Clydo H. Davla a fcnaar traUey* man on the Ifanchaatar Unaa, un- About Town darwant a aaajor oparatkm at tha Vatarana* boapital. Rutland , Th« officUl board of the Oon- HelghU, Maaa., laat wsak Tttaaday. Spring Sale of cordU Lutheran church will meet ] thle arenlnK at o'clock. lira. Waa. Kronlek af wnraao , The Alplna eodety wUl hold Ita Draaa bhop baa returned from a 2- Ijvgular monthly meeting tonight at day New York boarlng tHp for V O L. LIX., NO. 158 7:80 o'clock at the Norman etreet Spring driaaii and eoata. Hottsefurnishihgs I Italian club. Buy your VtctUbks . Fruit. Flah and Meat at Wne- Notes F. D. Re Sun Moves Toward Big Showr knut . our guarantee of satlafactlon aaaurM you that WEAR-EVER the guaWty is always the sane . always dependable. $3.98 Dinner Sets I ’rade Pacts Plan Chamberlain Avers HALE'S SELF SERVE **W eai>Ever In several new floral patterns. 32-piece sets service Never Has Used ALUMFJUM tor six. FRESH ASPARAGUS The Original In New England! AIMMIMDM Survives Another Word th rift’ Extra Select G ra d e ................. Ib. 19c; 214-lb. bunch 42c Hitler ‘Missed Bus’ TRADEMARK These are medium sited spears. AND HEALTH MARKET $3.69 j Wadsworth Says He I»| If you prefer the heavier stalks, order our Gold Seal Specials Senate Test Vote Asparagus.........................2'/i*lb. bunch 49c; Ib. 22c Hopeful the President $2.50 ^ e a r - E v e r " 4 Star Clookers (4 utensils In 1) $1.98 <f- Green Beans are lower ...................................... 2 qts. 39c THURSDAY SPECIALS $10.50 Dinner Sets Chamber Defeats, 44 to Department Store Must Will Run So New Deal When War Starte Sweet Potatoes. Dandelion Greens, Fresh Spinach, White $2.75 "Wear-Ever” 2-Qt. Tea Kettles..................... $2.19 Be Classified as Farm I Be Wiped Out. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Seml-porcelaln. Floral and border pattema. 38, Amendment to Re- j or Pascal Celcr>’. Si’ x of Livrstork Causes j Drclares He is *T( 12.60 “ Wear-Ever*' 3-Pc. Saucepan Sets................. $1.98 New York. April 4,—(/Pi — quire Congressional Portland, Me., April 4—(/P)— FOR SALADS . Red-Ripe Tomatoes................. Ib. 23c Census takers discovered today Decide to Ask Trouble for Census Taker* Times an ConfidcE^ PMtrlto Strietty rreih $2.50 “Wear-Ever** 2-Q(. Double B o ile rs................$1.98 Approval o f Future , Declaring the underlying philoso- Rareripes, ScalKons Radishes, Cucumbers, Chicory and that a department Bt/>re In the : Of Victory Now $7.95 heart of Manhattan roust be I phy of the New Deal "is WTong Philadelphia, April 4.—iP) — Iceberg Lettuce. $2.60 “Wear-Ever** 6-Cup Percolators................... $1.89 \greements; Adams cla.ssified as a farm as well as ' and must be rejected,” U. S. Rep- Reynaiid Quit A census enumerator at a farm I Fuehrer Failed to Un Large Eggs I a biiaincaa establishment. in suburban Brldesburg asked .85 “ Wear-Ever** Cookie Sheets....................... .69 Regular $3.29 l*roposal Also Beaten. I rcsentatlve James W. Wadsworth FRESH FISH Pinchurst I A seventh-floor greenhouse the housewife whqt livestock i Arms Superiority V E A L CHOPS at Bloomingdale's, S9th street J ( R., N. Y. > said today the best Premier Job WHS on the place. - Medium Eggs .50 “Wear-Ever** Layer Cake Pans ... .^.................. 39 Washington, April 4.— , way to accomplish this was "to "W e have one oow,” she re­ I many Had at ^ Haddock Fiilets. Rib. Ib. 35c. I.oin. lb. 4 Ic. D etecto I and Lexington avenue, raises (.AP)-—The administration’s "more than 8250 worth of "agrt- I beat Roosevelt himself." plied. Perch Fillets. "That's no cow,” her husband I ning of Conflict; - B i l l Country Style , cultural products” a year. This •T don’t know how you feel Railical-Soriulinls WUl | Sole Fillets. All AmerlcM reciprocal trade program sur-j about it, but I hope he runs,” Interrupted. "It'a a bull.” Sausage Meat.......Ib. 25c Bath Scales ' makes It a "farm ” for census ain ButYdlng S tren ||^ Flounder Fillets. Spring Cleaning Bargain! vived another major Senate purposes. I Wadsworth told Maine Republi­ Take Aciioii Unless Stalemated, tho enumerator A new atyle acale with In- Pollock. or Large Link Sausage. test today when the chamber cans in a keynote address at their telephonr/1 his supervisor for ' Ik creaaed foot apace. In colora. state convention here. "The is­ Substantial Increase in advice and was told to "go look London, April 4.