Vol. 130, Issue 150 $1.25 EEaasstt SSuurrrryy wwiinnss,, INDEX mmoovveess oonn Obits ... page 3A Opinions ... page 4A Business ... page 5A Sports ... page 1B Mostly Cloudy High Low Serving Surry County since 1880. 85 66 page 1B For subscriptions, call 786-4141. The Mount Airy News www.mtairynews.com Printed on recycled newspaper Sunday, May 30, 2010 White Plains Christian School graduation MORGAN WALL What the graduates said: STAFF REPORTER I hope you all do well in college and fulfill your hopes and dreams. I Where: wish you all the best. White Plains Christian School -Anna Eaton, salutatorian gymnasium I think I can say we’ve all come When: far over the years. Friday May 27 at 7:30 p.m. -Andrea Jan Madeira, valedic- torian Number of Graduates: 7 seniors These hats we’re wearing tonight 7 eighth graders are not geometrically correct. 3 kindergartners - Andrea Jan Madeira, valedic- 1 four-year-old torian Speaker: We did it! Whoo! Rev. David Tucker - All the seniors after processing out of the gym What the speaker said: Something specific to every What they did: senior. Kindergarten and eighth grade Today your life is going to change graduates performed a skit entitled forever. “Oh How I Wish I Had Been There.” The skit recreated scenes from the Don’t forget to be thankful. Bible from creation to the crucifix- ion. MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS Don’t ever be ashamed that you White Plains Christan School graduates cheer on one of their own during Friday night’s com- are a Patriot. See SCHOOL, page 3A mencement ceremony. Wanted Rockford — public remembers vets comments through music on budget MORGAN WALL STAFF REPORTER TOM JOYCE STAFF REPORTER ROCKFORD — Attendees of Rockford’s Memorial Day service on Saturday were able to honor veterans in a A public hearing on unique way. Mount Airy’s budget for David Thompson, a professor of music at Limestone the next fiscal year is College in South Carolina, was at Rockford Methodist scheduled Tuesday. Church where he played a number of songs on the piano The hearing on the from the time of the Civil War. 2010-2011 spending plan “I hope there’s no Northerners in the audience be- will be conducted during a See VETS, page 8A 7 p.m. meeting of the city board of commissioners at the Municipal Building. Citizens are invited to comment on any portion of the budget, which calls for no increase in property tax- es from the present rate of 58 cents per $100 of as- sessed valuation. In addi- tion, municipal water and sewer rates will stay the same under the proposed budget that goes into effect on July 1. Expenditures for the next fiscal year are project- ed at $11.7 million in the general fund, the portion of the budget covering day-to- day expenses. That is about 10 percent less than the ad- justed budget for the pres- ent fiscal year. A separate water-sewer package calls for $5.9 mil- MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS lion in expenditures for Saige Lamm places a flag at the grave of a veteran those operations, slightly at the Rockford Cemetery Saturday afternoon. After higher than the figure pro- MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS posed for the present year Members of the 28th N.C. and 38th N.C. reneactors fire a three-round salute for the Memorial Day service, attendees were invited to of about $5.5 million. The the veterans buried in the Rockford Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. place flags at the graves. difference in revenues re- flects additional utility cus- tomers from newly annexed areas and projected sales of about $300,000 from a bulk water agreement with the town of Dobson. Another highlight of the spending plan is a proposed 2-percent cost-of-living raise for city employees which would go into effect next Jan. 1. That increases represents a $61,241 ex- pense in the preliminary budget. Also, the plan calls for adding a category in the Mount Airy Code of Ordi- nances pertaining to privi- lege licenses to reflect the growth of Internet sweep- stakes businesses in the city. The new electronic gam- ing operations segment will include a charge of $2,500 per place of business and $500 for each electronic gaming machine on the premises, which goes into MORGAN WALL/THE NEWS effect on July 1. Reenactors check their weapons in front of Rockford Methodist Church before heading up to the Rockford Cemetery Saturday afternoon. See BUDGET, page 2A 2A Sunday, May 30, 2010 The Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, NC www.mtairynews.com PAGE TWO held on June 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the downstairs conference room at City Hall. BUDGET: Depending on the progress made in that session, another workshop could be held Continued from page 1A on June 11 from 2 to 5 p.m. The 2010-2011 budget also is available Budget Workshops for