
s , •V, &5-*V • mnmomr cmuui .+- <•-,.!• •AY, JANUARY 4, wit" ITY-FW8T YEAB*~H«. 17 wuetrmj), MEW JEMEY, Calls rim 4*" Adult School Adds 8 XTMayo VJr Renews Plea To Aid ^i^N Net* Vert- I Volunteers **V laM £M PeMatt «mtw, today anad all ton not, Spring Term Ciawnm Fire Units Drive Here daata, fcett aareet* wad cM- Civil Defense » Eight aaw «*»«•* wiH a* *«*•* the It difMat Mart** offered epfVi *• MIM a MMVIM •« the realdeat. of WettfleM aad th* a-rroaadtaf ***** »y the West- the flat, "»* AtoM •*»• 5*ld AdaK School for the aerie* teni which eaeea Meaday, Jan. to, 'Stations •MM*," frtiajr. fat. M. la ireyaaaa 0. aHeeagnf*. aUreetor, aaaeanoed today. The new courses, Town To Teal Air AM*. For W**Id •*•*« rliffc I<a4«l. [Be Set Up Uwb Cooperate ama«ed kr Vf, W, T. Martoader. lastmU**) nawaattii ekainaan, Kagger Sworn Raid Sirtn Friday : •"Project MjHUaTiHbiiMUaT*! ! wiD,hi! Uvlag CtaaaMr; G*W fcr it Town • aid •:«! P. «. - •fr; 4 In As Youngest As Evidence Of For Peli* and Wia" fha -ft* whlck «UI b* tka. Wtrld Taiars Ht Williams oi 829 Shatka- TaaliH ** «eX**e* a*'**•* (live, newiy-appointed man- card parties, plaaned to •Warn' aader the aaipteot ef tad Otrdaalatj DriTtr sUtmttH airaat to fclaeaila* ihoif *ev> [ the Fiie-Fijrhting Unit of Townwide Spirit W**tMd March of Dimes tk$ fml Ottawa CMMH, Caarw; CMaa fWatlaii aM fraak Council Menber .ragtiethetewa-iawhefei aaov* the effect* af aa ateafe pJ Defense Council, today t-m I have been arranged for beia* aad method* of arete*. Wattr Vait aad Fly Caatlaf. M plans are under way to _ ,, „ _ Feb. 14, according t* UndK tkt (Hraitlta af Or. lea je the unit with 60 to 70 , DoIiald H-, ?•«". * F«, preparation "|o T. Griffin, co-chairman I. TMCM, the fatuity at* Unita a*a*«ed today. A emergency which may aria*," .. I Ward W*ell*y of MapU- Itior.s with a total pel „,„.'former Republican county commit- of women's activitie*. unior Calltfe has et-aptrattd to twi *f air rest aigMls w or Charles P. Baiiey, la We a*. wood. Metropolitan dletrict 400. Although this is , iteeman. became the yoangerttowB have eoleeted their dates k ptttibla tkt cmrea ill IMna rimilar to that foUgwed I councilman m the history of Wert- sthMJo.lt nual New Yew's meeaafa to «ba director of Civil D*f*M*; Oatptci. Rack tf •«• laatractora field Monday when he was »worr Town Council Monday, aMfla ft lunrg World War II, Mr. -Wednesday, Jan. 24, Mia. Additon C. Ely *f WoetMl, baa eelactod a literary wark ia bis i h d special plea for voluatatra Ml stiessed that nie-nRht- into office as fourth ward repre- fBehimme! of Westfleld and Union County director; and ntld wklek ia taatidtrH a testint the Civil Defense P »*•* Colonel Parks will ems in the event of an- sentative by Town Clerk Jane F. Dinner To Fete ojis A. Jennings of Moun eintrikulhw to world litorature. Jones. Incumbent councilmen who he laii tad been briefly. Nar would be "very differ- hostesses. On* week a kwture will kt fteeii were reseated at the New Year's of inadequate r«* oa tkt perM aad ttttinf «f tkt Day council meeting were Arthur Mayor, Council field residents. -Wednesday, Jan. Si, Mn. 1 *h of the fire stations woald ~ etoaaUl with tka Mr** D. Bauer of the fli-Bt ward, Con- Departing from ti» BM*al Krus* and Mrs. Goorge L quipped with basic material 1 rd, hostesses. School 6W* .. Mtfd to a di*cuteio« af rad B. Lewis of the second, and mary o! tha past r** *™**" leary to extinguish initial fires Frank E. Marik of the third. Town Committee plans fer the new par, wWck kt •Thursday, r*b. 1, Mrs. Ed- tka merita of tbe kaok after tack "would be manned by five to termed "not approjriatt ia «HH Kookog*y aad Mr*. Eu- •tudtnt hat had an tpportuaity Town Attorney Robert S. Snev- PUn« Event read it. men trained in fi-e-fighting periloua days," Mayor fajjf Saxtan, hostewes. ,'the handling of simple equip- ily was renamed for a one-yea Tht following atltettd cliaakW term, while Mrs. Jones was re-! Despite possible wartime reatric- viewed the work of tke CM I -Wedneaday, Feb. 7, Mr*. Instruction of the volun- fcnie Coaneil and * will be diKuned in this order by would be furnished by mem- named for a three-year term. The ions, Mayor Charles P. Bailey, W. Miller and Mr*. Set For Jan. 23 "proper preparations' ; F. Eaton, hostMsc*. tkt following instructoisi Trffmn of the Westfield Fire Depart- Westfleld Leader waa again desig- members of the Town Council, and Wtmt*. Dr. Taaftti Ota QutmU, nated as the official newspaper for their wives will again be honored emergency wotdd *•*•<•• -Wednesday, Feb. 14, Mn. who trained 400 men during great deal of our tiiaa aetf AWMMI Efcetkm n.