P 120 Extension and Experiment Station Communications, 1972-1993

P 120 Extension and Experiment Station Communications, 1972-1993

P 120 Extension and Experiment Station Communications, 1972-1993 Accession 2003:098-Branch Station images. Mid-Columbia Branch Station (4): 1976-1984 Image numbers: 1 R&E Center, sheep, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, 1976 2-4 R&E Center, Lab, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 5-7 R&E Center, Mid Col / Entomology, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 8 R&E Center, Walt Mellenthin, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 9-11 R&E Center, Mid Col, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 14 R&E Center, Hood River, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1977 16 R&E Center, Mid Col, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 17-18 R&E Center, Mid Col /Mt Hood, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 19-31 R&E Center, Mid Col, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 32 R&E Center, Hood River, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1977 33 R&E Center, Hood River Lenticulars, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1977 34-39 R&E Center, Hood River, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1977 40-42 R&E Center, Hood River with Station, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1979 44 R&E Center, Mid Col Station, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1977 45 R&E Center, Mid Col/Entomology, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 46 R&E Center, Mid Col/Lab, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 47 R&E Center, Mid Col, Burkhart & Zwick, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 48, 50 R&E Center, Mid Col / Mt Hood, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 54-55 R&E Center, Exp. Station Researcher, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 56-57 R&E Center, Pear, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 61-67 R&E Center, Thinning apples ,Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 68 R&E Center, apples, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS used in OAP (Oregon Agricultural Progress) spring/summer, p.27, 1980 74-76 R&E Center, Pear testing in lab, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 77-78 R&E Center, Mt. Hood from Mid-Columbia, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1980 80-85 R&E Center, pears, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1982 87-92 R&E Center, Hedgerow apples, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1982 93 R&E Center, pear, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1982 95-99 R&E Center, pear, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1982 100-2 R&E Center, Lab worker under exhaust hood, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1983 103-4 R&E Center, Pear testing, Bob Spotts & technician, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1983 105-6 R&E Center, Hood River Valley, fall colors, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1983 109-12 R&E Center, Lab work under exhaust hood, Bob Spotts, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1983 113-15 R&E Center, Lab work, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1983 116 R&E Center, Walt Mellenthin, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1976 117, 120 R&E Center, Mold on stored pear study, Mid-Columbia, Hood River, CS, 1984 123-24 R&E Ctr, 8/77, res. plot establishment, Eastern Oregon, CS Vertical, 1977 Eastern Oregon ARC Branch /Station (5): 1972-1992 7 Squaw Butte Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1978 9-10 Eastern Oregon, Union / Burns, CS, NO DATE 16 Eastern Oregon, Union / Burns, CS, 1976 17 Union Station, Union / Burns, CS 18-21 Squaw Butte, Union / Burns, CS, 1976-1978 22-23 Squaw Butte Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1978 26, 28-29 Squaw Butte, Union / Burns, CS, 1976 30 Eastern Oregon, Union / Burns, CS, 1976 31, 33, 36 Squaw Butte, Union / Burns, CS, 1972-1974 39-44 Squaw Butte Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1978 45 Malheur Refuge, Union / Burns, CS, 1975 47-48 Squaw Butte, Union / Burns, CS, 1976 51, 54 Eastern Oregon, Union / Burns, CS, 1976 55 BLM wild horses, Union / Burns, CS, 1977 57 Malheur refuge, Union / Burns, CS, 1975 58-61 Union Station, Union / Burns, CS, 1974 63 Landscape, Union / Burns, CS, 1975 64 Person, Union / Burns, CS (John Clark-Malheur Refuge), 1975 65 1978, Squaw Butte Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1978 69-74 1978,Squaw Butte Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1978 76-80 BLM Wild Horses ,Union / Burns, CS, 1977 104, 107 Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1979 110-12 Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1979 114-20 Union Station, Union / Burns, CS, 1979 141-50 Fall Calves in Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1981 152-158 Spring Calves in Fall, Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1981 160-73 Eastern Oregon Station, Union / Burns, CS, 1982 177, 179 Range fire near Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1981 185 Range fire near Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1981 187-90 Electric fence, Burns, Harley Turner, Union / Burns, CS, 1982 191-95 Electric fence, Burns, Bob Raleigh, Union / Burns, CS, 1982 196 Cattle at Section 5 near Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1982 198, 200 Cattle drive near Burns, Union / Burns, CS, 1982 242-46 Cattle Round-up Starkey Experiment Forest and Range,Union / Burns, CS, 1984 251-61 Dennis Sheehy clipping forage plots near Heppner, Union / Burns, CS, 1984 262-67 Cows at Union Station Med. CU, Union / Burns, CS, 1984 271-73 Union Field Day, Union / Burns, CS, 1984 274-79 Union Field Day, Harley Turner, Union / Burns, CS, 1984 286-88 Union Field Day, Rick Miller, Union / Burns, CS, 1984 289-92 8/85, 500 KV Electrical Power Project, Grizzley Mnt, CS, DK, 1984-1985 295-97 8/85, 500 KV Electrical Power Project, Grizzley Mnt, CS, DK, 1984-1985 299-305 8/85, 500 KV Electrical Power Project, Grizzley Mnt, CS, DK, 1984-1985 306-09 9/85, 500 KV Electrical Power Project, Grizzley Mnt, CS, DK, 1985 312-38 9/85, 500 KV Electrical Power Project, Grizzley Mnt, CS, DK, 1985 361-65 9/92, CS, Horizontal 366-67 9/92, CS, Vertical 371, 373 9/92, CS, Horizontal 376 9/92, CS, Horizontal Central Oregon Ag. Exp. Station (6): 1975-1984 1-3 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 4 Central Oregon Exp Station Redmond, Redmond, CS, 1975 5-6 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 9 People, Redmond, CS, 1976 10 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 11-12 Bill Murray, Redmond, CS, 1976 14-16 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 17 Landscape, Redmond, CS, 1976 19-20, 22 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 24, 26, 29 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1976 30-36, 39 Potato Harvester, Redmond, CS, 1976 40-43 Potato Harvester, Redmond, CS, 1976 45 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1978 47 Potatoes, Redmond, CS, 1976 48-50 Central Oregon, Redmond, CS, 1978 51, 53-54 Redmond Sunflowers, Redmond, CS, 1980 57, 59 Redmond Sunflowers, Redmond, CS, 1980 62-75 Potato variety trial harvest and selections, Powell Butte, Redmond, CS, 1983 77-79 Malcohm Johnson, Steve James, Redmond, CS, 1983 84-86, 90 Spraying herbicide trials, Powell Butte, Tom Whitson, Shel Perigon, Redmond, CS, 1984 91 Alfalfa at Powell Butte, Redmond, CS, 1984 95 Alfalfa with dew drops, Powell Butte, Redmond, CS, 1984 141-43 Mint plot,Powell Butte Station, CS, Horizontal, Fred Crowe, Duplicate slide, no date 144 Mint harvest, Steve James, senior research assistant contractor, Powell Butte, CS, Horizontal, Fred Crowe, Duplicate slide, no date 145 Mint plots, harvest, Powell Butte, CS, Vertical, Fred Crowe, Duplicate slide, no date 147 Mint plot harvest, Powell Butte, CS, Horizontal, Fred Crowe, Duplicate slide, no date 150-51 Surplus equipment, road grader, Powell Butte, CS, Vertical, Tom Gentle, no date 153 Branch headquarters, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 154 Potato variety trials, Steve James, senior research assistant, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 156 Potato variety trials, Steve James, senior research assistant, Madras, CS, Vertical, Tom Gentle, no date 157 Potato variety trials, Unknown, Madras, CS, Vertical, Tom Gentle, no date 160-62 Mint field day, Fred Crowe, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 163 Mint field day, Marvin Butler, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 164-65 Mint field day, Russ Ingham, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 167 Mint field day, Marvin Butler, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 168 Mint field day, Russ Ingham, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 169 Mint field day, Fred Crowe, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 173 Mint field day, Alan Mitchell, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 174-75 Mint field day, Fred Crowe, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date 176-80 Mint field day, Alan Mitchell, Madras, CS, Horizontal, Tom Gentle, no date Klamath Exp. Station (7): 1972-1991 2 Animals, Klamath Falls, CS, 1972 3 Lonnie Allison, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 4 Fistulated steer, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 6 George, fistulated steer, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 7-8 Potato trial, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 9-11 Hill Farm, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 12 Humidifier, potato storage, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 13 Inside potato storage, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 15 Klamath Exp Stn, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 17 Office - Klamath Exp Stn, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 19-20 Klamath Falls, CS, 1975 21-24 George Carter, Klamath Falls, CS, 1976 25 Mall Johnson, George Carter, Klamath Falls, CS, 1976 27-29 Klamath Falls, CS, 1975-1976 31 George Carter, Klamath Falls, CS, 1976 32-34 Klamath Falls, CS, 1975-1976 35-36 Russian Thistle, Klamath Falls, CS, 1976 39 Russet-Burbank Bloom, Klamath Falls, CS, 1976 44-48 Klamath Falls, CS, 1975-1976 51-63 Klamath Falls, CS, 1974-1976 65-66 Quackgrass, Mark Buettner, Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 67-71 Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 72 George Carter, Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 74-79 Solar Forage Dryer, Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 80-89 Solar Forage Dryer, George Carter, Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 90-92 Mt Shasta from Klamath Falls, Klamath Falls, CS, 1980 93-98 Klamath Stn Grass Plots, Mark Buettner, Klamath Falls, CS, 1982 99 Potato plot harvest, Klamath Falls, CS, 1978 101-08 Ammonealed straw feed, Mark Buettner and technician, Klamath Falls, CS, 1984 109-10 Feeder covers, Jim and technician, Klamath Falls, CS, 1984 111-12 Klamath Extension Office, Klamath Falls, CS, 1984 113-16 Klamath Falls from Extension Office, Klamath Falls, CS, 1984 122-25 2/89, Klamath Experiment

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