review in the city clerk’s office during Along with Tuesday night’s hearing, a regular business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday). budget workshop has been scheduled Contact Tom Joyce at which also is open to the public. It will be [email protected] or at 719-1924. Willard Jason Bare Martina Victoria Hal The Surry County Sheriff’s Office is four counts of larceny, possession of seeking information on the whereabouts stolen goods, two counts of possession of on the following people: schedule IV controlled substance, posses- Willard Jason Bare, white male, 28, sion of marijuana and use/possess drug wanted for failure to pay child support. paraphernalia. Jeremy Brent Harvey, white male, Erik Derelle Farris, 26, black male, 22, wanted for failure to appear on felony 6’4”, 150 pounds, wanted on probation larceny and failure to completed commu- violations. He is on probation for posses- nity service hours. sion of marijuana and use/possess drug Alfonzo L Frazier, white male, 25, paraphernalia. wanted for failure to pay child support. Jerry Dennis Weddle, 58, white Gabriel Delgado, white male, 26, male, 6’1”, 187 pounds, wanted on pro- wanted for felony maintaining a dwelling bation violations. He is on probation for house for keeping and selling controlled larceny, worthless check, driving while substances, possess with intent to sell and impaired-level III and two counts driving deliver controlled substance and posses- while license revoked. sion of stolen property. Alan Hull, white male, 37, wanted Erica Dawn Long, 33, white fe- for cyber stalking. male, 6’1”, 280 pounds, wanted on pro- Anyone with information on these in- bation violations. He is on probation four dividuals should call the Surry County counts worthless checks, trespassing and Sheriff’s Office at 401-8900 or Crime driving while license revoked. Stoppers at 786-4000. View all probation absconders on the in- ——— ternet at http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi The Surry County Community Cor- and click on absconders. Anyone with in- rections office is seeking information on formation on any probation absconders, the whereabouts of the following individ- contact Crime Stoppers at 786-4000 or uals: probation at 386-9742. Callers can re- Martina Victoria Hall, 21, white fe- main anonymous, and may be eligible for male, 5’1”, 110 pounds, wanted on pro- a reward. Or, contact the Surry County bation violations. She is on probation for Community Corrections at 386-9742. Military briefs … Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of Beth Jarrell of Cedar Cove Way, Mount Airy. Jarrell is a 2008 graduate of North Surry High School, Mount Airy. ——— SAN ANTONIO, Texas Derrick N. Jarrell — Air National Guard Air- Eric B. Hollman SAN ANTONIO, Texas man 1st Class Eric B. Holl- basic training earn four — Air Force Airman Der- man graduated from basic credits toward an associate rick N. Jarrell graduated military training at Lack- in applied science degree from basic military training land Air Force Base, San through the Community at Lackland Air Force Antonio. College of the Air Force. Base, San Antonio. The airman completed He is the son of Mike The airman completed an intensive, eight-week Hollman of Loloa Drive, Visit us at... an intensive, eight-week program that included Kingsville, Md., and grand- program that included training in military disci- son of Carl Hollman of training in military disci- pline and studies, Air Force Ridgecrest Lane, Mount pline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fit- Airy. www.mtairynews.com core values, physical fit- ness, and basic warfare Hollman is a 2008 grad- ness, and basic warfare principles and skills. uate of Fallston High principles and skills. Airmen who complete School, Md. Madalyn Edwards Kindergarten Cedar Ridge www.mtairynews.com The Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, NC Sunday, May 30, 2010 3A OBITUARIES HODGES James Edmond and a granddaughter, Erin Hodges Warner of Trent Lyons officiating. LOCAL Lizzie Cave Hodges. Hodges of Greensboro; Matthews; and a special The family will receive MOUNT AIRY — Mr. Conrad served our a grandson, Zach friend, Sandra York friends Monday from 6 HODGES, Mr. Con- Conrad Lee Hodges, 72, country in the United Hodges of Greensboro; Mundy of Mount Airy. to 8 p.m. at Moody Fu- rad Lee, 72, of Mount of 3241 Haystack Road, States Army and Na- a brother, Curtis In addition to his par- neral Home in Mount Mount Airy, passed tional Guard. He was a Hodges of Cana, Va.; a ents, Mr. Hodges was Airy. lifelong farmer and re- niece, Wanda Hodges of preceded in death by a Airy, and other times at away Friday, May 28, the home of Craig tired Lowe’s Home Im- Mount Airy; two brother, William AREA 2010, at the Joan and provement.
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