—-(A ^ Smelts. Haddock. eeeooooeeeeeeeeo defeated, 44 to 38, an amend­ Welgha up to 250 pounda. sue then would be perfectly clear at the animal yourself.” Prime Minister Cham 24)i-Lb. Bag 8 9 C Vapoo Cleaner ment to require congression­ Support Is Shown. —the New Deal and the third "Boss," the cenaua taker declared today he waa al approval of future trade term—two things which ought to pleaded. " I don't think Pd be Worth a few extra words . Sugar Mill Oranges at 34c *Th* magic shampoo for upholatrry and ruga." Drug Firm Paid times as confident’* of agreements. A fter rejecting be considered together.” Bulletin! much help. I’m a city chap my- and 39c dozen . and Atwood 9 « size Grapefruit (practi­ Raking over seven years of the now as he waa when tha $2.98 the O’Mahonqy proposal, the Paris, April 4.—(J')—Pre­ aelf.’: cally seedless), 6 for 25c. ^ t h are Just full of fine (la­ Csm Carnation Milk 4 29c 3 oc. can makes IV 2 gal.......................... Senate rejected, 46 to 34, a Canadian Levy Roosevelt administration, Wads­ mier Paul Reynaud, Ihe fu­ began because Adolf bored Juice. worth said a "curious and signifi­ ture of hia government In “missed the bus” by fi proposal by Senator Adams cant omission” could be found in 7 OE. can makes 4 gal.......................... $1.00 doubt unleoo be gnlna greater use the arms superiority) Reg. $1.25 Step Ladders (D., Colo.), to require ap- On Fake Trade the President's public utterances. This map shows the 130-ml,le wide path to be taken by the April political aupport, today- Mazola Oil $1.29 in-oval of trade agreements Omit Word "Thrift." 7 annular eclipse of the sun, which will move from west to east agreed to general debate on Japan May many had at the start- Free with $1.00 can—1 can “ 4-in-l” 4-foot laddcra. Each atep braced underalde with metal rod. "Never once during this hectic across the southern United States at about 2,000 miles per hour. hlB policies In the Ctember of prime minister add! by a simple majority of the I period has Roosevelt used the Groce ru ^nc. All purpose cleaner. Dummy Gmcern Made The moon will be 93 per cent of the sun's diameter and sunlight will Depntlcn nHer n secret Senate Ctmaervative Party ^ ‘''A '"RLET 2-Lb. B e g u i l e Senate. ; word ’thrift’ or Its equivalent,” he have a slightly greenish cast. Through red glass or over-exposed : session April 9 hoMa ainrilar Prunes The amendment, aponaored by m Take Action proudly a day afUr si A Report o f Fietitious I said. "And for that matter nev- film, observers hope to see great blilowa o f flame along the aun s disenasion. Radlcnl - SodaHat ' • POST S. j C*. iR ^ O R ’ Senator O'Mahoney (D., W yo.). I er have any of his principal lieu­ up his government to h l-Pennd Jar OruSmother’e $ would have subjected agreemenU edge. Amateura should be careful of eyestrain In viewing the phe- J members of tbe Chamber re- 1.00 Business; Witiiess Had tenants used It.” nomena. A complete story on the eclipse Is cairicd on Page Four, J queeted tbe debate In n ron- into a tighter orgaBt t.) approval by a majority of both " I submit.”^ he added, "that the On Blockade $1.29 B o w l Sets hoiir-cs. O'Mahoney sought to Dined U. S. Agents. omls.sion of that single word from ferenoe with the premier. and to put chief reapoud Apple Jelly 2 for 25c 25c Lemon Oil write It Into pending legislation ty for war stratagy^ Rainbow colora. Four handy aliea in thla glased ovenware. the New Deal vocabiilary is sig­ Paris, April 4.— PBrllamen- 4-Plec« Seta. to continue for three years the New York, April —A wit nificant. It denotes a habit of InHicflUons Any Move shoulders of Winston nilministratlon’s power to readjust tary circles reportad tonight that White House ness testified in Federal Court to­ thought. It helps to Identify a In Chosen Strait to ill, energetic first lord Manchester Pipe Band Furniture Polish tariffs by agreement with other philosophy. It suggests a change Another ‘Red’ Leader the Rsdicsl-Soclallst group In the day that all o f the information Admiralty. 1-Lb. Pkg. jiiiUons. In the American •'w’ay of thinking Chamber of Deputies had decided Halt Goods Bound Coffee 22c The Senate last week rejected. McKesson and Robbins Company and of living—planned and en­ Britein suit Is building $ to ask for Premier Paul Reynaud's strength. Cliambetinin 1.00 A large 24-ouhce bottla. 19c 44 to 41, a propo.sal to require tax experts had about * the con­ couraged by Mr. Roosevelt.” For Germany 'IllegaF. Bingo Tonight at 8.30 NaUve No. 1 lallilcatlon of agreements by two- cern’s Canadian subsidiary was Instead, he said, the President Defies Dies Committee resignation unless he could show while Oermuy Is ■ thirds of the Senate.
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