Gene Therapy (2001) 8, 725–729 2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0969-7128/01 $15.00 BRIEF COMMUNICATION A synthetic leucine zipper-based dimerization system for combining multiple promoter specificities VJe´roˆme and R Mu¨ ller Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT), Philipps University, Emil-Mannkopff-Strasse 2, 35033 Marburg, Germany One of the biggest challenges facing gene therapy is the with different selectivity. A crucial determinant of the DCTF development of vectors that direct the activity of therapeutic system is the heterodimerization interface that should pro- genes specifically to the sites of disease. To achieve this vide for a high affinity interaction without interference by goal, the restriction of transgene transcription via synthetic endogenous proteins. Here, we describe such a dimerization promoters that are endowed with multiple specificities rep- system based on engineered Fos and Jun leucine zippers. resents a particularly promising strategy. Towards this end, We show the usefulness of this system for the combination we have developed a generally applicable strategy (DCTF of cell type-specific and cell cycle-regulated transcription system) where a synthetic promoter is driven by an artificial and demonstrate its functionality in an in vivo setting. Gene heterodimeric transcription factor whose DNA-binding and Therapy (2001) 8, 725–729. transactivating subunits are expressed from two promoters Keywords: cell cycle regulation; DCTF system; leucine zipper; tissue-specific promoter; transcriptional targeting The dual specificity chimeric transcription factor (DCTF) acids in the Jun LZ and the negatively charged residues system has been established for the targeting of prolifer- in the Fos counterpart leading to strong self-repulsion of ating melanoma cells.1 Two subunits harboring the DNA- both proteins.11,12 Both, Jun and Fos family members are binding domain of the yeast transcription factor GAL4 or expressed to variable extents in all cells. To make the the transactivation domain of herpes simplex virus VP16 Jun/Fos LZs suitable for the DCTF system it was there- were expressed from the tyrosinase and cyclin A pro- fore necessary to prevent interactions between the chim- moter, respectively. Heterodimerization was achieved eric transcription factors of the DCTF system and the through the interaction surfaces of the CD4 and the Lck endogenous Jun and Fos proteins. We hypothesized that protein kinase. Although proof of principle could be this could be possible by swapping between the two LZs demonstrated by this system, it was clear that the overall several of the oppositely charged amino acids involved transcriptional activity had to be improved for a potential in heterodimerization. application in cancer gene therapy.1 Since the CD4–Lck Based on the resolved crystal structure12 we introduced interaction is weak and potential interactions with three acidic amino acids from c-Fos into the c-Jun LZ endogenous molecules might result in the sequestration (mJun) and three basic amino acids from c-Jun into the c- of the chimeric transcription factor used in the DCTF sys- Fos LZ (mFos), as depicted in Figure 1a, thereby creating tem, we reasoned that the replacement of the hetero- mixed-charged structures. To analyze the oligomeriz- dimerization interface would lead to a substantial ation properties of transcription factors carrying such improvement. engineered LZs in the context of the herpes simplex virus The leucine zippers (LZs) represent particularly strong VP16 transactivation domain13 (VP16-mJun) or the yeast interaction domains commonly frequent in transcription GAL4 DNA-binding domain14 (GAL4-mFos) we investi- factors2 and have been shown to be functional in a heter- gated the association of in vitro translated proteins by ologous context.3–5 Dimerization through LZs is mediated radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP). 35S-methionine-labeled by regularly spaced leucines (heptad repeats) in parallel VP16-Jun proteins (VP16-mJun, VP16-wtJun with a wild- ␣-helices through hydrophobic interactions, while the type Jun LZ, and VP16-⌬Jun lacking a dimerization choice of the dimerization partner is determined by other domain; Figure 1b) were mixed with unlabeled GAL4- amino acids, mainly charged residues forming salt mFos proteins and immunoprecipitated with an antibody bridges.6–11 This is exemplified by the Fos and Jun pro- directed against GAL4. Figure 1c shows that the proteins teins which preferentially form heterodimers and only containing engineered LZs formed heterodimers, but that have a very limited ability to homodimerize. This speci- complex formation between VP16-wtJun and GAL4-mFos ficity is brought about by the positively charged amino or VP16-⌬Jun and GAL4-wtFos was prevented. Likewise, VP16-mJun did not interact with GAL4-wtFos in an analogous experiment (not shown). Correspondence: R Mu¨ller These observations suggest that the mJun and mFos LZ Received 8 December 2000; accepted 30 January 2001 domains could be suitable for mediating specific intra- In vivo