Prof. ERKAN AYDAR Opfefricseo Pnhaol Nien:F +Or9m0 3A1t2io 2N97 7707 Aemddarile:S Esa: Yhdacre@Ttheapcee Üttenpivee.Erdsiute.Tsri, Jeoloji Müh

Prof. ERKAN AYDAR Opfefricseo Pnhaol Nien:F +Or9m0 3A1t2io 2N97 7707 Aemddarile:S Esa: Yhdacre@Ttheapcee Üttenpivee.Erdsiute.Tsri, Jeoloji Müh

Prof. ERKAN AYDAR OPfefricseo Pnhaol nIen:f +or9m0 3a1t2io 2n97 7707 AEmddarile:s esa: yHdacre@ttheapcee Üttnepivee.ersdiute.tsri, Jeoloji Müh. Böl. 06800, Beytepe, Ankara EDodcutocraatteio, Unn iIvnefrosirtém Da''taiuovnergne Clermont-Ferrand I, Laboratoire Magma Et Volcans, France 1989 - 1992 UPonsdtegrrgardaudautaet, eU, nHivaecersttietép eD 'Ü'anuiversgintees Ci, lMerümhoentd-iFselirkr Fanakdü Il,t Lesaib, oJeroaltoojiir Me üMhaegnmdaissl iEğti BVöolücamnüs, TFurarnkecey 19881 - 19896 Foreign Languages FErnegnlicsh,, C1 Advanced Dissertations UDnoicvteorrsaiteé, BEltauidse Pvaoslccaanl:o C-lsetrmucotunrt-aFle rerta mnda gIım, Laatobloorgaiqtouiere d Mu asgtrmatao E-vt oVlcoalcna Hnsa,s 1a9n9 D2agi(Anatolie Centrale-Turquie)., Research Areas TGecohlongoilcoagl yEngineering, Geology, Ore Deposits-Geochemistry, Mineralogy-petrography, Applied Geology, Engineering and APrcoafedsesomr,i Hc aTceittleepse /Ü nTivaesrksistesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2003 - Continues Assiosctaiantte PPrrooffeessssoorr, , HHaacceetttteeppee ÜÜnniivveerrssiitteessii, , MMüühheennddiisslliikk FFaakküülltteessii, , JJeeoolloojjii MMüühheennddiisslliiğğii BBööllüümmüü, , 11999937 -- 12909073 AHaccaedttepme iÜcn aivnerds iAtedsi,m Miünhiesntdriasltikiv Fea kEüxltpesei,r Jieeonlocjie Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2016 - Continues Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 20036 - 20069 Advising Theses GAüYnDeAyRd aEğ., tGüöf lhlüadlkaağs-Aıncııng öpla (tlKaampaa dvoe kyyear lVeoşmlkea ndiikn Pamroivkelenrsini)i nb ösalgpetsainmdea syıe, rP oaslatgnr Kadarunaıtyea, rAık.A tNeÇpEe Lc(üSrtuufd keonnt)is, i2n0in1 2ve LA.YADKAINR( ESt.,u Ndeevnşte),h 2ir0 y1ö2resi magmatik kayaçlarında bulunan zirkon minerallerinin incelenmesi, Postgraduate, EA.YKDAABRA DEA., YNIe(vSştuehdiern bt)ö, l2ge0s1i0ndeki miyosen- pliyosen yaşlı efüzif, ekstrüzif volkanik faaliyetlerin incelenmesi, Postgraduate, 2A0Y1D0AR E., Nevşehir - Acıgöl Kaldera kompleksinin jeofizik yöntemlerle incelenmesi, Postgraduate, O.ATAK(Student), DAYoDctAoRra Ete.,, PHe.EtrVoRloEgNic( Setvuodluentito)n, 2o0f 0N8emrut stratovolcano (Turkiye): Peralkaline magmatism in a collisional domain, DAYoDctAoRra Ete.,, QOu.EaRnStiOtaYt(ivSetu