- Havrietto Trumpani frfcfe one year.' at a non-political testimonial din- R. Sieder and Mn. Robert War II at a three-session naturally entail [nd frtjiHe*, Mis* Anna 8. Mur- •Bine course i othel' appointments are: Board ner to be given in April by the y, hosteuei. course, pense, phy; WtUtn, Theodore R. MOT- Mr. Williams, who has been |of Adjustment, Cheater M. Kellogg Republican Town Committee. committee members, a»- The committee, by unanimous an; and 4MM K*rtnin», Amald J. DK. IOI TIACOS (•rlting on plans with Fire Chief nd Frank X. McGough, both re the hostessei, will be or* Keen. William Linden, said that the set- ppointcd for three-year terms •vote Tuesday night at a mteting by Mies Adele Rinehart, The Board of Edeeetion, at tta International Relations Club. Dur- •"" at the home ot the chairman, John Tht chairman in eharft of thii g up and spacing of the posts trustee of Free Public Library, ... ,n, and Miss Rosemary Con- •noting Tuoaiajr aigkt, tat Taes- ing the summer, Dr. Tiagos waa Glendenint. of 735 Embree cres- prtject, Dr. Tatfos, received her Hid be determined by the popu Kenneth C. Gaston, five-year term; [co-chairman. All of tkt card day tftnlaff, laa. It, far tkt fffe- one of four faculty advisers to tho cent, decided to sponsor a dinner •h.D, decrtt Sma Ntw York Uni- lation density and total area o Board of Health, Mrs. M. W. will begin at 1:30 p. lie httriBf tn the tchool bujjget European, International Relation* again in the nrs^ two weeks of m. erelty, with tht elaseics and in- Westfield. Smith and Edward R. Jarvie, both Masonic Temple, for tht eemlnf tchaal year. Tht Itudent Conference held by tha for four-year terms; Planning I Apiil "as a token of apprectt- Christmas music, tornatkmal rclatieai aa tWdt of In callinu for volunteers, Mr. |h has been granted to the board alta art Fab. It aa tht date Carncffie Endowment for Interna* Board, George H. Rilcy, to ftlltheltion of the many1 hours of self praised by tta I***.'** £—-*-,»., •tudy. the ie currently teaching Williams declared, "We have beer i by the board of trustees of of the annual school election at tional Pcaeo at Paris and Geneva. uncxpired term of Return J. 1 less labor the mayor and council- ng examples of mm*»9 »W*j ] history at Union/Junior College very fortunate in two prcvioui (Masonic Association. Anyone which members of the board will Such cO-OjWfptwH SIM'faWflMN*I^E, aad ii the faculty adviser of the (Continued on Pace 3) World Wars that we escaped at Meigs; Nancy F. Reynolds, six , men put in for the town", Herbert ) wishes to patronize the par- be elected and the badfat will be spirit, he said, wwOd *aahhi|rart-, tack and combat on American soi! year term- Robeit F. Gumbert,IR. Welch was named chairman of or to contribute cake, candy, put before vottn for their de- council member, and John T. Hop-.the dinner, assisted by G. Ruther- conditions we ea> **t * cision. Ian. 14 it the last date on C<mc*ri SJoitt However, many military strate- iiies, has been asked to eon- Area Men Leave gist* feel that we will not be so kins, to^n official member; Loca ford Byam as vice-chairman. what we may be abh t* the hostesses or Mrs. Grifln. which candidates for a aeat on Assistance Board, Dewitt V. Weed G. Wallace Ruckert was ap plish or what we nay he i the board may flic petitions. fortunate if and when World Wai ^JS ire twins; donated by the III occurs. It ia therefore hopei Jr., two-year term, and Arthur D pointed to confer with the mayor to do in 1951, ' , A leavei of abience, effective istfleld and Mountainside Buii- For Air Base that this project will be looked Bauer, one-year term. from the second ward. The mig- "We must prepare t» Men's Associations. One Dec. 15, waa approYtd for Mre. ration of Miriam Gerpheide was emergency which upon very Mrlouely, «od that the Also Safety Council, chairman nd six hundred local worn- Martha Xollmar, a teacher at tht accepted with regret. She and her this in mind, a Civil I •Bevea WeaMoM retadonU aad men contacted will willta* Mrs. R. C. H. Heck, one year; Johi [are expected to attend the par- Woodrow Wilton School. husband, B. A. Gerpheide, will cil was epooroWd. 'Maawtaiaaida aad )y their aban of tho bardea.^ Vo*.it Schreiber, Stacy N. Ewan Jr. Dr. Stacy N. Ewan Jr., >uper- aoooon move tto California, This group, W*rW*g Pceteh Plain* we•an.MMHn aa* f tia-«f Lnutr« IK tb.
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