transcriptional targeting VJe´roˆme and R Mu¨ller 726 Figure 1 (a) Structure of the chimeric transcription factors. Schematic representation of the GAL4-fos and VP16-jun fusion proteins. Electrostatic interactions between Fos and Jun LZ are shown by arrows.12 The amino acids swapped between the leucine zippers are indicated by black arrows. (b) SDS-PAGE of 35S-methionine-labeled in vitro translated Fos and Jun LZ fusion proteins. (c) Complex formation between VP16-mJun and GAL4-mFos LZ fusion proteins. Wild-type VP16-wtJun and mutated VP16-mJun were translated in the presence of 35S-methionine, complexed with unlabeled mutated GAL4-mFos and immunoprecipitated with a GAL4-specific antibody. The precipitated proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by autoradiography. As a control an empty pGEM4 vector was translated in the presence of 35S-methionine and complexed with unlabeled GAL4-mFos; as a second control the labeled VP16-⌬Jun was incubated with unlabelled GAL4-mFos. For in vitro transcription/translation assay, the chimeric transcrip- tion factors were placed under the control of the T7 promoter. They were excised from the pGAL-wtFos, pGAL-mFos, pVP⌬Jun, pVP-wtJun, and pVP- mJun constructs (see legend to Figure 2) as HindIII/XbaI fragments and cloned in the same sites into the pGEM4 vector (Promega, Mannheim, Germany) to yield GAL4-wtFos, GAL4-mFos, VP16-⌬Jun, VP16-wtJun andVP16-mJun. In vitro translation was performed with the TNT T7 quick kit (Promega) according to the manufacturer protocol. Briefly, 1 g of DNA template was mixed with 40 l of TNT T7 master mix and 2 l 35S-methionine (1000 Ci/mmol, 10 mCi/ml; Amersham, Freiburg, Germany) and incubated at 30°C for 90 min. To assess the quality of the translated products, 5 l of the translation reaction was analyzed on SDS-PAGE 12.5%. To avoid nonspecific interactions of the rabbit reticulocyte lysate with the rabbit anti- serum used later on to perform the immunoprecipitation, the in vitro translated products were pre-cleared. Twenty l of proteins were incubated with 5 l of normal rabbit serum (Vector Laboratories, Gru¨nberg, Germany) at 4°C for 1 h before adding 20 l of protein-A sepharose (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany) and incubating for 30 min. After centrifugation at 4°C for 5 min at 13 000 g the pre-cleared supernatant was ready for the in vitro association assay. For in vitro protein-binding assays, equal volumes of pre-cleared supernatant (5 l each) containing 35S-methionine-labeled VP16-⌬Jun, VP16- wtJun or VP16-mJun proteins in 50 mm Tris pH 7.2 were combined and incubated at 30°C for 90 min as described.20 Protein complexes were mixed with 2 l rabbit polyclonal IgG GAL4 (DBD) (Santa Cruz, Heidelberg, Germany). The immune complexes were collected by the addition of sepharose- A, washed in RIPA buffer (10 mm Tris-Cl (pH 7.5), 150 mm NaCl, 1% NP40, 1% deoxycholate, 0.25% SDS 1 mm DTT) and prepared for SDS- PAGE. The immunoprecipitated proteins were separated on 12% gels followed by autoradiography. cellular protein–protein interactions. We therefore ana- wild-type LZs, nor the combination of one wild-type and lyzed in the next step the functionality of the VP16-mJun one mutant LZ, was able to enable heterodimerization. and GAL4-mFos proteins in a cellular environment using The former is presumably due to the sequestration of the the DCTF system. For this purpose, we designed recombinant factors by endogenous Fos and Jun proteins, expression constructs where VP16-wtJun, VP16-mJun the latter due to structural reasons, as supported by the and VP16-⌬Jun were under the control of the cyclin A in vitro association data shown in Figure 1b. promoter, and GAL4-wtFos and GAL4-mFos were driven We next attempted to optimize the transcriptional by a tyrosinase promoter.1 An SV40 promoter-driven activity achievable by the Jun/Fos DCTF system by clon- luciferase gene with 10 GAL4 binding sites (10xgal4RE- ing both expression cassettes into one plasmid in a head- SVpGL3) served as reporter construct. Cotransfections of to-tail configuration, rationing that this would lead to melanoma cells (MeWo) in various combinations clearly equimolar concentrations of both subunits in the trans- showed that only the coexpression of the VP16-mJun fected cell. As shown in Figure 2b, this strategy lead to (pVP-mJun) and GAL4-mFos (pGAL-mFos) proteins an ෂ24-fold increase (36:1.5) in luciferase activity in mela- gave rise to any significant activity (ෂ1.5-fold SV40 pro- noma cells (36-fold SV40 promoter). We also compared moter; Figure 2a). Cotransfection of GAL4-mFos with the activity of the Jun/Fos DCTF system with that of the either VP16-wtJun (pVP-wtJun) or VP16-⌬Jun (pVP- previously described CD4-LCK dimerization system.1 ⌬Jun) gave only marginal signals (in the range of the pro- The transcriptional activity of the Jun/Fos ‘one-plasmid’ moterless luciferase plasmid pGL3), as did the coex- system was found to be ෂ7-fold greater relative to the pression of GAL4-wtFos (pGAL-wtFos) with any of the corresponding CD4-LCK system (36:5.5).
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