mdeonrpt)h, o2l0o0g7ical analysis of ashes from pyroclastic deposits of hydrovolcanic and magmatic origin, PAoYsDtgArRa dEu., aTtüer, kGm.AeTnIC dIa(Sğtı u(dDeenmt)ir, c2i0-M06anisa) ve çevresindeki pegmatitlerin oluşumu ve yerleşiminin incelenmesi, AIr. ticSlheoss Phuonbiltiisch veodlc ainn iJsomu orfn tahles BTohdartu Emn ctaelrdeedra S (CSIW, S TSuCrIk eayn)d: HAyHbrCiId iIznadtieoxne osf enriched mantle- dÇUerBiUvKeÇdU a Hn.d E c. ,r AuYsDtaAl Rm Ee.,l tUsLUSOY İ., Gourgaud A. II. VJOoUlRcaNnAiLc OaFsh A SaInAdN tEsAuRnTaHm Si CrIeEcNoCrEdS ,o vfo tlh.2e1 9M, 2in0o2a1n ( JLoautren aBl rInodnezxee dA gine SECrI)uption (Santorini) in a distal sAeYtDtiAnRg ,E s., oCuintehrw Ae.,s EteRrSnO YT uOr., kEecyochard E., Fouache E. G. III. ZJOirUcRoNnA gLe OoFc hQrUoAnToElRoNgAyR aYn SdC IOE-NHCfE i,s 2o0t2o1p e(Jso uorfn Caal pInpdaedxoedc iiann S CigI)nimbrites: New insights into continental cArKuINst aLl., aArYcDhAitRe Ect.,u Srceh muinttd Ae.r Kn.e , aÇtUhB tUhKeÇ CUe Hn. tEr.a , lG Aenrdaetso lAia.n Volcanic Province, Turkey IV. CGaOrNcDinWoAgNenA RsoEiSlE rAaRdCoHn, veonl.r9i1c,h pmpe.1n6t6 i-n18 a7 ,g 2e0o2t1h e(Jromuarnl aalr Ienad:e xCeads ein o SfC GI)uzelcamli-Davutlar district of AYyDdiAnR c Eit.,y D, İwKEeRst Ce.rn Turkey V. VECoOlcTaOnXiIcC OuLnOreGsYt ApNoDs sEiNbiVliItRiOesN MinE rNeTsApLo SnAsFeE tToY ,r veocle.2n0t8 O, 2b0r2u1k (sJeoiusrmnaicl Isnwdeaxremd ionn S CaIn)d around Hasandag sAtYrDaAtoRv Eo.l, cDaİnKoE R( Ce., nUtLrUaSl OAYn İa., tŞoElNia ,E T.urkey) VI. GCOeMocPhTeEmS iRcEaNl DEUvaS lGuEaOtiSoCnIE oNfC SEu, vitoalb.3i5li3t,y n of.1 C, pepn.t1r-a1l8 ,A 2n0a2t1o l(iJaonu r(nTaul rInkdeeyx)e dV oinl cSaCnI)ic Rocks for Rock Fiber PERroSOdYu cOt.i, oAnYDAR E., ÇUBUKÇU H. E. VII. ANpApTUliRcaAtLio RnE SoOf UzRirCcEoSn R tEySpEoAlRoCgHy, m20e2t0h o(Jdo utorn fael lIsnidc erxoecdk isn (SCaI)ppadocia, Central Anatolia, Turkey): a zAiKrIcNo nL .,c ArYyDstAaRll iEz.a, Sticohnm ittet mA.p Ke. r, aÇtUuBrUeK pÇeUr sHp. eEc.tive VIII. ITdUeRnKtIiSfyHi nJOgU tRhNeA VLo OlcFa EnAicR TEHr uSpCtIEioNnC EDSe, pvoicl.t2e8d, nino .3a, Nppe.o35li1th-3ic8 6P, a2i0n1t9in (gJ oautr Cnalt aInlhdeoxyeudk i,n C SeCnI)tral Anatolia, TSCuHrkMeIyTT A. K. , DANISIK M., AYDAR E., ŞEN E., ULUSOY İ., LOVERA O. M. IX. CPLoOmSm OeNnEt,s v oln.9 ," nMoo.1n, i2to01ri4n (gJ osuorinl aelr Ionsdieoxne di nin C SaCpI)padocia region (Selime-Aksaray-Turkey)" by Yilmaz et al. (Environ Earth Sci 2012, 66:75-81) ECNinVeIrR AO.,N SMarEiNkaTyAaL M E.A AR. T, AHy SdCaIrE EN.CES, vol.70, no.4, pp.1927-1931, 2013 (Journal Indexed in SCI) X. MULuUltSiO-dYi İr.,e LcAtiBoAnZaUl Yd ePr., iAvYaDtiAoRn Eo.f self-potential/elevation gradient (Ce) maps - swirl procedure XI. CNeEnAtRr aSlU ARFnAaCtoEl iGaEnO PHlaYtSeIaCuS,, vToulr.1k1e, yn:o i.3n,c pispi.o27n5 a-2n8d2 p, 2a0le1o3a (lJtoimurentarly I nrdeecxoerdd iend S CfrI)om volcanic rocks TAUYRDKAIRS HE .,J OÇURBNUKAÇLU O HF .E EA. R, ŞTEHN S EC.I, EANKCINES L, .vol.22, no.5, pp.739-746, 2013 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XII. AN RThOiInNoEc Pe.r, oOtRidLI ASkCu Mll. JC. o, AoTkIeCdI -Gto., -UDLeUaStOhY iİn., ŞaE 9N. 2E .,M ÇaU-BOUldK ÇIUg nHi.m Eb. ,r AitLeB FAlYoRwA Ko fE .T, OuYrkAeLy N., AYDAR E., SEN S. XIII. VPLoOlcSa OnNoElo, vgoicl.a7l, neov.o1l1u, t2i0o1n2 a (nJodu cranladl eInrdae fxoerdm inin SgC Ie)ruptions of Mt. Nemrut (Eastern Turkey) JUOLUURSNOAYL İ .,O ÇFU VBOULKCÇAUN HO.L EO. G, AYY ADNADR GEE., OLTAHBEARZMUYA LP .R, EERSESOAYR COH., ,Ş vEoNl. 2E4.,5 G, OpUp.R2G1A-3U9D, 2 A0.12 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XIV. nSTigchotrtrim: Ae nT IRD Lim caogdeer fyor image based normalization of lapse rate and illumination effects on CUOLMUSPOUYT Eİ.,R LSA &B AGZEUOYS CPI.E, ANYCDESA,R v oEl..43, pp.63-72, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XV. aCgoersr ealnadti oznir coof nig cnoimbproistietsio ins the central Anatolian volcanic province using zircon and plagioclase JAOYUDRANRA EL. ,O SFC HVMOLITCTA NAO. KL.O , GÇYU BAUNKDÇ GUE HO.T EH. E, ARKMIANL L R., ESRESAORYC OH.,, ŞvEoNl.2 E1.3, D, pupn.c8a3n-9 R7. , A2.0 , 1A2T I(CJoI uGr.nal Indexed in SCI) XVI. MÇUtB. NUKeÇmUr uHt. Ev.o , lUcLaUnSoO (YE İa., sAtYeDrnA RT uE.r, kEeRyS)O:Y T Oe.m, ŞpEoNr Ea.l, GpOeUtrRoGlAoUgiDc aAl. , eGvUoIlLuLtOioUn H. XVII. SJOuUrRfaNcAeL a OrFe aV OaLnCdA vNoOlLuOmGeY mANeaDs GuEreOmTHeEnRtsM oAfL vRoElScEaAnRicC Has, hvo pl.2a0rt9i,c pleps.3 u3-s6in0,g 2 m01ic2r (oJo-cuormnapl uIntdeedx teodm ino SgCrIa)phy g(meoicmreot-rCiTc )c:o An sciodmerpaatrioisnosn with scanning electron microscope (SEM) stereoscopic imaging and JEORUSRONYA OL., OŞEFN V OE.L, CAAYNDOALRO EG.,Y T ANTADR G İE., OCTeHlikE RHM. HA.L RESEARCH, vol.196, pp.281-286, 2010 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XVIII. cSitrrcuucltautrioen of the Nemrut caldera (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) and associated hydrothermal fluid JUOLUURSNOAYL İ .,O LFA VBOALZCUAYN PO.,L AOYGDYA ARN ED., EGRESOOTYH EOR., MCuAbLu RkcEuS EEA.RCH, vol.174, no.4, pp.269-283, 2008 (Journal Indexed in XIX. QSCuIa)ntitative analysis on