are located near areas of population where workforce can be found, technical schools or universities. “An industrial park is a limited area that has services and quality infrastructure, I mean streets well paved, with excellent signaling, as well as tanker trucks entry and exit. In this limited area that we call industrial parks we receive fabrics, maquiladora in- dustry or logistics warehouses that settle to have the benefits, to obtain all permits required and also to avoid conflicts with population areas, because the industry is Photo: IAMSA. not mingled with households.” INDUSTRIAL | REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO 10 INDUSTRIAL | REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO Pablo Charvel is convinced that all cate of industrial parks has been reduced and more de- Industrial Mexico has the potential to develop Principal industrial velopers are building speculative buildings to bring new industrial parks. However, he noted markets in Mexico investments. The majority of the regions have a minor PARKS IN MEXICO that each area of the country blos- stock of ten percentage of vacate.” soms according to their character- Companies that have settled in Mexican industrial parks istics. “There are areas that have 1. Monterrey 10. Reynosa in their majority are of American and Asian origin, al- developed more in the country, for 2. Cuautitlán /Tepotzotlán 11. San Luis Potosí though there is also presence of Germans, Spaniards and example, northern border region 3. Ciudad Juárez 12. Mexicali entities from other parts of Europe. And although big cor- was first promoted, when maquila- 4. Tijuana 13. Aguascalientes porations as automobile companies are owners of its prop- doras started to arrive and over the 5. Guanajuato 14. Chihuahua erties, lots of their suppliers generally choose to lease. years the regions have been gradu- 6. Guadalajara 15. Puebla AMPIP president concluded saying that, the creation 7. Querétaro 16. Matamoros ally evolving based on the kind of of industrial parks generates virtuous circles in differ- 8. Toluca 17. Nogales companies that arrives. After North ent regions of the country, in consequence, social and 9. Saltillo / RamosArizpe 18. Nuevo Laredo Photo: Prologis. American Free Trade Agreement tourist development, as well as more economic flow in (NAFTA) began the development different levels. Source: AMPIP / Jones Lang LaSalle of north zone to the center, in Mon- “We as industrial developers actively participate in terrey, Guadalajara an all Bajío, all the economic development of the cities and communi- around metropolitan area because ties where we settle. The success stories are along 250 in the domestic market there is also industrial parks that we have registered in our Associa- a great demand of industrial areas,” lease an industrial plant and invest in tion, which have cooperated in the development of the A LITTLE BIT explained AMPIP president. what they can do best, in its produc- communities; are long-term real estate businesses with He affirmed that, the alliance be- tion, or its machinery and we become a high impact in the national economy.” OF HistORY tween AMPIP and ProMéxico has
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