October 7, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9231 would impose certain hardships on a partici- was desegregated by President Harry Tru- The Chair recognizes the gentleman pant or his family, or if it is of national interest man, before the civil rights marches took from New York (Mr. KING). place in the South, and before the Supreme to keep the alien here. GENERAL LEAVE When I traveled to Ireland earlier this year, Court issued its historic ruling in Brown v. Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). I saw first hand how such a program would (8) The American public came to regard I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- help the Irish people. A well-educated society Jackie Robinson as a person of exceptional bers may have 5 legislative days within is a successful, productive, and peaceful soci- fortitude, integrity, and athletic ability so which to revise and extend their re- ety. rapidly that, by the end of 1947, he finished marks on H.R. 1900, and to insert extra- I am proud to be an original cosponsor of ahead of President Harry Truman, General neous material thereon. this bill, and am sure that the improvements Dwight Eisenhower, General Douglas Mac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there made by it will benefit not only individuals par- Arthur, and Bob Hope in a national poll for objection to the request of the gen- ticipating in the program, but also the Irish the most popular person in America, fin- tleman from New York? ishing only behind Bing Crosby. There was no objection. people. (9) Jackie Robinson was named vice presi- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, dent of Chock Full O’ Nuts in 1957 and later I yield myself such time as I may con- Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the co-founded the Freedom National Bank of balance of my time. Harlem. sume. Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speak- (10) Leading by example, Jackie Robinson Mr. Speaker, this is a piece of legisla- er, I yield back the balance of my time. influenced many of the greatest political tion which is long overdue. If there was The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. leaders in America. anyone over the past half century that (11) Jackie Robinson worked tirelessly has warranted the Congressional Gold HEFLEY). The question is on the motion with a number of religious and civic organi- offered by the gentleman from Wis- Medal, it is Jackie Robinson. The rea- zations to better the lives of all Americans. son this legislation is on the floor consin (Mr. SENSENBRENNER) that the (12) The life and principles of Jackie Rob- today, the reason it has advanced this House suspend the rules and pass the inson are the basis of the Jackie Robinson far is because of the efforts of the gen- bill, H.R. 2655, as amended. Foundation, which keeps his memory alive tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. The question was taken; and (two- by providing children of low-income families NEAL), the man who initiated this leg- thirds having voted in favor thereof) with leadership and educational opportuni- islation, who has worked relentlessly the rules were suspended and the bill, ties. to get the amount of support necessary as amended, was passed. (13) The legacy and personal achievements to bring it to the floor. I commend the A motion to reconsider was laid on of Jackie Robinson, as an athlete, a business leader, and a citizen, have had a lasting and gentleman for it, and I thank him for the table. positive influence on the advancement of giving me an opportunity to sign onto f civil rights in the United States. the bill as the lead cosponsor. AWARDING CONGRESSIONAL GOLD SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. I have a personal interest because as MEDAL TO JACKIE ROBINSON IN (a) PRESENTATION AUTHORIZED.—The Presi- a young kid growing up in New York, dent is authorized to present, on behalf of Jackie Robinson was certainly one of RECOGNITION OF HIS MANY CON- the Congress, to the family of Jackie Robin- TRIBUTIONS TO THE NATION son, a gold medal of appropriate design in my heroes. I was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, I attended many games at Ebbets Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, recognition of the many contributions of Field, and the gentleman from Massa- I move to suspend the rules and pass Jackie Robinson to the Nation. (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For purposes of chusetts (Mr. NEAL) thinks I fantasize the bill (H.R. 1900) to award a congres- the presentation referred to in subsection these things, but these are true. As a sional gold medal to Jackie Robinson (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (in this kid, there is probably no ball player (posthumously), in recognition of his Act referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall who excited New York in that era more many contributions to the Nation, and strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, than Jackie Robinson. He really just to express the sense of the Congress devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. caused all attention to be focused on that there should be a national day in himself, both through his ability and SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. recognition of Jackie Robinson. also because of his dynamism. The first The Clerk read as follows: Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and game I went to, Jackie Robinson H.R. 1900 sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal scored the winning run in the 10th in- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- struck under section 2 at a price sufficient to ning. I saw him play a number of posi- resentatives of the United States of America in cover the costs of the medals, including tions. He was on six World Series Congress assembled, labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and teams with the Brooklyn Dodgers. He SECTION 1. FINDINGS. overhead expenses. was a major player when they won the The Congress makes the following findings: SEC. 4. STATUS AS NATIONAL MEDALS. World Series in 1955, he was a perennial (1) Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born on The medals struck under this Act are na- All-Star in the National League, and January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia, and was tional medals for purposes of chapter 51 of the youngest of 5 children. title 31, United States Code. he really excelled as a ball player. And after he retired, he was elected to the (2) Jackie Robinson attended the Univer- SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. sity of California Los Angeles where he (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Hall of Fame. starred in football, basketball, baseball, and There is authorized to be charged against the Of course, he was not just an out- track. His remarkable skills earned him a United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund standing ball player; he will go down in reputation as the best athlete in America. an amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for history for the fact and what he did in (3) In 1947, Jackie Robinson was signed by the cost of the medal authorized under sec- breaking the color barrier in the the Brooklyn Dodgers and became the first tion 2. United States. When he broke into or- black player to play in Major League Base- (b) PROCEEDS OF SALE.—Amounts received ganized baseball in 1946 in the minor ball. His signing is considered one of the from the sale of duplicate bronze medals leagues and in 1947 in the major most significant moments in the history of under section 3 shall be deposited in the leagues with the Brooklyn Dodgers, professional sports in America. For his re- United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. baseball truly was the national pas- markable performance on the field in his SEC. 6. SENSE OF CONGRESS. first season, he won the National League’s It is the sense of the Congress that— time. All attention was focused on or- Rookie of the Year Award. (1) there should be designated a national ganized baseball, and there were no Af- (4) In 1949, Jackie Robinson was voted the day for the purpose of recognizing the ac- rican Americans whatsoever allowed National League’s Most Valuable Player by complishments of Jackie Robinson; and into organized baseball. the Baseball Writers Association of America. (2) the President should issue a proclama- When Jackie Robinson broke that (5) In 1962, Jackie Robinson was elected to tion calling on the people of the United barrier, he really broke barriers the Baseball Hall of Fame. States to observe the day with appropriate throughout the country and set an ex- (6) Although the achievements of Jackie ceremonies and activities. ample and a standard that our country Robinson began with athletics, they widened The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to have a profound influence on civil and has been attempting to live up to ever human rights in America. ant to the rule, the gentleman from since. (7) The signing of Jackie Robinson as the New York (Mr. KING) and the gen- I mentioned that as a kid I used to first black player in Major League Baseball tleman from New York (Mr. CROWLEY) follow Jackie Robinson as a ball play- occurred before the United States military each will control 20 minutes. er. It is only as I became older that I VerDate jul 14 2003 04:09 Oct 08, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07OC7.012 H07PT1 H9232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 7, 2003 realized the solitary anguish he must ie Robinson, was born on January 31, man of the board and co-founder of have been going through as a ball play- 1919, in Cairo, Georgia, the youngest of Freedom National Bank of Harlem be- er during those years for a while when five children.
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