volcanic ash surfaces: Application of extended depth-of-field (focus) aElRgSoOrYit Oh.m, A YfoDrA lRig Eh.,t G aonudrg sacuadn An.i, nBgA YeHleAcNtr Ho.n microscopy and 3D reconstruction XX. WMIDCRS OvNe,r vsouls.3 9si, lnicoo.2n, pdpr.1if2t 8d-1e3te6c, t2o0r0 8E D(JSo:u Arn caal sIned reexpedo rint SfoCrI) the comparison of quantitative chemical aÇnUaBlUyKsÇeUs oHf. En. a, tEuRrSaOl Ys iOli.,c AaYteD AmRi nEe., rCaalksir U. XXI. VMoIClcRaOnNo, vsotrl.3a9ti,g nroa.2p,h pyp .a8n8d-9 p4,e 2tr0o0g8e (nJoeusrisn aol fI ntdheex Nede min rSuCtI )stratovolcano (East Anatolian high Plateau): TCuhbeu mkcous Ht .r Ee.c , eAnytd paro Est.,- Gcoullrisgiaounda Al .volcanism in Turkey XXII. CHluEsMteICriAnLg G oEfO vLoOlGcYa,n vioc l.a2s4h5 ,a prpis.1i2n0g- 1fr2o9m, 2 0d0if7f e(rJoeunrtn farl aIngdmeexnedta itni oSnC Im)echanisms using Kohonen self- oErsgoayn Oiz.,i nAgyd mara Ep.s, Gourgaud A., Artuner H., Bayhan H. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, vol.33, no.6, pp.821-828, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XXIII. MTeoxutnutr eN demiscrruitm sitnraattioovno olcfa vnool,c eaansicte arsnh Teus rfkreoym different fragmentation mechanisms: A case study, CEORMSOPYU OTE., RCSH I&N GEAO GS.C, AIEYNDCAERS ,E v.,o Gl.O32U,R nGoA.7U, Dp pA.9., 3C6u-b9u4k6c, u2 0H0. 6E . (, JUoluursnoayl I.ndexed in SCI) XXIV. VUloulscoayn Ii.c, Caunbdu kdceuf oE.r, mAYaDtiAoRn Eh.,i sLtAoBrAyZ oUfY t Ph.e, G BOoUdRrGuAmU Dr eAs.,u VrIgNeCnEtN cTa Pld.era system (southwestern Turkey) XXV. IJOnUteRrNaActLi oOnF oVfO LaCstAhNeOnLoOsGpYh eArNiDc aGnEdO TliHthERoMspAhLe RriEcS EmAaRnCtHle, :v Tolh.1e3 g6e, pnpe.s7i1s- 9o6f, c2a0l0e4-a (lJkoaulrinael vInodlecxaendis imn S aCtI) EKrucrikyceuso gVluo lBc.a, Sneon, Ece., nTtermael lA An., aAtyodliaar, ET.,u Grokuerygaud A. XXVI. VINoTlEcaRnNoAlToIgOiNcaAlL e GvEoOluLOtiGoYn RoEfV MIEoWu,n vto El.4rc6i, yneos.3 s, tprpa.2to4v3o-2lc5a8n, 2o0 a0n4d ( Joruirgnianl Ionfd tehxe dV ianl iSbCaI)ba Tepe ignimbrite (SCene nEt.,r Kaul rAkncuaotoglluia B, .T, Auyrdkaery E)., Gourgaud A., Vincent P. XXVII. MJOoUrRpNhAoLl oOgFi cVaOlL aCnAaNlyOsLiOsG oYf AaNctDiv GeE MOToHuEnRtM NAeLm RrEuStE sAtRraCtHo, vvol.c1a2n5o, p, pe.a2s2t5e-r2n4 6T, u2r0k0e3y (: Jeovuirdneanl Icnedse xaendd in SCI) pAoYDssAiRb lEe. , iGmOpUaRcGt AaUrDea As. , oUfl ufsuotyu rI.e, D eIrGuOpNtNioEnT F., LABAZUY P., Sen E., Bayhan H., Kurttas T., TOLLUOGLU A. XXVIII. IJOnUitRiaNl AeLx pOlFo VsiOvLeC pAhNaOsLeOsG dYu ArNinDg G eExOtTrHusEiRoMnA

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